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Some typical example uses:
<li><a href="#with">Restoring a stack trace with line numbers</a></li>
<li><a href="#withverbose">Restoring a stack trace with line numbers
<li><a href="#without">Restoring a stack trace without line numbers</a></li>
<h3><a name="with">Restoring a stack trace with line numbers</a></h3>
Assume for instance ProGuard itself has been obfuscated using the following
extra options:
-printmapping mapping.txt
-renamesourcefileattribute MyApplication
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable
Now assume the processed application throws an exception:
<pre> Can't read [dummy.jar] (No such file or directory)
at proguard.y.a(MyApplication:188)
at proguard.y.a(MyApplication:158)
at proguard.y.a(MyApplication:136)
at proguard.y.a(MyApplication:66)
at proguard.ProGuard.c(MyApplication:218)
at proguard.ProGuard.a(MyApplication:82)
at proguard.ProGuard.main(MyApplication:538)
Caused by: No such file or directory
at proguard.d.q.a(MyApplication:50)
at proguard.y.a(MyApplication:184)
... 6 more
If we have saved the stack trace in a file <code>stacktrace.txt</code>, we can
use the following command to recover the stack trace:
<b>java -jar retrace.jar mapping.txt stacktrace.txt</b>
The output will correspond to the original stack trace:
<pre> Can't read [dummy.jar] (No such file or directory)
at proguard.InputReader.readInput(
at proguard.InputReader.readInput(
at proguard.InputReader.readInput(
at proguard.InputReader.execute(
at proguard.ProGuard.readInput(
at proguard.ProGuard.execute(
at proguard.ProGuard.main(
Caused by: No such file or directory
at proguard.InputReader.readInput(
... 6 more
<h3><a name="withverbose">Restoring a stack trace with line numbers (verbose)</a></h3>
In the previous example, we could also use the verbose flag:
<b>java -jar retrace.jar -verbose mapping.txt stacktrace.txt</b>
The output will then look as follows:
<pre> Can't read [dummy.jar] (No such file or directory)
at proguard.InputReader.void readInput(java.lang.String,proguard.ClassPathEntry,
at proguard.InputReader.void readInput(java.lang.String,proguard.ClassPath,int,int,
at proguard.InputReader.void readInput(java.lang.String,proguard.ClassPath,
at proguard.InputReader.void execute(proguard.classfile.ClassPool,proguard.classfile.ClassPool)(
at proguard.ProGuard.void readInput()(
at proguard.ProGuard.void execute()(
at proguard.ProGuard.void main(java.lang.String[])(
Caused by: No such file or directory
at pumpDataEntries(
at proguard.InputReader.void readInput(java.lang.String,proguard.ClassPathEntry,
... 6 more
<h3><a name="without">Restoring a stack trace without line numbers</a></h3>
Assume for instance ProGuard itself has been obfuscated using the following
extra options, this time without preserving the line number tables:
-printmapping mapping.txt
A stack trace <code>stacktrace.txt</code> will then lack line number
information, showing "Unknown source" instead:
<pre> Can't read [dummy.jar] (No such file or directory)
at proguard.y.a(Unknown Source)
at proguard.y.a(Unknown Source)
at proguard.y.a(Unknown Source)
at proguard.y.a(Unknown Source)
at proguard.ProGuard.c(Unknown Source)
at proguard.ProGuard.a(Unknown Source)
at proguard.ProGuard.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: No such file or directory
at proguard.d.q.a(Unknown Source)
... 7 more
We can still use the same command to recover the stack trace:
<b>java -jar retrace.jar mapping.txt stacktrace.txt</b>
The output will now list all alternative original method names for each
ambiguous obfuscated method name:
<pre> Can't read [dummy.jar] (No such file or directory)
at proguard.InputReader.execute(
at proguard.InputReader.execute(
at proguard.InputReader.execute(
at proguard.InputReader.execute(
at proguard.ProGuard.readInput(
at proguard.ProGuard.execute(
at proguard.ProGuard.main(
Caused by: No such file or directory
For instance, ReTrace can't tell if the method <code>a</code> corresponds
to <code>execute</code> or to <code>readInput</code>, so it lists both. You
need to figure it out based on your knowledge of the application. Having line
numbers and unambiguous names clearly is a lot easier, so you should consider
<a href="../examples.html#stacktrace">preserving the line numbers</a> when you
obfuscate your application.
<hr />
Copyright &copy; 2002-2017
<a target="other" href="">Eric Lafortune</a> @ <a target="top" href="">GuardSquare</a>.