| This repository contains a python implementation of the Google commandline |
| GFlags defines a *distributed* command line system, replacing systems like |
| getopt(), optparse and manual argument processing. Rather than an application |
| having to define all flags in or near main(), each python module defines flags |
| that are useful to it. When one python module imports another, it gains |
| access to the other's flags. |
| It includes the ability to define flag types (boolean, float, interger, list), |
| autogeneration of help (in both human and machine readable format) and reading |
| arguments from a file. It also includes the ability to automatically generate |
| man pages from the help flags. |
| Documentation for implementation is at the top of gflags.py file. |
| To install the python module, run |
| python ./setup.py install |
| When you install this library, you also get a helper application, |
| gflags2man.py, installed into /usr/local/bin. You can run gflags2man.py to |
| create an instant man page, with all the commandline flags and their docs, for |
| any C++ or python program you've written using the gflags library. |