blob: ee77b4d06e6b7bdbe5051085a5b6bdd0e86276d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Evaluation code for the Skylark AST. At the moment, it can execute only statements (and defers to
* Expression.eval for evaluating expressions).
public class Eval {
protected final Environment env;
private Object result = Runtime.NONE;
public static Eval fromEnvironment(Environment env) {
return evalSupplier.apply(env);
public static void setEvalSupplier(Function<Environment, Eval> evalSupplier) {
Eval.evalSupplier = evalSupplier;
/** Reset Eval supplier to the default. */
public static void removeCustomEval() {
evalSupplier = Eval::new;
// TODO(bazel-team): remove this static state in favor of storing Eval instances in Environment
private static Function<Environment, Eval> evalSupplier = Eval::new;
* This constructor should never be called directly. Call {@link #fromEnvironment(Environment)}
* instead.
protected Eval(Environment env) {
this.env = env;
/** getResult returns the value returned by executing a ReturnStatement. */
Object getResult() {
return this.result;
void execAssignment(AssignmentStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object rvalue = node.getRHS().eval(env);
assign(node.getLHS(), rvalue, env, node.getLocation());
void execAugmentedAssignment(AugmentedAssignmentStatement node)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
assignAugmented(node.getLHS(), node.getOperator(), node.getRHS(), env, node.getLocation());
TokenKind execIfBranch(IfStatement.ConditionalStatements node)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return execStatements(node.getStatements());
TokenKind execFor(ForStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object o = node.getCollection().eval(env);
Iterable<?> col = EvalUtils.toIterable(o, node.getLocation(), env);
EvalUtils.lock(o, node.getLocation());
try {
for (Object it : col) {
assign(node.getLHS(), it, env, node.getLocation());
switch (execStatements(node.getBlock())) {
case PASS:
// Stay in loop.
case BREAK:
// Finish loop, execute next statement after loop.
return TokenKind.PASS;
case RETURN:
// Finish loop, return from function.
return TokenKind.RETURN;
throw new IllegalStateException("unreachable");
} finally {
EvalUtils.unlock(o, node.getLocation());
return TokenKind.PASS;
void execDef(FunctionDefStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
List<Expression> defaultExpressions = node.getSignature().getDefaultValues();
ArrayList<Object> defaultValues = null;
if (defaultExpressions != null) {
defaultValues = new ArrayList<>(defaultExpressions.size());
for (Expression expr : defaultExpressions) {
// TODO(laurentlb): Could be moved to the Parser or the ValidationEnvironment?
FunctionSignature sig = node.getSignature().getSignature();
if (sig.getShape().getMandatoryNamedOnly() > 0) {
throw new EvalException(node.getLocation(), "Keyword-only argument is forbidden.");
new UserDefinedFunction(
FunctionSignature.WithValues.create(sig, defaultValues, /*types=*/ null),
TokenKind execIf(IfStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
ImmutableList<IfStatement.ConditionalStatements> thenBlocks = node.getThenBlocks();
// Avoid iterator overhead - most of the time there will be one or few "if"s.
for (int i = 0; i < thenBlocks.size(); i++) {
IfStatement.ConditionalStatements stmt = thenBlocks.get(i);
if (EvalUtils.toBoolean(stmt.getCondition().eval(env))) {
return exec(stmt);
return execStatements(node.getElseBlock());
void execLoad(LoadStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
for (LoadStatement.Binding binding : node.getBindings()) {
try {
Identifier name = binding.getLocalName();
Identifier declared = binding.getOriginalName();
if (declared.isPrivate() && !node.mayLoadInternalSymbols()) {
throw new EvalException(
"symbol '" + declared.getName() + "' is private and cannot be imported.");
// The key is the original name that was used to define the symbol
// in the loaded bzl file.
env.importSymbol(node.getImport().getValue(), name, declared.getName());
} catch (Environment.LoadFailedException e) {
throw new EvalException(node.getLocation(), e.getMessage());
TokenKind execReturn(ReturnStatement node) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Expression ret = node.getReturnExpression();
if (ret != null) {
this.result = ret.eval(env);
return TokenKind.RETURN;
* Execute the statement.
* @throws EvalException if execution of the statement could not be completed.
* @throws InterruptedException may be thrown in a sub class.
protected TokenKind exec(Statement st) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
try {
return execDispatch(st);
} catch (EvalException ex) {
throw st.maybeTransformException(ex);
TokenKind execDispatch(Statement st) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
switch (st.kind()) {
execAssignment((AssignmentStatement) st);
return TokenKind.PASS;
execAugmentedAssignment((AugmentedAssignmentStatement) st);
return TokenKind.PASS;
return execIfBranch((IfStatement.ConditionalStatements) st);
((ExpressionStatement) st).getExpression().eval(env);
return TokenKind.PASS;
case FLOW:
return ((FlowStatement) st).getKind();
case FOR:
return execFor((ForStatement) st);
execDef((FunctionDefStatement) st);
return TokenKind.PASS;
case IF:
return execIf((IfStatement) st);
case LOAD:
execLoad((LoadStatement) st);
return TokenKind.PASS;
case RETURN:
return execReturn((ReturnStatement) st);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unexpected statement: " + st.kind());
public TokenKind execStatements(ImmutableList<Statement> statements)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
// Hot code path, good chance of short lists which don't justify the iterator overhead.
for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) {
TokenKind flow = exec(statements.get(i));
if (flow != TokenKind.PASS) {
return flow;
return TokenKind.PASS;
* Updates the environment bindings, and possibly mutates objects, so as to assign the given value
* to the given expression. The expression must be valid for an {@code LValue}.
// TODO(adonovan): make this a private instance method once all Expression.eval methods move here.
static void assign(Expression expr, Object value, Environment env, Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
if (expr instanceof Identifier) {
assignIdentifier((Identifier) expr, value, env);
} else if (expr instanceof IndexExpression) {
Object object = ((IndexExpression) expr).getObject().eval(env);
Object key = ((IndexExpression) expr).getKey().eval(env);
assignItem(object, key, value, env, loc);
} else if (expr instanceof ListLiteral) {
ListLiteral list = (ListLiteral) expr;
assignList(list, value, env, loc);
} else {
// Not possible for validated ASTs.
throw new EvalException(loc, "cannot assign to '" + expr + "'");
/** Binds a variable to the given value in the environment. */
private static void assignIdentifier(Identifier ident, Object value, Environment env)
throws EvalException {
env.updateAndExport(ident.getName(), value);
* Adds or changes an object-key-value relationship for a list or dict.
* <p>For a list, the key is an in-range index. For a dict, it is a hashable value.
* @throws EvalException if the object is not a list or dict
private static void assignItem(
Object object, Object key, Object value, Environment env, Location loc) throws EvalException {
if (object instanceof SkylarkDict) {
SkylarkDict<Object, Object> dict = (SkylarkDict<Object, Object>) object;
dict.put(key, value, loc, env);
} else if (object instanceof SkylarkList.MutableList) {
SkylarkList.MutableList<Object> list = (SkylarkList.MutableList<Object>) object;
int index = EvalUtils.getSequenceIndex(key, list.size(), loc);
list.set(index, value, loc, env.mutability());
} else {
throw new EvalException(
"can only assign an element in a dictionary or a list, not in a '"
+ EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(object)
+ "'");
* Recursively assigns an iterable value to a list literal.
* @throws EvalException if the list literal has length 0, or if the value is not an iterable of
* matching length
private static void assignList(ListLiteral list, Object value, Environment env, Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Collection<?> collection = EvalUtils.toCollection(value, loc, env);
int len = list.getElements().size();
if (len == 0) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, "lists or tuples on the left-hand side of assignments must have at least one item");
if (len != collection.size()) {
throw new EvalException(
"assignment length mismatch: left-hand side has length %d, but right-hand side"
+ " evaluates to value of length %d",
len, collection.size()));
int i = 0;
for (Object item : collection) {
assign(list.getElements().get(i), item, env, loc);
* Evaluates an augmented assignment that mutates this {@code LValue} with the given right-hand
* side's value.
* <p>The left-hand side expression is evaluated only once, even when it is an {@link
* IndexExpression}. The left-hand side is evaluated before the right-hand side to match Python's
* behavior (hence why the right-hand side is passed as an expression rather than as an evaluated
* value).
private static void assignAugmented(
Expression expr, TokenKind op, Expression rhs, Environment env, Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
if (expr instanceof Identifier) {
Object result =
BinaryOperatorExpression.evaluateAugmented(op, expr.eval(env), rhs.eval(env), env, loc);
assignIdentifier((Identifier) expr, result, env);
} else if (expr instanceof IndexExpression) {
IndexExpression indexExpression = (IndexExpression) expr;
// The object and key should be evaluated only once, so we don't use expr.eval().
Object object = indexExpression.getObject().eval(env);
Object key = indexExpression.getKey().eval(env);
Object oldValue = IndexExpression.evaluate(object, key, env, loc);
// Evaluate rhs after lhs.
Object rhsValue = rhs.eval(env);
Object result = BinaryOperatorExpression.evaluateAugmented(op, oldValue, rhsValue, env, loc);
assignItem(object, key, result, env, loc);
} else if (expr instanceof ListLiteral) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "cannot perform augmented assignment on a list literal");
} else {
// Not possible for validated ASTs.
throw new EvalException(loc, "cannot perform augmented assignment on '" + expr + "'");