blob: ef62fc1be8509fe3a4cdb456388eb25d950fc9be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A class to identify a BUILD target. All targets belong to exactly one package. The name of a
* target is called its label. A typical label looks like this: //dir1/dir2:target_name where
* 'dir1/dir2' identifies the package containing a BUILD file, and 'target_name' identifies the
* target within the package.
* <p>Parsing is robust against bad input, for example, from the command line.
name = "Label",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc = "A BUILD target identifier."
public final class Label implements Comparable<Label>, Serializable, SkylarkPrintableValue {
public static final PathFragment EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_NAME = PathFragment.create("external");
public static final PathFragment EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME = PathFragment.create("WORKSPACE");
public static final String DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY = "__main__";
* Package names that aren't made relative to the current repository because they mean special
* things to Bazel.
public static final ImmutableSet<PathFragment> ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of(
// Used for select
// dependencies that are a function of the configuration
// Visibility is labels aren't actually targets
// There is only one //external package
public static final PackageIdentifier EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER =
public static final PathFragment EXTERNAL_PATH_PREFIX = PathFragment.create("external");
private static final Interner<Label> LABEL_INTERNER = BlazeInterners.newWeakInterner();
* Factory for Labels from absolute string form. e.g.
* <pre>
* //foo/bar
* //foo/bar:quux
* {@literal @}foo
* {@literal @}foo//bar
* {@literal @}foo//bar:baz
* </pre>
* <p>Treats labels in the default repository as being in the main repository instead.
public static Label parseAbsolute(String absName) throws LabelSyntaxException {
return parseAbsolute(absName, true);
* Factory for Labels from absolute string form. e.g.
* <pre>
* //foo/bar
* //foo/bar:quux
* {@literal @}foo
* {@literal @}foo//bar
* {@literal @}foo//bar:baz
* </pre>
* @param defaultToMain Treat labels in the default repository as being in the main
* one instead.
public static Label parseAbsolute(String absName, boolean defaultToMain)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
String repo = defaultToMain ? "@" : RepositoryName.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY;
int packageStartPos = absName.indexOf("//");
if (packageStartPos > 0) {
repo = absName.substring(0, packageStartPos);
absName = absName.substring(packageStartPos);
} else if (absName.startsWith("@")) {
repo = absName;
absName = "//:" + absName.substring(1);
try {
LabelValidator.PackageAndTarget labelParts = LabelValidator.parseAbsoluteLabel(absName);
PackageIdentifier pkgIdWithoutRepo =
validate(labelParts.getPackageName(), labelParts.getTargetName());
PathFragment packageFragment = pkgIdWithoutRepo.getPackageFragment();
if (repo.isEmpty() && ABSOLUTE_PACKAGE_NAMES.contains(packageFragment)) {
repo = "@";
return create(PackageIdentifier.create(repo, packageFragment), labelParts.getTargetName());
} catch (BadLabelException e) {
throw new LabelSyntaxException(e.getMessage());
* Alternate factory method for Labels from absolute strings. This is a convenience method for
* cases when a Label needs to be initialized statically, so the declared exception is
* inconvenient.
* <p>Do not use this when the argument is not hard-wired.
public static Label parseAbsoluteUnchecked(String absName, boolean defaultToMain) {
try {
return parseAbsolute(absName, defaultToMain);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
public static Label parseAbsoluteUnchecked(String absName) {
return parseAbsoluteUnchecked(absName, true);
/** A long way to say '(String) s -> parseAbsoluteUnchecked(s)'. */
public static final Function<String, Label> PARSE_ABSOLUTE_UNCHECKED =
new Function<String, Label>() {
public Label apply(@Nullable String s) {
return s == null ? null : parseAbsoluteUnchecked(s);
* Factory for Labels from separate components.
* @param packageName The name of the package. The package name does
* <b>not</b> include {@code //}. Must be valid according to
* {@link LabelValidator#validatePackageName}.
* @param targetName The name of the target within the package. Must be
* valid according to {@link LabelValidator#validateTargetName}.
* @throws LabelSyntaxException if either of the arguments was invalid.
public static Label create(String packageName, String targetName) throws LabelSyntaxException {
return LABEL_INTERNER.intern(new Label(packageName, targetName));
* Similar factory to above, but takes a package identifier to allow external repository labels
* to be created.
public static Label create(PackageIdentifier packageId, String targetName)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
return LABEL_INTERNER.intern(new Label(packageId, targetName));
* Resolves a relative label using a workspace-relative path to the current working directory. The
* method handles these cases:
* <ul>
* <li>The label is absolute.
* <li>The label starts with a colon.
* <li>The label consists of a relative path, a colon, and a local part.
* <li>The label consists only of a local part.
* </ul>
* <p>Note that this method does not support any of the special syntactic constructs otherwise
* supported on the command line, like ":all", "/...", and so on.
* <p>It would be cleaner to use the TargetPatternEvaluator for this resolution, but that is not
* possible, because it is sometimes necessary to resolve a relative label before the package path
* is setup; in particular, before the tools/defaults package is created.
* @throws LabelSyntaxException if the resulting label is not valid
public static Label parseCommandLineLabel(String label, PathFragment workspaceRelativePath)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (LabelValidator.isAbsolute(label)) {
return parseAbsolute(label);
int index = label.indexOf(':');
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
label = ":" + label;
PathFragment path = workspaceRelativePath.getRelative(label.substring(0, index));
// Use the String, String constructor, to make sure that the package name goes through the
// validity check.
return create(path.getPathString(), label.substring(index + 1));
* Validates the given target name and returns a canonical String instance if it is valid.
* Otherwise it throws a SyntaxException.
private static String canonicalizeTargetName(String name) throws LabelSyntaxException {
String error = LabelValidator.validateTargetName(name);
if (error != null) {
error = "invalid target name '" + StringUtilities.sanitizeControlChars(name) + "': " + error;
throw new LabelSyntaxException(error);
// TODO(bazel-team): This should be an error, but we can't make it one for legacy reasons.
if (name.endsWith("/.")) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2);
return StringCanonicalizer.intern(name);
* Validates the given package name and returns a canonical {@link PackageIdentifier} instance
* if it is valid. Otherwise it throws a SyntaxException.
private static PackageIdentifier validate(String packageIdentifier, String name)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
String error = null;
try {
return PackageIdentifier.parse(packageIdentifier);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
error = e.getMessage();
error = "invalid package name '" + packageIdentifier + "': " + error;
// This check is just for a more helpful error message
// i.e. valid target name, invalid package name, colon-free label form
// used => probably they meant "//foo:bar.c" not "//foo/bar.c".
if (packageIdentifier.endsWith("/" + name)) {
error += " (perhaps you meant \":" + name + "\"?)";
throw new LabelSyntaxException(error);
/** The name and repository of the package. */
private final PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
/** The name of the target within the package. Canonical. */
private final String name;
/** Precomputed hash code. */
private final int hashCode;
* Constructor from a package name, target name. Both are checked for validity
* and a SyntaxException is thrown if either is invalid.
* TODO(bazel-team): move the validation to {@link PackageIdentifier}. Unfortunately, there are a
* bazillion tests that use invalid package names (taking advantage of the fact that calling
* Label(PathFragment, String) doesn't validate the package name).
private Label(String packageIdentifier, String name) throws LabelSyntaxException {
this(validate(packageIdentifier, name), name);
private Label(PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier, String name)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
this.packageIdentifier = packageIdentifier;
try { = canonicalizeTargetName(name);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// This check is just for a more helpful error message
// i.e. valid target name, invalid package name, colon-free label form
// used => probably they meant "//foo:bar.c" not "//foo/bar.c".
if (packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment().getPathString().endsWith("/" + name)) {
throw new LabelSyntaxException(e.getMessage() + " (perhaps you meant \":" + name + "\"?)");
throw e;
this.hashCode = hashCode(, this.packageIdentifier);
* A specialization of Arrays.HashCode() that does not require constructing a 2-element array.
private static final int hashCode(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
int result = 31 + (obj1 == null ? 0 : obj1.hashCode());
return 31 * result + (obj2 == null ? 0 : obj2.hashCode());
private Object writeReplace() {
return new LabelSerializationProxy(getUnambiguousCanonicalForm());
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws InvalidObjectException {
throw new InvalidObjectException("Serialization is allowed only by proxy");
public PackageIdentifier getPackageIdentifier() {
return packageIdentifier;
* Returns the name of the package in which this rule was declared (e.g. {@code
* //file/base:fileutils_test} returns {@code file/base}).
@SkylarkCallable(name = "package", structField = true,
doc = "The package part of this label. "
+ "For instance:<br>"
+ "<pre class=language-python>Label(\"//pkg/foo:abc\").package == \"pkg/foo\"</pre>")
public String getPackageName() {
return packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment().getPathString();
* Returns the execution root for the workspace, relative to the execroot (e.g., for label
* {@code @repo//pkg:b}, it will returns {@code external/repo/pkg} and for label {@code //pkg:a},
* it will returns an empty string.
@SkylarkCallable(name = "workspace_root", structField = true,
doc = "Returns the execution root for the workspace of this label, relative to the execroot. "
+ "For instance:<br>"
+ "<pre class=language-python>Label(\"@repo//pkg/foo:abc\").workspace_root =="
+ " \"external/repo\"</pre>")
public String getWorkspaceRoot() {
return packageIdentifier.getRepository().getSourceRoot().toString();
* Returns the path fragment of the package in which this rule was declared (e.g. {@code
* //file/base:fileutils_test} returns {@code file/base}).
* <p>This is <b>not</b> suitable for inferring a path under which files related to a rule with
* this label will be under the exec root, in particular, it won't work for rules in external
* repositories.
public PathFragment getPackageFragment() {
return packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment();
* Returns the label as a path fragment, using the package and the label name.
public PathFragment toPathFragment() {
return packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment().getRelative(name);
* Returns the name by which this rule was declared (e.g. {@code //foo/bar:baz}
* returns {@code baz}).
@SkylarkCallable(name = "name", structField = true,
doc = "The name of this label within the package. "
+ "For instance:<br>"
+ "<pre class=language-python>Label(\"//pkg/foo:abc\").name == \"abc\"</pre>")
public String getName() {
return name;
* Renders this label in canonical form.
* <p>invariant: {@code parseAbsolute(x.toString(), false).equals(x)}
public String toString() {
return getCanonicalForm();
* Renders this label in canonical form.
* <p>invariant: {@code parseAbsolute(x.getCanonicalForm(), false).equals(x)}
public String getCanonicalForm() {
return getDefaultCanonicalForm();
public String getUnambiguousCanonicalForm() {
return packageIdentifier.getRepository() + "//" + packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment()
+ ":" + name;
* Renders this label in canonical form, except with labels in the main and default
* repositories conflated.
public String getDefaultCanonicalForm() {
String repository;
if (packageIdentifier.getRepository().isMain()) {
repository = "";
} else {
repository = packageIdentifier.getRepository().getName();
return repository + "//" + packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment()
+ ":" + name;
* Renders this label in shorthand form.
* <p>Labels with canonical form {@code //foo/bar:bar} have the shorthand form {@code //foo/bar}.
* All other labels have identical shorthand and canonical forms.
public String toShorthandString() {
if (!getPackageFragment().getBaseName().equals(name)) {
return toString();
String repository;
if (packageIdentifier.getRepository().isMain()) {
repository = "";
} else {
repository = packageIdentifier.getRepository().getName();
return repository + "//" + getPackageFragment();
* Returns a label in the same package as this label with the given target name.
* @throws LabelSyntaxException if {@code targetName} is not a valid target name
public Label getLocalTargetLabel(String targetName) throws LabelSyntaxException {
return create(packageIdentifier, targetName);
* Resolves a relative or absolute label name. If given name is absolute, then this method calls
* {@link #parseAbsolute}. Otherwise, it calls {@link #getLocalTargetLabel}.
* <p>For example:
* {@code :quux} relative to {@code //foo/bar:baz} is {@code //foo/bar:quux};
* {@code //wiz:quux} relative to {@code //foo/bar:baz} is {@code //wiz:quux}.
* @param relName the relative label name; must be non-empty.
@SkylarkCallable(name = "relative", doc =
"Resolves a label that is either absolute (starts with <code>//</code>) or relative to the"
+ " current package. If this label is in a remote repository, the argument will be resolved "
+ "relative to that repository. If the argument contains a repository, it will be returned "
+ "as-is. Reserved labels will also be returned as-is.<br>"
+ "For example:<br>"
+ "<pre class=language-python>\n"
+ "Label(\"//foo/bar:baz\").relative(\":quux\") == Label(\"//foo/bar:quux\")\n"
+ "Label(\"//foo/bar:baz\").relative(\"//wiz:quux\") == Label(\"//wiz:quux\")\n"
+ "Label(\"@repo//foo/bar:baz\").relative(\"//wiz:quux\") == Label(\"@repo//wiz:quux\")\n"
+ "Label(\"@repo//foo/bar:baz\").relative(\"//visibility:public\") == "
+ "Label(\"//visibility:public\")\n"
+ "Label(\"@repo//foo/bar:baz\").relative(\"@other//wiz:quux\") == "
+ "Label(\"@other//wiz:quux\")\n"
+ "</pre>")
public Label getRelative(String relName) throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (relName.length() == 0) {
throw new LabelSyntaxException("empty package-relative label");
if (LabelValidator.isAbsolute(relName)) {
return resolveRepositoryRelative(parseAbsolute(relName, false));
} else if (relName.equals(":")) {
throw new LabelSyntaxException("':' is not a valid package-relative label");
} else if (relName.charAt(0) == ':') {
return getLocalTargetLabel(relName.substring(1));
} else {
return getLocalTargetLabel(relName);
* Resolves the repository of a label in the context of another label.
* <p>This is necessary so that dependency edges in remote repositories do not need to explicitly
* mention their repository name. Otherwise, referring to e.g. <code>//a:b</code> in a remote
* repository would point back to the main repository, which is usually not what is intended.
* <p>The return value will not be in the default repository.
public Label resolveRepositoryRelative(Label relative) {
if (packageIdentifier.getRepository().isDefault()
|| !relative.packageIdentifier.getRepository().isDefault()) {
return relative;
} else {
try {
return create(
packageIdentifier.getRepository(), relative.getPackageFragment()),
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// We are creating the new label from an existing one which is guaranteed to be valid, so
// this can't happen
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
public int hashCode() {
return hashCode;
* Two labels are equal iff both their name and their package name are equal.
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof Label)) {
return false;
Label otherLabel = (Label) other;
// Perform the equality comparisons in order from least likely to most likely.
return hashCode == otherLabel.hashCode && name.equals(
&& packageIdentifier.equals(otherLabel.packageIdentifier);
* Defines the order between labels.
* <p>Labels are ordered primarily by package name and secondarily by target name. Both components
* are ordered lexicographically. Thus {@code //a:b/c} comes before {@code //a/b:a}, i.e. the
* position of the colon is significant to the order.
public int compareTo(Label other) {
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(packageIdentifier, other.packageIdentifier)
* Returns a suitable string for the user-friendly representation of the Label. Works even if the
* argument is null.
public static String print(@Nullable Label label) {
return label == null ? "(unknown)" : label.toString();
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public void write(Appendable buffer, char quotationMark) {
// We don't use the Skylark Printer class here to avoid creating a circular dependency.
// TODO(bazel-team): make the representation readable Label(//foo),
// and isolate the legacy functions that want the unreadable variant.
try {
// There is no need to escape the contents of the Label since characters that might otherwise
// require escaping are disallowed.
} catch (IOException e) {
// This function will only be used with in-memory Appendables, hence we should never get here.
throw new AssertionError(e);
public void print(Appendable buffer, char quotationMark) {
// We don't use the Skylark Printer class here to avoid creating a circular dependency.
// TODO(bazel-team): make the representation readable Label(//foo),
// and isolate the legacy functions that want the unreadable variant.
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// This function will only be used with in-memory Appendables, hence we should never get here.
throw new AssertionError(e);