Fix signal handling in to properly forward signals to the child process, without relying on a bash bug not present in all environments.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 302681981
diff --git a/tools/test/ b/tools/test/
index 098a898..d2d5f84 100755
--- a/tools/test/
+++ b/tools/test/
@@ -260,14 +260,23 @@
+function signal_child {
+  local signal="${1-}"
+  if [ "${signal}" = "SIGTERM" ]; then
+    echo "-- Test timed out at $(date +"%F %T %Z") --"
+  fi
+  kill -s ${signal} $childPid
 signals="$(trap -l | sed -E 's/[0-9]+\)//g')"
 if [[ "${EXPERIMENTAL_SPLIT_XML_GENERATION}" == "1" ]]; then
-  # If we trap here, then bash forwards the signal to the subprocess, at least
-  # for bash version 4.4.12(1) on Linux. If we don't trap here, then bash does
-  # not forward the signal. This seems to contradict the bash documentation, and
-  # also seems to contradict bug #7119, which reports the opposite behavior.
-  trap 'echo "-- Test timed out at $(date +"%F %T %Z") --"' SIGTERM
+  for signal in $signals; do
+    # SIGCHLD is expected when a subprocess dies
+    [ "${signal}" = "SIGCHLD" ] && continue
+    trap "signal_child ${signal}" ${signal}
+  done
   for signal in $signals; do
     # SIGCHLD is expected when a subprocess dies
@@ -285,10 +294,19 @@
 if [[ "${EXPERIMENTAL_SPLIT_XML_GENERATION}" == "1" ]]; then
   if [ -z "$COVERAGE_DIR" ]; then
-    "${TEST_PATH}" "$@" 2>&1 || exitCode=$?
+    ("${TEST_PATH}" "$@" 2>&1) <&0 &
+    childPid=$!
-    "$1" "$TEST_PATH" "${@:3}" 2>&1 || exitCode=$?
+    ("$1" "$TEST_PATH" "${@:3}" 2>&1) <&0 &
+    childPid=$!
+  wait $childPid
+  # If interrupted by a signal, use the signal as the exit code. But allow
+  # the child to actually finish from the signal we sent _it_ via signal_child.
+  # If it already exited, the second wait is a no-op.
+  exitCode=$?
+  wait $childPid
 elif [ "$has_tail" == true ] && [  -z "$no_echo" ]; then
   touch "${XML_OUTPUT_FILE}.log"
   if [ -z "$COVERAGE_DIR" ]; then