blob: 0f43b5a037c478b563b8f4642138120184606327 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package blaze.invocation_policy;
option java_package = "";
// The --invocation_policy flag takes a base64-encoded binary-serialized or text
// formatted InvocationPolicy message.
message InvocationPolicy {
// Policies will be applied in order. Later policies will override
// previous policies if they conflict, which is important for flags
// that interact with each other. For example, if there is a flag "--foo"
// which is an expansion flag that expands into "--bar=x --baz=y", and the
// policy list first has a SetValue policy for "set --bar to z", and then has
// a SetDefault policy to set "--foo" to its default value, both --bar and
// --baz will get reset to their default values, overriding the SetValue
// operation. The SetDefault should come before the SetValue.
repeated FlagPolicy flag_policies = 1;
// A policy for controlling the value of a flag.
message FlagPolicy {
// The name of the flag to enforce this policy on.
// Note that this should be the full name of the flag, not the abbreviated
// name of the flag. If the user specifies the abbreviated name of a flag,
// that flag will be matched using its full name.
// The "no" and "no_" prefixes will not be parsed, so for boolean flags, use
// the flag's full name and explicitly set it to true or false.
optional string flag_name = 1;
// If set, this flag policy is applied only if one of the given commands or a
// command that inherits from one of the given commands is being run. For
// instance, if "build" is one of the commands here, then this policy will
// apply to any command that inherits from build, such as info, coverage, or
// test. If empty, this flag policy is applied for all commands. This allows
// the policy setter to add all policies to the proto without having to
// determine which Bazel command the user is actually running. Additionally,
// Bazel allows multiple flags to be defined by the same name, and the
// specific flag definition is determined by the command.
repeated string commands = 2;
oneof operation {
SetValue set_value = 3;
UseDefault use_default = 4;
DisallowValues disallow_values = 5;
AllowValues allow_values = 6;
message SetValue {
// Use this value for the specified flag, overriding any default or user-set
// value (unless append is set to true for repeatable flags).
// This field is repeated for repeatable flags. It is an error to set
// multiple values for a flag that is not actually a repeatable flag.
// This requires at least 1 value, if even the empty string.
// If the flag allows multiple values, all of its values are replaced with the
// value or values from the policy (i.e., no diffing or merging is performed),
// unless the append field (see below) is set to true.
// Note that some flags are tricky. For example, some flags look like boolean
// flags, but are actually Void expansion flags that expand into other flags.
// The Bazel flag parser will accept "--void_flag=false", but because
// the flag is Void, the "=false" is ignored. It can get even trickier, like
// "--novoid_flag" which is also an expansion flag with the type Void whose
// name is explicitly "novoid_flag" and which expands into other flags that
// are the opposite of "--void_flag". For expansion flags, it's best to
// explicitly override the flags they expand into.
// Other flags may be differently tricky: A flag could have a converter that
// converts some string to a list of values, but that flag may not itself have
// allowMultiple set to true.
// An example is "--test_tag_filters": this flag sets its converter to
// CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter, but does not set allowMultiple to true.
// So "--test_tag_filters=foo,bar" results in ["foo", "bar"], however
// "--test_tag_filters=foo --test_tag_filters=bar" results in just ["bar"]
// since the 2nd value overrides the 1st.
// Similarly, "--test_tag_filters=foo,bar --test_tag_filters=baz,qux" results
// in ["baz", "qux"]. For flags like these, the policy should specify
// "foo,bar" instead of separately specifying "foo" and "bar" so that the
// converter is appropriately invoked.
// Note that the opposite is not necessarily
// true: for a flag that specifies allowMultiple=true, "--flag=foo,bar"
// may fail to parse or result in an unexpected value.
repeated string flag_value = 1;
// Whether to allow this policy to be overridden by user-specified values.
// When set, if the user specified a value for this flag, use the value
// from the user, otherwise use the value specified in this policy.
optional bool overridable = 2;
// If true, and if the flag named in the policy is a repeatable flag, then
// the values listed in flag_value do not replace all the user-set or default
// values of the flag, but instead append to them. If the flag is not
// repeatable, then this has no effect.
optional bool append = 3;
message UseDefault {
// Use the default value of the flag, as defined by Bazel (or equivalently, do
// not allow the user to set this flag).
message DisallowValues {
// It is an error for the user to use any of these values (that is, the Bazel
// command will fail).
// For repeatable flags, if any one of the values in the flag matches a value
// in the list of disallowed values, an error is thrown.
// Care must be taken for flags with complicated converters. For example,
// it's possible for a repeated flag to be of type List<List<T>>, so that
// "--foo=a,b --foo=c,d" results in foo=[["a","b"], ["c", "d"]]. In this case,
// it is not possible to disallow just "b", nor will ["b", "a"] match, nor
// will ["b", "c"] (but ["a", "b"] will still match).
repeated string disallowed_values = 1;
// If the default value of the flag is a disallowed value, use this
// as the default if the user doesn't specify the flag.
// Similar to doing a SetValue with overridable set to true, but also
// wanting to limit the available values. Note that flags that set
// allowMultiple to true cannot have default values (they default to the
// empty list), which is why this field is optional and not repeated.
optional string new_default_value = 2;
message AllowValues {
// It is an error for the user to use any value not in this list.
repeated string allowed_values = 1;
// If the default value of the flag is a not an allowed value, use this
// as the default if the user doesn't specify the flag.
// Similar to doing a SetValue with overridable set to true, but also
// wanting to limit the available values. Note that flags that set
// allowMultiple to true cannot have default values (they default to the
// empty list), which is why this field is optional and not repeated.
optional string new_default_value = 2;