blob: 3d8daeadbe1c36fd972dcdf74b7a9fdebde82d41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A generic, type-safe {@link NestedSet} wrapper for Skylark.
* <p>The content type of a {@code SkylarkNestedSet} is the intersection of the {@link SkylarkType}
* of each of its elements. It is an error if this intersection is {@link SkylarkType#BOTTOM}. An
* empty set has a content type of {@link SkylarkType#TOP}.
* <p>It is also an error if this type has a non-bottom intersection with {@link SkylarkType#DICT}
* or {@link SkylarkType#LIST}, unless the set is empty.
* <p>TODO(bazel-team): Decide whether this restriction is still useful.
name = "depset",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"<p>A specialized data structure that supports efficient merge operations and has a defined "
+ "traversal order. Commonly used for accumulating data from transitive dependencies in "
+ "rules and aspects. For more information see <a href=\"../\">here</a>."
+ "<p>"
+ "Depsets are not implemented as hash sets and do not support fast membership tests. If "
+ "you need a general set datatype, you can simulate one using a dictionary where all "
+ "keys map to <code>None</code>."
+ "<p>"
+ "Depsets are immutable. They can be created using their "
+ "<a href=\"globals.html#depset\">constructor function</a> and merged or augmented "
+ "using the <code>+</code> operator."
+ "<p>"
+ "The <code>order</code> parameter determines the kind of traversal that is done to "
+ "convert the depset to an iterable. There are four possible values:"
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li><code>\"default\"</code> (formerly <code>\"stable\"</code>): Order is unspecified "
+ "(but deterministic).</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"postorder\"</code> (formerly <code>\"compile\"</code>): A left-to-right "
+ "post-ordering. Precisely, this recursively traverses all children leftmost-first, "
+ "then the direct elements leftmost-first.</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"preorder\"</code> (formerly <code>\"naive_link\"</code>): A left-to-right "
+ "pre-ordering. Precisely, this traverses the direct elements leftmost-first, then "
+ "recursively traverses the children leftmost-first.</li>"
+ "<li><code>\"topological\"</code> (formerly <code>\"link\"</code>): A topological "
+ "ordering from the root down to the leaves. There is no left-to-right guarantee.</li>"
+ "</ul>"
+ "<p>"
+ "Two depsets may only be merged (via <code>+</code> or the <code>union()</code> "
+ "method) if either both depsets have the same order, or one of them has <code>"
+ "\"default\"</code> order. In the latter case the resulting depset's order will be the "
+ "same as the left operand's."
+ "<p>"
+ "Depsets may contain duplicate values but these will be suppressed when iterating "
+ "(using <code>to_list()</code>). Duplicates may interfere with the ordering semantics."
+ "<p>"
+ "The function <code>set()</code> is a deprecated alias for <code>depset()</code>. "
+ "Please update legacy code and use only <code>depset()</code>."
public final class SkylarkNestedSet implements SkylarkValue, SkylarkQueryable {
private final SkylarkType contentType;
private final NestedSet<?> set;
private final List<Object> items;
private final List<NestedSet> transitiveItems;
// Dummy class used to create a documentation for the deprecated `set` type
// TODO(bazel-team): remove before the end of 2017
name = "set",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc = "A deprecated alias for <a href=\"depset.html\">depset</a>. "
+ "Please use <a href=\"depset.html\">depset</a> instead. "
+ "If you need a hash set that supports O(1) membership testing "
+ "consider using a <a href=\"dict.html\">dict</a>."
static final class LegacySet {
private LegacySet() {}
public SkylarkNestedSet(Order order, Object item, Location loc) throws EvalException {
this(order, SkylarkType.TOP, item, loc, null);
public SkylarkNestedSet(SkylarkNestedSet left, Object right, Location loc) throws EvalException {
this(left.set.getOrder(), left.contentType, right, loc, left);
// This is safe because of the type checking
private SkylarkNestedSet(Order order, SkylarkType contentType, Object item, Location loc,
@Nullable SkylarkNestedSet left) throws EvalException {
ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<NestedSet> transitiveItems = new ArrayList<>();
if (left != null) {
if (left.items == null) { // SkylarkSet created from native NestedSet
} else { // Preserving the left-to-right addition order.
// Adding the item
if (item instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
SkylarkNestedSet nestedSet = (SkylarkNestedSet) item;
if (!nestedSet.isEmpty()) {
contentType = getTypeAfterInsert(contentType, nestedSet.contentType, loc);
} else if (item instanceof SkylarkList) {
// TODO(bazel-team): we should check ImmutableList here but it screws up genrule at line 43
for (Object object : (SkylarkList) item) {
contentType = getTypeAfterInsert(contentType, SkylarkType.of(object.getClass()), loc);
checkImmutable(object, loc);
} else {
throw new EvalException(
"cannot union value of type '%s' to a depset", EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(item)));
this.contentType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(contentType, "type cannot be null");
// Initializing the real nested set
NestedSetBuilder<Object> builder = new NestedSetBuilder<>(order);
try {
for (NestedSet<?> nestedSet : transitiveItems) {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new EvalException(loc, e.getMessage());
this.set =;
this.items = ImmutableList.copyOf(items);
this.transitiveItems = ImmutableList.copyOf(transitiveItems);
* Returns a type safe SkylarkNestedSet. Use this instead of the constructor if possible.
public static <T> SkylarkNestedSet of(SkylarkType contentType, NestedSet<T> set) {
return new SkylarkNestedSet(contentType, set);
* Returns a type safe SkylarkNestedSet. Use this instead of the constructor if possible.
public static <T> SkylarkNestedSet of(Class<T> contentType, NestedSet<T> set) {
return of(SkylarkType.of(contentType), set);
* A not type safe constructor for SkylarkNestedSet. It's discouraged to use it unless type
* generic safety is guaranteed from the caller side.
SkylarkNestedSet(SkylarkType contentType, NestedSet<?> set) {
// This is here for the sake of FuncallExpression.
this.contentType = Preconditions.checkNotNull(contentType, "type cannot be null");
this.set = Preconditions.checkNotNull(set, "depset cannot be null");
this.items = null;
this.transitiveItems = null;
* A not type safe constructor for SkylarkNestedSet, specifying type as a Java class.
* It's discouraged to use it unless type generic safety is guaranteed from the caller side.
public SkylarkNestedSet(Class<?> contentType, NestedSet<?> set) {
this(SkylarkType.of(contentType), set);
private static final SkylarkType DICT_LIST_UNION =
SkylarkType.Union.of(SkylarkType.DICT, SkylarkType.LIST);
* Throws EvalException if a type overlaps with DICT or LIST.
private static void checkTypeNotDictOrList(SkylarkType type, Location loc)
throws EvalException {
if (SkylarkType.intersection(DICT_LIST_UNION, type) != SkylarkType.BOTTOM) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, String.format("depsets cannot contain items of type '%s'", type));
* Returns the intersection of two types, and throws EvalException if the intersection is bottom.
private static SkylarkType commonNonemptyType(
SkylarkType depsetType, SkylarkType itemType, Location loc) throws EvalException {
SkylarkType resultType = SkylarkType.intersection(depsetType, itemType);
if (resultType == SkylarkType.BOTTOM) {
throw new EvalException(
"cannot add an item of type '%s' to a depset of '%s'", itemType, depsetType));
return resultType;
* Checks that an item type is allowed in a given set type, and returns the type of a new depset
* with that item inserted.
private static SkylarkType getTypeAfterInsert(
SkylarkType depsetType, SkylarkType itemType, Location loc) throws EvalException {
checkTypeNotDictOrList(itemType, loc);
return commonNonemptyType(depsetType, itemType, loc);
* Throws EvalException if a given value is mutable.
private static void checkImmutable(Object o, Location loc) throws EvalException {
if (!EvalUtils.isImmutable(o)) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "depsets cannot contain mutable items");
private void checkHasContentType(Class<?> type) {
// Empty sets should be SkylarkType.TOP anyway.
if (!set.isEmpty()) {
"Expected a depset of '%s' but got a depset of '%s'",
EvalUtils.getDataTypeNameFromClass(type), contentType);
* Returns the embedded {@link NestedSet}, while asserting that its elements all have the given
* type.
* <p>If you do not specifically need the {@code NestedSet} and you are going to flatten it
* anyway, prefer {@link #toCollection} to make your intent clear.
* @param type a {@link Class} representing the expected type of the contents
* @return the {@code NestedSet}, with the appropriate generic type
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type does not accurately describe all elements
// The precondition ensures generic type safety.
public <T> NestedSet<T> getSet(Class<T> type) {
return (NestedSet<T>) set;
* Returns the contents of the set as a {@link Collection}.
public Collection<Object> toCollection() {
// Do not remove <Object>: workaround for Java 7 type inference.
return ImmutableList.<Object>copyOf(set.toCollection());
* Returns the contents of the set as a {@link Collection}, asserting that the set type is
* compatible with {@code T}.
* @param type a {@link Class} representing the expected type of the contents
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the type does not accurately describe all elements
// The precondition ensures generic type safety.
public <T> Collection<T> toCollection(Class<T> type) {
return (Collection<T>) toCollection();
public boolean isEmpty() {
return set.isEmpty();
public SkylarkType getContentType() {
return contentType;
public String toString() {
return Printer.repr(this);
public Order getOrder() {
return set.getOrder();
public boolean isImmutable() {
return true;
public void repr(SkylarkPrinter printer) {
printer.printList(set, "[", ", ", "]", null);
Order order = getOrder();
if (order != Order.STABLE_ORDER) {
printer.append(", order = ");
public final boolean containsKey(Object key, Location loc) throws EvalException {
return (set.toSet().contains(key));