blob: 5b052c075aed8724446a6142b87ba842d3972b6c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.OptionalLong;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A package, which is a container of {@link Rule}s, each of which contains a dictionary of named
* attributes.
* <p>Package instances are intended to be immutable and for all practical purposes can be treated
* as such. Note, however, that some member variables exposed via the public interface are not
* strictly immutable, so until their types are guaranteed immutable we're not applying the
* {@code @Immutable} annotation here.
* <p>This class should not be extended - it's only non-final for mocking!
* <p>When changing this class, make sure to make corresponding changes to serialization!
public class Package {
private final Metadata metadata;
* The "workspace name" of packages generated by Bzlmod to contain repo rules.
* <p>Normally, packages containing repo rules are differentiated from packages containing build
* rules by the {@link PackageIdentifier}: The singular repo-rule-containing package is {@code
* //external}. However, in Bzlmod, packages containing repo rules need to have meaningful {@link
* PackageIdentifier}s, so there needs to be some other way to distinguish them from
* build-rule-containing packages. We use the following magic string as the "workspace name" for
* repo-rule-containing packages generated by Bzlmod.
* @see #isRepoRulePackage()
private static final String DUMMY_WORKSPACE_NAME_FOR_BZLMOD_PACKAGES = "__dummy_workspace_bzlmod";
/** Sentinel value for package overhead being empty. */
private static final long PACKAGE_OVERHEAD_UNSET = -1;
* An exception used when the name of a target or symbolic macro clashes with another entity
* defined in the package.
* <p>Common examples of conflicts include two targets or symbolic macros sharing the same name,
* and one output file being a prefix of another. See {@link #checkForExistingName} and {@link
* #checkRuleAndOutputs} for more details.
public static final class NameConflictException extends Exception {
private NameConflictException(String message) {
* The collection of all targets defined in this package, indexed by name.
* <p>Invariant: This is disjoint with the set of keys in {@link #macros}.
private ImmutableSortedMap<String, Target> targets;
* The collection of all symbolic macro instances defined in this package, indexed by name.
* <p>Invariant: This is disjoint with the set of keys in {@link #targets}.
// TODO(#19922): We'll have to strengthen this invariant. It's not just that nothing should share
// the same name as a macro, but also that nothing should be inside a macro's namespace (meaning,
// in the current design, having the macro as a prefix) unless it was defined by that macro.
private ImmutableSortedMap<String, MacroInstance> macros;
public PackageArgs getPackageArgs() {
return metadata.packageArgs;
* How to enforce config_setting visibility settings.
* <p>This is a temporary setting in service of
* After enough depot cleanup, config_setting will have the same visibility enforcement as all
* other rules.
public enum ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy {
/** Don't enforce visibility for any config_setting. */
/** Honor explicit visibility settings on config_setting, else use //visibility:public. */
/** Enforce config_setting visibility exactly the same as all other rules. */
* True iff this package's BUILD files contained lexical or grammatical errors, or experienced
* errors during evaluation, or semantic errors during the construction of any rule.
* <p>Note: A package containing errors does not necessarily prevent a build; if all the rules
* needed for a given build were constructed prior to the first error, the build may proceed.
private boolean containsErrors;
* The first detailed error encountered during this package's construction and evaluation, or
* {@code null} if there were no such errors or all its errors lacked details.
@Nullable private FailureDetail failureDetail;
* The map from each repository to that repository's remappings map. This is only used in the
* //external package, it is an empty map for all other packages. For example, an entry of {"@foo"
* : {"@x", "@y"}} indicates that, within repository foo, "@x" should be remapped to "@y".
private ImmutableMap<RepositoryName, ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName>>
* A rough approximation of the memory and general accounting costs associated with a loaded
* package. A value of -1 means it is unset. Stored as a long to take up less memory per pkg.
private long packageOverhead = PACKAGE_OVERHEAD_UNSET;
/** Returns package overhead as configured by the configured {@link PackageOverheadEstimator}. */
public OptionalLong getPackageOverhead() {
return packageOverhead == PACKAGE_OVERHEAD_UNSET
? OptionalLong.empty()
: OptionalLong.of(packageOverhead);
/** Sets package overhead as configured by the configured {@link PackageOverheadEstimator}. */
void setPackageOverhead(OptionalLong packageOverhead) {
this.packageOverhead =
packageOverhead.isPresent() ? packageOverhead.getAsLong() : PACKAGE_OVERHEAD_UNSET;
private ImmutableList<TargetPattern> registeredExecutionPlatforms;
private ImmutableList<TargetPattern> registeredToolchains;
private OptionalInt firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain;
private long computationSteps;
/** Returns the number of Starlark computation steps executed by this BUILD file. */
public long getComputationSteps() {
return computationSteps;
* Constructs a new (incomplete) Package instance. Intended only for use by {@link
* Package.Builder}.
* <p>Packages and Targets refer to one another. Therefore, the builder needs to have a Package
* instance on-hand before it can associate any targets with the package. Certain Metadata fields
* like the package's name must be known before that point, while other fields are filled in when
* the builder calls {@link Package#finishInit}.
// TODO(#19922): Better separate fields that must be known a priori from those determined through
// BUILD evaluation.
private Package(Metadata metadata) {
this.metadata = metadata;
/** Returns this package's identifier. */
public PackageIdentifier getPackageIdentifier() {
return metadata.packageIdentifier;
* Whether this package should contain only repo rules (returns {@code true}) or only build rules
* (returns {@code false}).
private boolean isRepoRulePackage() {
return metadata.packageIdentifier.equals(LabelConstants.EXTERNAL_PACKAGE_IDENTIFIER)
|| metadata.workspaceName.equals(DUMMY_WORKSPACE_NAME_FOR_BZLMOD_PACKAGES);
* Returns the repository mapping for the requested external repository.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called from a package other than the //external
* package
public ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName> getRepositoryMapping(RepositoryName repository) {
if (!isRepoRulePackage()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Can only access the external package repository"
+ "mappings from the //external package");
return externalPackageRepositoryMappings.getOrDefault(repository, ImmutableMap.of());
/** Get the repository mapping for this package. */
public RepositoryMapping getRepositoryMapping() {
return metadata.repositoryMapping;
* Returns the full map of repository mappings collected so far.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if called from a package other than the //external
* package
ImmutableMap<RepositoryName, ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName>>
getExternalPackageRepositoryMappings() {
if (!isRepoRulePackage()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Can only access the external package repository"
+ "mappings from the //external package");
return this.externalPackageRepositoryMappings;
* Returns the source root (a directory) beneath which this package's BUILD file was found, or
* {@link Optional#empty} if this package was derived from a workspace file.
* <p>Assumes invariant: If non-empty, {@code
* getSourceRoot().get().getRelative(packageId.getSourceRoot()).equals(getPackageDirectory())}
public Optional<Root> getSourceRoot() {
return metadata.sourceRoot;
private static Root getSourceRoot(RootedPath buildFileRootedPath, PathFragment packageFragment) {
PathFragment packageDirectory = buildFileRootedPath.getRootRelativePath().getParentDirectory();
if (packageFragment.equals(packageDirectory)) {
// Fast path: BUILD file path and package name are the same, don't create an extra root.
return buildFileRootedPath.getRoot();
PathFragment current = buildFileRootedPath.asPath().asFragment().getParentDirectory();
for (int i = 0, len = packageFragment.segmentCount(); i < len && current != null; i++) {
current = current.getParentDirectory();
if (current == null || current.isEmpty()) {
// This is never really expected to work. The check below in #finishInit should fail.
return buildFileRootedPath.getRoot();
// Note that current is an absolute path.
return Root.fromPath(buildFileRootedPath.getRoot().getRelative(current));
* Completes the initialization of this package. Only after this method may a package by shared
* publicly.
private void finishInit(Builder builder) {
String baseName = metadata.filename.getRootRelativePath().getBaseName();
this.containsErrors |= builder.containsErrors;
if (metadata.directLoads == null && metadata.transitiveLoads == null) {
Preconditions.checkState(containsErrors, "Loads not set for error-free package");
if (isWorkspaceFile(baseName) || isModuleDotBazelFile(baseName)) {
this.metadata.sourceRoot = Optional.empty();
} else {
Root sourceRoot =
getSourceRoot(metadata.filename, metadata.packageIdentifier.getSourceRoot());
if (sourceRoot.asPath() == null
|| !sourceRoot
.equals(metadata.packageDirectory)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid BUILD file name for package '"
+ metadata.packageIdentifier
+ "': "
+ metadata.filename
+ " (in source "
+ sourceRoot
+ " with packageDirectory "
+ metadata.packageDirectory
+ " and package identifier source root "
+ metadata.packageIdentifier.getSourceRoot()
+ ")");
this.metadata.sourceRoot = Optional.of(sourceRoot);
this.metadata.makeEnv = ImmutableMap.copyOf(builder.makeEnv);
this.targets = ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(builder.targets);
this.macros = ImmutableSortedMap.copyOf(builder.macros);
this.failureDetail = builder.getFailureDetail();
this.registeredExecutionPlatforms = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.registeredExecutionPlatforms);
this.registeredToolchains = ImmutableList.copyOf(builder.registeredToolchains);
this.firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain = builder.firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain;
ImmutableMap.Builder<RepositoryName, ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName>>
repositoryMappingsBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder();
if (!builder.externalPackageRepositoryMappings.isEmpty() && !builder.isRepoRulePackage()) {
// 'repo_mapping' should only be used in the //external package, i.e. should only appear
// in WORKSPACE files. Currently, if someone tries to use 'repo_mapping' in a BUILD rule, they
// will get a "no such attribute" error. This check is to protect against a 'repo_mapping'
// attribute being added to a rule in the future.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"'repo_mapping' may only be used in the //external package");
(k, v) -> repositoryMappingsBuilder.put(k, ImmutableMap.copyOf(v)));
this.externalPackageRepositoryMappings = repositoryMappingsBuilder.buildOrThrow();
private static boolean isWorkspaceFile(String baseFileName) {
return baseFileName.equals(LabelConstants.WORKSPACE_DOT_BAZEL_FILE_NAME.getPathString())
|| baseFileName.equals(LabelConstants.WORKSPACE_FILE_NAME.getPathString());
private static boolean isModuleDotBazelFile(String baseFileName) {
return baseFileName.equals(LabelConstants.MODULE_DOT_BAZEL_FILE_NAME.getPathString());
public Metadata getMetadata() {
return metadata;
* Returns a list of Starlark files transitively loaded by this package.
* <p>If transitive loads are not {@linkplain PackageSettings#precomputeTransitiveLoads
* precomputed}, performs a traversal over the load graph to compute them.
* <p>If only the count of transitively loaded files is needed, use {@link
* #countTransitivelyLoadedStarlarkFiles}. For a customized online visitation, use {@link
* #visitLoadGraph}.
public ImmutableList<Label> getOrComputeTransitivelyLoadedStarlarkFiles() {
// TODO(bazel-team): Seems like a code smell that Metadata fields are being mutated here,
// possibly after package construction is complete.
return metadata.transitiveLoads != null
? metadata.transitiveLoads
: computeTransitiveLoads(metadata.directLoads);
* Counts the number Starlark files transitively loaded by this package.
* <p>If transitive loads are not {@linkplain PackageSettings#precomputeTransitiveLoads
* precomputed}, performs a traversal over the load graph to count them.
public int countTransitivelyLoadedStarlarkFiles() {
if (metadata.transitiveLoads != null) {
return metadata.transitiveLoads.size();
Set<Label> loads = new HashSet<>();
return loads.size();
* Performs an online visitation of the load graph rooted at this package.
* <p>If transitive loads were {@linkplain PackageSettings#precomputeTransitiveLoads precomputed},
* each file is passed to {@link LoadGraphVisitor#visit} once regardless of its return value.
public <E1 extends Exception, E2 extends Exception> void visitLoadGraph(
LoadGraphVisitor<E1, E2> visitor) throws E1, E2 {
if (metadata.transitiveLoads != null) {
for (Label load : metadata.transitiveLoads) {
} else {
BazelModuleContext.visitLoadGraphRecursively(metadata.directLoads, visitor);
private static ImmutableList<Label> computeTransitiveLoads(Iterable<Module> directLoads) {
Set<Label> loads = new LinkedHashSet<>();
BazelModuleContext.visitLoadGraphRecursively(directLoads, loads::add);
return ImmutableList.copyOf(loads);
* Returns the filename of the BUILD file which defines this package. The parent directory of the
* BUILD file is the package directory.
public RootedPath getFilename() {
return metadata.filename;
/** Returns the directory containing the package's BUILD file. */
public Path getPackageDirectory() {
return metadata.packageDirectory;
* Returns the name of this package. If this build is using external repositories then this name
* may not be unique!
public String getName() {
return metadata.getName();
/** Like {@link #getName}, but has type {@code PathFragment}. */
public PathFragment getNameFragment() {
return metadata.getNameFragment();
/** Returns all make variables for a given platform. */
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getMakeEnvironment() {
return metadata.makeEnv;
* Returns the label of this package's BUILD file.
* <p>Typically <code>getBuildFileLabel().getName().equals("BUILD")</code> -- though not
* necessarily: data in a subdirectory of a test package may use a different filename to avoid
* inadvertently creating a new package.
public Label getBuildFileLabel() {
return metadata.buildFile.getLabel();
/** Returns the InputFile target for this package's BUILD file. */
public InputFile getBuildFile() {
return metadata.buildFile;
* Returns true if errors were encountered during evaluation of this package. (The package may be
* incomplete and its contents should not be relied upon for critical operations. However, any
* Rules belonging to the package are guaranteed to be intact, unless their <code>containsErrors()
* </code> flag is set.)
public boolean containsErrors() {
return containsErrors;
* If {@code pkg.containsErrors()}, sends an errorful "package contains errors" {@link Event}
* (augmented with {@code pkg.getFailureDetail()}, if present) to the given {@link EventHandler}.
public static void maybeAddPackageContainsErrorsEventToHandler(
Package pkg, EventHandler eventHandler) {
if (pkg.containsErrors()) {
"package contains errors: %s%s",
pkg.getFailureDetail() != null
? ": " + pkg.getFailureDetail().getMessage()
: "")));
// TODO(bazel-team): Seems like we shouldn't permit this mutation on an already-initialized
// Package. Is it possible for this to be called today after initialization?
void setContainsErrors() {
containsErrors = true;
* Returns the first {@link FailureDetail} describing one of the package's errors, or {@code null}
* if it has no errors or all its errors lack details.
public FailureDetail getFailureDetail() {
return failureDetail;
* Returns a {@link FailureDetail} attributing a target error to the package's {@link
* FailureDetail}, or a generic {@link Code#TARGET_MISSING} failure detail if the package has
* none.
* <p>May only be called when {@link #containsErrors()} is true and with a target whose package is
* this one.
public FailureDetail contextualizeFailureDetailForTarget(Target target) {
"contextualizeFailureDetailForTarget called for target not in package. target=%s,"
+ " package=%s",
"contextualizeFailureDetailForTarget called for package not in error. target=%s",
String prefix =
"Target '" + target.getLabel() + "' contains an error and its package is in error";
if (failureDetail == null) {
return FailureDetail.newBuilder()
return failureDetail.toBuilder().setMessage(prefix + ": " + failureDetail.getMessage()).build();
/** Returns an (immutable, ordered) view of all the targets belonging to this package. */
public ImmutableSortedMap<String, Target> getTargets() {
return targets;
/** Common getTargets implementation, accessible by {@link Package.Builder}. */
private static Set<Target> getTargets(BiMap<String, Target> targetMap) {
return targetMap.values();
* Returns a (read-only, ordered) iterable of all the targets belonging to this package which are
* instances of the specified class.
public <T extends Target> Iterable<T> getTargets(Class<T> targetClass) {
return getTargets(targets, targetClass);
* Common getTargets implementation, accessible by both {@link Package} and {@link
* Package.Builder}.
private static <T extends Target> Iterable<T> getTargets(
Map<String, Target> targetMap, Class<T> targetClass) {
return Iterables.filter(targetMap.values(), targetClass);
* Returns the rule that corresponds to a particular BUILD target name. Useful for walking through
* the dependency graph of a target. Fails if the target is not a Rule.
public Rule getRule(String targetName) {
return (Rule) targets.get(targetName);
/** Returns this package's workspace name. */
public String getWorkspaceName() {
return metadata.workspaceName;
* Returns the target (a member of this package) whose name is "targetName". First rules are
* searched, then output files, then input files. The target name must be valid, as defined by
* {@code LabelValidator#validateTargetName}.
* @throws NoSuchTargetException if the specified target was not found.
public Target getTarget(String targetName) throws NoSuchTargetException {
Target target = targets.get(targetName);
if (target != null) {
return target;
Label label;
try {
label = Label.create(metadata.packageIdentifier, targetName);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(targetName, e);
if (metadata.succinctTargetNotFoundErrors) {
throw new NoSuchTargetException(
label, String.format("target '%s' not declared in package '%s'", targetName, getName()));
} else {
String alternateTargetSuggestion = getAlternateTargetSuggestion(targetName);
throw new NoSuchTargetException(
"target '%s' not declared in package '%s' defined by %s%s",
private String getAlternateTargetSuggestion(String targetName) {
// If there's a file on the disk that's not mentioned in the BUILD file,
// produce a more informative error. NOTE! this code path is only executed
// on failure, which is (relatively) very rare. In the common case no
// stat(2) is executed.
Path filename = metadata.packageDirectory.getRelative(targetName);
if (!PathFragment.isNormalized(targetName) || "*".equals(targetName)) {
// Don't check for file existence if the target name is not normalized
// because the error message would be confusing and wrong. If the
// targetName is "foo/bar/.", and there is a directory "foo/bar", it
// doesn't mean that "//pkg:foo/bar/." is a valid label.
// Also don't check if the target name is a single * character since
// it's invalid on Windows.
return "";
} else if (filename.isDirectory()) {
return "; however, a source directory of this name exists. (Perhaps add "
+ "'exports_files([\""
+ targetName
+ "\"])' to "
+ getName()
+ "/BUILD, or define a "
+ "filegroup?)";
} else if (filename.exists()) {
return "; however, a source file of this name exists. (Perhaps add "
+ "'exports_files([\""
+ targetName
+ "\"])' to "
+ getName()
+ "/BUILD?)";
} else {
return TargetSuggester.suggestTargets(targetName, targets.keySet());
/** Returns all symbolic macros defined in the package. */
// TODO(#19922): Clarify this comment to indicate whether the macros have already been expanded
// by the point the Package has been built. The answer's probably "yes". In that case, this
// accessor is still useful for introspecting e.g. by `bazel query`.
public ImmutableMap<String, MacroInstance> getMacros() {
return macros;
* How to enforce visibility on <code>config_setting</code> See {@link
* ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy} for details.
public ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy getConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy() {
return metadata.configSettingVisibilityPolicy;
public ImmutableList<TargetPattern> getRegisteredExecutionPlatforms() {
return registeredExecutionPlatforms;
public ImmutableList<TargetPattern> getRegisteredToolchains() {
return registeredToolchains;
public ImmutableList<TargetPattern> getUserRegisteredToolchains() {
return getRegisteredToolchains()
0, firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain.orElse(getRegisteredToolchains().size()));
public ImmutableList<TargetPattern> getWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchains() {
return getRegisteredToolchains()
OptionalInt getFirstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain() {
return firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain;
public String toString() {
return "Package("
+ getName()
+ ")="
+ (targets != null ? getTargets(Rule.class) : "initializing...");
* Dumps the package for debugging. Do not depend on the exact format/contents of this debugging
* output.
public void dump(PrintStream out) {
out.println(" Package " + getName() + " (" + metadata.filename.asPath() + ")");
// Rules:
out.println(" Rules");
for (Rule rule : getTargets(Rule.class)) {
out.println(" " + rule.getTargetKind() + " " + rule.getLabel());
for (Attribute attr : rule.getAttributes()) {
for (Object possibleValue :
AggregatingAttributeMapper.of(rule).visitAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getType())) {
out.println(" " + attr.getName() + " = " + possibleValue);
// Files:
out.println(" Files");
for (FileTarget file : getTargets(FileTarget.class)) {
out.print(" " + file.getTargetKind() + " " + file.getLabel());
if (file instanceof OutputFile) {
out.println(" (generated by " + ((OutputFile) file).getGeneratingRule().getLabel() + ")");
} else {
public static Builder newExternalPackageBuilder(
PackageSettings helper,
RootedPath workspacePath,
String workspaceName,
RepositoryMapping mainRepoMapping,
boolean noImplicitFileExport,
PackageOverheadEstimator packageOverheadEstimator) {
return new Builder(
/* filename= */ workspacePath,
/* associatedModuleName= */ Optional.empty(),
/* associatedModuleVersion= */ Optional.empty(),
/* repositoryMapping= */ mainRepoMapping,
/* cpuBoundSemaphore= */ null,
/* generatorMap= */ null,
/* configSettingVisibilityPolicy= */ null,
/* globber= */ null);
public static Builder newExternalPackageBuilderForBzlmod(
RootedPath moduleFilePath,
boolean noImplicitFileExport,
PackageIdentifier basePackageId,
RepositoryMapping repoMapping) {
return new Builder(
/* filename= */ moduleFilePath,
/* associatedModuleName= */ Optional.empty(),
/* associatedModuleVersion= */ Optional.empty(),
/* cpuBoundSemaphore= */ null,
/* generatorMap= */ null,
/* configSettingVisibilityPolicy= */ null,
/* globber= */ null)
* Returns an error {@link Event} with {@link Location} and {@link DetailedExitCode} properties.
public static Event error(Location location, String message, Code code) {
Event error = Event.error(location, message);
return error.withProperty(DetailedExitCode.class, createDetailedCode(message, code));
private static DetailedExitCode createDetailedCode(String errorMessage, Code code) {
return DetailedExitCode.of(
* A builder for {@link Package} objects. Only intended to be used by {@link PackageFactory} and
* {@link}.
public static class Builder {
* A bundle of options affecting package construction, that is not specific to any particular
* package.
public interface PackageSettings {
* Returns whether or not extra detail should be added to {@link NoSuchTargetException}s
* thrown from {@link #getTarget}. Useful for toning down verbosity in situations where it can
* be less helpful.
default boolean succinctTargetNotFoundErrors() {
return false;
* Determines whether to precompute a list of transitively loaded starlark files while
* building packages.
* <p>Typically, direct loads are stored as a {@code ImmutableList<Module>}. This is
* sufficient to reconstruct the full load graph by recursively traversing {@link
* BazelModuleContext#loads}. If the package is going to be serialized, however, it may make
* more sense to precompute a flat list containing the labels of all transitively loaded bzl
* files since {@link Module} is costly to serialize.
* <p>If this returns {@code true}, transitive loads are stored as an {@code
* ImmutableList<Label>} and direct loads are not stored.
default boolean precomputeTransitiveLoads() {
return false;
PackageSettings DEFAULTS = new PackageSettings() {};
* The output instance for this builder. Needs to be instantiated and available with name info
* throughout initialization. All other settings are applied during {@link #build}. See {@link
* Package#Package} and {@link Package#finishInit} for details.
private final Package pkg;
private final boolean precomputeTransitiveLoads;
private final boolean noImplicitFileExport;
// The map from each repository to that repository's remappings map.
// This is only used in the //external package, it is an empty map for all other packages.
private final HashMap<RepositoryName, HashMap<String, RepositoryName>>
externalPackageRepositoryMappings = new HashMap<>();
/** Converts label literals to Label objects within this package. */
private final LabelConverter labelConverter;
/** Estimates the package overhead of this package. */
private final PackageOverheadEstimator packageOverheadEstimator;
* Semaphore held by the Skyframe thread when performing CPU work.
* <p>This should be released when performing I/O.
@Nullable // Only non-null when inside PackageFunction.compute and the semaphore is enabled.
private final Semaphore cpuBoundSemaphore;
// TreeMap so that the iteration order of variables is consistent regardless of insertion order
// (which may change due to serialization). This is useful so that the serialized representation
// is deterministic.
private final TreeMap<String, String> makeEnv = new TreeMap<>();
private final StoredEventHandler localEventHandler = new StoredEventHandler();
@Nullable private String ioExceptionMessage = null;
@Nullable private IOException ioException = null;
@Nullable private DetailedExitCode ioExceptionDetailedExitCode = null;
// TODO(#19922): Consider having separate containsErrors fields on Metadata and Package. In that
// case, this field is replaced by the one on Metadata.
private boolean containsErrors = false;
// A package's FailureDetail field derives from the events on its Builder's event handler.
// During package deserialization, those events are unavailable, because those events aren't
// serialized [*]. Its FailureDetail value is serialized, however. During deserialization, that
// value is assigned here, so that it can be assigned to the deserialized package.
// Likewise, during workspace part assembly, errors from parent parts should propagate to their
// children.
// [*] Not in the context of the package, anyway. Skyframe values containing a package may
// serialize events emitted during its construction/evaluation.
@Nullable private FailureDetail failureDetailOverride = null;
// Used by glob(). Null for contexts where glob() is disallowed, including WORKSPACE files and
// some tests.
@Nullable private final Globber globber;
private final Map<Label, EnvironmentGroup> environmentGroups = new HashMap<>();
// All targets added to the package. We use SnapshottableBiMap to help track insertion order of
// Rule targets, for use by native.existing_rules().
private BiMap<String, Target> targets =
new SnapshottableBiMap<>(target -> target instanceof Rule);
// All instances of symbolic macros created during package construction.
private final Map<String, MacroInstance> macros = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private enum NameConflictCheckingPolicy {
* Whether to do all validation checks for name clashes among targets, macros, and output file
* prefixes.
* <p>The {@code NOT_GUARANTEED} value should only be used when the package data has already
* been validated, e.g. in package deserialization.
* <p>Setting it to {@code NOT_GUARANTEED} does not necessarily turn off *all* checking, just
* some of the more expensive ones. Do not rely on being able to violate these checks.
private NameConflictCheckingPolicy nameConflictCheckingPolicy =
* Stores labels for each rule so that we don't have to call the costly {@link Rule#getLabels}
* twice (once for {@link #checkForInputOutputConflicts} and once for {@link #beforeBuild}).
* <p>This field is null if name conflict checking is disabled. It is also null after the
* package is built.
@Nullable private Map<Rule, List<Label>> ruleLabels = new HashMap<>();
* The collection of the prefixes of every output file. Maps each prefix to an arbitrary output
* file having that prefix. Used for error reporting.
* <p>This field is null if name conflict checking is disabled. It is also null after the
* package is built. The content of the map is manipulated only in {@link #checkRuleAndOutputs}.
@Nullable private Map<String, OutputFile> outputFilePrefixes = new HashMap<>();
private final List<TargetPattern> registeredExecutionPlatforms = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<TargetPattern> registeredToolchains = new ArrayList<>();
* Tracks the index within {@link #registeredToolchains} of the first toolchain registered from
* the WORKSPACE suffixes rather than the WORKSPACE file (if any).
* <p>This is needed to distinguish between these toolchains during resolution: toolchains
* registered in WORKSPACE have precedence over those defined in non-root Bazel modules, which
* in turn have precedence over those from the WORKSPACE suffixes.
private OptionalInt firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain = OptionalInt.empty();
/** True iff the "package" function has already been called in this package. */
private boolean packageFunctionUsed;
private final Interner<ImmutableList<?>> listInterner = new ThreadCompatibleInterner<>();
private final ImmutableMap<Location, String> generatorMap;
private final TestSuiteImplicitTestsAccumulator testSuiteImplicitTestsAccumulator =
new TestSuiteImplicitTestsAccumulator();
/** Returns the "generator_name" to use for a given call site location in a BUILD file. */
String getGeneratorNameByLocation(Location loc) {
return generatorMap.get(loc);
* Returns the value to use for {@code test_suite}s' {@code $implicit_tests} attribute, as-is,
* when the {@code test_suite} doesn't specify an explicit, non-empty {@code tests} value. The
* returned list is mutated by the package-building process - it may be observed to be empty or
* incomplete before package loading is complete. When package loading is complete it will
* contain the label of each non-manual test matching the provided tags in the package, in label
* order.
* <p>This method <b>MUST</b> be called before the package is built - otherwise the requested
* implicit tests won't be accumulated.
List<Label> getTestSuiteImplicitTestsRef(List<String> tags) {
return testSuiteImplicitTestsAccumulator.getTestSuiteImplicitTestsRefForTags(tags);
private static final class ThreadCompatibleInterner<T> implements Interner<T> {
private final Map<T, T> interns = new HashMap<>();
public T intern(T sample) {
T existing = interns.putIfAbsent(sample, sample);
return firstNonNull(existing, sample);
private boolean alreadyBuilt = false;
PackageSettings packageSettings,
PackageIdentifier id,
RootedPath filename,
String workspaceName,
Optional<String> associatedModuleName,
Optional<String> associatedModuleVersion,
boolean noImplicitFileExport,
RepositoryMapping repositoryMapping,
@Nullable Semaphore cpuBoundSemaphore,
PackageOverheadEstimator packageOverheadEstimator,
@Nullable ImmutableMap<Location, String> generatorMap,
// TODO(bazel-team): Config policy is an enum, what is null supposed to mean?
// Maybe convert null -> LEGACY_OFF, assuming that's the correct default.
@Nullable ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy configSettingVisibilityPolicy,
@Nullable Globber globber) {
Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
metadata.packageIdentifier = Preconditions.checkNotNull(id);
metadata.filename = filename;
metadata.packageDirectory = filename.asPath().getParentDirectory();
try {
metadata.buildFileLabel = Label.create(id, filename.getRootRelativePath().getBaseName());
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// This can't actually happen.
throw new AssertionError("Package BUILD file has an illegal name: " + filename, e);
metadata.workspaceName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(workspaceName);
metadata.repositoryMapping = Preconditions.checkNotNull(repositoryMapping);
metadata.associatedModuleName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(associatedModuleName);
metadata.associatedModuleVersion = Preconditions.checkNotNull(associatedModuleVersion);
metadata.succinctTargetNotFoundErrors = packageSettings.succinctTargetNotFoundErrors();
metadata.configSettingVisibilityPolicy = configSettingVisibilityPolicy;
this.pkg = new Package(metadata);
this.precomputeTransitiveLoads = packageSettings.precomputeTransitiveLoads();
this.noImplicitFileExport = noImplicitFileExport;
this.labelConverter = new LabelConverter(id, repositoryMapping);
if (pkg.getName().startsWith("javatests/")) {
this.cpuBoundSemaphore = cpuBoundSemaphore;
this.packageOverheadEstimator = packageOverheadEstimator;
this.generatorMap = (generatorMap == null) ? ImmutableMap.of() : generatorMap;
this.globber = globber;
// Add target for the BUILD file itself.
// (This may be overridden by an exports_file declaration.)
new InputFile(
pkg, metadata.buildFileLabel, Location.fromFile(filename.asPath().toString())));
PackageIdentifier getPackageIdentifier() {
return pkg.getPackageIdentifier();
* Determine whether this package should contain build rules (returns {@code false}) or repo
* rules (returns {@code true}).
boolean isRepoRulePackage() {
return pkg.isRepoRulePackage();
String getPackageWorkspaceName() {
return pkg.getWorkspaceName();
* Returns the name of the Bzlmod module associated with the repo this package is in. If this
* package is not from a Bzlmod repo, this is empty. For repos generated by module extensions,
* this is the name of the module hosting the extension.
Optional<String> getAssociatedModuleName() {
return pkg.metadata.associatedModuleName;
* Returns the version of the Bzlmod module associated with the repo this package is in. If this
* package is not from a Bzlmod repo, this is empty. For repos generated by module extensions,
* this is the version of the module hosting the extension.
Optional<String> getAssociatedModuleVersion() {
return pkg.metadata.associatedModuleVersion;
* Updates the externalPackageRepositoryMappings entry for {@code repoWithin}. Adds new entry
* from {@code localName} to {@code mappedName} in {@code repoWithin}'s map.
* @param repoWithin the RepositoryName within which the mapping should apply
* @param localName the name that actually appears in the WORKSPACE and BUILD files in the
* {@code repoWithin} repository
* @param mappedName the RepositoryName by which localName should be referenced
Builder addRepositoryMappingEntry(
RepositoryName repoWithin, String localName, RepositoryName mappedName) {
HashMap<String, RepositoryName> mapping =
repoWithin, (RepositoryName k) -> new HashMap<>());
mapping.put(localName, mappedName);
return this;
/** Adds all the mappings from a given {@link Package}. */
Builder addRepositoryMappings(Package aPackage) {
ImmutableMap<RepositoryName, ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName>> repositoryMappings =
for (Map.Entry<RepositoryName, ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName>> repositoryName :
repositoryMappings.entrySet()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, RepositoryName> repositoryNameRepositoryNameEntry :
repositoryName.getValue().entrySet()) {
return this;
public LabelConverter getLabelConverter() {
return labelConverter;
Interner<ImmutableList<?>> getListInterner() {
return listInterner;
public Label getBuildFileLabel() {
return pkg.metadata.buildFileLabel;
* Return a read-only copy of the name mapping of external repositories for a given repository.
* Reading that mapping directly from the builder allows to also take mappings into account that
* are only discovered while constructing the external package (e.g., the mapping of the name of
* the main workspace to the canonical main name '@').
RepositoryMapping getRepositoryMappingFor(RepositoryName name) {
Map<String, RepositoryName> mapping = externalPackageRepositoryMappings.get(name);
if (mapping == null) {
return RepositoryMapping.ALWAYS_FALLBACK;
} else {
return RepositoryMapping.createAllowingFallback(mapping);
RootedPath getFilename() {
return pkg.metadata.filename;
/** Returns the {@link StoredEventHandler} associated with this builder. */
public StoredEventHandler getLocalEventHandler() {
return localEventHandler;
public Builder setMakeVariable(String name, String value) {
makeEnv.put(name, value);
return this;
public Builder mergePackageArgsFrom(PackageArgs packageArgs) {
pkg.metadata.packageArgs = pkg.metadata.packageArgs.mergeWith(packageArgs);
return this;
public Builder mergePackageArgsFrom(PackageArgs.Builder builder) {
return mergePackageArgsFrom(;
/** Called partial b/c in builder and thus subject to mutation and updates */
public PackageArgs getPartialPackageArgs() {
return pkg.metadata.packageArgs;
/** Uses the workspace name from {@code //external} to set this package's workspace name. */
// TODO(#19922): Seems like this is only used for WORKSPACE logic (`workspace()` callable), but
// it clashes with the notion that, for BUILD files, the workspace name should be supplied to
// the Builder constructor and not mutated during evaluation. Either put up with this until we
// delete WORKSPACE logic, or else separate the `workspace()` callable's mutation from this
// metadata field.
public Builder setWorkspaceName(String workspaceName) {
pkg.metadata.workspaceName = workspaceName;
return this;
/** Returns whether the "package" function has been called yet */
boolean isPackageFunctionUsed() {
return packageFunctionUsed;
void setPackageFunctionUsed() {
packageFunctionUsed = true;
/** Sets the number of Starlark computation steps executed by this BUILD file. */
void setComputationSteps(long n) {
pkg.computationSteps = n;
Builder setIOException(IOException e, String message, DetailedExitCode detailedExitCode) {
this.ioException = e;
this.ioExceptionMessage = message;
this.ioExceptionDetailedExitCode = detailedExitCode;
return setContainsErrors();
* Declares that errors were encountering while loading this package. If called, {@link
* #addEvent} or {@link #addEvents} should already have been called with an {@link Event} of
* type {@link EventKind#ERROR} that includes a {@link FailureDetail}.
// TODO(bazel-team): For simplicity it would be nice to replace this with
// getLocalEventHandler().hasErrors(), since that would prevent the kind of inconsistency where
// we have reported an ERROR event but not called setContainsErrors(), or vice versa.
public Builder setContainsErrors() {
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe do Preconditions.checkState(localEventHandler.hasErrors()).
// Maybe even assert that it has a FailureDetail, though that's a linear scan unless we
// customize the event handler.
containsErrors = true;
return this;
public boolean containsErrors() {
return containsErrors;
void setFailureDetailOverride(FailureDetail failureDetail) {
failureDetailOverride = failureDetail;
FailureDetail getFailureDetail() {
if (failureDetailOverride != null) {
return failureDetailOverride;
List<Event> undetailedEvents = null;
for (Event event : localEventHandler.getEvents()) {
if (event.getKind() != EventKind.ERROR) {
DetailedExitCode detailedExitCode = event.getProperty(DetailedExitCode.class);
if (detailedExitCode != null && detailedExitCode.getFailureDetail() != null) {
return detailedExitCode.getFailureDetail();
if (containsErrors) {
if (undetailedEvents == null) {
undetailedEvents = new ArrayList<>();
if (undetailedEvents != null) {
new IllegalStateException("Package has undetailed error from " + undetailedEvents));
return null;
// TODO(#19922): Require this to be set before BUILD evaluation.
public Builder setLoads(Iterable<Module> directLoads) {
if (precomputeTransitiveLoads) {
pkg.metadata.transitiveLoads = computeTransitiveLoads(directLoads);
} else {
pkg.metadata.directLoads = ImmutableList.copyOf(directLoads);
return this;
Builder setTransitiveLoadsForDeserialization(ImmutableList<Label> transitiveLoads) {
pkg.metadata.transitiveLoads = Preconditions.checkNotNull(transitiveLoads);
return this;
private void checkLoadsNotSet() {
pkg.metadata.directLoads == null,
"Direct loads already set: %s",
pkg.metadata.transitiveLoads == null,
"Transitive loads already set: %s",
* Returns the {@link Globber} used to implement {@code glob()} functionality during BUILD
* evaluation. Null for contexts where globbing is not possible, including WORKSPACE files and
* some tests.
public Globber getGlobber() {
return globber;
* Creates a new {@link Rule} {@code r} where {@code r.getPackage()} is the {@link Package}
* associated with this {@link Builder}.
* <p>The created {@link Rule} will have no output files and therefore will be in an invalid
* state.
Rule createRule(
Label label, RuleClass ruleClass, List<StarlarkThread.CallStackEntry> callstack) {
return createRule(
callstack.isEmpty() ? Location.BUILTIN : callstack.get(0).location,
Rule createRule(
Label label,
RuleClass ruleClass,
Location location,
@Nullable CallStack.Node interiorCallStack) {
return new Rule(pkg, label, ruleClass, location, interiorCallStack);
Target getTarget(String name) {
return targets.get(name);
* Replaces a target in the {@link Package} under construction with a new target with the same
* name and belonging to the same package.
* <p>Requires that {@link #disableNameConflictChecking} was not called.
* <p>A hack needed for {@link WorkspaceFactoryHelper}.
void replaceTarget(Target newTarget) {
"No existing target with name '%s' in the targets map",
newTarget.getPackage() == pkg, // pointer comparison since we're constructing `pkg`
"Replacement target belongs to package '%s', expected '%s'",
Target oldTarget = targets.put(newTarget.getName(), newTarget);
if (newTarget instanceof Rule) {
List<Label> ruleLabelsForOldTarget = ruleLabels.remove(oldTarget);
if (ruleLabelsForOldTarget != null) {
ruleLabels.put((Rule) newTarget, ruleLabelsForOldTarget);
public Set<Target> getTargets() {
return Package.getTargets(targets);
* Returns a lightweight snapshot view of the names of all rule targets belonging to this
* package at the time of this call.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is called after {@link #beforeBuild} has been
* called.
Map<String, Rule> getRulesSnapshotView() {
if (targets instanceof SnapshottableBiMap<?, ?>) {
return Maps.transformValues(
((SnapshottableBiMap<String, Target>) targets).getTrackedSnapshot(),
target -> (Rule) target);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"getRulesSnapshotView() cannot be used after beforeBuild() has been called");
* Returns an {@link Iterable} of all the rule instance targets belonging to this package.
* <p>The returned {@link Iterable} will be deterministically ordered, in the order the rule
* instance targets were instantiated.
private Iterable<Rule> getRules() {
return Package.getTargets(targets, Rule.class);
* Creates an input file target in this package with the specified name, if it does not yet
* exist.
* <p>This operation is idempotent.
* @param targetName name of the input file. This must be a valid target name as defined by
* {@link}.
* @return the newly-created {@code InputFile}, or the old one if it already existed.
* @throws NameConflictException if the name was already taken by another target/macro that is
* not an input file
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the name is not a valid label
InputFile createInputFile(String targetName, Location location) throws NameConflictException {
Target existing = targets.get(targetName);
if (existing instanceof InputFile) {
return (InputFile) existing; // idempotent
InputFile inputFile;
try {
inputFile = new InputFile(pkg, createLabel(targetName), location);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"FileTarget in package " + pkg.getName() + " has illegal name: " + targetName, e);
return inputFile;
* Sets the visibility and license for an input file. The input file must already exist as a
* member of this package.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input file doesn't exist in this package's target
* map.
void setVisibilityAndLicense(InputFile inputFile, RuleVisibility visibility, License license) {
String filename = inputFile.getName();
Target cacheInstance = targets.get(filename);
if (!(cacheInstance instanceof InputFile)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Can't set visibility for nonexistent FileTarget "
+ filename
+ " in package "
+ pkg.getName()
+ ".");
if (!((InputFile) cacheInstance).isVisibilitySpecified()
|| cacheInstance.getVisibility() != visibility
|| !Objects.equals(cacheInstance.getLicense(), license)) {
new VisibilityLicenseSpecifiedInputFile(
pkg, cacheInstance.getLabel(), cacheInstance.getLocation(), visibility, license));
* Creates a label for a target inside this package.
* @throws LabelSyntaxException if the {@code targetName} is invalid
Label createLabel(String targetName) throws LabelSyntaxException {
return Label.create(pkg.getPackageIdentifier(), targetName);
/** Adds a package group to the package. */
void addPackageGroup(
String name,
Collection<String> packages,
Collection<Label> includes,
boolean allowPublicPrivate,
boolean repoRootMeansCurrentRepo,
EventHandler eventHandler,
Location location)
throws NameConflictException, LabelSyntaxException {
PackageGroup group =
new PackageGroup(
targets.put(group.getName(), group);
if (group.containsErrors()) {
* Returns true if any labels in the given list appear multiple times, reporting an appropriate
* error message if so.
* <p>TODO(bazel-team): apply this to all build functions (maybe automatically?), possibly
* integrate with RuleClass.checkForDuplicateLabels.
private static boolean hasDuplicateLabels(
List<Label> labels,
String owner,
String attrName,
Location location,
EventHandler eventHandler) {
Set<Label> dupes = CollectionUtils.duplicatedElementsOf(labels);
for (Label dupe : dupes) {
"label '%s' is duplicated in the '%s' list of '%s'", dupe, attrName, owner),
return !dupes.isEmpty();
/** Adds an environment group to the package. */
void addEnvironmentGroup(
String name,
List<Label> environments,
List<Label> defaults,
EventHandler eventHandler,
Location location)
throws NameConflictException, LabelSyntaxException {
if (hasDuplicateLabels(environments, name, "environments", location, eventHandler)
|| hasDuplicateLabels(defaults, name, "defaults", location, eventHandler)) {
EnvironmentGroup group =
new EnvironmentGroup(createLabel(name), pkg, environments, defaults, location);
targets.put(group.getName(), group);
// Invariant: once group is inserted into targets, it must also:
// (a) be inserted into environmentGroups, or
// (b) have its group.processMemberEnvironments called.
// Otherwise it will remain uninitialized,
// causing crashes when it is later toString-ed.
for (Event error : group.validateMembership()) {
// For each declared environment, make sure it doesn't also belong to some other group.
for (Label environment : group.getEnvironments()) {
EnvironmentGroup otherGroup = environmentGroups.get(environment);
if (otherGroup != null) {
"environment %s belongs to both %s and %s",
environment, group.getLabel(), otherGroup.getLabel()),
// Ensure the orphan gets (trivially) initialized.
} else {
environmentGroups.put(environment, group);
* Turns off (some) conflict checking for name clashes between targets, macros, and output file
* prefixes. (It is not guaranteed to disable all checks, since it is intended as an
* optimization and not for semantic effect.)
* <p>This should only be done for data that has already been validated, e.g. during package
* deserialization. Do not call this unless you know what you're doing.
* <p>This method must be called prior to {@link #addRuleUnchecked}. It may not be called,
* neither before nor after, a call to {@link #addRule} or {@link #replaceTarget}.
Builder disableNameConflictChecking() {
Preconditions.checkState(nameConflictCheckingPolicy == NameConflictCheckingPolicy.UNKNOWN);
this.nameConflictCheckingPolicy = NameConflictCheckingPolicy.NOT_GUARANTEED;
this.ruleLabels = null;
this.outputFilePrefixes = null;
return this;
private void ensureNameConflictChecking() {
nameConflictCheckingPolicy != NameConflictCheckingPolicy.NOT_GUARANTEED);
this.nameConflictCheckingPolicy = NameConflictCheckingPolicy.ENABLED;
* Adds a rule and its outputs to the targets map, and propagates the error bit from the rule to
* the package.
private void addRuleInternal(Rule rule) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(rule.getPackage() == pkg);
for (OutputFile outputFile : rule.getOutputFiles()) {
targets.put(outputFile.getName(), outputFile);
targets.put(rule.getName(), rule);
if (rule.containsErrors()) {
* Adds a rule without certain validation checks. Requires that {@link
* #disableNameConflictChecking} was already called.
void addRuleUnchecked(Rule rule) {
nameConflictCheckingPolicy == NameConflictCheckingPolicy.NOT_GUARANTEED);
* Adds a rule, subject to the usual validation checks. Requires that {@link
* #disableNameConflictChecking} was not called.
void addRule(Rule rule) throws NameConflictException {
List<Label> labels = rule.getLabels();
checkRuleAndOutputs(rule, labels);
ruleLabels.put(rule, labels);
/** Adds a symbolic macro instance to the package. */
public void addMacro(MacroInstance macro) throws NameConflictException {
macros.put(macro.getName(), macro);
// TODO(#19922): Push to a queue of unexpanded macros, read those when expanding macros as
// part of monolithic package evaluation (but not lazy macro evaluation).
void addRegisteredExecutionPlatforms(List<TargetPattern> platforms) {
void addRegisteredToolchains(List<TargetPattern> toolchains, boolean forWorkspaceSuffix) {
if (forWorkspaceSuffix && firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain.isEmpty()) {
firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain = OptionalInt.of(registeredToolchains.size());
void setFirstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain(
OptionalInt firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain) {
this.firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain = firstWorkspaceSuffixRegisteredToolchain;
private Builder beforeBuild(boolean discoverAssumedInputFiles) throws NoSuchPackageException {
if (ioException != null) {
throw new NoSuchPackageException(
getPackageIdentifier(), ioExceptionMessage, ioException, ioExceptionDetailedExitCode);
// SnapshottableBiMap does not allow removing targets (in order to efficiently track rule
// insertion order). However, we *do* need to support removal of targets in
// PackageFunction.handleLabelsCrossingSubpackagesAndPropagateInconsistentFilesystemExceptions
// which is called *between* calls to beforeBuild and finishBuild. We thus repoint the targets
// map to the SnapshottableBiMap's underlying bimap and thus stop tracking insertion order.
// After this point, snapshots of targets should no longer be used, and any further
// getRulesSnapshotView calls will throw.
if (targets instanceof SnapshottableBiMap<?, ?>) {
targets = ((SnapshottableBiMap<String, Target>) targets).getUnderlyingBiMap();
// We create an InputFile corresponding to the BUILD file in Builder's constructor. However,
// the visibility of this target may be overridden with an exports_files directive, so we wait
// until now to obtain the current instance from the targets map.
pkg.metadata.buildFile =
// TODO(bazel-team): We run testSuiteImplicitTestsAccumulator here in beforeBuild(), but what
// if one of the accumulated tests is later removed in PackageFunction, between the call to
// buildPartial() and finishBuild(), due to a label-crossing-subpackage-boundary error? Seems
// like that would mean a test_suite is referencing a Target that's been deleted from its
// Package.
// Clear tests before discovering them again in order to keep this method idempotent -
// otherwise we may double-count tests if we're called twice due to a skyframe restart, etc.
Map<String, InputFile> newInputFiles = new HashMap<>();
for (Rule rule : getRules()) {
if (discoverAssumedInputFiles) {
// All labels mentioned by a rule that refer to an unknown target in the current package
// are assumed to be InputFiles, so let's create them. We add them to a temporary map
// to avoid concurrent modification to this.targets while iterating (via getRules()).
List<Label> labels = (ruleLabels != null) ? ruleLabels.get(rule) : rule.getLabels();
for (Label label : labels) {
if (label.getPackageIdentifier().equals(pkg.getPackageIdentifier())
&& !targets.containsKey(label.getName())
&& !macros.containsKey(label.getName())
&& !newInputFiles.containsKey(label.getName())) {
Location loc = rule.getLocation();
? new PrivateVisibilityInputFile(pkg, label, loc)
: new InputFile(pkg, label, loc));
// Make sure all accumulated values are sorted for determinism.
for (InputFile file : newInputFiles.values()) {
return this;
/** Intended for use by {@link} only. */
// TODO(bazel-team): It seems like the motivation for this method (added in cl/74794332) is to
// allow PackageFunction to delete targets that are found to violate the
// label-crossing-subpackage-boundaries check. Is there a simpler way to express this idea that
// doesn't make package-building a multi-stage process?
public Builder buildPartial() throws NoSuchPackageException {
if (alreadyBuilt) {
return this;
return beforeBuild(/* discoverAssumedInputFiles= */ true);
/** Intended for use by {@link} only. */
public Package finishBuild() {
if (alreadyBuilt) {
return pkg;
// Freeze targets and distributions.
for (Rule rule : getRules()) {
ruleLabels = null;
outputFilePrefixes = null;
targets = Maps.unmodifiableBiMap(targets);
// Now all targets have been loaded, so we validate the group's member environments.
for (EnvironmentGroup envGroup : ImmutableSet.copyOf(environmentGroups.values())) {
List<Event> errors = envGroup.processMemberEnvironments(targets);
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
Event.replayEventsOn(localEventHandler, errors);
// TODO(bazel-team): Can't we automatically infer containsError from the presence of
// ERRORs on our handler?
// Build the package.
alreadyBuilt = true;
return pkg;
public Package build() throws NoSuchPackageException {
return build(/* discoverAssumedInputFiles= */ true);
* Build the package, optionally adding any labels in the package not already associated with a
* target as an input file.
Package build(boolean discoverAssumedInputFiles) throws NoSuchPackageException {
if (alreadyBuilt) {
return pkg;
return finishBuild();
* Adds an input file to this package.
* <p>There must not already be a target with the same name (i.e., this is not idempotent).
private void addInputFile(InputFile inputFile) {
Target prev = targets.put(inputFile.getLabel().getName(), inputFile);
Preconditions.checkState(prev == null);
* Precondition check for {@link #addRule} (to be called before the rule and its outputs are in
* the targets map). Verifies that:
* <ul>
* <li>The added rule's name, and the names of its output files, are not the same as the name
* of any target/macro already declared in the package.
* <li>The added rule's output files list does not contain the same name twice.
* <li>The added rule does not have an input file and an output file that share the same name.
* <li>For each of the added rule's output files, no directory prefix of that file matches the
* name of another output file in the package; and conversely, the file is not itself a
* prefix for another output file. (This check statefully mutates the {@code
* outputFilePrefixes} field.)
* </ul>
// TODO(bazel-team): We verify that all prefixes of output files are distinct from other output
// file names, but not that they're distinct from other target names in the package. What
// happens if you define an input file "abc" and output file "abc/xyz"?
private void checkRuleAndOutputs(Rule rule, List<Label> labels) throws NameConflictException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(outputFilePrefixes); // ensured by addRule's precondition
// Check the name of the new rule itself.
String ruleName = rule.getName();
ImmutableList<OutputFile> outputFiles = rule.getOutputFiles();
Map<String, OutputFile> outputFilesByName =
// Check the new rule's output files, both for direct conflicts and prefix conflicts.
for (OutputFile outputFile : outputFiles) {
String outputFileName = outputFile.getName();
// Check for duplicate within a single rule. (Can't use checkForExistingName since this
// rule's outputs aren't in the target map yet.)
if (outputFilesByName.put(outputFileName, outputFile) != null) {
throw new NameConflictException(
"rule '%s' has more than one generated file named '%s'",
ruleName, outputFileName));
// Check for conflict with any other already added target/macro.
// TODO(bazel-team): We also need to check for a conflict between an output file and its own
// rule, which is not yet in the targets map.
// Check if this output file is the prefix of an already existing one.
if (outputFilePrefixes.containsKey(outputFileName)) {
throw overlappingOutputFilePrefixes(outputFile, outputFilePrefixes.get(outputFileName));
// Check if a prefix of this output file matches an already existing one.
PathFragment outputFileFragment = PathFragment.create(outputFileName);
int segmentCount = outputFileFragment.segmentCount();
for (int i = 1; i < segmentCount; i++) {
String prefix = outputFileFragment.subFragment(0, i).toString();
if (outputFilesByName.containsKey(prefix)) {
throw overlappingOutputFilePrefixes(outputFile, outputFilesByName.get(prefix));
if (targets.get(prefix) instanceof OutputFile) {
throw overlappingOutputFilePrefixes(outputFile, (OutputFile) targets.get(prefix));
// Store in persistent map, for checking when adding future rules.
outputFilePrefixes.putIfAbsent(prefix, outputFile);
// Check for the same file appearing as both an input and output of the new rule.
PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier = rule.getLabel().getPackageIdentifier();
for (Label inputLabel : labels) {
if (packageIdentifier.equals(inputLabel.getPackageIdentifier())
&& outputFilesByName.containsKey(inputLabel.getName())) {
throw new NameConflictException(
"rule '%s' has file '%s' as both an input and an output",
ruleName, inputLabel.getName()));
* Throws {@link NameConflictException} if the given target's name matches an existing target or
* macro in the package.
private void checkForExistingName(Target added) throws NameConflictException {
checkForExistingName(added.getName(), added);
* Throws {@link NameConflictException} if the given macro's name matches an existing target or
* macro in the package.
private void checkForExistingName(MacroInstance added) throws NameConflictException {
checkForExistingName(added.getName(), added);
private void checkForExistingName(String name, Object added) throws NameConflictException {
Object existing = targets.get(name);
if (existing == null) {
existing = macros.get(name);
if (existing == null) {
// Format error message subject and object, which are either Targets or MacroInstances.
String subject;
if (added instanceof Target) {
subject =
String.format("%s '%s'", ((Target) added).getTargetKind(), ((Target) added).getName());
if (added instanceof OutputFile) {
subject += " in rule '" + ((OutputFile) added).getGeneratingRule().getName() + "'";
} else if (added instanceof MacroInstance) {
subject = String.format("macro '%s'", ((MacroInstance) added).getName());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected object type: " + added.getClass());
String object;
if (existing instanceof Target) {
object =
existing instanceof OutputFile
? String.format(
"generated file from rule '%s'",
((OutputFile) existing).getGeneratingRule().getName())
: ((Target) existing).getTargetKind();
object += ", defined at " + ((Target) existing).getLocation();
} else if (existing instanceof MacroInstance) {
// TODO(#19922): Add definition location info for the existing object, like we have in the
// case for rules.
object = "macro";
} else {
throw new AssertionError();
throw new NameConflictException(
String.format("%s conflicts with existing %s", subject, object));
* Returns a {@link NameConflictException} about two output files clashing (i.e., due to one
* being a prefix of the other)
private static NameConflictException overlappingOutputFilePrefixes(
OutputFile added, OutputFile existing) {
if (added.getGeneratingRule() == existing.getGeneratingRule()) {
return new NameConflictException(
"rule '%s' has conflicting output files '%s' and '%s'",
added.getGeneratingRule().getName(), added.getName(), existing.getName()));
} else {
return new NameConflictException(
"output file '%s' of rule '%s' conflicts with output file '%s' of rule '%s'",
public Semaphore getCpuBoundSemaphore() {
return cpuBoundSemaphore;
* A collection of data about a package that does not require evaluating the whole package.
* <p>In particular, this does not contain any target information. It does contain data known
* prior to BUILD file evaluation, data mutated by BUILD file evaluation, and data computed
* immediately after BUILD file evaluation.
* <p>This object is supplied to symbolic macro expansion.
public static final class Metadata {
private Metadata() {}
// Fields that are known before the beginning of BUILD file execution
private PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier;
* Returns the package identifier for this package.
* <p>This is a suffix of {@code getFilename().getParentDirectory()}.
public PackageIdentifier getPackageIdentifier() {
return packageIdentifier;
* Returns the name of this package. If this build is using external repositories then this name
* may not be unique!
public String getName() {
return packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment().getPathString();
/** Like {@link #getName}, but has type {@code PathFragment}. */
public PathFragment getNameFragment() {
return packageIdentifier.getPackageFragment();
private RootedPath filename;
/** Returns the filename of this package's BUILD file. */
public RootedPath getFilename() {
return filename;
private Path packageDirectory;
* Returns the directory in which this package's BUILD file resides. All InputFile members of
* the packages are located relative to this directory.
public Path getPackageDirectory() {
return packageDirectory;
private Label buildFileLabel;
/** Returns the label of this package's BUILD file. */
public Label getBuildFileLabel() {
return buildFileLabel;
private String workspaceName;
* Returns the name of the workspace this package is in. Used as a prefix for the runfiles
* directory. This can be set in the WORKSPACE file. This must be a valid target name.
public String getWorkspaceName() {
return workspaceName;
private RepositoryMapping repositoryMapping;
* Returns the map of repository reassignments for BUILD packages. This will be empty for
* packages within the main workspace.
public RepositoryMapping getRepositoryMapping() {
return repositoryMapping;
* The name of the Bzlmod module associated with the repo this package is in. If this package is
* not from a Bzlmod repo, this is empty. For repos generated by module extensions, this is the
* name of the module hosting the extension.
private Optional<String> associatedModuleName;
* The version of the Bzlmod module associated with the repo this package is in. If this package
* is not from a Bzlmod repo, this is empty. For repos generated by module extensions, this is
* the version of the module hosting the extension.
private Optional<String> associatedModuleVersion;
private ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy configSettingVisibilityPolicy;
/** Returns the visibility enforcement policy for {@code config_setting}. */
public ConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy getConfigSettingVisibilityPolicy() {
return configSettingVisibilityPolicy;
// These two fields are mutually exclusive. Which one is set depends on
// PackageSettings#precomputeTransitiveLoads.
@Nullable private ImmutableList<Module> directLoads;
@Nullable private ImmutableList<Label> transitiveLoads;
/** Governs the error message behavior of {@link Package#getTarget}. */
// TODO(bazel-team): Arguably, this could be replaced by a boolean param to getTarget(), or some
// separate action taken by the caller. But there's a lot of call sites that would need
// updating.
private boolean succinctTargetNotFoundErrors;
// Fields that are updated during BUILD file execution.
private PackageArgs packageArgs = PackageArgs.DEFAULT;
* Returns the collection of package-level attributes set by the {@code package()} callable and
* similar methods. May be modified during BUILD file execution.
public PackageArgs getPackageArgs() {
return packageArgs;
// Fields that are only set after BUILD file execution (but before symbolic macro expansion).
private InputFile buildFile;
* Returns the InputFile target corresponding to this package's BUILD file.
* <p>This may change during BUILD file execution as a result of exports_files changing the
* BUILD file's visibility.
public InputFile getBuildFile() {
return buildFile;
private Optional<Root> sourceRoot;
* Returns the root of the source tree in which this package was found. It is an invariant that
* {@code sourceRoot.getRelative(packageId.getSourceRoot()).equals(packageDirectory)}. Returns
* {@link Optional#empty} if this {@link Package} is derived from a WORKSPACE file.
public Optional<Root> getSourceRoot() {
return sourceRoot;
private ImmutableMap<String, String> makeEnv;
* Returns the "Make" environment of this package, containing package-local definitions of
* "Make" variables.
public ImmutableMap<String, String> getMakeEnvironment() {
return makeEnv;
/** Package codec implementation. */
static final class PackageCodec implements ObjectCodec<Package> {
public Class<Package> getEncodedClass() {
return Package.class;
public void serialize(SerializationContext context, Package input, CodedOutputStream codedOut)
throws IOException, SerializationException {
context.checkClassExplicitlyAllowed(Package.class, input);
PackageCodecDependencies codecDeps = context.getDependency(PackageCodecDependencies.class);
codecDeps.getPackageSerializer().serialize(context, input, codedOut);
public Package deserialize(DeserializationContext context, CodedInputStream codedIn)
throws SerializationException, IOException {
PackageCodecDependencies codecDeps = context.getDependency(PackageCodecDependencies.class);
return codecDeps.getPackageSerializer().deserialize(context, codedIn);