blob: 5cf7c6efbcb2642fcf226f58211b9579bd5dad7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
* The environment of a Blaze query. Implementations do not need to be thread-safe. The generic type
* T represents a node of the graph on which the query runs; as such, there is no restriction on T.
* However, query assumes a certain graph model, and the {@link TargetAccessor} class is used to
* access properties of these nodes.
* @param <T> the node type of the dependency graph
public interface QueryEnvironment<T> {
/** Type of an argument of a user-defined query function. */
enum ArgumentType {
/** Value of an argument of a user-defined query function. */
class Argument {
private final ArgumentType type;
private final QueryExpression expression;
private final String word;
private final int integer;
private Argument(ArgumentType type, QueryExpression expression, String word, int integer) {
this.type = type;
this.expression = expression;
this.word = word;
this.integer = integer;
static Argument of(QueryExpression expression) {
return new Argument(ArgumentType.EXPRESSION, expression, null, 0);
static Argument of(String word) {
return new Argument(ArgumentType.WORD, null, word, 0);
static Argument of(int integer) {
return new Argument(ArgumentType.INTEGER, null, null, integer);
public ArgumentType getType() {
return type;
public QueryExpression getExpression() {
return expression;
public String getWord() {
return word;
public int getInteger() {
return integer;
public String toString() {
switch (type) {
case WORD: return "'" + word + "'";
case EXPRESSION: return expression.toString();
case INTEGER: return Integer.toString(integer);
default: throw new IllegalStateException();
/** A user-defined query function. */
interface QueryFunction {
* Name of the function as it appears in the query language.
String getName();
* The number of arguments that are required. The rest is optional.
* <p>This should be greater than or equal to zero and at smaller than or equal to the length
* of the list returned by {@link #getArgumentTypes}.
int getMandatoryArguments();
/** The types of the arguments of the function. */
Iterable<ArgumentType> getArgumentTypes();
* Called when a user-defined function is to be evaluated.
* @param env the query environment this function is evaluated in.
* @param expression the expression being evaluated.
* @param args the input arguments. These are type-checked against the specification returned
* by {@link #getArgumentTypes} and {@link #getMandatoryArguments}
<T> void eval(
QueryEnvironment<T> env,
VariableContext<T> context,
QueryExpression expression,
List<Argument> args,
Callback<T> callback) throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
* Same as {@link #eval(QueryEnvironment, VariableContext, QueryExpression, List, Callback)},
* except that this {@link QueryFunction} may use {@code forkJoinPool} to achieve
* parallelism.
* <p>The caller must ensure that {@code env} is thread safe.
<T> void parEval(
QueryEnvironment<T> env,
VariableContext<T> context,
QueryExpression expression,
List<Argument> args,
ThreadSafeCallback<T> callback,
ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool) throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
* Exception type for the case where a target cannot be found. It's basically a wrapper for
* whatever exception is internally thrown.
final class TargetNotFoundException extends Exception {
public TargetNotFoundException(String msg) {
public TargetNotFoundException(Throwable cause) {
super(cause.getMessage(), cause);
* Invokes {@code callback} with the set of target nodes in the graph for the specified target
* pattern, in 'blaze build' syntax.
void getTargetsMatchingPattern(QueryExpression owner, String pattern, Callback<T> callback)
throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
/** Ensures the specified target exists. */
// NOTE(bazel-team): this method is left here as scaffolding from a previous refactoring. It may
// be possible to remove it.
T getOrCreate(T target);
/** Returns the direct forward dependencies of the specified targets. */
Collection<T> getFwdDeps(Iterable<T> targets) throws InterruptedException;
/** Returns the direct reverse dependencies of the specified targets. */
Collection<T> getReverseDeps(Iterable<T> targets) throws InterruptedException;
* Returns the forward transitive closure of all of the targets in "targets". Callers must ensure
* that {@link #buildTransitiveClosure} has been called for the relevant subgraph.
Set<T> getTransitiveClosure(Set<T> targets) throws InterruptedException;
* Construct the dependency graph for a depth-bounded forward transitive closure
* of all nodes in "targetNodes". The identity of the calling expression is
* required to produce error messages.
* <p>If a larger transitive closure was already built, returns it to
* improve incrementality, since all depth-constrained methods filter it
* after it is built anyway.
void buildTransitiveClosure(QueryExpression caller,
Set<T> targetNodes,
int maxDepth) throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
/** Returns the set of nodes on some path from "from" to "to". */
Set<T> getNodesOnPath(T from, T to) throws InterruptedException;
* Eval an expression {@code expr} and pass the results to the {@code callback}.
* <p>Note that this method should guarantee that the callback does not see repeated elements.
* @param expr The expression to evaluate
* @param callback The caller callback to notify when results are available
void eval(QueryExpression expr, VariableContext<T> context, Callback<T> callback)
throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
* Creates a Uniquifier for use in a {@code QueryExpression}. Note that the usage of this an
* uniquifier should not be used for returning unique results to the parent callback. It should
* only be used to avoid processing the same elements multiple times within this QueryExpression.
Uniquifier<T> createUniquifier();
void reportBuildFileError(QueryExpression expression, String msg) throws QueryException;
* Returns the set of BUILD, and optionally sub-included and Skylark files that define the given
* set of targets. Each such file is itself represented as a target in the result.
Set<T> getBuildFiles(
QueryExpression caller, Set<T> nodes, boolean buildFiles, boolean subincludes, boolean loads)
throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
* Returns an object that can be used to query information about targets. Implementations should
* create a single instance and return that for all calls. A class can implement both {@code
* QueryEnvironment} and {@code TargetAccessor} at the same time, in which case this method simply
* returns {@code this}.
TargetAccessor<T> getAccessor();
* Whether the given setting is enabled. The code should default to return {@code false} for all
* unknown settings. The enum is used rather than a method for each setting so that adding more
* settings is backwards-compatible.
* @throws NullPointerException if setting is null
boolean isSettingEnabled(@Nonnull Setting setting);
* Returns the set of query functions implemented by this query environment.
Iterable<QueryFunction> getFunctions();
* Settings for the query engine. See {@link QueryEnvironment#isSettingEnabled}.
enum Setting {
* Whether to evaluate tests() expressions in strict mode. If {@link #isSettingEnabled} returns
* true for this setting, then the tests() expression will give an error when expanding tests
* suites, if the test suite contains any non-test targets.
* Do not consider implicit deps (any label that was not explicitly specified in the BUILD file)
* when traversing dependency edges.
* Do not consider host dependencies when traversing dependency edges.
* Do not consider nodep attributes when traversing dependency edges.
* An adapter interface giving access to properties of T. There are four types of targets: rules,
* package groups, source files, and generated files. Of these, only rules can have attributes.
interface TargetAccessor<T> {
* Returns the target type represented as a string of the form {@code &lt;type&gt; rule} or
* {@code package group} or {@code source file} or {@code generated file}. This is widely used
* for target filtering, so implementations must use the Blaze rule class naming scheme.
String getTargetKind(T target);
* Returns the full label of the target as a string, e.g. {@code //some:target}.
String getLabel(T target);
* Returns the label of the target's package as a string, e.g. {@code //some/package}
String getPackage(T target);
* Returns whether the given target is a rule.
boolean isRule(T target);
* Returns whether the given target is a test target. If this returns true, then {@link #isRule}
* must also return true for the target.
boolean isTestRule(T target);
* Returns whether the given target is a test suite target. If this returns true, then {@link
* #isRule} must also return true for the target, but {@link #isTestRule} must return false;
* test suites are not test rules, and vice versa.
boolean isTestSuite(T target);
* If the attribute of the given name on the given target is a label or label list, then this
* method returns the list of corresponding target instances. Otherwise returns an empty list.
* If an error occurs during resolution, it throws a {@link QueryException} using the caller and
* error message prefix.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if target is not a rule (according to {@link #isRule})
List<T> getLabelListAttr(
QueryExpression caller, T target, String attrName, String errorMsgPrefix)
throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
* If the attribute of the given name on the given target is a string list, then this method
* returns it.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if target is not a rule (according to {@link #isRule}), or
* if the target does not have an attribute of type string list
* with the given name
List<String> getStringListAttr(T target, String attrName);
* If the attribute of the given name on the given target is a string, then this method returns
* it.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if target is not a rule (according to {@link #isRule}), or
* if the target does not have an attribute of type string with
* the given name
String getStringAttr(T target, String attrName);
* Returns the given attribute represented as a list of strings. For "normal" attributes,
* this should just be a list of size one containing the attribute's value. For configurable
* attributes, there should be one entry for each possible value the attribute may take.
*<p>Note that for backwards compatibility, tristate and boolean attributes are returned as
* int using the values {@code 0, 1} and {@code -1}. If there is no such attribute, this
* method returns an empty list.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if target is not a rule (according to {@link #isRule})
Iterable<String> getAttrAsString(T target, String attrName);
* Returns the set of package specifications the given target is visible from, represented as
* {@link QueryVisibility}s.
Set<QueryVisibility<T>> getVisibility(T from) throws QueryException, InterruptedException;
/** Returns the {@link QueryExpressionEvalListener} that this {@link QueryEnvironment} uses. */
QueryExpressionEvalListener<T> getEvalListener();
/** List of the default query functions. */
new AllPathsFunction(),
new BuildFilesFunction(),
new LoadFilesFunction(),
new AttrFunction(),
new FilterFunction(),
new LabelsFunction(),
new KindFunction(),
new SomeFunction(),
new SomePathFunction(),
new TestsFunction(),
new DepsFunction(),
new RdepsFunction(),
new VisibleFunction());