blob: bb17e5cf22a2081ab2572444b668710ba07b0ac1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
* Provides a simple API for creating custom rule classes for tests.
* <p>Use this whenever you want to test language-agnostic Bazel functionality, i.e. behavior that
* isn't specific to individual rule implementations. If you find yourself searching through rule
* implementations trying to find one that matches whatever you're trying to test, you probably
* want this instead.
* <p>This prevents the anti-pattern of tests with commingled dependencies. For example, when a test
* uses <code>cc_library</code> to test generic logic that <code>cc_library</code> happens to
* provide, the test can break if the <code>cc_library</code> implementation changes. This means C++
* rule developers have to understand the test to change C++ logic: a dependency that helps no one.
* <p>Even if C++ logic doesn't change, <code>cc_library</code> may not make it clear what's being
* tested (e.g. "why is the "malloc" attribute used here?"). Using a mock rule class offers the
* ability to write a clearer, more focused, easier to understand test (e.g.
* <code>mock_rule(name = "foo", attr_that_tests_this_specific_test_logic = ":bar")</code).
* <p>Usage for a custom rule type that just needs to exist (no special attributes or behavior
* needed):
* <pre>
* MockRule fooRule = () -> MockRule.define("foo_rule");
* </pre>
* <p>Usage for custom attributes:
* <pre>
* MockRule fooRule = () -> MockRule.define("foo_rule", attr("some_attr", Type.STRING));
* </pre>
* <p>Usage for arbitrary customization:
* <pre>
* MockRule fooRule = () -> MockRule.define(
* "foo_rule",
* (builder, env) ->
* builder
* .removeAttribute("tags")
* .requiresConfigurationFragments(FooConfiguration.class);
* );
* </pre>
* Custom {@link RuleDefinition} ancestors and {@link RuleConfiguredTargetFactory} implementations
* can also be specified:
* <pre>
* MockRule customAncestor = () -> MockRule.ancestor(BaseRule.class).define(...);
* MockRule customImpl = () -> MockRule.factory(FooRuleFactory.class).define(...);
* MockRule customEverything = () ->
* MockRule.ancestor(BaseRule.class).factory(FooRuleFactory.class).define(...);
* </pre>
* When unspecified, {@link State#DEFAULT_ANCESTOR} and {@link State#DEFAULT_FACTORY} apply.
* <p>We use lambdas for custom rule classes because {@link ConfiguredRuleClassProvider} indexes
* rule class definitions by their Java class names. So each definition has to have its own
* unique Java class.
* <p>Both of the following forms are valid:
* <pre>MockRule fooRule = () -> MockRule.define("foo_rule");</pre>
* <pre>RuleDefinition fooRule = (MockRule) () -> MockRule.define("foo_rule");</pre>
* <p>Use discretion in choosing your preferred form. The first is more compact. The second makes
* it clearer that <code>fooRule</code> is a proper rule class definition.
public interface MockRule extends RuleDefinition {
// MockRule is designed to be easy to use. That doesn't necessarily mean its implementation is
// easy to understand.
// If you just want to mock a rule, it's best to rely on the interface javadoc above, rather than
// trying to parse what's going on below. You really only need to understand the below if you want
// to customize MockRule itself.
/** Container for the desired name and custom settings for this rule class. */
class State {
private final String name;
private final MockRuleCustomBehavior customBehavior;
private final Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> factory;
private final ImmutableList<Class<? extends RuleDefinition>> ancestors;
private final RuleClassType type;
/** The default {@link RuleConfiguredTargetFactory} for this rule class. */
private static final Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> DEFAULT_FACTORY =
/** The default {@link RuleDefinition} for this rule class. */
private static final ImmutableList<Class<? extends RuleDefinition>> DEFAULT_ANCESTORS =
State(String ruleClassName, MockRuleCustomBehavior customBehavior,
Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> factory,
ImmutableList<Class<? extends RuleDefinition>> ancestors,
RuleClassType type) { = Preconditions.checkNotNull(ruleClassName);
this.customBehavior = Preconditions.checkNotNull(customBehavior);
this.factory = factory;
this.ancestors = ancestors;
this.type = type;
public static class Builder {
private Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> factory = DEFAULT_FACTORY;
private ImmutableList<Class<? extends RuleDefinition>> ancestors = DEFAULT_ANCESTORS;
private RuleClassType type = RuleClassType.NORMAL;
public Builder factory(Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> factory) {
this.factory = factory;
return this;
public Builder ancestor(Class<? extends RuleDefinition>... ancestor) {
this.ancestors = ImmutableList.copyOf(ancestor);
return this;
public Builder type(RuleClassType type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public State define(String ruleClassName, Attribute.Builder<?>... attributes) {
return build(ruleClassName,
new MockRuleCustomBehavior.CustomAttributes(Arrays.asList(attributes)));
public State define(String ruleClassName, MockRuleCustomBehavior customBehavior) {
return build(ruleClassName, customBehavior);
private State build(String ruleClassName, MockRuleCustomBehavior customBehavior) {
return new State(ruleClassName, customBehavior, factory, ancestors, type);
* Sets a custom {@link RuleConfiguredTargetFactory} for this mock rule.
* <p>If not set, {@link State#DEFAULT_FACTORY} is used.
static State.Builder factory(Class<? extends RuleConfiguredTargetFactory> factory) {
return new State.Builder().factory(factory);
* Sets a custom ancestor {@link RuleDefinition} for this mock rule.
* <p>If not set, {@link State#DEFAULT_ANCESTORS} is used.
static State.Builder ancestor(Class<? extends RuleDefinition>... ancestor) {
return new State.Builder().ancestor(ancestor);
* Returns a new {@link State} for this rule class with custom attributes. This is a convenience
* method for lambda definitions:
* <pre>
* MockRule myRule = () -> MockRule.define("my_rule", attr("myattr", Type.STRING));
* </pre>
static State define(String ruleClassName, Attribute.Builder<?>... attributes) {
return new State.Builder().define(ruleClassName, attributes);
* Returns a new {@link State} for this rule class with arbitrary custom behavior. This is a
* convenience method for lambda definitions:
* <pre>
* MockRule myRule = () -> MockRule.define(
* "my_rule",
* (builder, env) -> builder.requiresConfigurationFragments(FooConfiguration.class));
* </pre>
static State define(String ruleClassName, MockRuleCustomBehavior customBehavior) {
return new State.Builder().define(ruleClassName, customBehavior);
* Returns the basic state that defines this rule class. This is the only interface method
* implementers must override.
State define();
* Builds out this rule with default attributes Blaze expects of all rules
* ({@link MockRuleDefaults#DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES}) plus the custom attributes defined by this
* implementation's {@link State}.
* <p>Do not override this method. For extra custom behavior, use
* {@link #define(String, MockRuleCustomBehavior)}
default RuleClass build(RuleClass.Builder builder, RuleDefinitionEnvironment environment) {
State state = define();
if (State.DEFAULT_ANCESTORS.equals(state.ancestors)) {;
state.customBehavior.customize(builder, environment);
* Sets this rule class's metadata with the name defined by {@link State}, configured target
* factory declared by {@link State.Builder#factory}, and ancestor rule class declared by
* {@link State.Builder#ancestor}.
default RuleDefinition.Metadata getMetadata() {
State state = define();
return RuleDefinition.Metadata.builder()