| #!/bin/bash -eu |
| # |
| # Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| |
| # TODO(bazel-team) test that modifying the source in a non-interface |
| # changing way results in the same -interface.jar. |
| |
| DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) |
| |
| ## Inputs |
| JAVAC=$1 |
| shift |
| JAVA=$1 |
| shift |
| JAR=$1 |
| shift |
| JAVAP=$1 |
| shift |
| IJAR=$1 |
| shift |
| shift |
| UNZIP=$1 |
| shift |
| ZIP=$1 |
| shift |
| ZIP_COUNT=$1 |
| shift |
| |
| ## Test framework |
| source ${DIR}/testenv.sh || { echo "testenv.sh not found!" >&2; exit 1; } |
| |
| function cleanup() { |
| rm -fr "${TEST_TMPDIR:-sentinel}"/* |
| } |
| |
| trap cleanup EXIT |
| |
| ## Tools |
| # Ensure that tooling path is absolute if not in PATH. |
| [[ "$JAVAC" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || JAVAC="$PWD/$JAVAC" |
| [[ "$JAR" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || JAR="$PWD/$JAR" |
| [[ "$IJAR" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || IJAR="$PWD/$IJAR" |
| [[ "$UNZIP" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || UNZIP="$PWD/$UNZIP" |
| [[ "$ZIP" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || ZIP="$PWD/$ZIP" |
| [[ "$JAVAP" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || JAVAP="$PWD/$JAVAP" |
| [[ "$ZIP_COUNT" =~ ^(/|[^/]+$) ]] || ZIP_COUNT="$PWD/$ZIP_COUNT" |
| |
| IJAR_SRCDIR=$(dirname ${IJAR}) |
| A_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/A-interface.jar |
| A_ZIP_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/A_zip.jar |
| A_ZIP_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/A_zip-interface.jar |
| BOTTLES_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/bottles.jar |
| JAR_WRONG_CENTRAL_DIR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/libwrongcentraldir.jar |
| IJAR_WRONG_CENTRAL_DIR=$TEST_TMPDIR/wrongcentraldir_interface.jar |
| OBJECT_JAVA=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/Object.java |
| OBJECT_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/object.jar |
| OBJECT_IJAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/object_interface.jar |
| TYPEANN2_JAR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/libtypeannotations2.jar |
| TYPEANN2_IJAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/typeannotations2_interface.jar |
| TYPEANN2_JAVA=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/TypeAnnotationTest2.java |
| INVOKEDYNAMIC_JAR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/libinvokedynamic.jar |
| INVOKEDYNAMIC_IJAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/invokedynamic_interface.jar |
| METHODPARAM_JAR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/libmethodparameters.jar |
| METHODPARAM_IJAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/methodparameters_interface.jar |
| SOURCEDEBUGEXT_JAR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/source_debug_extension.jar |
| SOURCEDEBUGEXT_IJAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/source_debug_extension.jar |
| CENTRAL_DIR_LARGEST_REGULAR=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/largest_regular.jar |
| CENTRAL_DIR_SMALLEST_ZIP64=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/smallest_zip64.jar |
| CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP64=$IJAR_SRCDIR/test/definitely_zip64.jar |
| |
| #### Setup |
| |
| # set_file_length FILE SIZE |
| # |
| # Sets the file size for FILE, truncating if necessary, creating a |
| # sparse file if possible, preserving original contents if they fit. |
| function set_file_length() { |
| perl -e 'open(FH, ">>$ARGV[0]") && truncate(FH, $ARGV[1]) or fail $!' "$@" && |
| [[ "$(statfmt $1)" == "$2" ]] || |
| fail "set_file_length failed" |
| } |
| |
| # check_consistent_file_contents FILE |
| # |
| # Checks that all files created with the given filename have identical contents. |
| expected_output="" |
| function check_consistent_file_contents() { |
| local actual="$(cat $1 | ${MD5SUM} | awk '{ print $1; }')" |
| local filename="$(echo $1 | ${MD5SUM} | awk '{ print $1; }')" |
| local expected="$actual" |
| if (echo "${expected_output}" | grep -q "^${filename} "); then |
| echo "${expected_output}" | grep -q "^${filename} ${actual}$" || { |
| ls -l "$1" |
| fail "output file contents differ" |
| } |
| else |
| expected_output="$expected_output$filename $actual |
| " |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function set_up() { |
| mkdir -p $TEST_TMPDIR/classes |
| } |
| |
| function tear_down() { |
| rm -fr $TEST_TMPDIR/classes |
| } |
| |
| #### Tests |
| function test_output_bigger_than_input() { |
| # Tests that ijar does not crash when output ijar is bigger than the input jar |
| $JAVAC -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes \ |
| $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/WellCompressed*.java || |
| fail "javac failed" |
| $JAR cf $W_JAR -C $TEST_TMPDIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| |
| W_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/W-interface.jar |
| $IJAR $W_JAR $W_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| # Check that the interface jar is bigger than the original jar. |
| W_JAR_SIZE=$(statfmt $W_JAR) |
| [[ $W_INTERFACE_JAR_SIZE -gt $W_JAR_SIZE ]] || fail "interface jar should be bigger" |
| } |
| |
| function test_class_more_64k() { |
| # Tests that ijar can handle class bodies longer than 64K |
| # First, generate the input file |
| BOTTLES_JAVA=$TEST_TMPDIR/BottlesOnTheWall.java |
| echo "public class BottlesOnTheWall {" > $BOTTLES_JAVA |
| for i in $(seq 1 16384); do |
| echo " public int getBottleOnTheWall${i}() { return ${i}; }" >> $BOTTLES_JAVA |
| done |
| |
| echo "}" >> $BOTTLES_JAVA |
| |
| $JAVAC -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes $BOTTLES_JAVA || fail "javac failed" |
| BOTTLES_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/bottles-interface.jar |
| |
| # Test ijar calls |
| for flag0 in '' '0'; do |
| $JAR c"${flag0}"f $BOTTLES_JAR -C $TEST_TMPDIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| $IJAR $BOTTLES_JAR $BOTTLES_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| check_consistent_file_contents $BOTTLES_INTERFACE_JAR |
| done |
| |
| # Check that ijar can produce class files with a body longer than 64K by |
| # calling ijar itself on the output file to make sure that it is valid |
| BOTTLES_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/bottles-interface-interface.jar |
| fail "ijar cannot produce class files with body longer than 64K" |
| } |
| |
| function test_ijar_output() { |
| # Numerous check on the output created by ijar. |
| |
| # Compiles A.java, builds A.jar and A-interface.jar |
| $JAVAC -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/A.java || |
| fail "javac failed" |
| $JAR cf $A_JAR -C $TEST_TMPDIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| $IJAR $A_JAR $A_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed." |
| |
| # Check that the number of entries is 5: |
| # A, A.PrivateInner, A.PublicInner, A.MyAnnotation, |
| # A.RuntimeAnnotation |
| # (Note: even private inner classes are retained, so we don't need to change |
| # the types of members.) |
| expected=5 |
| lines=$($JAR tvf $A_INTERFACE_JAR | wc -l) |
| check_eq $expected $lines "Interface jar should have $expected entries!" |
| |
| # Check that no private class members are found: |
| lines=$($JAVAP -private -classpath $A_JAR A | grep priv | wc -l) |
| check_eq 2 $lines "Input jar should have 2 private members!" |
| lines=$($JAVAP -private -classpath $A_INTERFACE_JAR A | grep priv | wc -l) |
| check_eq 0 $lines "Interface jar should have no private members!" |
| lines=$($JAVAP -private -classpath $A_INTERFACE_JAR A | grep clinit | wc -l) |
| check_eq 0 $lines "Interface jar should have no class initializers!" |
| |
| |
| # Check that no code is found: |
| lines=$($JAVAP -c -private -classpath $A_JAR A | grep Code: | wc -l) |
| check_eq 5 $lines "Input jar should have 5 method bodies!" |
| lines=$($JAVAP -c -private -classpath $A_INTERFACE_JAR A | grep Code: | wc -l) |
| check_eq 0 $lines "Interface jar should have no method bodies!" |
| |
| # Check that constants from code are no longer present: |
| $JAVAP -c -private -classpath $A_JAR A | grep -sq foofoofoofoo || |
| fail "Input jar should have code constants!" |
| $JAVAP -c -private -classpath $A_INTERFACE_JAR A | grep -sq foofoofoofoo && |
| fail "Interface jar should have no code constants!" |
| |
| |
| # Check (important, this!) that the interface jar is still sufficient |
| # for compiling: |
| $JAVAC -Xlint -classpath $A_INTERFACE_JAR -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes \ |
| $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/B.java 2>$TEST_log || fail "Can't compile B!" |
| |
| # Test compilation of B yielded deprecation message: |
| expect_log 'deprecatedMethod.*in A has been deprecated' \ |
| "ijar has lost @Deprecated annotation!" |
| |
| # Run the dynamic checks in B.main(). |
| $JAVA -classpath $TEST_TMPDIR/classes B || exit 1 |
| |
| # Check idempotence of ijar transformation: |
| A_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/A-interface-interface.jar |
| fail "ijar transformation is not idempotent" |
| |
| |
| # Check that -interface.jar contains nothing but .class files: |
| check_eq 0 $($JAR tf $A_INTERFACE_JAR | grep -v \\.class$ | wc -l) \ |
| "Interface jar should contain only .class files!" |
| |
| |
| # Check that -interface.jar timestamps are normalized: |
| check_eq 0 $(TZ=UTC $JAR tvf $A_INTERFACE_JAR | |
| grep -v 'Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1980' | wc -l) \ |
| "Interface jar contained non-zero timestamps!" |
| |
| |
| # Check that compile-time constants in A are still annotated as such in ijar: |
| $JAVAP -classpath $TEST_TMPDIR/classes -c B | grep -sq 'ldc2_w.*123' || |
| fail "ConstantValue not propagated to class B!" |
| |
| |
| # Check that a jar compressed with zip results in the same interface jar as a |
| # jar compressed with jar |
| rm -fr $TEST_TMPDIR/classes |
| mkdir -p $TEST_TMPDIR/classes || fail "mkdir $TEST_TMPDIR/classes failed" |
| $JAVAC -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/A.java || |
| fail "javac failed" |
| $JAR cf $A_JAR $TEST_TMPDIR/classes/A.class || fail "jar failed" |
| $ZIP $A_ZIP_JAR $TEST_TMPDIR/classes/A.class || fail "zip failed" |
| |
| $IJAR $A_JAR $A_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| $IJAR $A_ZIP_JAR $A_ZIP_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| fail "ijars from jar and zip are different" |
| } |
| |
| function do_test_large_file() { |
| # Compiles A.java, builds A.jar and A-interface.jar |
| $JAVAC -g -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/A.java || |
| fail "javac failed" |
| |
| # First a check without large file to have something to compare to. |
| for flag0 in '' '0'; do |
| $JAR c"${flag0}"f $A_JAR -C $TEST_TMPDIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| $IJAR $A_JAR $A_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed." |
| check_consistent_file_contents $A_INTERFACE_JAR |
| done |
| |
| # Then create larges files |
| extra_args="" |
| if [[ -n "${1-}" ]]; then |
| for file in $(find $TEST_TMPDIR/classes -name '*.class'); do |
| set_file_length "$file" "$1" |
| done |
| fi |
| if [[ -n "${2-}" ]]; then |
| set_file_length $TEST_TMPDIR/zeroes.data "$2" |
| extra_args="-C $TEST_TMPDIR zeroes.data" |
| fi |
| |
| for flag0 in '' '0'; do |
| $JAR c"${flag0}"f $A_JAR $extra_args -C $TEST_TMPDIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| $IJAR $A_JAR $A_INTERFACE_JAR || fail "ijar failed." |
| check_consistent_file_contents $A_INTERFACE_JAR |
| done |
| } |
| |
| function test_large_files() { |
| # Ensure input files larger than INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE work. |
| # TODO(martinrb): remove maximum .class file size limit (MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) |
| for size in $((1024*1024)) $((15*1024*1024)); do |
| do_test_large_file $size |
| done |
| } |
| |
| # Create a huge (~2.2Gb) input jar to test "large file" correctness |
| function test_z_2gb_plus_data_file() { |
| # This is slow because only writing a 2.2Gb file on a SSD drive is >10s and |
| # jaring it takes >16s. |
| # The z letter in the function name is to ensure that method is last in the |
| # method list so it has more chance to be alone on a shard. |
| do_test_large_file '' $((22*102*1024*1024)) |
| } |
| |
| # Create an output jar with upper bound on size > 2GB |
| function test_upper_bound_up_2gb() { |
| DIR=$TEST_TMPDIR/ManyLargeClasses |
| mkdir -p $DIR/classes |
| for i in $(seq 200); do |
| printf "class C${i} {}\n" > $DIR/C${i}.java |
| done |
| (cd $DIR && $JAVAC -d classes *.java) |
| for i in $(seq 200); do |
| set_file_length $DIR/classes/C${i}.class $((15*1024*1024)) |
| done |
| $JAR cf $DIR/ManyLargeClasses.jar -C $DIR/classes . || fail "jar failed" |
| $IJAR $DIR/ManyLargeClasses.jar $DIR/ManyLargeClasses.ijar || fail "ijar failed." |
| } |
| |
| function test_empty_jar() { |
| # Regression test for jar file without classes (javac doesn't like an empty ijar). |
| >$TEST_TMPDIR/empty |
| $ZIP $TEST_TMPDIR/noclasses.jar $TEST_TMPDIR/empty >/dev/null 2>&1 |
| $IJAR $TEST_TMPDIR/noclasses.jar || fail "ijar failed" |
| $UNZIP -qql $TEST_TMPDIR/noclasses-interface.jar 2>/dev/null | grep -q . || |
| fail "noclasses-interface.jar is completely empty!" |
| $JAVAC -classpath $TEST_TMPDIR/noclasses-interface.jar \ |
| -d $TEST_TMPDIR/classes \ |
| $IJAR_SRCDIR/test/A.java || |
| fail "javac noclasses-interface.jar failed" |
| rm $TEST_TMPDIR/{empty,noclasses.jar,noclasses-interface.jar} |
| } |
| |
| function test_wrong_centraldir() { |
| # Check that a JAR file can be parsed even if the central directory file count |
| # is wrong |
| IJAR_FILES=$($UNZIP -qql $IJAR_WRONG_CENTRAL_DIR | wc -l | xargs echo) |
| if [[ $IJAR_FILES != 2 ]]; then |
| fail "ijar removed files" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| function test_type_annotation() { |
| # Check that constant pool references used by JSR308 type annotations are |
| # preserved |
| $IJAR $TYPEANN2_JAR $TYPEANN2_IJAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| $JAVAP -classpath $TYPEANN2_IJAR -v Util >& $TEST_log || fail "javap failed" |
| expect_log "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations" "RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations not preserved!" |
| cp $TYPEANN2_JAVA $TEST_TMPDIR/TypeAnnotationTest2.java |
| $JAVAC -J-Xbootclasspath/p:$LANGTOOLS8 $TEST_TMPDIR/TypeAnnotationTest2.java -cp $TYPEANN2_IJAR || |
| fail "javac failed" |
| } |
| |
| function test_invokedynamic() { |
| # Check that ijar works on classes with invokedynamic |
| lines=$($JAVAP -c -private -classpath $INVOKEDYNAMIC_JAR ClassWithLambda | grep Code: | wc -l) |
| check_eq 4 $lines "Input jar should have 4 method bodies!" |
| lines=$($JAVAP -c -private -classpath $INVOKEDYNAMIC_IJAR ClassWithLambda | grep Code: | wc -l) |
| check_eq 0 $lines "Interface jar should have no method bodies!" |
| } |
| |
| function test_object_class() { |
| # Check that Object.class can be processed |
| mkdir -p $TEST_TMPDIR/java/lang |
| cp $OBJECT_JAVA $TEST_TMPDIR/java/lang/. |
| $JAVAC $TEST_TMPDIR/java/lang/Object.java || fail "javac failed" |
| $JAR cf $OBJECT_JAR -C $TEST_TMPDIR java/lang/Object.class || fail "jar failed" |
| |
| $IJAR $OBJECT_JAR $OBJECT_IJAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| } |
| |
| function test_corrupted_end_of_centraldir() { |
| # Check that the tool detects and reports a corrupted end of central directory |
| # record condition |
| CORRUPTED_JAR=$TEST_TMPDIR/corrupted.jar |
| |
| # First make the jar one byte longer |
| chmod +w $CORRUPTED_JAR |
| echo >> $CORRUPTED_JAR |
| echo "Abort trap is expected" # Show on the log that we expect failure. |
| $IJAR $CORRUPTED_JAR 2> $TEST_log && fail "ijar should have failed" || status=$? |
| check_ne 0 $status |
| expect_log "missing end of central directory record" |
| |
| # Then make the jar one byte shorter than the original one |
| let "NEW_SIZE = `statfmt $CORRUPTED_JAR` - 2" |
| set_file_length $CORRUPTED_JAR $NEW_SIZE |
| $IJAR $CORRUPTED_JAR 2> $TEST_log && fail "ijar should have failed" || status=$? |
| check_ne 0 $status |
| expect_log "missing end of central directory record" |
| } |
| |
| function test_inner_class_argument() { |
| |
| mkdir -p a b c |
| cat > a/A.java <<EOF |
| package a; |
| |
| public class A { |
| public static class A2 { |
| public int n; |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > b/B.java <<EOF |
| package b; |
| import a.A; |
| |
| public class B { |
| public static void b(A.A2 arg) { |
| System.out.println(arg.n); |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > c/C.java <<EOF |
| package c; |
| import b.B; |
| |
| public class C { |
| public static void c() { |
| B.b(null); |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| $JAVAC a/A.java b/B.java |
| $JAR cf lib.jar {a,b}/*.class |
| $JAVAC -cp lib.jar c/C.java |
| |
| } |
| |
| function test_inner_class_pruning() { |
| |
| mkdir -p lib/l {one,two,three}/a |
| |
| cat > lib/l/L.java <<EOF |
| package l; |
| |
| public class L { |
| public static class I { |
| public static class J { |
| public static int number() { |
| return 3; |
| } |
| } |
| public static int number() { |
| return 2; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > one/a/A.java <<EOF |
| package a; |
| |
| public class A { |
| public static void message() { |
| System.out.println("hello " + 1); |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > two/a/A.java <<EOF |
| package a; |
| |
| import l.L; |
| |
| public class A { |
| public static void message() { |
| System.out.println("hello " + L.I.number()); |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| cat > three/a/A.java <<EOF |
| package a; |
| |
| import l.L; |
| |
| public class A { |
| public static void message() { |
| System.out.println("hello " + L.I.J.number()); |
| } |
| } |
| EOF |
| |
| $JAVAC lib/l/L.java |
| (cd lib; $JAR cf lib.jar l/*.class) |
| $JAVAC one/a/A.java |
| (cd one; $JAR cf one.jar a/*.class) |
| $JAVAC two/a/A.java -classpath lib/lib.jar |
| (cd two; $JAR cf two.jar a/*.class) |
| $JAVAC three/a/A.java -classpath lib/lib.jar |
| (cd three; $JAR cf three.jar a/*.class) |
| |
| $IJAR one/one.jar one/one-ijar.jar |
| $IJAR one/one.jar two/two-ijar.jar |
| $IJAR one/one.jar three/three-ijar.jar |
| |
| cmp one/one-ijar.jar two/two-ijar.jar |
| cmp one/one-ijar.jar three/three-ijar.jar |
| } |
| |
| function test_method_parameters_attribute() { |
| # Check that Java 8 MethodParameters attributes are preserved |
| $IJAR $METHODPARAM_JAR $METHODPARAM_IJAR || fail "ijar failed" |
| $JAVAP -classpath $METHODPARAM_IJAR -v methodparameters.Test >& $TEST_log \ |
| || fail "javap failed" |
| expect_log "MethodParameters" "MethodParameters not preserved!" |
| } |
| |
| function test_source_debug_extension_attribute() { |
| # Check that SourceDebugExtension attributes are dropped without a warning |
| expect_not_log "skipping unknown attribute" |
| $JAVAP -classpath $SOURCEDEBUGEXT_IJAR -v sourcedebugextension.Test >& $TEST_log \ |
| || fail "javap failed" |
| expect_not_log "SourceDebugExtension" "SourceDebugExtension preserved!" |
| } |
| |
| function test_central_dir_largest_regular() { |
| $IJAR $CENTRAL_DIR_LARGEST_REGULAR $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar || fail "ijar failed" |
| $ZIP_COUNT $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar 65535 || fail |
| } |
| |
| function test_central_dir_smallest_zip64() { |
| $IJAR $CENTRAL_DIR_SMALLEST_ZIP64 $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar || fail "ijar failed" |
| $ZIP_COUNT $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar 65536 || fail |
| } |
| |
| function test_central_dir_zip64() { |
| $IJAR $CENTRAL_DIR_ZIP64 $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar || fail "ijar failed" |
| $ZIP_COUNT $TEST_TMPDIR/ijar.jar 70000 || fail |
| } |
| |
| run_suite "ijar tests" |