blob: e17fa48a9013a2b559ae6ab9eabe99aebfaa5af3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* Command-line options for the Blaze query language, revision 2.
public class QueryOptions extends OptionsBase {
/** An enum converter for {@code AspectResolver.Mode} . Should be used internally only. */
public static class AspectResolutionModeConverter extends EnumConverter<AspectResolver.Mode> {
public AspectResolutionModeConverter() {
super(AspectResolver.Mode.class, "Aspect resolution mode");
/** An enum converter for {@code OrderOutput} . Should be used internally only. */
public static class OrderOutputConverter extends EnumConverter<OrderOutput> {
public OrderOutputConverter() {
super(OrderOutput.class, "Order output setting");
@Option(name = "output",
defaultValue = "label",
category = "query",
help = "The format in which the query results should be printed."
+ " Allowed values are: label, label_kind, minrank, maxrank, package, location, graph,"
+ " xml, proto, record.")
public String outputFormat;
name = "null",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "query",
expansion = {"--line_terminator_null=true"},
help = "Whether each format is terminated with \0 instead of newline."
public Void isNull;
name = "line_terminator_null",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "query",
help = "Whether each format is terminated with \0 instead of newline."
public boolean lineTerminatorNull;
name = "order_results",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "query",
deprecationWarning = "Please use --order_output=auto or --order_output=no instead of this flag",
expansion = {"--order_output=auto"},
help =
"Output the results in dependency-ordered (default) or unordered fashion. The "
+ "unordered output is faster but only supported when --output is not minrank, "
+ "maxrank, or graph."
public Void orderResults;
name = "noorder_results",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "query",
deprecationWarning = "Please use --order_output=no or --order_output=auto instead of this flag",
expansion = {"--order_output=no"},
help =
"Output the results in dependency-ordered (default) or unordered fashion. The "
+ "unordered output is faster but only supported when --output is not minrank, "
+ "maxrank, or graph."
public Void noOrderResults;
/** Whether and how output should be ordered. */
public enum OrderOutput {
NO, /** Make no effort to order output besides that required by output formatter. */
DEPS, /** Output in dependency order when compatible with output formatter. */
AUTO, /** Same as full unless formatter is proto, minrank, maxrank, or graph, then deps. */
FULL /** Output in dependency order, breaking ties with alphabetical order when needed. */
name = "order_output",
converter = OrderOutputConverter.class,
defaultValue = "auto",
category = "query",
help =
"Output the results unordered (no), dependency-ordered (deps), or fully ordered (full). "
+ "The default is 'auto', meaning that results are output either dependency-ordered or "
+ "fully ordered, depending on the output formatter (dependency-ordered for proto, "
+ "minrank, maxrank, and graph, fully ordered for all others). When output is fully "
+ "ordered, nodes that would otherwise be unordered by the output formatter are "
+ "alphabetized before output."
public OrderOutput orderOutput;
@Option(name = "keep_going",
abbrev = 'k',
defaultValue = "false",
category = "strategy",
help = "Continue as much as possible after an error. While the "
+ "target that failed, and those that depend on it, cannot be "
+ "analyzed, other prerequisites of these "
+ "targets can be.")
public boolean keepGoing;
@Option(name = "loading_phase_threads",
defaultValue = "200",
category = "undocumented",
help = "Number of parallel threads to use for the loading phase.")
public int loadingPhaseThreads;
@Option(name = "host_deps",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "query",
help = "If enabled, dependencies on 'host configuration' targets will be included in "
+ "the dependency graph over which the query operates. A 'host configuration' "
+ "dependency edge, such as the one from any 'proto_library' rule to the Protocol "
+ "Compiler, usually points to a tool executed during the build (on the host machine) "
+ "rather than a part of the same 'target' program. Queries whose purpose is to "
+ "discover the set of things needed during a build will typically enable this option; "
+ "queries aimed at revealing the structure of a single program will typically disable "
+ "this option.")
public boolean includeHostDeps;
@Option(name = "implicit_deps",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "query",
help = "If enabled, implicit dependencies will be included in the dependency graph over "
+ "which the query operates. An implicit dependency is one that is not explicitly "
+ "specified in the BUILD file but added by blaze.")
public boolean includeImplicitDeps;
@Option(name = "graph:node_limit",
defaultValue = "512",
category = "query",
help = "The maximum length of the label string for a graph node in the output. Longer labels"
+ " will be truncated; -1 means no truncation. This option is only applicable to"
+ " --output=graph.")
public int graphNodeStringLimit;
@Option(name = "graph:factored",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "query",
help = "If true, then the graph will be emitted 'factored', i.e. "
+ "topologically-equivalent nodes will be merged together and their "
+ "labels concatenated. This option is only applicable to "
+ "--output=graph.")
public boolean graphFactored;
@Option(name = "proto:default_values",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "query",
help = "If true, attributes whose value is not explicitly specified "
+ "in the BUILD file are included; otherwise they are omitted. "
+ "This option is applicable to --output=proto")
public boolean protoIncludeDefaultValues;
@Option(name = "xml:line_numbers",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "query",
help = "If true, XML output contains line numbers. Disabling this option "
+ "may make diffs easier to read. This option is only applicable to "
+ "--output=xml.")
public boolean xmlLineNumbers;
@Option(name = "xml:default_values",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "query",
help = "If true, rule attributes whose value is not explicitly specified "
+ "in the BUILD file are printed; otherwise they are omitted.")
public boolean xmlShowDefaultValues;
@Option(name = "strict_test_suite",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "query",
help = "If true, the tests() expression gives an error if it encounters a test_suite "
+ "containing non-test targets.")
public boolean strictTestSuite;
@Option(name = "universe_scope",
converter = Converters.CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class,
defaultValue = "",
category = "query",
help = "A comma-separated set of target patterns (additive and subtractive). The query may "
+ "be performed in the universe defined by the transitive closure of the specified "
+ "targets.")
public List<String> universeScope;
@Option(name = "relative_locations",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "query",
help = "If true, the location of BUILD files in xml and proto outputs will be relative. "
+ "By default, the location output is an absolute path and will not be consistent "
+ "across machines. You can set this option to true to have a consistent result "
+ "across machines.")
public boolean relativeLocations;
@Option(name = "aspect_deps",
converter = AspectResolutionModeConverter.class,
defaultValue = "conservative",
category = "query",
help = "How to resolve aspect dependencies when the output format is one of "
+ "{xml,proto,record}. 'off' means no aspect dependencies are resolved, 'conservative' "
+ "(the default) means all declared aspect dependencies are added regardless of whether "
+ "they are viable given the rule class of direct dependencies, 'precise' means that "
+ "only those aspects are added that are possibly active given the rule class of the "
+ "direct dependencies. Note that precise mode requires loading other packages to "
+ "evaluate a single target thus making it slower than the other modes. Also note that "
+ "even precise mode is not completely precise: the decision whether to compute an "
+ "aspect is decided in the analysis phase, which is not run during 'blaze query'.")
public AspectResolver.Mode aspectDeps;
name = "query_file",
defaultValue = "",
category = "query",
help =
"If set, query will read the query from the file named here, rather than on the "
+ "command line. It is an error to specify a file here as well as a command-line query."
public String queryFile;
/** Ugly workaround since line terminator option default has to be constant expression. */
public String getLineTerminator() {
if (lineTerminatorNull) {
return "\0";
return System.lineSeparator();
/** Return the current options as a set of QueryEnvironment settings. */
public Set<Setting> toSettings() {
Set<Setting> settings = EnumSet.noneOf(Setting.class);
if (strictTestSuite) {
if (!includeHostDeps) {
if (!includeImplicitDeps) {
return settings;