blob: 340455aab5f3452ffe10f6eb03e28ec1976d4436 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "src/main/cpp/blaze_exit_code.h"
namespace blaze {
using std::string;
struct StartupOptions;
// This class holds the parsed startup options for Blaze.
// These options and their defaults must be kept in sync with those
// in java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/blaze/BlazeServerStartupOptions.
// The latter are purely decorative (they affect the help message,
// which displays the defaults). The actual defaults are defined
// in the constructor.
// TODO(bazel-team): The encapsulation is not quite right -- there are some
// places in where some of these fields are explicitly modified. Their
// names also don't conform to the style guide.
class BlazeStartupOptions {
enum Architecture { k32Bit, k64Bit };
BlazeStartupOptions(const BlazeStartupOptions &rhs);
BlazeStartupOptions& operator=(const BlazeStartupOptions &rhs);
// Returns the capitalized name of this binary.
string GetProductName();
// Parses a single argument, either from the command line or from the .blazerc
// "startup" options.
// rcfile should be an empty string if the option being parsed does not come
// from a blazerc.
// Sets "is_space_seperated" true if arg is unary and uses the "--foo bar"
// style, so its value is in next_arg.
// Sets "is_space_seperated" false if arg is either nullary
// (e.g. "--[no]batch") or is unary but uses the "--foo=bar" style.
// Returns the exit code after processing the argument. "error" will contain
// a descriptive string for any return value other than
// blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS.
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode ProcessArg(
const string &arg, const string &next_arg, const string &rcfile,
bool *is_space_seperated, string *error);
// Adds any other options needed to result.
void AddExtraOptions(std::vector<string> *result) const;
// Checks if Blaze needs to be re-executed. Does not return, if so.
// Returns the exit code after the check. "error" will contain a descriptive
// string for any return value other than blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS.
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode CheckForReExecuteOptions(
int argc, const char *argv[], string *error);
// Checks extra fields when processing arg.
// Returns the exit code after processing the argument. "error" will contain
// a descriptive string for any return value other than
// blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS.
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode ProcessArgExtra(
const char *arg, const char *next_arg, const string &rcfile,
const char **value, bool *is_processed, string *error);
// Return the default path to the JDK used to run Blaze itself
// (must be an absolute directory).
string GetDefaultHostJavabase() const;
Architecture GetBlazeArchitecture() const;
// Returns the path to the JVM. This should be called after parsing
// the startup options.
string GetJvm();
// Adds JVM tuning flags for Blaze.
// Returns the exit code after this operation. "error" will be set to a
// descriptive string for any value other than blaze_exit_code::SUCCESS.
blaze_exit_code::ExitCode AddJVMArguments(const string &host_javabase,
std::vector<string> *result,
string *error) const;
// Blaze's output base. Everything is relative to this. See
// the BlazeDirectories Java class for details.
string output_base;
// Installation base for a specific release installation.
string install_base;
// The toplevel directory containing Blaze's output. When Blaze is
// run by a test, we use TEST_TMPDIR, simplifying the correct
// hermetic invocation of Blaze from tests.
string output_root;
// Blaze's output_user_root. Used only for computing install_base and
// output_base.
string output_user_root;
// Block for the Blaze server lock. Otherwise,
// quit with non-0 exit code if lock can't
// be acquired immediately.
bool block_for_lock;
bool host_jvm_debug;
string host_jvm_profile;
string host_jvm_args;
bool batch;
// From the man page: "This policy is useful for workloads that are
// non-interactive, but do not want to lower their nice value, and for
// workloads that want a deterministic scheduling policy without
// interactivity causing extra preemptions (between the workload's tasks)."
bool batch_cpu_scheduling;
// If negative, don't mess with ionice. Otherwise, set a level from 0-7
// for best-effort scheduling. 0 is highest priority, 7 is lowest.
int io_nice_level;
int max_idle_secs;
string skyframe;
bool blaze_cpu;
// If true, Blaze will listen to OS-level file change notifications.
bool watchfs;
// Temporary experimental flag that permits configurable attribute syntax
// in BUILD files. This will be removed when configurable attributes is
// a more stable feature.
bool allow_configurable_attributes;
// Temporary flag for enabling EventBus exceptions to be fatal.
bool fatal_event_bus_exceptions;
// A string to string map specifying where each option comes from. If the
// value is empty, it was on the command line, if it is a string, it comes
// from a blazerc file, if a key is not present, it is the default.
std::map<string, string> option_sources;
std::unique_ptr<StartupOptions> extra_options;
// Given the working directory, returns the nearest enclosing directory with a
// WORKSPACE file in it. If there is no such enclosing directory, returns "".
// E.g., if there was a WORKSPACE file in foo/bar/build_root:
// GetWorkspace('foo/bar') --> ''
// GetWorkspace('foo/bar/build_root') --> 'foo/bar/build_root'
// GetWorkspace('foo/bar/build_root/biz') --> 'foo/bar/build_root'
// The returned path is relative or absolute depending on whether cwd was
// relative or absolute.
static string GetWorkspace(const string &cwd);
// Returns if workspace is a valid build workspace.
static bool InWorkspace(const string &workspace);
// Returns the basename for the rc file.
static string RcBasename();
// Returns the search paths for the RC file in the workspace.
static void WorkspaceRcFileSearchPath(std::vector<string>* candidates);
// Returns the GetHostJavabase. This should be called after parsing
// the --host_javabase option.
string GetHostJavabase();
// Port for web status server, 0 to disable
int webstatus_port;
string host_javabase;
// Sets default values for members.
void Init();
// Copies member variables from rhs to lhs. This cannot use the compiler-
// generated copy constructor because extra_options is a unique_ptr and
// unique_ptr deletes its copy constructor.
void Copy(const BlazeStartupOptions &rhs, BlazeStartupOptions *lhs);
// Returns the directory to use for storing outputs.
string GetOutputRoot();
} // namespace blaze