blob: 10e9a0bb46c7e466e7f3b36f9267c4df003e1529 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.math.BigInteger;
/** The Starlark int data type. */
name = "int",
category = "core",
doc =
"The type of integers in Starlark. Starlark integers may be of any magnitude; arithmetic"
+ " is exact. Examples of integer expressions:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">153\n"
+ "0x2A # hexadecimal literal\n"
+ "0o54 # octal literal\n"
+ "23 * 2 + 5\n"
+ "100 / -7\n"
+ "100 % -7 # -5 (unlike in some other languages)\n"
+ "int(\"18\")\n"
+ "</pre>")
public abstract class StarlarkInt implements StarlarkValue, Comparable<StarlarkInt> {
// A cache of small integers >= LEAST_SMALLINT.
private static final int LEAST_SMALLINT = -128;
private static final Int32[] smallints = new Int32[100_000];
static final StarlarkInt ZERO = StarlarkInt.of(0);
private static final StarlarkInt ONE = StarlarkInt.of(1);
private static final StarlarkInt MINUS_ONE = StarlarkInt.of(-1);
/** Only nested classes of {@code StarlarkInt} are allowed to inherit it. */
private StarlarkInt() {}
/** Returns the Starlark int value that represents x. */
public static StarlarkInt of(int x) {
int index = x - LEAST_SMALLINT; // (may overflow)
if (0 <= index && index < smallints.length) {
Int32 xi = smallints[index];
if (xi == null) {
xi = new Int32(x);
smallints[index] = xi;
return xi;
return new Int32(x);
/** Returns the Starlark int value that represents x. */
public static StarlarkInt of(long x) {
if ((long) (int) x == x) {
return StarlarkInt.of((int) x);
return new Int64(x);
/** Returns the Starlark int value that represents x. */
public static StarlarkInt of(BigInteger x) {
if (x.bitLength() < 64) {
return StarlarkInt.of(x.longValue());
return new Big(x);
* Returns the StarlarkInt value that most closely approximates x.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException is x is not finite.
static StarlarkInt ofFiniteDouble(double x) {
return StarlarkFloat.finiteDoubleToIntExact(x);
* Returns the int denoted by a literal string in the specified base, as if by the Starlark
* expression {@code int(s, base)}.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the input is invalid.
public static StarlarkInt parse(String s, int base) {
String stringForErrors = s;
if (s.isEmpty()) {
throw new NumberFormatException("empty string");
// +/- prefix?
boolean isNegative = false;
char c = s.charAt(0);
if (c == '+') {
s = s.substring(1);
} else if (c == '-') {
s = s.substring(1);
isNegative = true;
String digits = s;
// 0b 0o 0x prefix?
if (s.length() > 1 && s.charAt(0) == '0') {
int prefixBase = 0;
c = s.charAt(1);
if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {
prefixBase = 2;
} else if (c == 'o' || c == 'O') {
prefixBase = 8;
} else if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') {
prefixBase = 16;
if (prefixBase != 0) {
if (base == 0 || base == prefixBase) {
base = prefixBase;
digits = s.substring(2); // strip prefix
// No prefix, no base? Use decimal.
if (digits == s && base == 0) {
// Don't infer base when input starts with '0' due to octal/decimal ambiguity.
if (s.length() > 1 && s.charAt(0) == '0') {
throw new NumberFormatException(
"cannot infer base when string begins with a 0: " + Starlark.repr(stringForErrors));
base = 10;
if (base < 2 || base > 36) {
throw new NumberFormatException(
String.format("invalid base %d (want 2 <= base <= 36)", base));
// Do not allow Long.parseLong and new BigInteger to accept another +/- sign.
if (digits.startsWith("+") || digits.startsWith("-")) {
throw new NumberFormatException(
String.format("invalid base-%d literal: %s", base, Starlark.repr(stringForErrors)));
StarlarkInt result;
try {
result = StarlarkInt.of(Long.parseLong(digits, base));
} catch (NumberFormatException unused1) {
try {
result = StarlarkInt.of(new BigInteger(digits, base));
} catch (NumberFormatException unused2) {
throw new NumberFormatException(
String.format("invalid base-%d literal: %s", base, Starlark.repr(stringForErrors)));
return isNegative ? StarlarkInt.uminus(result) : result;
// Subclass for values exactly representable in a Java int.
private static final class Int32 extends StarlarkInt {
final int v;
Int32(int v) {
this.v = v;
public int toInt(String what) {
return v;
public long toLong(String what) {
return (long) v;
protected long toLongFast() {
return (long) v;
public BigInteger toBigInteger() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(v);
public Number toNumber() {
return v;
public int signum() {
return Integer.signum(v);
public void repr(Printer printer) {
public int hashCode() {
return 0x316c5239 * Integer.hashCode(v) ^ 0x67c4a7d5;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return (that instanceof Int32 && this.v == ((Int32) that).v)
|| (that instanceof StarlarkFloat && intEqualsFloat(this, (StarlarkFloat) that));
// Subclass for values exactly representable in a Java long.
private static final class Int64 extends StarlarkInt {
final long v;
Int64(long v) {
this.v = v;
public long toLong(String what) {
return v;
protected long toLongFast() {
return v;
public BigInteger toBigInteger() {
return BigInteger.valueOf(v);
public Number toNumber() {
return v;
public int signum() {
return Long.signum(v);
public void repr(Printer printer) {
public int hashCode() {
return 0x67c4a7d5 * Long.hashCode(v) ^ 0xee914a1b;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return (that instanceof Int64 && this.v == ((Int64) that).v)
|| (that instanceof StarlarkFloat && intEqualsFloat(this, (StarlarkFloat) that));
// Subclass for values not exactly representable in a long.
private static final class Big extends StarlarkInt {
final BigInteger v;
Big(BigInteger v) {
this.v = v;
public BigInteger toBigInteger() {
return v;
public Number toNumber() {
return v;
public int signum() {
return v.signum();
public void repr(Printer printer) {
public int hashCode() {
return 0xee914a1b * v.hashCode() ^ 0x6406918f;
public boolean equals(Object that) {
return (that instanceof Big && this.v.equals(((Big) that).v))
|| (that instanceof StarlarkFloat && intEqualsFloat(this, (StarlarkFloat) that));
/** Returns the value of this StarlarkInt as a Number (Integer, Long, or BigInteger). */
public abstract Number toNumber();
/** Returns the signum of this StarlarkInt (-1, 0, or +1). */
public abstract int signum();
/** Returns this StarlarkInt as a string of decimal digits. */
public String toString() {
if (this instanceof Int32) {
return Integer.toString(((Int32) this).v);
} else if (this instanceof Int64) {
return Long.toString(((Int64) this).v);
} else {
return toBigInteger().toString();
public abstract void repr(Printer printer);
/** Returns the signed int32 value of this StarlarkInt, or fails if not exactly representable. */
public int toInt(String what) throws EvalException {
throw Starlark.errorf("got %s for %s, want value in signed 32-bit range", this, what);
/** Returns the signed int64 value of this StarlarkInt, or fails if not exactly representable. */
public long toLong(String what) throws EvalException {
throw Starlark.errorf("got %s for %s, want value in the signed 64-bit range", this, what);
// A preallocated exception used to indicate overflow errors without the cost of allocation.
private static final Overflow OVERFLOW = new Overflow();
private static final class Overflow extends Exception {}
* Similar to {@link #toLong(String)}, but faster: exception is not allocated and stack trace is
* not collected.
protected long toLongFast() throws Overflow {
/** Returns the nearest IEEE-754 double-precision value closest to this int, which may be ±Inf. */
public double toDouble() {
if (this instanceof Int32) {
return ((Int32) this).v;
} else if (this instanceof Int64) {
return ((Int64) this).v;
} else {
return toBigInteger().doubleValue(); // may be ±Inf
* Returns the nearest IEEE-754 double-precision value closest to this int.
* @throws EvalException is the int is to large to represent as a finite float value.
public double toFiniteDouble() throws EvalException {
double d = toDouble();
if (!Double.isFinite(d)) {
throw Starlark.errorf("int too large to convert to float");
return d;
/** Returns the BigInteger value of this StarlarkInt. */
public abstract BigInteger toBigInteger();
* Returns the value of this StarlarkInt as a Java signed 32-bit int.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this int is not in that value range.
public final int toIntUnchecked() throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (this instanceof Int32) {
return ((Int32) this).v;
// Use a constant exception to avoid allocation.
// This operator is provided for fast access and case discrimination.
// Use toInt(String) for user-visible errors.
throw NOT_INT32;
private static final IllegalArgumentException NOT_INT32 =
new IllegalArgumentException("not a signed 32-bit value");
/** Returns the result of truncating this value into the signed 32-bit range. */
public int truncateToInt() {
if (this instanceof Int32) {
return ((Int32) this).v;
} else if (this instanceof Int64) {
return (int) ((Int64) this).v;
} else {
return toBigInteger().intValue();
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public boolean truth() {
return this != ZERO;
public int compareTo(StarlarkInt x) {
return compare(this, x);
// binary operators
/** Returns signum(x - y). */
public static int compare(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
// If both arguments are big, we compare BigIntegers.
// If neither argument is big, we compare longs.
// If only one argument is big, its magnitude is greater
// than the other operand, so only its sign matters.
// We avoid unnecessary branches.
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
try {
long yl = y.toLongFast();
return, yl); // (long, long)
} catch (Overflow unused) {
return -((Big) y).v.signum(); // (long, big)
} catch (Overflow unused) {
return y instanceof Big
? ((Big) x).v.compareTo(((Big) y).v) // (big, big)
: ((Big) x).v.signum(); // (big, long)
/** Returns x + y. */
public static StarlarkInt add(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
if (x instanceof Int32 && y instanceof Int32) {
long xl = ((Int32) x).v;
long yl = ((Int32) y).v;
return StarlarkInt.of(xl + yl);
// We avoid Math.addExact and its overheads of exception allocation.
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
long zl = xl + yl;
boolean overflow = ((xl ^ zl) & (yl ^ zl)) < 0; // see Hacker's Delight, chapter 2
if (!overflow) {
return StarlarkInt.of(zl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.add(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x - y. */
public static StarlarkInt subtract(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
if (x instanceof Int32 && y instanceof Int32) {
long xl = ((Int32) x).v;
long yl = ((Int32) y).v;
return StarlarkInt.of(xl - yl);
// We avoid Math.subtractExact and its overhead of exception allocation.
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
long zl = xl - yl;
boolean overflow = ((xl ^ yl) & (xl ^ zl)) < 0; // see Hacker's Delight, chapter 2
if (!overflow) {
return StarlarkInt.of(zl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.subtract(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x * y. */
public static StarlarkInt multiply(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
// Fast path for common case: int32 * int32.
if (x instanceof Int32 && y instanceof Int32) {
long xl = ((Int32) x).v;
long yl = ((Int32) y).v;
return StarlarkInt.of(xl * yl);
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
// Signed int128 multiplication, using Hacker's Delight 8-2
// (High-Order Half of 64-Bit Product) extended to 128 bits.
// TODO(adonovan): use Math.multiplyHigh when Java 9 becomes available.
long xlo = xl & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long xhi = xl >> 32;
long ylo = yl & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long yhi = yl >> 32;
long zlo = xlo * ylo;
long t = xhi * ylo + (zlo >>> 32);
long z1 = t & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
long z2 = t >> 32;
z1 += xlo * yhi;
// high and low arms of result
long z128hi = xhi * yhi + z2 + (z1 >> 32);
long z128lo = xl * yl;
// Check int128 result is within int64 range.
if (z128hi == (z128lo & Long.MIN_VALUE) >> 63) {
return StarlarkInt.of(z128lo);
/* overflow */
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
// Avoid unnecessary conversion to BigInteger if the other operand is -1, 0, 1.
// (Also makes self-test below faster.)
if (x == ZERO || y == ONE) {
return x;
} else if (y == ZERO || x == ONE) {
return y;
} else if (x == MINUS_ONE) {
return StarlarkInt.uminus(y);
} else if (y == MINUS_ONE) {
return StarlarkInt.uminus(x);
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.multiply(ybig);
StarlarkInt z = StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
// cheap self-test
if (!(z instanceof Big)) {
throw new AssertionError(
"bug in multiplication: %s * %s = %s, must be long multiplication", x, y, z));
return z;
/** Returns x // y (floor of integer division). */
public static StarlarkInt floordiv(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) throws EvalException {
if (y == ZERO) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer division by zero");
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
if (xl == Long.MIN_VALUE && yl == -1) {
/* sole case in which quotient doesn't fit in long */
} else {
long quo = Math.floorDiv(xl, yl);
return StarlarkInt.of(quo);
/* overflow */
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger[] quorem = xbig.divideAndRemainder(ybig);
if ((xbig.signum() < 0) != (ybig.signum() < 0) && quorem[1].signum() != 0) {
quorem[0] = quorem[0].subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
return StarlarkInt.of(quorem[0]);
/** Returns x % y. */
public static StarlarkInt mod(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) throws EvalException {
if (y == ZERO) {
throw Starlark.errorf("integer modulo by zero");
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
// In Starlark, the sign of the result is the sign of the divisor.
return StarlarkInt.of(Math.floorMod(xl, yl));
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.remainder(ybig);
if ((x.signum() < 0) != (y.signum() < 0) && zbig.signum() != 0) {
zbig = zbig.add(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x >> y. */
public static StarlarkInt shiftRight(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) throws EvalException {
int yi = y.toInt("shift count");
if (yi < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("negative shift count: %d", yi);
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
if (yi >= Long.SIZE) {
return xl < 0 ? StarlarkInt.of(-1) : ZERO;
return StarlarkInt.of(xl >> yi);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.shiftRight(yi);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x << y. */
public static StarlarkInt shiftLeft(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) throws EvalException {
int yi = y.toInt("shift count");
if (yi < 0) {
throw Starlark.errorf("negative shift count: %d", yi);
} else if (yi >= 512) {
throw Starlark.errorf("shift count too large: %d", yi);
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long z = xl << yi; // only uses low 6 bits of yi
if ((z >> yi) == xl && yi < 64) {
return StarlarkInt.of(z);
/* overflow */
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.shiftLeft(yi);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x ^ y. */
public static StarlarkInt xor(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
return StarlarkInt.of(xl ^ yl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.xor(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x | y. */
public static StarlarkInt or(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
return StarlarkInt.of(xl | yl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.or(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns x & y. */
public static StarlarkInt and(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkInt y) {
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
long yl = y.toLongFast();
return StarlarkInt.of(xl & yl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = y.toBigInteger();
BigInteger zbig = xbig.and(ybig);
return StarlarkInt.of(zbig);
/** Returns ~x. */
public static StarlarkInt bitnot(StarlarkInt x) {
try {
long xl = x.toLongFast();
return StarlarkInt.of(~xl);
} catch (Overflow unused) {
/* fall through */
BigInteger xbig = ((Big) x).v;
return StarlarkInt.of(xbig.not());
/** Returns -x. */
public static StarlarkInt uminus(StarlarkInt x) {
if (x instanceof Int32) {
long xl = ((Int32) x).v;
return StarlarkInt.of(-xl);
if (x instanceof Int64) {
long xl = ((Int64) x).v;
if (xl != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
return StarlarkInt.of(-xl);
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
BigInteger ybig = xbig.negate();
return StarlarkInt.of(ybig);
/** Reports whether int x exactly equals float y. */
static boolean intEqualsFloat(StarlarkInt x, StarlarkFloat y) {
double yf = y.toDouble();
return !Double.isNaN(yf) && compareIntAndDouble(x, yf) == 0;
/** Returns an exact three-valued comparison of int x with (non-NaN) double y. */
static int compareIntAndDouble(StarlarkInt x, double y) {
if (Double.isInfinite(y)) {
return y > 0 ? -1 : +1;
// For Int32 and some Int64s, the toDouble conversion is exact.
if (x instanceof StarlarkInt.Int32
|| (x instanceof StarlarkInt.Int64 && longHasExactDouble(((Int64) x).v))) {
// Avoid it believes -0.0 < 0.0.
double xf = x.toDouble();
if (xf > y) {
return +1;
} else if (xf < y) {
return -1;
return 0;
// If signs differ, we needn't look at magnitude.
int xsign = x.signum();
int ysign = (int) Math.signum(y);
if (xsign > ysign) {
return +1;
} else if (xsign < ysign) {
return -1;
// Left-shift either the int or the float mantissa,
// then compare the resulting integers.
int shift = StarlarkFloat.getShift(y);
BigInteger xbig = x.toBigInteger();
if (shift < 0) {
xbig = xbig.shiftLeft(-shift);
BigInteger ybig = BigInteger.valueOf(StarlarkFloat.getMantissa(y));
if (shift > 0) {
ybig = ybig.shiftLeft(shift);
return xbig.compareTo(ybig);
private static boolean longHasExactDouble(long x) {
return (long) (double) x == x;