blob: 7d9ba9ad71a151a717b17de0a00b8127327fc0fa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Helper functions for {@link StarlarkMethod}-annotated fields and methods. */
final class CallUtils {
private CallUtils() {} // uninstantiable
* Returns the {@link StarlarkClassDescriptor} for the given {@link StarlarkSemantics} and {@link
* Class}.
* <p>This method is a hotspot! It's called on every function call and field access. A single
* `bazel build` invocation can make tens or even hundreds of millions of calls to this method.
private static StarlarkClassDescriptor getStarlarkClassDescriptor(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz == String.class) {
clazz = StringModule.class;
// We use two layers of caches, with the first layer being keyed by StarlarkSemantics and the
// second layer being keyed by Class. This optimizes for the common case of very few different
// StarlarkSemantics instances (typically, one) being in play. In contrast, if we used a single
// cache data structure then we'd need to use a dedicated tuple object for the keys of that data
// structure, and the GC churn and method call overhead become meaningful at scale.
// We implement each cache ourselves using CHM#get and CHM#putIfAbsent. We don't use
// CHM#computeIfAbsent since it is not reentrant: If #getStarlarkClassDescriptor is called
// before Starlark.UNIVERSE is initialized then the computation will re-enter the cache and have
// a cycle; see b/161479826 for history.
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe the above cycle concern doesn't exist now that CallUtils is private.
ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, StarlarkClassDescriptor> starlarkClassDescriptorCache =
if (starlarkClassDescriptorCache == null) {
starlarkClassDescriptorCache =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>(
// In May 2023, typical Bazel usage results in ~150 entries in this cache. Therefore
// we presize the CHM accordingly to reduce the chance two entries use the same hash
// bucket (in May 2023 this strategy was completely effective!). We used to use the
// default capacity, and then the CHM would get dynamically resized to have 256
// buckets, many of which had at least 2 entries which is suboptimal for such a hot
// data structure.
// TODO(bazel-team): Better would be to precompute the entire lookup table on server
// startup (best would be to do this at compile time via an annotation processor),
// rather than rely on it getting built-up dynamically as Starlark code gets
// evaluated over the lifetime of the server. This way there are no concurrency
// concerns, so we can use a more efficient data structure that doesn't need to
// handle concurrent writes.
/* initialCapacity= */ 1000);
ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, StarlarkClassDescriptor> prev =
semantics, starlarkClassDescriptorCache);
if (prev != null) {
starlarkClassDescriptorCache = prev; // first thread wins
StarlarkClassDescriptor starlarkClassDescriptor = starlarkClassDescriptorCache.get(clazz);
if (starlarkClassDescriptor == null) {
starlarkClassDescriptor = buildStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, clazz);
StarlarkClassDescriptor prev =
starlarkClassDescriptorCache.putIfAbsent(clazz, starlarkClassDescriptor);
if (prev != null) {
starlarkClassDescriptor = prev; // first thread wins
return starlarkClassDescriptor;
* Information derived from a {@link Class} (that has methods annotated with {@link
* StarlarkMethod}) based on a {@link StarlarkSemantics}.
private static class StarlarkClassDescriptor {
@Nullable MethodDescriptor selfCall;
* All {@link StarlarkMethod}-annotated Java methods, sans ones where {@code selfCall() ==
* true}, sorted by Java method name.
ImmutableMap<String, MethodDescriptor> methods;
* Submap of {@link #methods} for which {@code structField() == true}, sorted by Java method
* name.
ImmutableMap<String, MethodDescriptor> fields;
* Two-layer cache of {@link #buildStarlarkClassDescriptor}, managed by {@link
* #getStarlarkClassDescriptor}.
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<
StarlarkSemantics, ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, StarlarkClassDescriptor>>
starlarkClassDescriptorCachesBySemantics = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static StarlarkClassDescriptor buildStarlarkClassDescriptor(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> clazz) {
MethodDescriptor selfCall = null;
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, MethodDescriptor> methods = ImmutableMap.builder();
Map<String, MethodDescriptor> fields = new HashMap<>();
// Sort methods by Java name, for determinism.
Method[] classMethods = clazz.getMethods();
Arrays.sort(classMethods, Comparator.comparing(Method::getName));
for (Method method : classMethods) {
// Synthetic methods lead to false multiple matches
if (method.isSynthetic()) {
// annotated?
StarlarkMethod callable = StarlarkAnnotations.getStarlarkMethod(method);
if (callable == null) {
// enabled by semantics?
if (!semantics.isFeatureEnabledBasedOnTogglingFlags(
callable.enableOnlyWithFlag(), callable.disableWithFlag())) {
MethodDescriptor descriptor = MethodDescriptor.of(method, callable, semantics);
// self-call method?
if (callable.selfCall()) {
if (selfCall != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Class %s has two selfCall methods defined", clazz.getName()));
selfCall = descriptor;
// regular method
methods.put(, descriptor);
// field method?
if (descriptor.isStructField() && fields.put(, descriptor) != null) {
// TODO(b/72113542): Validate with annotation processor instead of at runtime.
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Class %s declares two structField methods named %s",
StarlarkClassDescriptor starlarkClassDescriptor = new StarlarkClassDescriptor();
starlarkClassDescriptor.selfCall = selfCall;
starlarkClassDescriptor.methods = methods.buildOrThrow();
starlarkClassDescriptor.fields = ImmutableMap.copyOf(fields);
return starlarkClassDescriptor;
* Returns the set of all StarlarkMethod-annotated Java methods (excluding the self-call method)
* of the specified class.
static ImmutableMap<String, MethodDescriptor> getAnnotatedMethods(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> objClass) {
return getStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, objClass).methods;
* Returns the value of the Starlark field of {@code x}, implemented by a Java method with a
* {@code StarlarkMethod(structField=true)} annotation.
static Object getAnnotatedField(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x, String fieldName)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
MethodDescriptor desc =
getStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, x.getClass()).fields.get(fieldName);
if (desc == null) {
throw Starlark.errorf("value of type %s has no .%s field", Starlark.type(x), fieldName);
return desc.callField(x, semantics, /*mu=*/ null);
/** Returns the names of the Starlark fields of {@code x} under the specified semantics. */
static ImmutableSet<String> getAnnotatedFieldNames(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Object x) {
return getStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, x.getClass()).fields.keySet();
* Returns a {@link MethodDescriptor} object representing a function which calls the selfCall java
* method of the given object (the {@link StarlarkMethod} method with {@link
* StarlarkMethod#selfCall()} set to true). Returns null if no such method exists.
static MethodDescriptor getSelfCallMethodDescriptor(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> objClass) {
return getStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, objClass).selfCall;
* Returns a {@code selfCall=true} method for the given class under the given Starlark semantics,
* or null if no such method exists.
static Method getSelfCallMethod(StarlarkSemantics semantics, Class<?> objClass) {
MethodDescriptor descriptor = getStarlarkClassDescriptor(semantics, objClass).selfCall;
if (descriptor == null) {
return null;
return descriptor.getMethod();