blob: 8da1cc899db57dd6548ab9fc3a953b043037d202 [file] [log] [blame]
project_path: /_project.yaml
book_path: /_book.yaml
- docType:Product
page_type: Product
- options:
- description-50
- large-headings
- buttons:
- label: Install Bazel
path: /install/
classname: button
image_path: /images/placeholder.png
heading: Why Bazel?
description: >
{ Fast, Correct } — Choose two
- heading: Speed up your builds and tests
description: >
Rebuild only what is necessary. Get fast, incremental builds with Bazel's advanced local and distributed caching, optimized dependency analysis, and parallel execution.
name: speed
foreground: google-blue
- heading: One tool, multiple languages
description: >
Build and test using Java, C++, Go, Android, iOS and many other languages and platforms. Bazel runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
name: language
foreground: google-red
- heading: Scalable
description: >
Scale your organization, codebase, and Continuous Integration systems. Bazel handles codebases of any size, whether in multiple repositories or a huge monorepo.
name: aspect_ratio
foreground: google-green
- heading: Extensible to your needs
description: >
Add support for new languages and platforms with Bazel's extension language. Share and re-use language rules written by the growing Bazel community.
name: extension
foreground: google-yellow
- options:
- cards
background: grey
heading: Essential Bazel
description: >
Build and test software of any size, quickly and reliably. Industry leaders like Google, Stripe, and Dropbox trust Bazel to build heavy-duty, mission-critical infrastructure, services, and applications.
- heading: Get started
image_path: /images/integrate.svg
description: >
Learn what Bazel is, why it is a good choice for your project, and how you can get started using it quickly.
- label: Get started
path: /start/
classname: button button-primary
- heading: User's guide
image_path: /images/integrate.svg
description: >
Learn how to use Bazel with documentation and tutorials covering topics from foundational to expert.
- label: Read the docs
path: /docs/
classname: button
- heading: Reference guide
image_path: /images/reports.svg
description: >
Use these resources to efficiently look up the commands, queries, and terminology necessary to working with Bazel.
- label: Search the guide
path: /reference/
classname: button
- heading: What's new?
description: >
Bazel is always evolving — catch up on our newest documentation or check the release notes to see what's changed and how that affects your builds.
- label: Release notes
classname: button
- heading: Community updates
path: /community/update
description: >
Tune in for our new monthly community update livestream.
- heading: IntelliJ IDEA Bazel Plugin
description: >
Announcing Bazel & JetBrains co-maintenance of IntelliJ IDEA Bazel Plugin.
- heading: SIGs
path: /contribute/sig
description: >
Join or start a Special Interest Group (SIG) to focus collaboration on particular areas of Bazel development.
- options:
- cta
- heading: Trusted by industry leaders
description: >
When you build software with Bazel, you're running the same code that has been refined and tested for years at Google to build heavy-duty, mission-critical infrastructure, services, and applications.
- label: Who's using Bazel
path: /community/users
classname: button