blob: 202a0d1a3741e58128b97325870bb2c64eaf989e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntOpenHashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* {@link SerializationContext} with memoization tables.
* <p>Memoization is useful both for performance and, in the case of cyclic data structures, to help
* avoid infinite recursion.
* <p>The memo table associates each value with an integer identifier.
* <ul>
* <li><i>On the sending end:</i> The first time a value is to be serialized, a new id is created
* and a mapping for it is added to the table. The id is emitted on the wire alongside the
* value's serialized representation. If the same value surfaces again later on, instead of
* reserializing it, we just emit a backreference consisting of its id.
* <li><i>On the receiving end:</i> Each deserialized value is stored in the memo table along with
* the id it was associated with. When a backreference is read, the value in the memo table is
* returned instead of deserializing a new copy of that same value.
* </ul>
* <p>Cyclic data structures can occur either naturally in complex types, or as a result of a
* pathological Starlark program. An example of the former is how a user-defined Starlark function
* implicitly refers to its global frame, which in turn refers to the functions defined in that
* frame. An example of the latter is a list that the user mutates to contain itself as an element.
* Such pathological values in Starlark are technically allowed, but they are not useful since
* Starlark prohibits recursive function calls. They can also expose implementation bugs in code
* that is not expecting them (b/30310522).
* <p>Ideally, to handle cyclic data structures, the serializer should add the value to the memo
* table <em>before</em> actually performing the serialization. For example, to handle the recursive
* list {@code L = ["A", L]}, the serializer should do the following:
* <ol>
* <li>add a memo mapping from {@code L} to a fresh id, {@code k}
* <li>emit {@code k} to the wire
* <li>serialize {@code L}, which means it has to
* <ol>
* <li>write its length, {@code 2}
* <li>serialize the string {@code "A"}
* <li>serialize {@code L}, but since this matches the entry added in Step 1, it just emits
* {@code k} as a backreference
* </ol>
* </ol>
* The problem is that on the other end of the wire, the deserializer needs to associate a value
* with the memo entry for k before {@code L} has been fully formed. To solve this, we associate k
* with a new empty list as the initial value, then allow the deserialization logic to mutate this
* list to form {@code L}. It is important that this is done by mutating the initial list rather
* than by replacing it with another list, since each backreference to k creates an actual Java
* reference to the initial object.
* <p>However, this strategy does not work for all types of values. There is no way to deserialize
* the recursive tuple {@code T = ("A", T)}, because tuples are immutable and therefore cannot be
* instantiated before all of their elements have been. Rather than restrict serialization to only
* mutable types, or add a special way for deserializers to modify seemingly immutable types, we
* simply don't memoize immutable types until after they are fully constructed. This means that
* {@code T} is not serializable. But that's okay, because objects like {@code T} should not even be
* able to exist (barring a hidden API or reflection). In general, all cycles must go through at
* least one mutable type of value.
* <p>Aside from mutability, there is another potential problem: One of the types' constructors may
* enforce an invariant that is not satisfied at the time the constructor is invoked, even though it
* may be satisfied once construction of all objects is complete. For instance, suppose a type
* {@code Foo} has a constructor that takes a non-empty list. Then we would fail to deserialize
* {@code L = [Foo(L)]}, since {@code L} is initially empty. Such a list could legally be formed by
* putting other elements in {@code L} before creating {@code Foo}, and then later removing those
* other elements. But there's no general way for a deserializer to know how to do that. Therefore,
* it is the caller's responsibility to ensure the following property:
* <blockquote>
* For any value that is to be serialized, if the value has children that directly or indirectly
* contain the value, then the value must be constructible even when those children are in a
* semi-constructed state.
* </blockquote>
* where "semi-constructed state" means any state that can be produced by the codecs for those
* children. Other serialization systems address this issue by providing multiple hooks for types to
* setup their invariants, but we keep the API relatively simple.
* <p>Round-tripping a value through memoized serialization and deserialization is guaranteed to
* preserve the object graph, i.e., to not duplicate a value. For mutable types, a value can only be
* serialized and deserialized at most once because it is memoized before recursing over its
* children. For immutable types, although a value can be serialized multiple times, upon
* deserialization only one copy is retained in the memo table. This is conceptually similar to how
* Python's Pickle library <a href="">
* handles tuples</a>, although in that case they use an abstract machine whereas we do not.
* <p>Wire format, as an abstract grammar:
* <pre>{@code
* START --> NoMemoContent | `NEW_VALUE` MemoContent | `BACKREF` MemoId
* MemoContent --> MemoBeforeContent | MemoAfterContent
* NoMemoContent --> Payload
* MemoBeforeContent --> MemoId Payload
* MemoAfterContent --> Payload MemoId
* MemoId --> int32
* }</pre>
* where {@code Payload} is the serialized representation of the value. {@code Payload} may itself
* contain complete memo-aware encodings of the value's children.
// TODO(brandjon): Maybe make this more robust against a pathological cycle of immutable objects, so
// that instead of failing with a stack overflow, we detect the cycle and throw
// SerializationException. This requires just a little extra memo tracking for the MEMOIZE_AFTER
// case.
abstract class MemoizingSerializationContext extends SerializationContext {
private final Reference2IntOpenHashMap<Object> table = new Reference2IntOpenHashMap<>();
/** Table for types memoized using values equality, currently only {@link String}. */
private final Object2IntOpenHashMap<Object> valuesTable = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>();
private final Set<Class<?>> explicitlyAllowedClasses = new HashSet<>();
@VisibleForTesting // private
static MemoizingSerializationContext createForTesting(
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry, ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies) {
return new MemoizingSerializationContextImpl(codecRegistry, dependencies);
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry, ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies) {
super(codecRegistry, dependencies);
static byte[] serializeToBytes(
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry,
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies,
@Nullable Object subject,
int outputCapacity,
int bufferCapacity)
throws SerializationException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bytesOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(outputCapacity);
serializeToStream(codecRegistry, dependencies, subject, bytesOut, bufferCapacity);
return bytesOut.toByteArray();
static ByteString serializeToByteString(
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry,
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies,
@Nullable Object subject,
int outputCapacity,
int bufferCapacity)
throws SerializationException {
ByteString.Output bytesOut = ByteString.newOutput(outputCapacity);
serializeToStream(codecRegistry, dependencies, subject, bytesOut, bufferCapacity);
return bytesOut.toByteString();
public final void addExplicitlyAllowedClass(Class<?> allowedClass) {
public final <T> void checkClassExplicitlyAllowed(Class<T> allowedClass, T objectForDebugging)
throws SerializationException {
if (!explicitlyAllowedClasses.contains(allowedClass)) {
throw new SerializationException(
+ " not explicitly allowed (allowed classes were: "
+ explicitlyAllowedClasses
+ ") and object is "
+ objectForDebugging);
final void serializeWithCodec(ObjectCodec<Object> codec, Object obj, CodedOutputStream codedOut)
throws SerializationException, IOException {
switch (codec.getStrategy()) {
int id = memoize(obj);
codec.serialize(this, obj, codedOut);
codec.serialize(this, obj, codedOut);
// If serializing the children caused the parent object itself to be serialized due to a
// cycle, then there's now a memo entry for the parent. Don't overwrite it with a new
// id.
int cylicallyCreatedId = getMemoizedIndex(obj);
int id = (cylicallyCreatedId != -1) ? cylicallyCreatedId : memoize(obj);
final boolean writeBackReferenceIfMemoized(Object obj, CodedOutputStream codedOut)
throws IOException {
int memoizedIndex = getMemoizedIndex(obj);
if (memoizedIndex == -1) {
return false;
// Subtracts 1 so it will be negative and not collide with null.
codedOut.writeSInt32NoTag(-memoizedIndex - 1);
return true;
public final boolean isMemoizing() {
return true;
/** If the value is already memoized, return its on-the-wire id; otherwise returns {@code -1}. */
private int getMemoizedIndex(Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
return valuesTable.getInt(value);
return table.getInt(value);
* Adds a new value to the memo table and returns its id.
* <p>{@code value} must not already be present.
private int memoize(Object value) {
getMemoizedIndex(value) == -1, "Tried to memoize object '%s' multiple times", value);
// Ids count sequentially from 0.
int newId = table.size() + valuesTable.size();
if (value instanceof String) {
valuesTable.put(value, newId);
} else {
table.put(value, newId);
return newId;
private static void serializeToStream(
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry,
ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies,
@Nullable Object subject,
OutputStream output,
int bufferCapacity)
throws SerializationException {
CodedOutputStream codedOut = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output, bufferCapacity);
try {
new MemoizingSerializationContextImpl(codecRegistry, dependencies)
.serialize(subject, codedOut);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SerializationException("Failed to serialize " + subject, e);
* This mainly exists to restrict use of {@link MemoizingSerializationContext}'s constructor.
* <p>It's also slightly cleaner for {@link SharedValueSerializationContext} to not inherit the
* implementation of {@link #getFreshContext}.
private static final class MemoizingSerializationContextImpl
extends MemoizingSerializationContext {
private MemoizingSerializationContextImpl(
ObjectCodecRegistry codecRegistry, ImmutableClassToInstanceMap<Object> dependencies) {
super(codecRegistry, dependencies);
public MemoizingSerializationContext getFreshContext() {
return new MemoizingSerializationContextImpl(getCodecRegistry(), getDependencies());