| # join |
| assert_eq('-'.join(['a', 'b', 'c']), "a-b-c") |
| assert_eq('-'.join({'a': 0, 'b': None, 'c': True}), "a-b-c") |
| |
| --- |
| join(' ', ['a', 'b', 'c']) ### name 'join' is not defined |
| --- |
| |
| assert_eq(''.join([(x + '*') for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']]), "a*b*c*") |
| li = [(y + '*' + z + '|') for y in ['a', 'b', 'c'] for z in ['d', 'e']] |
| assert_eq(''.join(li), "a*d|a*e|b*d|b*e|c*d|c*e|") |
| |
| # lower, upper |
| assert_eq('Blah Blah'.lower(), "blah blah") |
| assert_eq('ein bier'.upper(), "EIN BIER") |
| assert_eq(''.upper(), "") |
| |
| # title |
| assert_eq('this is a very simple test'.title(), "This Is A Very Simple Test") |
| assert_eq('Do We Keep Capital Letters?'.title(), "Do We Keep Capital Letters?") |
| assert_eq("this isn't just an ol' apostrophe test".title(), |
| "This Isn'T Just An Ol' Apostrophe Test") |
| assert_eq('Let us test crazy characters: _bla.exe//foo:bla(test$class)'.title(), |
| "Let Us Test Crazy Characters: _Bla.Exe//Foo:Bla(Test$Class)") |
| assert_eq('WE HAve tO lOWERCASE soMEthING heRE, AI?'.title(), |
| "We Have To Lowercase Something Here, Ai?") |
| assert_eq('wh4t ab0ut s0me numb3rs'.title(), "Wh4T Ab0Ut S0Me Numb3Rs") |
| |
| # capitalize |
| assert_eq('hello world'.capitalize(), "Hello world") |
| assert_eq('HELLO WORLD'.capitalize(), "Hello world") |
| assert_eq(''.capitalize(), "") |
| assert_eq('12 lower UPPER 34'.capitalize(), "12 lower upper 34") |
| |
| |
| # replace |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', 'e'), "benene") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', '$()'), "b$()n$()n$()") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', '$'), "b$n$n$") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', '\\'), "b\\n\\n\\") |
| assert_eq('b$()n$()n$()'.replace('$()', '$($())'), "b$($())n$($())n$($())") |
| assert_eq('b\\n\\n\\'.replace('\\', '$()'), "b$()n$()n$()") |
| |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', 'e', 2), "benena") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', 'e', 0), "banana") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', 'e', -1), "banana") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', 'e', -10), "banana") |
| |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('', '-'), "-b-a-n-a-n-a-") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('', '-', -2), "banana") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('', '-', 2), "-b-anana") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('', '-', 0), "banana") |
| |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('', ''), "banana") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', ''), "bnn") |
| assert_eq('banana'.replace('a', '', 2), "bnna") |
| |
| # index, rindex |
| assert_eq('banana'.index('na'), 2) |
| assert_eq('abababa'.index('ab', 1), 2) |
| assert_eq('banana'.rindex('na'), 4) |
| assert_eq('abababa'.rindex('ab', 1), 4) |
| --- |
| 'banana'.index('foo') ### substring \"foo\" not found in \"banana\" |
| --- |
| 'banana'.rindex('foo') ### substring \"foo\" not found in \"banana\" |
| --- |
| |
| # endswith |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.endswith('cot'), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(''), True) |
| assert_eq(''.endswith(''), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.endswith('co'), False) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.endswith('co', -1), False) |
| assert_eq('abcd'.endswith('c', -2, -1), True) |
| assert_eq('abcd'.endswith('c', 1, 8), False) |
| assert_eq('abcd'.endswith('d', 1, 8), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.endswith(('cot', 'toc')), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.endswith(('toc', 'cot')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('', '')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('', 'a')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('a', 'a')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.endswith(('a', '')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.endswith(('', '')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.endswith(('a', 'a')), False) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('a')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('a',)), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(('b',)), False) |
| assert_eq('a'.endswith(()), False) |
| assert_eq(''.endswith(()), False) |
| --- |
| 'a'.endswith(['a']) ### got .* 'list', want 'string or tuple of strings |
| --- |
| '1'.endswith((1,)) ### expected type 'string' for 'string' element but got type 'int' instead |
| --- |
| 'a'.endswith(('1', 1)) ### expected type 'string' for 'string' element but got type 'int' instead |
| --- |
| |
| # startswith |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith('Apr'), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith('A'), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith(''), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith('z'), False) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith(''), True) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith('a'), False) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith(('Apr', 'rpA')), True) |
| assert_eq('Apricot'.startswith(('rpA', 'Apr')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('', '')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('', 'a')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('a', 'a')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith(('a', '')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith(('', '')), True) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith(('a', 'a')), False) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('a')), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('a',)), True) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(('b',)), False) |
| assert_eq('a'.startswith(()), False) |
| assert_eq(''.startswith(()), False) |
| --- |
| 'a'.startswith(['a']) ### got .* 'list', want 'string or tuple of strings' |
| --- |
| '1'.startswith((1,)) ### expected type 'string' for 'string' element but got type 'int' instead |
| --- |
| 'a'.startswith(('1', 1)) ### expected type 'string' for 'string' element but got type 'int' instead |
| --- |
| |
| # substring |
| assert_eq('012345678'[0:-1], "01234567") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[2:4], "23") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[-5:-3], "45") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[2:2], "") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[2:], "2345678") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[:3], "012") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[-1:], "8") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[:], "012345678") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[-1:2], "") |
| assert_eq('012345678'[4:2], "") |
| |
| # count |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('a'), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('b'), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c'), 1) |
| assert_eq('abbc'.count('b'), 2) |
| assert_eq('aba'.count('a'), 2) |
| assert_eq('aaa'.count('aa'), 1) |
| assert_eq('aaaa'.count('aa'), 2) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('a', 0), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('a', 1), 0) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c', 0, 3), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c', 0, 2), 0) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('a', -1), 0) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c', -1), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c', 0, 5), 1) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('c', 0, -1), 0) |
| assert_eq('abc'.count('a', 0, -1), 1) |
| |
| # isalpha |
| assert_eq(''.isalpha(), False) |
| assert_eq('abz'.isalpha(), True) |
| assert_eq('a1'.isalpha(), False) |
| assert_eq('a '.isalpha(), False) |
| assert_eq('A'.isalpha(), True) |
| assert_eq('AbZ'.isalpha(), True) |
| |
| # escape sequences |
| assert_eq("\"", '"') |
| --- |
| "\777" ### octal escape sequence out of range (maximum is \377) |
| --- |
| "\" ### unterminated string literal at eol |
| --- |
| """ ### unterminated string literal at eof |
| --- |
| |
| # enumerate |
| |
| assert_eq(enumerate("abc".elems()), [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c")]) |
| assert_eq(enumerate({'a': 0, 2: 1, 'ab': 3}), [(0, 'a'), (1, 2), (2, 'ab')]) |
| assert_eq(enumerate({}), []) |
| assert_eq(enumerate([False, True, None], 42), [(42, False), (43, True), (44, None)]) |
| --- |
| enumerate("ab") ### type 'string' is not iterable |