blob: 406b6cd94b7f79cd5d427ff62470bfba92f0cd72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* A selection of options data corresponding to a set of {@link OptionsBase} subclasses (options
* classes). The data is collected using reflection, which can be expensive. Therefore this class
* can be used internally to cache the results.
* <p>The data is isolated in the sense that it has not yet been processed to add
* inter-option-dependent information -- namely, the results of evaluating expansion functions. The
* {@link OptionsData} subclass stores this added information. The reason for the split is so that
* we can avoid exposing to expansion functions the effects of evaluating other expansion functions,
* to ensure that the order in which they run is not significant.
* <p>This class is immutable so long as the converters and default values associated with the
* options are immutable.
public class IsolatedOptionsData extends OpaqueOptionsData {
* Mapping from each options class to its no-arg constructor. Entries appear in the same order
* that they were passed to {@link #from(Collection)}.
private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses;
* Mapping from option name to {@code OptionDefinition}. Entries appear ordered first by their
* options class (the order in which they were passed to {@link #from(Collection)}, and then in
* alphabetic order within each options class.
private final ImmutableMap<String, OptionDefinition> nameToField;
/** Mapping from option abbreviation to {@code OptionDefinition} (unordered). */
private final ImmutableMap<Character, OptionDefinition> abbrevToField;
* Mapping from options class to a list of all {@code OptionFields} in that class. The map entries
* are unordered, but the fields in the lists are ordered alphabetically.
private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, ImmutableList<OptionDefinition>>
* Mapping from each {@code Option}-annotated field to the default value for that field
* (unordered).
* <p>(This is immutable like the others, but uses {@code Collections.unmodifiableMap} to support
* null values.)
private final Map<OptionDefinition, Object> optionDefaults;
* Mapping from each {@code Option}-annotated field to the proper converter (unordered).
* @see #findConverter
private final ImmutableMap<OptionDefinition, Converter<?>> converters;
* Mapping from each {@code Option}-annotated field to a boolean for whether that field allows
* multiple values (unordered).
private final ImmutableMap<OptionDefinition, Boolean> allowMultiple;
* Mapping from each options class to whether or not it has the {@link UsesOnlyCoreTypes}
* annotation (unordered).
private final ImmutableMap<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Boolean> usesOnlyCoreTypes;
/** These categories used to indicate OptionUsageRestrictions, but no longer. */
private static final ImmutableList<String> DEPRECATED_CATEGORIES = ImmutableList.of(
"undocumented", "hidden", "internal");
private IsolatedOptionsData(
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> optionsClasses,
Map<String, OptionDefinition> nameToField,
Map<Character, OptionDefinition> abbrevToField,
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, ImmutableList<OptionDefinition>> allOptionsFields,
Map<OptionDefinition, Object> optionDefaults,
Map<OptionDefinition, Converter<?>> converters,
Map<OptionDefinition, Boolean> allowMultiple,
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Boolean> usesOnlyCoreTypes) {
this.optionsClasses = ImmutableMap.copyOf(optionsClasses);
this.nameToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(nameToField);
this.abbrevToField = ImmutableMap.copyOf(abbrevToField);
this.allOptionsFields = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allOptionsFields);
// Can't use an ImmutableMap here because of null values.
this.optionDefaults = Collections.unmodifiableMap(optionDefaults);
this.converters = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converters);
this.allowMultiple = ImmutableMap.copyOf(allowMultiple);
this.usesOnlyCoreTypes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(usesOnlyCoreTypes);
protected IsolatedOptionsData(IsolatedOptionsData other) {
* Returns all options classes indexed by this options data object, in the order they were passed
* to {@link #from(Collection)}.
public Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> getOptionsClasses() {
return optionsClasses.keySet();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // The construction ensures that the case is always valid.
public <T extends OptionsBase> Constructor<T> getConstructor(Class<T> clazz) {
return (Constructor<T>) optionsClasses.get(clazz);
public OptionDefinition getFieldFromName(String name) {
return nameToField.get(name);
* Returns all pairs of option names (not field names) and their corresponding {@link Field}
* objects. Entries appear ordered first by their options class (the order in which they were
* passed to {@link #from(Collection)}, and then in alphabetic order within each options class.
public Iterable<Map.Entry<String, OptionDefinition>> getAllNamedFields() {
return nameToField.entrySet();
public OptionDefinition getFieldForAbbrev(char abbrev) {
return abbrevToField.get(abbrev);
* Returns a list of all {@link Field} objects for options in the given options class, ordered
* alphabetically by option name.
public ImmutableList<OptionDefinition> getOptionDefinitionsFromClass(
Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
return allOptionsFields.get(optionsClass);
public Object getDefaultValue(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
return optionDefaults.get(optionDefinition);
public Converter<?> getConverter(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
return converters.get(optionDefinition);
public boolean getAllowMultiple(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
return allowMultiple.get(optionDefinition);
public boolean getUsesOnlyCoreTypes(Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
return usesOnlyCoreTypes.get(optionsClass);
* For an option that does not use {@link Option#allowMultiple}, returns its type. For an option
* that does use it, asserts that the type is a {@code List<T>} and returns its element type
* {@code T}.
private static Type getFieldSingularType(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
Type fieldType = optionDefinition.getField().getGenericType();
if (optionDefinition.allowsMultiple()) {
// If the type isn't a List<T>, this is an error in the option's declaration.
if (!(fieldType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
throw new ConstructionException("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
ParameterizedType pfieldType = (ParameterizedType) fieldType;
if (pfieldType.getRawType() != List.class) {
throw new ConstructionException("Type of multiple occurrence option must be a List<...>");
fieldType = pfieldType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
return fieldType;
* Returns whether a field should be considered as boolean.
* <p>Can be used for usage help and controlling whether the "no" prefix is allowed.
boolean isBooleanField(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
return isBooleanField(optionDefinition, getConverter(optionDefinition));
private static boolean isBooleanField(OptionDefinition optionDefinition, Converter<?> converter) {
return optionDefinition.getType().equals(boolean.class)
|| optionDefinition.getType().equals(TriState.class)
|| converter instanceof BoolOrEnumConverter;
* Given an {@code @Option}-annotated field, retrieves the {@link Converter} that will be used,
* taking into account the default converters if an explicit one is not specified.
private static Converter<?> findConverter(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
if (optionDefinition.getProvidedConverter() == Converter.class) {
// No converter provided, use the default one.
Type type = getFieldSingularType(optionDefinition);
Converter<?> converter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(type);
if (converter == null) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"No converter found for "
+ type
+ "; possible fix: add "
+ "converter=... to @Option annotation for "
+ optionDefinition.getField().getName());
return converter;
try {
// Instantiate the given Converter class.
Class<?> converter = optionDefinition.getProvidedConverter();
Constructor<?> constructor = converter.getConstructor();
return (Converter<?>) constructor.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
// This indicates an error in the Converter, and should be discovered the first time it is
// used.
throw new ConstructionException(e);
/** Returns all {@code optionDefinitions}, ordered by their option name (not their field name). */
private static ImmutableList<OptionDefinition> getAllOptionDefinitionsSorted(
Class<? extends OptionsBase> optionsClass) {
.map(field -> {
try {
return OptionDefinition.extractOptionDefinition(field);
} catch (ConstructionException e) {
// Ignore non-@Option annotated fields. Requiring all fields in the OptionsBase to be
// @Option-annotated requires a depot cleanup.
return null;
private static Object retrieveDefaultValue(OptionDefinition optionDefinition) {
Converter<?> converter = findConverter(optionDefinition);
String defaultValueAsString = optionDefinition.getUnparsedDefaultValue();
// Special case for "null"
if (optionDefinition.isSpecialNullDefault()) {
return null;
boolean allowsMultiple = optionDefinition.allowsMultiple();
// If the option allows multiple values then we intentionally return the empty list as
// the default value of this option since it is not always the case that an option
// that allows multiple values will have a converter that returns a list value.
if (allowsMultiple) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// Otherwise try to convert the default value using the converter
Object convertedValue;
try {
convertedValue = converter.convert(defaultValueAsString);
} catch (OptionsParsingException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"OptionsParsingException while "
+ "retrieving default for "
+ optionDefinition.getField().getName()
+ ": "
+ e.getMessage());
return convertedValue;
private static <A> void checkForCollisions(
Map<A, OptionDefinition> aFieldMap, A optionName, String description) {
if (aFieldMap.containsKey(optionName)) {
throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
"Duplicate option name, due to " + description + ": --" + optionName);
private static void checkForBooleanAliasCollisions(
Map<String, String> booleanAliasMap,
String optionName,
String description) {
if (booleanAliasMap.containsKey(optionName)) {
throw new DuplicateOptionDeclarationException(
"Duplicate option name, due to "
+ description
+ " --"
+ optionName
+ ", it conflicts with a negating alias for boolean flag --"
+ booleanAliasMap.get(optionName));
private static void checkAndUpdateBooleanAliases(
Map<String, OptionDefinition> nameToFieldMap,
Map<String, String> booleanAliasMap,
String optionName) {
// Check that the negating alias does not conflict with existing flags.
checkForCollisions(nameToFieldMap, "no" + optionName, "boolean option alias");
// Record that the boolean option takes up additional namespace for its negating alias.
booleanAliasMap.put("no" + optionName, optionName);
* Constructs an {@link IsolatedOptionsData} object for a parser that knows about the given
* {@link OptionsBase} classes. No inter-option analysis is done. Performs basic sanity checking
* on each option in isolation.
static IsolatedOptionsData from(Collection<Class<? extends OptionsBase>> classes) {
// Mind which fields have to preserve order.
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Constructor<?>> constructorBuilder = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, ImmutableList<OptionDefinition>> allOptionsFieldsBuilder =
new HashMap<>();
Map<String, OptionDefinition> nameToFieldBuilder = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<Character, OptionDefinition> abbrevToFieldBuilder = new HashMap<>();
Map<OptionDefinition, Object> optionDefaultsBuilder = new HashMap<>();
Map<OptionDefinition, Converter<?>> convertersBuilder = new HashMap<>();
Map<OptionDefinition, Boolean> allowMultipleBuilder = new HashMap<>();
// Maps the negated boolean flag aliases to the original option name.
Map<String, String> booleanAliasMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Class<? extends OptionsBase>, Boolean> usesOnlyCoreTypesBuilder = new HashMap<>();
// Read all Option annotations:
for (Class<? extends OptionsBase> parsedOptionsClass : classes) {
try {
Constructor<? extends OptionsBase> constructor =
constructorBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, constructor);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(parsedOptionsClass
+ " lacks an accessible default constructor");
ImmutableList<OptionDefinition> optionDefinitions =
allOptionsFieldsBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, optionDefinitions);
for (OptionDefinition optionDefinition : optionDefinitions) {
String optionName = optionDefinition.getOptionName();
// Check that the option makes sense on its own, as defined.
if (optionName == null) {
throw new ConstructionException("Option cannot have a null name");
if (DEPRECATED_CATEGORIES.contains(optionDefinition.getOptionCategory())) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Documentation level is no longer read from the option category. Category \""
+ optionDefinition.getOptionCategory()
+ "\" in option \""
+ optionName
+ "\" is disallowed.");
Type fieldType = getFieldSingularType(optionDefinition);
// For simple, static expansions, don't accept non-Void types.
if (optionDefinition.getOptionExpansion().length != 0 && !optionDefinition.isVoidField()) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Option "
+ optionDefinition.getOptionName()
+ " is an expansion flag with a static expansion, but does not have Void type.");
// Get the converter's return type to check that it matches the option type.
Class<? extends Converter> converterClass = optionDefinition.getProvidedConverter();
if (converterClass == Converter.class) {
Converter<?> actualConverter = Converters.DEFAULT_CONVERTERS.get(fieldType);
if (actualConverter == null) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Cannot find converter for field of type "
+ optionDefinition.getType()
+ " named "
+ optionDefinition.getField().getName()
+ " in class "
+ optionDefinition.getField().getDeclaringClass().getName());
converterClass = actualConverter.getClass();
if (Modifier.isAbstract(converterClass.getModifiers())) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"The converter type " + converterClass + " must be a concrete type");
Type converterResultType;
try {
Method convertMethod = converterClass.getMethod("convert", String.class);
converterResultType =
GenericTypeHelper.getActualReturnType(converterClass, convertMethod);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"A known converter object doesn't implement the convert method");
Converter<?> converter = findConverter(optionDefinition);
convertersBuilder.put(optionDefinition, converter);
if (optionDefinition.allowsMultiple()) {
if (GenericTypeHelper.getRawType(converterResultType) == List.class) {
Type elementType =
((ParameterizedType) converterResultType).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, elementType)) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"If the converter return type of a multiple occurrence option is a list, then "
+ "the type of list elements ("
+ fieldType
+ ") must be assignable from the converter list element type ("
+ elementType
+ ")");
} else {
if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Type of list elements ("
+ fieldType
+ ") for multiple occurrence option must be assignable from the converter "
+ "return type ("
+ converterResultType
+ ")");
} else {
if (!GenericTypeHelper.isAssignableFrom(fieldType, converterResultType)) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Type of field ("
+ fieldType
+ ") must be assignable from the converter return type ("
+ converterResultType
+ ")");
if (isBooleanField(optionDefinition, converter)) {
checkAndUpdateBooleanAliases(nameToFieldBuilder, booleanAliasMap, optionName);
checkForCollisions(nameToFieldBuilder, optionName, "option");
checkForBooleanAliasCollisions(booleanAliasMap, optionName, "option");
nameToFieldBuilder.put(optionName, optionDefinition);
if (!optionDefinition.getOldOptionName().isEmpty()) {
String oldName = optionDefinition.getOldOptionName();
checkForCollisions(nameToFieldBuilder, oldName, "old option name");
checkForBooleanAliasCollisions(booleanAliasMap, oldName, "old option name");
nameToFieldBuilder.put(optionDefinition.getOldOptionName(), optionDefinition);
// If boolean, repeat the alias dance for the old name.
if (isBooleanField(optionDefinition, converter)) {
checkAndUpdateBooleanAliases(nameToFieldBuilder, booleanAliasMap, oldName);
if (optionDefinition.getAbbreviation() != '\0') {
abbrevToFieldBuilder, optionDefinition.getAbbreviation(), "option abbreviation");
abbrevToFieldBuilder.put(optionDefinition.getAbbreviation(), optionDefinition);
optionDefaultsBuilder.put(optionDefinition, retrieveDefaultValue(optionDefinition));
allowMultipleBuilder.put(optionDefinition, optionDefinition.allowsMultiple());
boolean usesOnlyCoreTypes = parsedOptionsClass.isAnnotationPresent(UsesOnlyCoreTypes.class);
if (usesOnlyCoreTypes) {
// Validate that @UsesOnlyCoreTypes was used correctly.
for (OptionDefinition optionDefinition : optionDefinitions) {
// The classes in coreTypes are all final. But even if they weren't, we only want to check
// for exact matches; subclasses would not be considered core types.
if (!UsesOnlyCoreTypes.CORE_TYPES.contains(optionDefinition.getType())) {
throw new ConstructionException(
"Options class '"
+ parsedOptionsClass.getName()
+ "' is marked as "
+ "@UsesOnlyCoreTypes, but field '"
+ optionDefinition.getField().getName()
+ "' has type '"
+ optionDefinition.getType().getName()
+ "'");
usesOnlyCoreTypesBuilder.put(parsedOptionsClass, usesOnlyCoreTypes);
return new IsolatedOptionsData(