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#if (!$singlePage)
layout: documentation
title: Common Definitions
#if (!$singlePage)
<h1 id="common-definitions">Common definitions</h1>
<p>This section defines various terms and concepts that are common to
many functions or build rules below.
#if (!$singlePage)
<div class="toc">
<li><a href="#sh-tokenization">Borne shell tokenization</a></li>
<li><a href="#label-expansion">Label Expansion</a></li>
<li><a href="#common-attributes">Attributes common to all build rules</a></li>
<li><a href="#common-attributes-tests">Attributes common to all test rules (*_test)</a></li>
<li><a href="#common-attributes-binaries">Attributes common to all binary rules (*_binary)</a></li>
<li><a href="#configurable-attributes">Configurable attributes</a></li>
<li><a href="#implicit-outputs">Implicit output targets</a></li>
<h2 id='sh-tokenization'>Bourne shell tokenization</h2>
Certain string attributes of some rules are split into multiple
words according to the tokenization rules of the Bourne shell:
unquoted spaces delimit separate words, and single- and
double-quotes characters and backslashes are used to prevent
Those attributes that are subject to this tokenization are
explicitly indicated as such in their definitions in this document.
Attributes subject to "Make" variable expansion and Bourne shell
tokenization are typically used for passing arbitrary options to
compilers and other tools. Examples of such attributes are
<code>cc_library.copts</code> and <code>java_library.javacopts</code>.
Together these substitutions allow a
single string variable to expand into a configuration-specific list
of option words.
<h2 id='label-expansion'>Label expansion</h2>
Some string attributes of a very few rules are subject to label
expansion: if those strings contain a valid label as a
substring, such as <code>//mypkg:target</code>, and that label is a
declared prerequisite of the current rule, it is expanded into the
pathname of the file represented by the target <code>//mypkg:target</code>.
Example attributes include <code>genrule.cmd</code> and
<code>cc_binary.linkopts</code>. The details may vary significantly in
each case, over such issues as: whether relative labels are
expanded; how labels that expand to multiple files are
treated, etc. Consult the rule attribute documentation for
<h2 id="common-attributes">Attributes common to all build rules</h2>
#macro(commonAttributeDoc $type $attributeMap)
<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-params">
<col class="col-param" />
<col class="param-description" />
#foreach ($name in $attributeMap.keySet())
<td id="${type}.${name}"><code>${name}</code></td>
<p>This section describes attributes that are common to all build rules.<br/>
Please note that it is an error to list the same label twice in a list of
labels attribute.
#commonAttributeDoc("common" $commonAttributes)
<h2 id="common-attributes-tests">Attributes common to all test rules (*_test)</h2>
<p>This section describes attributes that are common to all test rules.</p>
#commonAttributeDoc("test" $testAttributes)
<h2 id="common-attributes-binaries">Attributes common to all binary rules (*_binary)</h2>
<p>This section describes attributes that are common to all binary rules.</p>
#commonAttributeDoc("binary" $binaryAttributes)
<h2 id="configurable-attributes">Configurable attributes</h2>
Most attributes can be "configured" so their values depend on the flags passed
at the command line. This can be used, for example, to declare
platform-dependent <code>srcs</code> or custom compiler flags depending on the
<a href="../bazel-user-manual.html#flag--compilation_mode">compilation
<pre class="code">
name = "multiplatform_lib",
srcs = select({
":x86_mode": [""],
":arm_mode": [""]
name = "x86_mode",
values = { "cpu": "x86" }
name = "arm_mode",
values = { "cpu": "arm" }
An attribute is made configurable by assigning it to a <code>select</code>.
This makes its value depend on which <code>config_setting</code> matches
the build. For example, <code>bazel build :multiplatform_lib --cpu=arm</code>
sets <code>multiplatform_lib</code>'s <code>srcs</code> to
<code>[""]</code>, while <code>bazel build :multiplatform_lib
--cpu=x86</code> sets <code>srcs</code> to <code>[""]</code>.
See the definitions of
<a href="$expander.expandRef("select")">select</a> and
<a href="$expander.expandRef("config_setting")">config_setting</a> for more details.
Attributes marked <code>nonconfigurable</code> in their documentation cannot
use this feature (usually because Bazel has to know their values before flags
have been parsed).
<h2 id="implicit-outputs">Implicit output targets</h2>
<p>When you define a build rule in a BUILD file, you are explicitly
declaring a new, named rule target in a package. Many build rule
functions also <i>implicitly</i> entail one or more output file
targets, whose contents and meaning are rule-specific.
For example, when you explicitly declare a
<code>java_binary(name='foo', ...)</code> rule, you are also
<i>implicitly</i> declaring an output file
target <code>foo_deploy.jar</code> as a member of the same package.
(This particular target is a self-contained Java archive suitable
for deployment.)
Implicit output targets are first-class members of the global
target graph. Just like other targets, they are built on demand,
either when specified in the top-level built command, or when they
are necessary prerequisites for other build targets. They can be
referenced as dependencies in BUILD files, and can be observed in
the output of analysis tools such as <code>bazel query</code>.
For each kind of build rule, the rule's documentation contains a
special section detailing the names and contents of any implicit
outputs entailed by a declaration of that kind of rule.
An important but somewhat subtle distinction between the
two namespaces used by the build system:
<a href="../build-ref.html#labels">labels</a> identify <em>targets</em>,
which may be rules or files, and file targets may be divided into
either source (or input) file targets and derived (or output) file
targets. These are the things you can mention in BUILD files,
build from the command-line, or examine using <code>bazel query</code>;
this is the <em>target namespace</em>. Each file target corresponds
to one actual file on disk (the "file system namespace"); each rule
target may correspond to zero, one or more actual files on disk.
There may be files on disk that have no corresponding target; for
example, <code>.o</code> object files produced during C++ compilation
cannot be referenced from within BUILD files or from the command line.
In this way, the build tool may hide certain implementation details of
how it does its job. This is explained more fully in
the <a href="../build-ref.html">BUILD Concept Reference</a>.
#if (!$singlePage)