blob: f66fc974b9363882ff7d55071ad3c1f0ba5ba22a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Locale;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* The result of a spawn execution.
* <p>DO NOT IMPLEMENT THIS INTERFACE! Use {@link SpawnResult.Builder} to create instances instead.
* This is a temporary situation as long as we still have separate internal and external
* implementations - the plan is to merge the two into a single immutable, final class.
// TODO(ulfjack): Change this from an interface to an immutable, final class.
public interface SpawnResult {
/** The status of the attempted Spawn execution. */
public enum Status {
* Subprocess executed successfully, but may have returned a non-zero exit code. See
* {@link #exitCode} for the actual exit code.
/** Subprocess execution timed out. */
* The subprocess ran out of memory. On Linux systems, the kernel may kill processes in
* low-memory situations, and this status is intended to report such a case back to Bazel.
* Subprocess did not execute for an unknown reason - only use this if none of the more specific
* status codes apply.
/** The attempted subprocess was disallowed by a user setting. */
/** The Spawn referred to an non-existent absolute or relative path. */
* One of the Spawn inputs was a directory. For backwards compatibility, some
* {@link SpawnRunner} implementations may attempt to run the subprocess anyway. Note that this
* leads to incremental correctness issues, as Bazel does not track dependencies on directories.
* Too many input files - remote execution systems may refuse to execute subprocesses with an
* excessive number of input files.
* Total size of inputs is too large - remote execution systems may refuse to execute
* subprocesses if the total size of all inputs exceeds a limit.
* One of the input files to the Spawn was modified during the build - some {@link SpawnRunner}
* implementations cache checksums and may detect such modifications on a best effort basis.
* The {@link SpawnRunner} was unable to establish a required network connection.
* The remote execution system is overloaded and had to refuse execution for this Spawn.
* The result of the remotely executed Spawn could not be retrieved due to errors in the remote
* caching layer.
* The remote execution system did not allow the request due to missing authorization or
* authentication.
* The Spawn was malformed.
private final boolean isUserError;
private Status(boolean isUserError) {
this.isUserError = isUserError;
private Status() {
public boolean isConsideredUserError() {
return isUserError;
* Returns whether the spawn was actually run, regardless of the exit code. I.e., returns if
* status == SUCCESS || status == TIMEOUT || status == OUT_OF_MEMORY. Returns false if there were
* errors that prevented the spawn from being run, such as network errors, missing local files,
* errors setting up sandboxing, etc.
boolean setupSuccess();
boolean isCatastrophe();
/** The status of the attempted Spawn execution. */
Status status();
* The exit code of the subprocess if the subprocess was executed. Check {@link #status} for
* {@link Status#SUCCESS} before calling this method.
int exitCode();
* The host name of the executor or {@code null}. This information is intended for debugging
* purposes, especially for remote execution systems. Remote caches usually do not store the
* original host name, so this is generally {@code null} for cache hits.
@Nullable String getExecutorHostName();
long getWallTimeMillis();
/** Whether the spawn result was a cache hit. */
boolean isCacheHit();
String getDetailMessage(
String messagePrefix, String message, boolean catastrophe, boolean forciblyRunRemotely);
* Basic implementation of {@link SpawnResult}.
@Immutable @ThreadSafe
public static final class SimpleSpawnResult implements SpawnResult {
private final int exitCode;
private final Status status;
private final String executorHostName;
private final long wallTimeMillis;
private final boolean cacheHit;
SimpleSpawnResult(Builder builder) {
this.exitCode = builder.exitCode;
this.status = Preconditions.checkNotNull(builder.status);
this.executorHostName = builder.executorHostName;
this.wallTimeMillis = builder.wallTimeMillis;
this.cacheHit = builder.cacheHit;
public boolean setupSuccess() {
return status == Status.SUCCESS || status == Status.TIMEOUT || status == Status.OUT_OF_MEMORY;
public boolean isCatastrophe() {
return false;
public int exitCode() {
return exitCode;
public Status status() {
return status;
public String getExecutorHostName() {
return executorHostName;
public long getWallTimeMillis() {
return wallTimeMillis;
public boolean isCacheHit() {
return cacheHit;
public String getDetailMessage(
String messagePrefix, String message, boolean catastrophe, boolean forciblyRunRemotely) {
TerminationStatus status = new TerminationStatus(
exitCode(), status() == Status.TIMEOUT);
String reason = " (" + status.toShortString() + ")"; // e.g " (Exit 1)"
String explanation = status.exited() ? "" : ": " + message;
if (!status().isConsideredUserError()) {
String errorDetail = status().name().toLowerCase(Locale.US)
.replace('_', ' ');
explanation += ". Note: Remote connection/protocol failed with: " + errorDetail;
if (status() == Status.TIMEOUT) {
explanation +=
" (failed due to timeout after %.2f seconds.)",
getWallTimeMillis() / 1000.0f);
} else if (status() == Status.OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
explanation += " (Remote action was terminated due to Out of Memory.)";
if (status() != Status.TIMEOUT && forciblyRunRemotely) {
explanation += " Action tagged as local was forcibly run remotely and failed - it's "
+ "possible that the action simply doesn't work remotely";
return messagePrefix + " failed" + reason + explanation;
* Builder class for {@link SpawnResult}.
public static final class Builder {
private int exitCode;
private Status status;
private String executorHostName;
private long wallTimeMillis;
private boolean cacheHit;
public SpawnResult build() {
return new SimpleSpawnResult(this);
public Builder setExitCode(int exitCode) {
this.exitCode = exitCode;
return this;
public Builder setStatus(Status status) {
this.status = status;
return this;
public Builder setExecutorHostname(String executorHostName) {
this.executorHostName = executorHostName;
return this;
public Builder setWallTimeMillis(long wallTimeMillis) {
this.wallTimeMillis = wallTimeMillis;
return this;
public Builder setCacheHit(boolean cacheHit) {
this.cacheHit = cacheHit;
return this;