blob: d314388fe4df19f8e75ef635bf0ecff1f4866c99 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A customizable, serializable class for building memory efficient command lines.
public final class CustomCommandLine extends CommandLine {
private abstract static class ArgvFragment {
abstract void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder);
* A command line argument for {@link TreeFileArtifact}.
* <p>Since {@link TreeFileArtifact} is not known or available at analysis time, subclasses should
* enclose its parent TreeFileArtifact instead at analysis time. This interface provides method
* {@link #substituteTreeArtifact} to generate another argument object that replaces the enclosed
* TreeArtifact with one of its {@link TreeFileArtifact} at execution time.
private abstract static class TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment {
* Substitutes this ArgvFragment with another arg object, with the original TreeArtifacts
* contained in this ArgvFragment replaced by their associated TreeFileArtifacts.
* @param substitutionMap A map between TreeArtifacts and their associated TreeFileArtifacts
* used to replace them.
abstract Object substituteTreeArtifact(Map<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap);
* A command line argument that can expand enclosed TreeArtifacts into a list of child
* {@link TreeFileArtifact}s at execution time before argument evaluation.
* <p>The main difference between this class and {@link TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment} is that
* {@link TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment} is used in {@link SpawnActionTemplate} to substitutes a
* TreeArtifact with *one* of its child TreeFileArtifacts, while this class expands a TreeArtifact
* into *all* of its child TreeFileArtifacts.
private abstract static class TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment extends ArgvFragment {
* Evaluates this argument fragment into an argument string and adds it into {@code builder}.
* The enclosed TreeArtifact will be expanded using {@code artifactExpander}.
abstract void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder, ArtifactExpander artifactExpander);
* Returns a string that describes this argument fragment. The string can be used as part of
* an action key for the command line at analysis time.
abstract String describe();
* Evaluates this argument fragment by serializing it into a string. Note that the returned
* argument is not suitable to be used as part of an actual command line. The purpose of this
* method is to provide a unique command line argument string to be used as part of an action
* key at analysis time.
* <p>Internally this method just calls {@link #describe}.
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
// It's better to avoid anonymous classes if we want to serialize command lines
private static final class JoinExecPathsArg extends ArgvFragment {
private final String delimiter;
private final Iterable<Artifact> artifacts;
private JoinExecPathsArg(String delimiter, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
this.delimiter = delimiter;
this.artifacts = CollectionUtils.makeImmutable(artifacts);
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
builder.add(Artifact.joinExecPaths(delimiter, artifacts));
private static final class JoinExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg
extends TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment {
private final String delimiter;
private final Artifact treeArtifact;
private JoinExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg(String delimiter, Artifact treeArtifact) {
treeArtifact.isTreeArtifact(), "%s is not a TreeArtifact", treeArtifact);
this.delimiter = delimiter;
this.treeArtifact = treeArtifact;
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder, ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
Set<Artifact> expandedArtifacts = new TreeSet<>();
artifactExpander.expand(treeArtifact, expandedArtifacts);
if (!expandedArtifacts.isEmpty()) {
builder.add(Artifact.joinExecPaths(delimiter, expandedArtifacts));
public String describe() {
return String.format(
"JoinExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg{ delimiter: %s, treeArtifact: %s}",
private static final class ExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg
extends TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment {
private final Artifact treeArtifact;
private ExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg(Artifact treeArtifact) {
treeArtifact.isTreeArtifact(), "%s is not a TreeArtifact", treeArtifact);
this.treeArtifact = treeArtifact;
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder, ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
Set<Artifact> expandedArtifacts = new TreeSet<>();
artifactExpander.expand(treeArtifact, expandedArtifacts);
for (Artifact expandedArtifact : expandedArtifacts) {
public String describe() {
return String.format(
"ExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg{ treeArtifact: %s}",
private static final class PathWithTemplateArg extends ArgvFragment {
private final String template;
private final PathFragment[] paths;
private PathWithTemplateArg(String template, PathFragment... paths) {
this.template = template;
this.paths = paths;
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
// PathFragment.toString() uses getPathString()
builder.add(String.format(template, (Object[]) paths));
* An argument object that evaluates to a formatted string for {@link TreeFileArtifact} exec
* paths, enclosing the associated string format template and {@link TreeFileArtifact}s.
private static final class TreeFileArtifactExecPathWithTemplateArg
extends TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment {
private final String template;
private final Artifact placeHolderTreeArtifact;
private TreeFileArtifactExecPathWithTemplateArg(String template, Artifact artifact) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(artifact.isTreeArtifact(), "%s must be a TreeArtifact",
this.template = template;
this.placeHolderTreeArtifact = artifact;
ArgvFragment substituteTreeArtifact(Map<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap) {
Artifact treeFileArtifact = substitutionMap.get(placeHolderTreeArtifact);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(treeFileArtifact, "Artifact to substitute: %s",
return new PathWithTemplateArg(template, treeFileArtifact.getExecPath());
// TODO(bazel-team): CustomArgv and CustomMultiArgv is going to be difficult to expose
// in Skylark. Maybe we can get rid of them by refactoring JavaCompileAction. It also
// raises immutability / serialization issues.
* Custom Java code producing a String argument. Usage of this class is discouraged.
public abstract static class CustomArgv extends ArgvFragment {
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
public abstract String argv();
* Custom Java code producing a List of String arguments. Usage of this class is discouraged.
public abstract static class CustomMultiArgv extends ArgvFragment {
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
public abstract Iterable<String> argv();
private static final class JoinPathsArg extends ArgvFragment {
private final String delimiter;
private final Iterable<PathFragment> paths;
private JoinPathsArg(String delimiter, Iterable<PathFragment> paths) {
this.delimiter = delimiter;
this.paths = CollectionUtils.makeImmutable(paths);
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
private static final class JoinStringsArg extends ArgvFragment {
private final String delimiter;
private final Iterable<String> strings;
private JoinStringsArg(String delimiter, Iterable<String> strings) {
this.delimiter = delimiter;
this.strings = CollectionUtils.makeImmutable(strings);
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
* Arguments that intersperse strings between the items in a sequence. There are two forms of
* interspersing, and either may be used by this implementation:
* <ul>
* <li>before each - a string is added before each item in a sequence. e.g.
* {@code -f foo -f bar -f baz}
* <li>format each - a format string is used to format each item in a sequence. e.g.
* {@code -I/foo -I/bar -I/baz} for the format {@code "-I%s"}
* </ul>
* <p>This class could be used both with both the "before" and "format" features at the same
* time, but this is probably more confusion than it is worth. If you need this functionality,
* consider using "before" only but storing the strings pre-formated in a {@link NestedSet}.
private static final class InterspersingArgs extends ArgvFragment {
private final Iterable<?> sequence;
private final String beforeEach;
private final String formatEach;
* Do not call from outside this class because this does not guarantee that {@code sequence} is
* immutable.
private InterspersingArgs(Iterable<?> sequence, String beforeEach, String formatEach) {
this.sequence = sequence;
this.beforeEach = beforeEach;
this.formatEach = formatEach;
static InterspersingArgs fromStrings(
Iterable<?> sequence, String beforeEach, String formatEach) {
return new InterspersingArgs(
CollectionUtils.makeImmutable(sequence), beforeEach, formatEach);
static InterspersingArgs fromExecPaths(
Iterable<Artifact> sequence, String beforeEach, String formatEach) {
return new InterspersingArgs(
Artifact.toExecPaths(CollectionUtils.makeImmutable(sequence)), beforeEach, formatEach);
void eval(ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder) {
for (Object item : sequence) {
if (item == null) {
if (beforeEach != null) {
String arg = item.toString();
if (formatEach != null) {
arg = String.format(formatEach, arg);
* An argument object that evaluates to the exec path of a {@link TreeFileArtifact}, enclosing
* the associated {@link TreeFileArtifact}.
private static final class TreeFileArtifactExecPathArg extends TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment {
private final Artifact placeHolderTreeArtifact;
private TreeFileArtifactExecPathArg(Artifact artifact) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(artifact.isTreeArtifact(), "%s must be a TreeArtifact", artifact);
placeHolderTreeArtifact = artifact;
Object substituteTreeArtifact(Map<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap) {
Artifact artifact = substitutionMap.get(placeHolderTreeArtifact);
Preconditions.checkNotNull(artifact, "Artifact to substitute: %s", placeHolderTreeArtifact);
return artifact.getExecPath();
* A Builder class for CustomCommandLine with the appropriate methods.
* <p>{@link Iterable} instances passed to {@code add*} methods will be stored internally as
* collections that are known to be immutable copies. This means that any {@link Iterable} that is
* not a {@link NestedSet} or {@link ImmutableList} may be copied.
* <p>{@code addFormatEach*} methods take an {@link Iterable} but use these as arguments to
* {@link String#format(String, Object...)} with a certain constant format string. For instance,
* if {@code format} is {@code "-I%s"}, then the final arguments may be
* {@code -Ifoo -Ibar -Ibaz}
* <p>{@code addBeforeEach*} methods take an {@link Iterable} but insert a certain {@link String}
* once before each element in the string, meaning the total number of elements added is twice the
* length of the {@link Iterable}. For instance: {@code -f foo -f bar -f baz}
public static final class Builder {
// In order to avoid unnecessary wrapping, we keep raw objects here, but these objects are
// always either ArgvFragments or objects whose desired string representations are just their
// toString() results.
private final List<Object> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
public Builder add(CharSequence arg) {
if (arg != null) {
return this;
public Builder add(Label arg) {
if (arg != null) {
return this;
public Builder add(String arg, Iterable<String> args) {
if (arg != null && args != null) {
InterspersingArgs.fromStrings(args, /*beforeEach=*/ null, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder add(Iterable<String> args) {
if (args != null) {
InterspersingArgs.fromStrings(args, /*beforeEach=*/ null, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder addExecPath(String arg, Artifact artifact) {
if (arg != null && artifact != null) {
return this;
public Builder addExecPaths(String arg, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
if (arg != null && artifacts != null) {
InterspersingArgs.fromExecPaths(artifacts, /*beforeEach=*/ null, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder addExecPaths(Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
if (artifacts != null) {
InterspersingArgs.fromExecPaths(artifacts, /*beforeEach=*/ null, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
* Adds a flag with the exec path of a placeholder TreeArtifact. When the command line is used
* in an action template, the placeholder will be replaced by the exec path of a
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} inside the TreeArtifact at execution time for each expanded action.
* @param arg the name of the argument
* @param treeArtifact the TreeArtifact that will be evaluated to one of its child
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} at execution time
public Builder addPlaceholderTreeArtifactExecPath(String arg, Artifact treeArtifact) {
if (arg != null && treeArtifact != null) {
arguments.add(new TreeFileArtifactExecPathArg(treeArtifact));
return this;
* Adds a placeholder TreeArtifact exec path. When the command line is used in an action
* template, the placeholder will be replaced by the exec path of a {@link TreeFileArtifact}
* inside the TreeArtifact at execution time for each expanded action.
* @param treeArtifact the TreeArtifact that will be evaluated to one of its child
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} at execution time
public Builder addPlaceholderTreeArtifactExecPath(Artifact treeArtifact) {
if (treeArtifact != null) {
arguments.add(new TreeFileArtifactExecPathArg(treeArtifact));
return this;
public Builder addJoinStrings(String arg, String delimiter, Iterable<String> strings) {
if (arg != null && strings != null) {
arguments.add(new JoinStringsArg(delimiter, strings));
return this;
public Builder addJoinExecPaths(String arg, String delimiter, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
if (arg != null && artifacts != null) {
arguments.add(new JoinExecPathsArg(delimiter, artifacts));
return this;
public Builder addPath(PathFragment path) {
if (path != null) {
return this;
public Builder addPaths(String template, PathFragment... path) {
if (template != null && path != null) {
arguments.add(new PathWithTemplateArg(template, path));
return this;
* Adds a formatted string containing the exec path of a placeholder TreeArtifact. When the
* command line is used in an action template, the placeholder will be replaced by the exec path
* of a {@link TreeFileArtifact} inside the TreeArtifact at execution time for each expanded
* action.
* @param template the string format template containing a single string format specifier (%s)
* to be replaced by the artifact exec path string.
* @param treeArtifact the TreeArtifact that will be evaluated to one of their child
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} at execution time
public Builder addPlaceholderTreeArtifactFormattedExecPath(
String template, Artifact treeArtifact) {
if (template != null && treeArtifact != null) {
arguments.add(new TreeFileArtifactExecPathWithTemplateArg(template, treeArtifact));
return this;
public Builder addJoinPaths(String delimiter, Iterable<PathFragment> paths) {
if (delimiter != null && paths != null) {
arguments.add(new JoinPathsArg(delimiter, paths));
return this;
* Adds a string joined together by the exec paths of all {@link TreeFileArtifact}s under
* {@code treeArtifact}.
* @param delimiter the delimiter used to join the artifact exec paths.
* @param treeArtifact the TreeArtifact containing the {@link TreeFileArtifact}s to join.
public Builder addJoinExpandedTreeArtifactExecPath(String delimiter, Artifact treeArtifact) {
arguments.add(new JoinExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg(delimiter, treeArtifact));
return this;
* Adds the exec paths (one argument per exec path) of all {@link TreeFileArtifact}s under
* {@code treeArtifact}.
* @param treeArtifact the TreeArtifact containing the {@link TreeFileArtifact}s to add.
public Builder addExpandedTreeArtifactExecPaths(Artifact treeArtifact) {
arguments.add(new ExpandedTreeArtifactExecPathsArg(treeArtifact));
return this;
public Builder addBeforeEachPath(String repeated, Iterable<PathFragment> paths) {
if (repeated != null && paths != null) {
arguments.add(InterspersingArgs.fromStrings(paths, repeated, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder addBeforeEach(String repeated, Iterable<String> strings) {
if (repeated != null && strings != null) {
arguments.add(InterspersingArgs.fromStrings(strings, repeated, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder addBeforeEachExecPath(String repeated, Iterable<Artifact> artifacts) {
if (repeated != null && artifacts != null) {
arguments.add(InterspersingArgs.fromExecPaths(artifacts, repeated, /*formatEach=*/ null));
return this;
public Builder addFormatEach(String format, Iterable<String> strings) {
if (format != null && strings != null) {
arguments.add(InterspersingArgs.fromStrings(strings, /*beforeEach=*/null, format));
return this;
public Builder add(CustomArgv arg) {
if (arg != null) {
return this;
public Builder add(CustomMultiArgv arg) {
if (arg != null) {
return this;
public CustomCommandLine build() {
return new CustomCommandLine(arguments);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
private final ImmutableList<Object> arguments;
* A map between enclosed TreeArtifacts and their associated {@link TreeFileArtifacts} for
* substitution.
* <p> This map is used to support TreeArtifact substitutions in
* {@link TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment}s.
private final Map<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap;
private CustomCommandLine(List<Object> arguments) {
this.arguments = ImmutableList.copyOf(arguments);
this.substitutionMap = null;
private CustomCommandLine(
List<Object> arguments, Map<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap) {
this.arguments = ImmutableList.copyOf(arguments);
this.substitutionMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(substitutionMap);
* Given the list of {@link TreeFileArtifact}s, returns another CustomCommandLine that replaces
* their parent TreeArtifacts with the TreeFileArtifacts in all
* {@link TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment} argument objects.
public CustomCommandLine evaluateTreeFileArtifacts(Iterable<TreeFileArtifact> treeFileArtifacts) {
ImmutableMap.Builder<Artifact, TreeFileArtifact> substitutionMap = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (TreeFileArtifact treeFileArtifact : treeFileArtifacts) {
substitutionMap.put(treeFileArtifact.getParent(), treeFileArtifact);
return new CustomCommandLine(arguments,;
public Iterable<String> arguments() {
return argumentsInternal(null);
public Iterable<String> arguments(ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
return argumentsInternal(Preconditions.checkNotNull(artifactExpander));
private Iterable<String> argumentsInternal(@Nullable ArtifactExpander artifactExpander) {
ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Object arg : arguments) {
Object substitutedArg = substituteTreeFileArtifactArgvFragment(arg);
if (substitutedArg instanceof ArgvFragment) {
if (artifactExpander != null
&& substitutedArg instanceof TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment) {
TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment expansionArg =
(TreeArtifactExpansionArgvFragment) substitutedArg;
expansionArg.eval(builder, artifactExpander);
} else {
((ArgvFragment) substitutedArg).eval(builder);
} else {
* If the given arg is a {@link TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment} and we have its associated
* TreeArtifact substitution map, returns another argument object that has its enclosing
* TreeArtifact substituted by one of its {@link TreeFileArtifact}. Otherwise, returns the given
* arg unmodified.
private Object substituteTreeFileArtifactArgvFragment(Object arg) {
if (arg instanceof TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment) {
TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment argvFragment = (TreeFileArtifactArgvFragment) arg;
return argvFragment.substituteTreeArtifact(
Preconditions.checkNotNull(substitutionMap, argvFragment));
} else {
return arg;