blob: 4e0b5b934eb1c6955731f0b2286cf21100105f8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
* Python-related command-line options.
* <p>Due to the migration from the old Python version API to the new (see #6583), the Python major
* version mode ({@code PY2} vs {@code PY3}) is a function of multiple flags. See {@link
* #getPythonVersion} for more details.
public class PythonOptions extends FragmentOptions {
/** Converter for options that take ({@code PY2} or {@code PY3}). */
// We don't use EnumConverter because we want to disallow non-target PythonVersion values.
public static class TargetPythonVersionConverter implements Converter<PythonVersion> {
public PythonVersion convert(String input) throws OptionsParsingException {
try {
// Although in rule attributes the enum values are case sensitive, the convention from
// EnumConverter is that the options parser is case insensitive.
input = Ascii.toUpperCase(input);
return PythonVersion.parseTargetValue(input);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new OptionsParsingException(
"Not a valid Python major version, should be PY2 or PY3", ex);
public String getTypeDescription() {
return "PY2 or PY3";
name = "build_python_zip",
defaultValue = "auto",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
help = "Build python executable zip; on on Windows, off on other platforms")
public TriState buildPythonZip;
// TODO(brandjon): For both experimental options below, add documentation and add a link to it
// from the help text, then change the documentationCategory to SKYLARK_SEMANTICS.
name = "experimental_remove_old_python_version_api",
// TODO(brandjon): Do not flip until we have an answer for how to disallow the
// "default_python_version" attribute without hacking up native.existing_rules(). See
// #7071 and b/122596733.
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.EXPERIMENTAL},
help =
"If true, disables use of the `--force_python` flag and the `default_python_version` "
+ "attribute for `py_binary` and `py_test`.")
public boolean experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi;
name = "experimental_allow_python_version_transitions",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.EXPERIMENTAL},
help = "If true, Python rules use the new PY2/PY3 version semantics.")
public boolean experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions;
* This field should be either null (unset), {@code PY2}, or {@code PY3}. Other {@code
* PythonVersion} values do not represent distinct Python versions and are not allowed.
* <p>Native rule logic should call {@link #getPythonVersion} / {@link #setPythonVersion} instead
* of accessing this option directly. BUILD/.bzl code should {@code select()} on {@code <tools
* repo>//tools/python:python_version} rather than on this option directly.
name = "python_version",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = TargetPythonVersionConverter.class,
// TODO(brandjon): Change to OptionDocumentationCategory.GENERIC_INPUTS when this is
// sufficiently implemented/documented.
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {
OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS // because of "-py3" output root
help =
"The Python major version mode, either `PY2` or `PY3`. Note that this is overridden by "
+ "`py_binary` and `py_test` targets (whether or not they specify their version "
+ "explicitly), so there is usually not much reason to supply this flag.")
public PythonVersion pythonVersion;
private static final OptionDefinition PYTHON_VERSION_DEFINITION =
OptionsParser.getOptionDefinitionByName(PythonOptions.class, "python_version");
* This field should be either null (unset), {@code PY2}, or {@code PY3}. Other {@code
* PythonVersion} values do not represent distinct Python versions and are not allowed.
* <p>This flag is not accessible to the user when {@link #experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi}
* is true.
* <p>Native rule logic should call {@link #getPythonVersion} / {@link #setPythonVersion} instead
* of accessing this option directly. BUILD/.bzl code should {@code select()} on {@code <tools
* repo>//tools/python:python_version} rather than on this option directly.
name = "force_python",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = TargetPythonVersionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS, OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
help = "Overrides default_python_version attribute. Can be \"PY2\" or \"PY3\".")
public PythonVersion forcePython;
private static final OptionDefinition FORCE_PYTHON_DEFINITION =
OptionsParser.getOptionDefinitionByName(PythonOptions.class, "force_python");
* This field should be either null (unset), {@code PY2}, or {@code PY3}. Other {@code
* PythonVersion} values do not represent distinct Python versions and are not allowed.
* <p>Null is treated the same as the default ({@link PythonVersion#DEFAULT_TARGET_VALUE}).
* <p>This option is only read by {@link #getHost}. It should not be read by other native code or
* by {@code select()}s in user code.
name = "host_force_python",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = TargetPythonVersionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS, OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
help =
"Overrides default_python_version attribute for the host configuration."
+ " Can be \"PY2\" or \"PY3\".")
public PythonVersion hostForcePython;
private static final OptionDefinition HOST_FORCE_PYTHON_DEFINITION =
OptionsParser.getOptionDefinitionByName(PythonOptions.class, "host_force_python");
// TODO(#7010): Change the option name to "incompatible_..." and enable the appropriate metadata
// tags.
name = "experimental_disallow_legacy_py_provider",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.SKYLARK_SEMANTICS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
help =
"If set to true, native Python rules will neither produce nor consume the legacy \"py\" "
+ "provider. Use PyInfo instead. Under this flag, passing the legacy provider to a "
+ "Python target will be an error.")
public boolean experimentalDisallowLegacyPyProvider;
public Map<OptionDefinition, SelectRestriction> getSelectRestrictions() {
// TODO(brandjon): Add an error string that references documentation explaining to use
// @bazel_tools//tools/python:python_version instead.
ImmutableMap.Builder<OptionDefinition, SelectRestriction> restrictions = ImmutableMap.builder();
new SelectRestriction(/*visibleWithinToolsPackage=*/ true, /*errorMessage=*/ null));
if (experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi) {
new SelectRestriction(/*visibleWithinToolsPackage=*/ true, /*errorMessage=*/ null));
new SelectRestriction(/*visibleWithinToolsPackage=*/ false, /*errorMessage=*/ null));
* Returns the Python major version ({@code PY2} or {@code PY3}) that targets should be built for.
* <p>The version is taken as the value of {@code --python_version} if not null, otherwise {@code
* --force_python} if not null, otherwise {@link PythonVersion#DEFAULT_TARGET_VALUE}.
public PythonVersion getPythonVersion() {
if (pythonVersion != null) {
return pythonVersion;
} else if (forcePython != null) {
return forcePython;
} else {
return PythonVersion.DEFAULT_TARGET_VALUE;
* Returns whether a Python version transition to {@code version} is allowed and not a no-op.
* <p>Under the new semantics ({@link #experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions} is true),
* version transitions are always allowed, so this essentially returns whether the new version is
* different from the existing one. However, to improve compatibility for unmigrated {@code
* select()}s that depend on {@code "force_python"}, if the old API is still enabled then
* transitioning is still done whenever {@link #forcePython} is not in agreement with the
* requested version, even if {@link #getPythonVersion}'s value would be unaffected.
* <p>Under the old semantics ({@link #experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions} is false),
* version transitions are not allowed once the version has already been set ({@link #forcePython}
* or {@link #pythonVersion} is non-null). Due to a historical bug, it is also not allowed to
* transition the version to the hard-coded default value. Under these constraints, there is only
* one transition possible, from null to the non-default value, and it is never a no-op.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code version} is not {@code PY2} or {@code PY3}
public boolean canTransitionPythonVersion(PythonVersion version) {
if (experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions) {
boolean currentVersionNeedsUpdating = !version.equals(getPythonVersion());
boolean forcePythonNeedsUpdating =
!experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi && !version.equals(forcePython);
return currentVersionNeedsUpdating || forcePythonNeedsUpdating;
} else {
boolean currentlyUnset = forcePython == null && pythonVersion == null;
boolean transitioningToNonDefault = !version.equals(PythonVersion.DEFAULT_TARGET_VALUE);
return currentlyUnset && transitioningToNonDefault;
* Manipulates the Python version fields so that {@link #getPythonVersion()} returns {@code
* version}.
* <p>This method is a mutation on the current instance, so it should only be invoked on a newly
* constructed instance. The mutation does not depend on whether or not {@link
* #canTransitionPythonVersion} would return true.
* <p>If the old semantics are in effect ({@link #experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions} is
* false), after this method is called {@link #canTransitionPythonVersion} will return false.
* <p>To help avoid breaking old-API {@code select()} expressions that check the value of {@code
* "force_python"}, both the old and new flags are updated even though {@code --python_version}
* takes precedence over {@code --force_python}.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code version} is not {@code PY2} or {@code PY3}
public void setPythonVersion(PythonVersion version) {
this.pythonVersion = version;
// Update forcePython, but if the flag to remove the old API is enabled, no one will be able
// to tell anyway.
this.forcePython = version;
public FragmentOptions getHost() {
PythonOptions hostPythonOptions = (PythonOptions) getDefault();
hostPythonOptions.experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi = experimentalRemoveOldPythonVersionApi;
hostPythonOptions.experimentalAllowPythonVersionTransitions =
PythonVersion hostVersion =
(hostForcePython != null) ? hostForcePython : PythonVersion.DEFAULT_TARGET_VALUE;
hostPythonOptions.buildPythonZip = buildPythonZip;
hostPythonOptions.experimentalDisallowLegacyPyProvider = experimentalDisallowLegacyPyProvider;
return hostPythonOptions;
name = "experimental_build_transitive_python_runfiles",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.UNDOCUMENTED,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS, OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
help =
"Build the runfiles trees of py_binary targets that appear in the transitive "
+ "data runfiles of another binary.")
public boolean buildTransitiveRunfilesTrees;