blob: db49ec2dd07f3620e0dc2a4361ee369849fce1bb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A provider defined in Starlark rather than in native code.
* <p>This is a result of calling the {@code provider()} function from Starlark ({@link
* <p>{@code StarlarkProvider}s may be either schemaless or schemaful. Instances of schemaless
* providers can have any set of fields on them, whereas instances of schemaful providers may have
* only the fields that are named in the schema.
* <p>{@code StarlarkProvider} may have a custom initializer callback, which might perform
* preprocessing or validation of field values. This callback (if defined) is automatically invoked
* when the provider is called. To create instances of the provider without calling the initializer
* callback, use the callable returned by {@code StarlarkProvider#createRawConstructor}.
* <p>Exporting a {@code StarlarkProvider} creates a key that is used to uniquely identify it.
* Usually a provider is exported by calling {@link #export}, but a test may wish to just create a
* pre-exported provider directly. Exported providers use only their key for {@link #equals} and
* {@link #hashCode}.
public final class StarlarkProvider implements StarlarkCallable, StarlarkExportable, Provider {
private final Location location;
@Nullable private final String documentation;
// For schemaful providers, the sorted list of allowed field names.
// The requirement for sortedness comes from StarlarkInfoWithSchema and lets us bisect the fields.
@Nullable private final ImmutableList<String> fields;
// For schemaful providers, an optional map from field names to documentation strings (if any). In
// accordance with the provider() Starlark API, either all schema fields have documentation
// strings (possibly empty strings), or none do. The iteration order is the order of fields in the
// provider() invocation in Starlark - thus, *not* the order of the `fields` list above.
@Nullable private final ImmutableMap<String, Optional<String>> schema;
// Optional custom initializer callback. If present, it is invoked with the same positional and
// keyword arguments as were passed to the provider constructor. The return value must be a
// Starlark dict mapping field names (string keys) to their values.
@Nullable private final StarlarkCallable init;
* An identifier for this provider.
* <p>This is a {@link Key} if exported and a {@link SymbolGenerator.Symbol} otherwise.
* <p>Mutated by {@link #export}.
private Object keyOrIdentityToken;
* For schemaful providers, an array of metadata concerning depset optimization.
* <p>Each index in the array holds an optional (nullable) depset element type. The value at that
* index is initialized to be the element type of the first non-empty Depset to ever be stored in
* the corresponding field from {@link #schema} on any instance of this provider, globally. If no
* depsets (or only empty depsets) are ever stored in a field, the value at its index in this
* array will remain null.
* <p>Whenever a field is stored in an instance of this provider type, if the value is a depset
* whose element type matches the one stored in this array, it is optimized by unwrapping it down
* to its {@code NestedSet}. Upon retrieval, the depset wrapper is reconstructed using this saved
* element type.
* <p>The optimization may (harmlessly) fail to apply for provider fields that are not strongly
* typed across all instances.
* <p>For large builds, this optimization has been observed to save half a percent in retained
* heap.
* <p>In the future, the ad hoc heuristic of examining the first stored non-empty depset might be
* replaced by stronger type information in the provider's Starlark declaration. However, this
* optimization would remain relevant for provider declarations that do not supply such type info.
@Nullable private AtomicReferenceArray<Class<?>> depsetTypePredictor;
* Returns a new empty builder.
* <p>By default (unless {@link Builder#setExported} is called), the builder will build a provider
* which is unexported and would need to be exported later via {@link #export}.
* <p>By default (unless {@link Builder#setSchema} is called), the builder will build a provider
* which is schemaless.
* @param location the location of the Starlark definition for this provider (tests may use {@link
* Location#BUILTIN})
public static Builder builder(Location location) {
return new Builder(location);
/** A builder which may be used to construct a StarlarkProvider. */
public static final class Builder {
private final Location location;
@Nullable private String documentation;
@Nullable private ImmutableMap<String, Optional<String>> schema;
@Nullable private StarlarkCallable init;
private Builder(Location location) {
this.location = location;
* Sets the list of allowed fields for the provider built by this builder, and marks the fields'
* documentation as empty.
public Builder setSchema(Collection<String> fields) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Optional<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (String field : fields) {
builder.put(field, Optional.empty());
this.schema = builder.buildOrThrow();
return this;
* Sets the list of allowed field names and their corresponding documentation strings for the
* provider built by this builder.
public Builder setSchema(Map<String, String> schemaWithDocumentation) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Optional<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : schemaWithDocumentation.entrySet()) {
builder.put(entry.getKey(), Optional.of(entry.getValue()));
this.schema = builder.buildOrThrow();
return this;
/** Sets the documentation string for the provider built by this builder. */
public Builder setDocumentation(String documentation) {
this.documentation = documentation;
return this;
* Sets the custom initializer callback for the provider built by this builder.
* <p>The initializer callback will be automatically invoked when the provider is called. To
* bypass the custom initializer callback, use the callable returned by {@link
* StarlarkProvider#createRawConstructor}.
* @param init A callback that accepts the arguments passed to the provider constructor, and
* which returns a dict mapping field names to their values. The resulting provider instance
* is created as though the dict were passed as **kwargs to the raw constructor. In
* particular, for a schemaful provider, the dict may not contain keys not listed in the
* schema.
public Builder setInit(StarlarkCallable init) {
this.init = init;
return this;
/** Builds an exported StarlarkProvider. */
public StarlarkProvider buildExported(Key key) {
return new StarlarkProvider(location, documentation, schema, init, key);
/** Builds a unexported StarlarkProvider. */
public StarlarkProvider buildWithIdentityToken(SymbolGenerator.Symbol<?> identityToken) {
return new StarlarkProvider(location, documentation, schema, init, identityToken);
* Constructs the provider.
* <p>If {@code schema} is null, the provider is schemaless. If {@code init} is null, no custom
* initializer callback will be used (i.e., calling the provider is the same as simply calling the
* raw constructor). If {@code key} is null, the provider is unexported.
private StarlarkProvider(
Location location,
@Nullable String documentation,
@Nullable ImmutableMap<String, Optional<String>> schema,
@Nullable StarlarkCallable init,
Object keyOrIdentityToken) {
this.location = location;
this.documentation = documentation;
this.fields = schema != null ? ImmutableList.sortedCopyOf(schema.keySet()) : null;
this.schema = schema;
this.init = init;
this.keyOrIdentityToken = keyOrIdentityToken;
if (schema != null) {
depsetTypePredictor = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(schema.size());
private static Object[] toNamedArgs(Object value, String descriptionForError)
throws EvalException {
Dict<String, Object> kwargs = Dict.cast(value, String.class, Object.class, descriptionForError);
Object[] named = new Object[2 * kwargs.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : kwargs.entrySet()) {
named[i++] = e.getKey();
named[i++] = e.getValue();
return named;
public Object fastcall(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws InterruptedException, EvalException {
if (init == null) {
return fastcallRawConstructor(thread, positional, named);
Object initResult = Starlark.fastcall(thread, init, positional, named);
// The code-path for providers with schema could be optimised to skip the call to toNamedArgs.
// As it is, we copy the map to an alternating key-value Object array, and then extract just
// the values into another array.
return createFromNamedArgs(
toNamedArgs(initResult, "return value of provider init()"), thread.getCallerLocation());
private Object fastcallRawConstructor(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException {
if (positional.length > 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("%s: unexpected positional arguments", getName());
return createFromNamedArgs(named, thread.getCallerLocation());
private StarlarkInfo createFromNamedArgs(Object[] named, Location loc) throws EvalException {
return schema != null
? StarlarkInfoWithSchema.createFromNamedArgs(this, named, loc)
: StarlarkInfoNoSchema.createFromNamedArgs(this, named, loc);
private static final class RawConstructor implements StarlarkCallable {
private final StarlarkProvider provider;
private RawConstructor(StarlarkProvider provider) {
this.provider = provider;
public Object fastcall(StarlarkThread thread, Object[] positional, Object[] named)
throws EvalException {
return provider.fastcallRawConstructor(thread, positional, named);
public String getName() {
StringBuilder name = new StringBuilder("<raw constructor");
if (provider.isExported()) {
name.append(" for ").append(provider.getName());
return name.toString();
public Location getLocation() {
return provider.location;
public StarlarkCallable createRawConstructor() {
return new RawConstructor(this);
* Returns the provider's custom initializer callback, or null if the provider doesn't have one.
public StarlarkCallable getInit() {
return init;
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
* Returns the value of the doc parameter passed to {@code provider()} in Starlark, or an empty
* Optional if a doc parameter was not provided.
public Optional<String> getDocumentation() {
return Optional.ofNullable(documentation);
public boolean isExported() {
return keyOrIdentityToken instanceof Key;
public Key getKey() {
"Calling getKey() is disallowed on an unexported provider. location: %s, identity token:"
+ " %s",
return (Key) keyOrIdentityToken;
public String getName() {
if (keyOrIdentityToken instanceof Key key) {
return key.getExportedName();
return "<no name>";
public String getPrintableName() {
return getName();
* Returns the sorted list of fields allowed by this provider, or null if the provider is
* schemaless.
public ImmutableList<String> getFields() {
return fields;
* Returns the map of fields allowed by this provider mapping to their corresponding documentation
* strings (if any), or null if this provider is schemaless.
* <p>The returned map's iteration order matches the order of fields in the {@code provider()}
* invocation in Starlark - thus, different from the order of fields in {@link #getFields}.
public ImmutableMap<String, Optional<String>> getSchema() {
return schema;
public String getErrorMessageForUnknownField(String name) {
return String.format(
"'%s' value has no field or method '%s'", isExported() ? getName() : "struct", name);
public void export(EventHandler handler, Label extensionLabel, String exportedName) {
SymbolGenerator.Symbol<?> identifier = (SymbolGenerator.Symbol<?>) keyOrIdentityToken;
if (identifier.getOwner() instanceof BzlLoadValue.Key bzlKey) {
// In production code, StarlarkProviders are created only when loading .bzl files so the owner
// of the Symbol should be a BzlLoadValue.Key.
"export extensionLabel=%s, but owner=%s",
this.keyOrIdentityToken = new Key(bzlKey, exportedName);
} else {
// In tests, the symbol may be arbitrary.
if (!isInTest()) {
new IllegalStateException(
"exporting StarlarkProvider defined at %s as %s:%s but thread owner=%s was not"
+ " a BzlLoadValue.Key",
location, extensionLabel, exportedName, identifier.getOwner())));
this.keyOrIdentityToken =
new Key(
? keyForBuiltins(extensionLabel)
: keyForBuild(extensionLabel),
public int hashCode() {
return keyOrIdentityToken.hashCode();
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object otherObject) {
if (this == otherObject) {
return true;
if (otherObject instanceof StarlarkProvider that) {
return this.keyOrIdentityToken.equals(that.keyOrIdentityToken);
return false;
public boolean isImmutable() {
// Hash code for non exported constructors may be changed
return isExported();
public void repr(Printer printer) {
public String toString() {
return Starlark.repr(this);
* For schemaful providers, given a value to store in the field identified by {@code index},
* returns a possibly optimized version of the value. The result (optimized or not) should be
* decoded by {@link #retrieveOptimizedField}.
* <p>Mutable values are never optimized.
Object optimizeField(int index, Object value) {
if (value instanceof Depset) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(depsetTypePredictor != null);
Depset depset = (Depset) value;
if (depset.isEmpty()) {
// Most empty depsets have the empty (null) type. We can't store this type because it
// would clash with whatever the actual element type is for non-empty depsets in that
// field. So instead just store the optimized (unwrapped) NestedSet without any type
// information, and assume it's the empty type upon retrieval.
// This only loses information in the relatively rare case of a native-constructed empty
// depset with a type restriction (e.g. empty set of artifacts). In that scenario, an
// empty depset retrieved from the provider may "incorrectly" allow itself to participate
// in a union with depsets of other types, whereas the original depset would trigger a
// Starlark eval error. This is a user-observable difference but a very minor one; the
// hazard would be logical errors that are masked by the provider machinery but triggered
// by a refactoring of Starlark code. See TODO in Depset#of(Class, NestedSet) for notes
// about eliminating this semantic confusion.
// This problem shouldn't arise for non-empty depsets since distinct non-empty element
// types are not compatible with one another (i.e. there's no Depset<Any> schema).
return depset.getSet();
Class<?> elementClass = depset.getElementClass();
Class<?> witness = depsetTypePredictor.compareAndExchange(index, null, elementClass);
if (witness == elementClass || witness == null) {
return depset.getSet();
return value;
Object retrieveOptimizedField(int index, Object value) {
if (value instanceof NestedSet<?>) {
// We subvert Depset.of()'s static type checking for consistency between the type token and
// NestedSet type. This is safe because these values came from a previous Depset, so we
// already know they're consistent.
NestedSet<Object> nestedSet = (NestedSet<Object>) value;
if (nestedSet.isEmpty()) {
// This matches empty depsets created in Starlark with `depset()`.
return Depset.of(Object.class, nestedSet);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // can't parameterize Class literal by a non-raw type
Depset depset = Depset.of((Class<Object>) depsetTypePredictor.get(index), nestedSet);
return depset;
return value;
boolean isOptimised(int index, Object value) {
return value instanceof NestedSet<?>;
Object getKeyOrIdentityToken() {
return keyOrIdentityToken;
* A serializable representation of Starlark-defined {@link StarlarkProvider} that uniquely
* identifies all {@link StarlarkProvider}s that are exposed to SkyFrame.
// TODO: b/335901349 - this is identical to SymbolGenerator.GlobalSymbol<BzlLoadValue.Key> and
// serves essentially the same purpose. Consider unifying these types.
public static final class Key extends Provider.Key {
private final BzlLoadValue.Key key;
private final String exportedName;
public Key(BzlLoadValue.Key key, String exportedName) {
this.key = checkNotNull(key);
this.exportedName = checkNotNull(exportedName);
public Label getExtensionLabel() {
return key.getLabel();
public String getExportedName() {
return exportedName;
BzlLoadValue.Key getBzlLoadKey() {
return key;
public int hashCode() {
return hashObjects(key, exportedName);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Key)) {
return false;
Key other = (Key) obj;
return Objects.equals(this.key, other.key)
&& Objects.equals(this.exportedName, other.exportedName);
void fingerprint(Fingerprint fp) {
// False => Not native.
public String toString() {
return exportedName;