blob: 5873b4df0df7efad4e83f44913b7e3373bcdff04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Helper class encapsulating string scanning state used during "heuristic"
* expansion of labels embedded within rules.
public final class LabelExpander {
* An exception that is thrown when a label is expanded to zero or multiple
* files during expansion.
public static class NotUniqueExpansionException extends Exception {
public NotUniqueExpansionException(int sizeOfResultSet, String labelText) {
super("heuristic label expansion found '" + labelText + "', which expands to "
+ sizeOfResultSet + " files"
+ (sizeOfResultSet > 1
? ", please use $(locations " + labelText + ") instead"
: ""));
// This is a utility class, no need to instantiate.
private LabelExpander() {}
* CharMatcher to determine if a given character is valid for labels.
* <p>The Build Concept Reference additionally allows '=' and ',' to appear in labels,
* but for the purposes of the heuristic, this function does not, as it would cause
* "--foo=:rule1,:rule2" to scan as a single possible label, instead of three
* ("--foo", ":rule1", ":rule2").
private static final CharMatcher LABEL_CHAR_MATCHER =
CharMatcher.inRange('a', 'z')
.or(CharMatcher.inRange('A', 'Z'))
.or(CharMatcher.inRange('0', '9'))
.or(CharMatcher.anyOf(":/_.-+" + PathFragment.SEPARATOR_CHAR))
* Expands all references to labels embedded within a string using the
* provided expansion mapping from labels to artifacts.
* <p>Since this pass is heuristic, references to non-existent labels (such
* as arbitrary words) or invalid labels are simply ignored and are unchanged
* in the output. However, if the heuristic discovers a label, which
* identifies an existing target producing zero or multiple files, an error
* is reported.
* @param expression the expression to expand.
* @param labelMap the mapping from labels to artifacts, whose relative path
* is to be used as the expansion.
* @param labelResolver the {@code Label} that can resolve label strings
* to {@code Label} objects. The resolved label is either relative to
* {@code labelResolver} or is a global label (i.e. starts with "//").
* @return the expansion of the string.
* @throws NotUniqueExpansionException if a label that is present in the
* mapping expands to zero or multiple files.
public static <T extends Iterable<Artifact>> String expand(@Nullable String expression,
Map<Label, T> labelMap, Label labelResolver) throws NotUniqueExpansionException {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(expression)) {
return "";
int offset = 0;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
while (offset < expression.length()) {
String labelText = scanLabel(expression, offset);
if (labelText != null) {
offset += labelText.length();
result.append(tryResolvingLabelTextToArtifactPath(labelText, labelMap, labelResolver));
} else {
return result.toString();
* Tries resolving a label text to a full label for the associated {@code
* Artifact}, using the provided mapping.
* <p>The method succeeds if the label text can be resolved to a {@code
* Label} object, which is present in the {@code labelMap} and maps to
* exactly one {@code Artifact}.
* @param labelText the text to resolve.
* @param labelMap the mapping from labels to artifacts, whose relative path
* is to be used as the expansion.
* @param labelResolver the {@code Label} that can resolve label strings
* to {@code Label} objects. The resolved label is either relative to
* {@code labelResolver} or is a global label (i.e. starts with "//").
* @return an absolute label to an {@code Artifact} if the resolving was
* successful or the original label text.
* @throws NotUniqueExpansionException if a label that is present in the
* mapping expands to zero or multiple files.
private static <T extends Iterable<Artifact>> String tryResolvingLabelTextToArtifactPath(
String labelText, Map<Label, T> labelMap, Label labelResolver)
throws NotUniqueExpansionException {
Label resolvedLabel = resolveLabelText(labelText, labelResolver);
if (resolvedLabel != null) {
Iterable<Artifact> artifacts = labelMap.get(resolvedLabel);
if (artifacts != null) { // resolvedLabel identifies an existing target
List<String> locations = new ArrayList<>();
Artifact.addExecPaths(artifacts, locations);
int resultSetSize = locations.size();
if (resultSetSize == 1) {
return Iterables.getOnlyElement(locations); // success!
} else {
throw new NotUniqueExpansionException(resultSetSize, labelText);
return labelText;
* Resolves a string to a label text. Uses {@code labelResolver} to do so.
* The result is either relative to {@code labelResolver} or is an absolute
* label. In case of an invalid label text, the return value is null.
private static Label resolveLabelText(String labelText, Label labelResolver) {
try {
return labelResolver.getRelative(labelText);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// It's a heuristic, so quietly ignore "errors". Because Label.getRelative never
// returns null, we can use null to indicate an error.
return null;
* Scans the argument string from a given start position until the name of a
* potential label has been consumed, then returns the label text. If
* the expression contains no possible label starting at the start position,
* the return value is null.
private static String scanLabel(String expression, int start) {
int offset = start;
while (offset < expression.length() && LABEL_CHAR_MATCHER.matches(expression.charAt(offset))) {
if (offset > start) {
return expression.substring(start, offset);
} else {
return null;