blob: 97e47931ab17816a347024f873e77237047d6edd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This tool creates a docker image from a list of layers."""
# This is the main program to create a docker image. It expect to be run with:
# join_layers --output=output_file \
# --layer=layer1 [--layer=layer2 ... --layer=layerN] \
# --id=@identifier \
# --name=myname --repository=repositoryName
# See the gflags declaration about the flags argument details.
import json
import os.path
import sys
from tools.build_defs.docker import utils
from tools.build_defs.pkg import archive
from import gflags
gflags.DEFINE_string('output', None, 'The output file, mandatory')
gflags.DEFINE_multistring('layer', [], 'The tar files for layers to join.')
'tags', [],
'An associative list of fully qualified tag names and the layer they tag. '
'e.g. ubuntu=deadbeef,')
FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
def _layer_filter(name):
basename = os.path.basename(name)
return basename not in ('manifest.json', 'top', 'repositories')
def _add_top(tar, repositories):
# Don't add 'top' if there are multiple images in this bundle.
if len(repositories) != 1:
# Walk the single-item dictionary, and if there is a single tag
# for the single repository, then emit a 'top' file pointing to
# the single image in this bundle.
for (unused_x, tags) in repositories.iteritems():
if len(tags) != 1:
for (unused_y, layer_id) in tags.iteritems():
tar.add_file('top', content=layer_id)
def create_image(output, layers, repositories=None):
"""Creates a Docker image from a list of layers.
output: the name of the docker image file to create.
layers: the layers (tar files) to join to the image.
repositories: the repositories two-level dictionary, which is keyed by
repo names at the top-level, and tag names at the second
level pointing to layer ids.
# Compute a map from layer tarball names to the tags that should apply to them
layers_to_tag = {}
for repo in repositories:
tags = repositories[repo]
for tag in tags:
layer_name = tags[tag] + '/layer.tar'
fq_name = '%s:%s' % (repo, tag)
layer_tags = layers_to_tag.get(layer_name, [])
layers_to_tag[layer_name] = layer_tags
manifests = []
tar = archive.TarFileWriter(output)
for layer in layers:
tar.add_tar(layer, name_filter=_layer_filter)
layer_manifests = utils.GetManifestFromTar(layer)
# Augment each manifest with any tags that should apply to their top layer.
for manifest in layer_manifests:
top_layer = manifest['Layers'][-1]
manifest['RepoTags'] = list(sorted(set(manifest['RepoTags'] +
layers_to_tag.get(top_layer, []))))
manifests += layer_manifests
manifest_content = json.dumps(manifests, sort_keys=True)
tar.add_file('manifest.json', content=manifest_content)
# In addition to N layers of the form described above, there might be
# a single file at the top of the image called repositories.
# This file contains a JSON blob of the form:
# {
# 'repo':{
# 'tag-name': 'top-most layer hex',
# ...
# },
# ...
# }
# This is the exact structure we expect repositories to have.
if repositories:
# If the identifier is not provided, then the resulted layer will be
# created without a 'top' file. Docker doesn't needs that file nor
# the repository to load the image and for intermediate layer,
# docker_build store the name of the layer in a separate artifact so
# this 'top' file is not needed.
_add_top(tar, repositories)
content=json.dumps(repositories, sort_keys=True))
def resolve_layer(identifier):
if not identifier:
# TODO(mattmoor): This should not happen.
return None
if not identifier.startswith('@'):
return identifier
with open(identifier[1:], 'r') as f:
def main(unused_argv):
repositories = {}
for entry in FLAGS.tags:
elts = entry.split('=')
if len(elts) != 2:
raise Exception('Expected associative list key=value, got: %s' % entry)
(fq_tag, layer_id) = elts
tag_parts = fq_tag.rsplit(':', 2)
if len(tag_parts) != 2:
raise Exception('Expected fully-qualified tag name (e.g. ubuntu:latest), '
'got: %s' % fq_tag)
(repository, tag) = tag_parts
others = repositories.get(repository, {})
others[tag] = resolve_layer(layer_id)
repositories[repository] = others
create_image(FLAGS.output, FLAGS.layer, repositories)
if __name__ == '__main__':