blob: 52a658899a282543513d17f5d2d6837efaf152cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.AbstractCollection;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A list-like iterable that supports efficient nesting.
* @see NestedSetBuilder
public final class NestedSet<E> {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NestedSet.class.getName());
* Order and size of set packed into one int.
* <p>Bits 31-2: size, bits 1-0: order enum ordinal. The order is assigned on construction time,
* the size is computed on the first expansion and set afterwards so it's available for {@link
* #replay}.
private int orderAndSize;
private final Object children;
private byte[] memo;
* The application depth limit of nested sets. Nested sets over this depth will throw {@link
* NestedSetDepthException} on flattening of the depset.
* <p>This limit should be set by command line option processing in the Bazel server.
private static final AtomicInteger expansionDepthLimit = new AtomicInteger(3500);
private static final byte[] LEAF_MEMO = {};
@AutoCodec static final Object[] EMPTY_CHILDREN = {};
/** Construct an empty NestedSet. Should only be called by Order's class initializer. */
NestedSet(Order order) {
this.orderAndSize = order.ordinal();
this.children = EMPTY_CHILDREN;
this.memo = LEAF_MEMO;
NestedSet(Order order, Set<E> direct, Set<NestedSet<E>> transitive) {
this.orderAndSize = order.ordinal();
// The iteration order of these collections is the order in which we add the items.
Collection<E> directOrder = direct;
Collection<NestedSet<E>> transitiveOrder = transitive;
// True if we visit the direct members before the transitive members.
boolean preorder;
switch(order) {
directOrder = ImmutableList.copyOf(direct).reverse();
transitiveOrder = ImmutableList.copyOf(transitive).reverse();
preorder = false;
preorder = false;
preorder = true;
throw new AssertionError(order);
// Remember children we extracted from one-element subsets. Otherwise we can end up with two of
// the same child, which is a problem for the fast path in toList().
Set<E> alreadyInserted = ImmutableSet.of();
// The candidate array of children.
Object[] children = new Object[direct.size() + transitive.size()];
int n = 0; // current position in children
boolean leaf = true; // until we find otherwise
for (int pass = 0; pass <= 1; ++pass) {
if ((pass == 0) == preorder && !direct.isEmpty()) {
for (E member : directOrder) {
if (member instanceof Object[]) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot store Object[] in NestedSet");
if (member instanceof ByteString) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot store ByteString in NestedSet");
if (!alreadyInserted.contains(member)) {
children[n++] = member;
alreadyInserted = direct;
} else if ((pass == 1) == preorder && !transitive.isEmpty()) {
CompactHashSet<E> hoisted = null;
for (NestedSet<E> subset : transitiveOrder) {
// If this is a deserialization future, this call blocks.
Object c = subset.getChildren();
if (c instanceof Object[]) {
Object[] a = (Object[]) c;
if (a.length < 2) {
throw new AssertionError(a.length);
children[n++] = a;
leaf = false;
} else {
if (!alreadyInserted.contains(c)) {
if (hoisted == null) {
hoisted = CompactHashSet.create();
if (hoisted.add((E) c)) {
children[n++] = c;
alreadyInserted = hoisted == null ? ImmutableSet.of() : hoisted;
// If we ended up wrapping exactly one item or one other set, dereference it.
if (n == 1) {
this.children = children[0];
} else if (n == 0) {
this.children = EMPTY_CHILDREN;
} else if (n < children.length) {
this.children = Arrays.copyOf(children, n);
} else {
this.children = children;
if (leaf) {
this.memo = LEAF_MEMO;
private NestedSet(Order order, Object children, byte[] memo) {
this.orderAndSize = order.ordinal();
this.children = children;
this.memo = memo;
* Constructs a NestedSet that is currently being deserialized. The provided future, when
* complete, gives the contents of the NestedSet.
static <E> NestedSet<E> withFuture(
Order order, ListenableFuture<Object[]> deserializationFuture) {
return new NestedSet<>(order, deserializationFuture, /*memo=*/ null);
// Only used by deserialization
static <E> NestedSet<E> forDeserialization(Order order, Object children) {
Preconditions.checkState(!(children instanceof ListenableFuture));
boolean hasChildren =
children instanceof Object[]
&& ([]) children).anyMatch(child -> child instanceof Object[]));
byte[] memo = hasChildren ? null : LEAF_MEMO;
return new NestedSet<>(order, children, memo);
/** Returns the ordering of this nested set. */
public Order getOrder() {
return Order.getOrder(orderAndSize & 3);
* Returns the internal item or array. If the internal item is a deserialization future, blocks on
* completion. For external use only by NestedSetVisitor and NestedSetView. Those two classes also
* have knowledge of the internal implementation of NestedSet.
Object getChildren() {
return getChildrenUninterruptibly();
/** Same as {@link #getChildren}, except propagates {@link InterruptedException}. */
Object getChildrenInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
return getChildren(/*handleInterruptedException=*/ true);
/** Implementation of {@link #getChildren} that will catch an InterruptedException and crash. */
private Object getChildrenUninterruptibly() {
if (children instanceof ListenableFuture) {
try {
return MoreFutures.waitForFutureAndGet((ListenableFuture<Object[]>) children);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
"An interrupted exception occurred during nested set deserialization, "
+ "exiting abruptly.");
BugReport.handleCrash(e, ExitCode.INTERRUPTED);
throw new IllegalStateException("Server should have shut down.", e);
} else {
return children;
* Private implementation of getChildren that will propagate an InterruptedException from a future
* in the nested set based on the value of {@code handleInterruptedException}.
private Object getChildren(boolean handleInterruptedException) throws InterruptedException {
if (handleInterruptedException) {
return getChildrenUninterruptibly();
} else {
if (children instanceof ListenableFuture) {
return MoreFutures.waitForFutureAndGet((ListenableFuture<Object[]>) children);
} else {
return children;
* Public version of {@link #getChildren}.
* <p>Strongly prefer {@link NestedSetVisitor}. Internal representation subject to change without
* notice.
public Object getChildrenUnsafe() {
return getChildren();
/** Returns the internal item, array, or future. */
Object rawChildren() {
return children;
/** Returns true if the set is empty. Runs in O(1) time (i.e. does not flatten the set). */
public boolean isEmpty() {
// We don't check for future members here, since empty sets are special-cased in serialization
// and do not make requests against storage.
return children == EMPTY_CHILDREN;
/** Returns true if the set has exactly one element. */
public boolean isSingleton() {
// Singleton sets are special cased in serialization, and make no calls to storage. Therefore,
// we know that any NestedSet with a ListenableFuture member is not a singleton.
return !(children instanceof Object[] || children instanceof ListenableFuture);
/** Returns the single element; only call this if {@link #isSingleton} returns true. */
public E getSingleton() {
return (E) children;
* Returns an immutable list of all unique elements of the this set, similar to {@link #toList},
* but will propagate an {@code InterruptedException} if one is thrown.
public ImmutableList<E> toListInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
return toList(/*handleInterruptedException=*/ false);
* Returns an immutable list of all unique elements of this set (including subsets) in an
* implementation-specified order.
* <p>Prefer calling this method over {@link ImmutableList#copyOf} on this set for better
* efficiency, as it saves an iteration.
public ImmutableList<E> toList() {
try {
return toList(/*handleInterruptedException=*/ true);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("InterruptedException should have already been caught", e);
* Private implementation of toList which will either propagate an {@code InterruptedException} if
* one occurs while waiting for a {@code Future} in {@link #getChildren} or will have {@link
* #getChildren(boolean)} handle it.
private ImmutableList<E> toList(boolean handleInterruptedException) throws InterruptedException {
if (isSingleton()) {
// No need to check for ListenableFuture members - singletons can't have them.
return ImmutableList.of((E) children);
if (isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
return getOrder() == Order.LINK_ORDER
? expand(handleInterruptedException).reverse()
: expand(handleInterruptedException);
* Returns an immutable set of all unique elements of this set (including subsets) in an
* implementation-specified order.
public ImmutableSet<E> toSet() {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(toList());
* Important: This does a full traversal of the nested set if it's not been previously traversed.
* @return the size of the nested set.
public int memoizedFlattenAndGetSize() {
if (orderAndSize >> 2 == 0) {
// toList() only implicitly updates orderAndSize if this is a NestedSet with transitives.
// Therefore we need to explicitly set it here.
orderAndSize |= toList().size() << 2;
return orderAndSize >> 2;
* Returns true if this set is equal to {@code other} based on the top-level elements and object
* identity (==) of direct subsets. As such, this function can fail to equate {@code this} with
* another {@code NestedSet} that holds the same elements. It will never fail to detect that two
* {@code NestedSet}s are different, however.
* <p>If one of the sets is in the process of deserialization, returns true iff both sets depend
* on the same future.
* @param other the {@code NestedSet} to compare against.
public boolean shallowEquals(@Nullable NestedSet<? extends E> other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
return other != null
&& getOrder() == other.getOrder()
&& (rawChildren().equals(other.rawChildren())
|| (!isSingleton()
&& !other.isSingleton()
&& rawChildren() instanceof Object[]
&& other.rawChildren() instanceof Object[]
&& Arrays.equals((Object[]) children, (Object[]) other.children)));
* Returns a hash code that produces a notion of identity that is consistent with {@link
* #shallowEquals}. In other words, if two {@code NestedSet}s are equal according to {@code
* #shallowEquals}, then they return the same {@code shallowHashCode}.
* <p>The main reason for having these separate functions instead of reusing the standard
* equals/hashCode is to minimize accidental use, since they are different from both standard Java
* objects and collection-like objects.
public int shallowHashCode() {
return isSingleton() || children instanceof ListenableFuture
? Objects.hash(getOrder(), children)
: Objects.hash(getOrder(), Arrays.hashCode((Object[]) children));
public String toString() {
return isSingleton() ? "{" + children + "}" : childrenToString(children);
// TODO: this leaves LINK_ORDER backwards
public static String childrenToString(Object children) {
if (children instanceof Object[]) {
return[]) children)
.collect(joining(", ", "{", "}"));
} else if (children instanceof Future) {
Future<Object[]> future = (Future<Object[]>) children;
if (future.isDone()) {
try {
return Arrays.toString(Futures.getDone(future));
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting " + future, e);
// Don't rethrow, since we may be in the process of trying to construct an error message.
return "Future " + future + " with error: " + e.getCause().getMessage();
} else {
return children.toString();
} else {
return children.toString();
* Implementation of {@link #toList}. Uses one of three strategies based on the value of {@code
* this.memo}: wrap our direct items in a list, call {@link #lockedExpand} to perform the initial
* {@link #walk}, or call {@link #replay} if we have a nontrivial memo.
private ImmutableList<E> expand(boolean handleInterruptedException) throws InterruptedException {
// This value is only set in the constructor, so safe to test here with no lock.
if (memo == LEAF_MEMO) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(new ArraySharingCollection<>((Object[]) children));
CompactHashSet<E> members = lockedExpand(handleInterruptedException);
if (members != null) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(members);
Object[] children = (Object[]) this.getChildren(handleInterruptedException);
ImmutableList.Builder<E> output = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(orderAndSize >> 2);
replay(output, children, memo, 0);
// Hack to share our internal array with ImmutableList/ImmutableSet, or avoid
// a copy in cases where we can preallocate an array of the correct size.
private static final class ArraySharingCollection<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> {
private final Object[] array;
ArraySharingCollection(Object[] array) {
this.array = array;
public Object[] toArray() {
return array;
public int size() {
return array.length;
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* If this is the first call for this object, fills {@code this.memo} and returns a set from
* {@link #walk}. Otherwise returns null; the caller should use {@link #replay} instead.
private synchronized CompactHashSet<E> lockedExpand(boolean handleInterruptedException)
throws InterruptedException {
if (memo != null) {
return null;
Object[] children = (Object[]) this.getChildren(handleInterruptedException);
CompactHashSet<E> members = CompactHashSet.createWithExpectedSize(128);
CompactHashSet<Object> sets = CompactHashSet.createWithExpectedSize(128);
memo = new byte[Math.min((children.length + 7) / 8, 8)];
int pos =
/* pos= */ 0,
/* currentDepth= */ 1,
int bytes = (pos + 7) / 8;
if (bytes <= memo.length - 16) {
memo = Arrays.copyOf(memo, bytes);
Preconditions.checkState(members.size() < (Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 2));
orderAndSize |= (members.size()) << 2;
return members;
* Perform a depth-first traversal of {@code children}, tracking visited arrays in {@code sets}
* and visited leaves in {@code members}. We also record which edges were taken in {@code
* this.memo} starting at {@code pos}.
* <p>Returns the final value of {@code pos}.
private int walk(
CompactHashSet<Object> sets,
CompactHashSet<E> members,
Object[] children,
int pos,
int currentDepth,
int maxDepth) {
if (currentDepth > maxDepth) {
throw new NestedSetDepthException(maxDepth);
for (Object child : children) {
if ((pos >> 3) >= memo.length) {
memo = Arrays.copyOf(memo, memo.length * 2);
if (child instanceof Object[]) {
if (sets.add(child)) {
int prepos = pos;
int presize = members.size();
pos = walk(sets, members, (Object[]) child, pos + 1, currentDepth + 1, maxDepth);
if (presize < members.size()) {
memo[prepos >> 3] |= (byte) (1 << (prepos & 7));
} else {
// We didn't find any new nodes, so don't mark this branch as taken.
// Rewind pos. The rest of the array is still zeros because no one
// deeper in the traversal set any bits.
pos = prepos + 1;
} else {
} else {
if (members.add((E) child)) {
memo[pos >> 3] |= (byte) (1 << (pos & 7));
return pos;
* Repeat a previous traversal of {@code children} performed by {@link #walk} and recorded in
* {@code memo}, appending leaves to {@code output}.
private static <E> int replay(
ImmutableList.Builder<E> output, Object[] children, byte[] memo, int pos) {
for (Object child : children) {
if ((memo[pos >> 3] & (1 << (pos & 7))) != 0) {
if (child instanceof Object[]) {
pos = replay(output, (Object[]) child, memo, pos + 1);
} else {
output.add((E) child);
} else {
return pos;
* Sets the application depth limit of nested sets. When flattening a {@link NestedSet} deeper
* than this limit, a {@link NestedSetDepthException} will be thrown.
* <p>This limit should be set by command line option processing.
* @return true if the previous limit was different than this new limit
public static boolean setApplicationDepthLimit(int newLimit) {
int oldValue = expansionDepthLimit.getAndSet(newLimit);
return oldValue != newLimit;
/** An exception thrown when a nested set exceeds the application's depth limits. */
public static final class NestedSetDepthException extends RuntimeException {
private final int depthLimit;
public NestedSetDepthException(int depthLimit) {
this.depthLimit = depthLimit;
/** Returns the depth limit that was exceeded which resulted in this exception being thrown. */
public int getDepthLimit() {
return depthLimit;