blob: 64f35ec52350b2e92fc29434d36bd2e7caad5b46 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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* An interface for an info type that provides all compiling and linking information in the
* transitive closure of its deps that are needed for building Objective-C rules.
name = "ObjcProvider",
category = StarlarkDocumentationCategory.PROVIDER,
doc = "A provider for compilation and linking of objc.")
public interface ObjcProviderApi<FileApiT extends FileApi> extends StarlarkValue {
name = "define",
structField = true,
doc =
"A set of strings from 'defines' attributes. These are to be passed as '-D' flags to "
+ "all invocations of the compiler for this target and all depending targets.")
Depset /*<String>*/ defineForStarlark();
name = "dynamic_framework_file",
structField = true,
doc =
"The library files in .framework directories belonging to a dynamically linked "
+ "framework.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ dynamicFrameworkFileForStarlark();
name = "exported_debug_artifacts",
structField = true,
doc = "Debug files that should be exported by the top-level target.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ exportedDebugArtifacts();
name = "framework_search_path_only",
structField = true,
doc =
"Exec paths of .framework directories corresponding to frameworks to include "
+ "in search paths, but not to link.")
Depset /*<String>*/ frameworkIncludeForStarlark();
name = "force_load_library",
structField = true,
doc = "Libraries to load with -force_load.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ forceLoadLibrary();
name = "header",
structField = true,
doc = "All header files. These may be either public or private headers.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ headerForStarlark();
name = "direct_headers",
structField = true,
doc =
"Header files from this target directly (no transitive headers). "
+ "These may be either public or private headers.")
Sequence<FileApiT> directHeaders();
name = "imported_library",
structField = true,
doc = "Imported precompiled static libraries (.a files) to be linked into the binary.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ importedLibrary();
name = "include",
structField = true,
doc =
"Include search paths specified with '-I' on the command line. Also known as "
+ "header search paths (and distinct from <em>user</em> header search paths).")
Depset includeForStarlark();
name = "strict_include",
structField = true,
doc =
"Non-propagated include search paths specified with '-I' on the command line. Also known "
+ "as header search paths (and distinct from <em>user</em> header search paths).")
Depset strictIncludeForStarlark();
name = "include_system",
structField = true,
doc = "System include search paths (typically specified with -isystem).")
Depset systemIncludeForStarlark();
name = "iquote",
structField = true,
doc = "User header search paths (typically specified with -iquote).")
Depset quoteIncludeForStarlark();
name = "j2objc_library",
structField = true,
doc = "Static libraries that are built from J2ObjC-translated Java code.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ j2objcLibrary();
name = "jre_library",
structField = true,
doc = "J2ObjC JRE emulation libraries and their dependencies.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ jreLibrary();
name = "library",
structField = true,
doc = "Library (.a) files compiled by dependencies of the current target.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ library();
name = "link_inputs",
structField = true,
doc =
"Link time artifacts from dependencies that do not fall into any other category such as"
+ " libraries or archives. This catch-all provides a way to add arbitrary data (e.g."
+ " Swift AST files) to the linker. The rule that adds these is also responsible to"
+ " add the necessary linker flags to 'linkopt'.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ linkInputs();
name = "linked_binary",
structField = true,
doc =
"Single-architecture linked binaries to be combined for the final multi-architecture "
+ "binary.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ linkedBinary();
name = "linkmap_file",
structField = true,
doc = "Single-architecture link map for a binary.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ linkmapFile();
@StarlarkMethod(name = "linkopt", structField = true, doc = "Linking options.")
Depset /*<String>*/ linkopt();
name = "merge_zip",
structField = true,
doc =
"Merge zips to include in the bundle. The entries of these zip files are included "
+ "in the final bundle with the same path. The entries in the merge zips should not "
+ "include the bundle root path (e.g. '').")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ mergeZip();
name = "module_map",
structField = true,
doc = "Clang module maps, used to enforce proper use of private header files.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ moduleMap();
name = "direct_module_maps",
structField = true,
doc =
"Module map files from this target directly (no transitive module maps). "
+ "Used to enforce proper use of private header files and for Swift compilation.")
Sequence<FileApiT> directModuleMaps();
name = "multi_arch_dynamic_libraries",
structField = true,
doc = "Combined-architecture dynamic libraries to include in the final bundle.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ multiArchDynamicLibraries();
name = "multi_arch_linked_archives",
structField = true,
doc = "Combined-architecture archives to include in the final bundle.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ multiArchLinkedArchives();
name = "multi_arch_linked_binaries",
structField = true,
doc = "Combined-architecture binaries to include in the final bundle.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ multiArchLinkedBinaries();
name = "sdk_dylib",
structField = true,
doc = "Names of SDK .dylib libraries to link with. For instance, 'libz' or 'libarchive'.")
Depset /*<String>*/ sdkDylib();
name = "sdk_framework",
structField = true,
doc = "Names of SDK frameworks to link with (e.g. 'AddressBook', 'QuartzCore').")
Depset sdkFramework();
@StarlarkMethod(name = "source", structField = true, doc = "All transitive source files.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ sourceForStarlark();
name = "direct_sources",
structField = true,
doc = "All direct source files from this target (no transitive files).")
Sequence<FileApiT> directSources();
name = "static_framework_file",
structField = true,
doc = "The library files in .framework directories that should be statically linked.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ staticFrameworkFileForStarlark();
name = "umbrella_header",
structField = true,
doc =
"Clang umbrella header. Public headers are #included in umbrella headers to be "
+ "compatible with J2ObjC segmented headers.")
Depset /*<FileApiT>*/ umbrellaHeader();
name = "weak_sdk_framework",
structField = true,
doc =
"Names of SDK frameworks to weakly link with. For instance, 'MediaAccessibility'. "
+ "In difference to regularly linked SDK frameworks, symbols from weakly linked "
+ "frameworks do not cause an error if they are not present at runtime.")
Depset weakSdkFramework();
name = "dynamic_framework_names",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns all names of dynamic frameworks in this provider.")
Depset /*<String>*/ dynamicFrameworkNamesForStarlark();
name = "dynamic_framework_paths",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns all framework paths to dynamic frameworks in this provider.")
Depset /*<String>*/ dynamicFrameworkPathsForStarlark();
name = "static_framework_names",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns all names of static frameworks in this provider.")
Depset /*<String>*/ staticFrameworkNamesForStarlark();
name = "static_framework_paths",
structField = true,
doc = "Returns all framework paths to static frameworks in this provider.")
Depset /*<String>*/ staticFrameworkPathsForStarlark();
name = "compilation_context",
doc =
"Returns the embedded <code>CcCompilationContext</code> that contains the"
+ "provider's compilation information.",
structField = true)
CcCompilationContextApi<FileApiT> getCcCompilationContext();