blob: 295faa00fcfe98e6f2c2ff5ecd3b9791056fa0ec [file] [log] [blame]
major_version: "local"
minor_version: ""
default_target_cpu: "same_as_host"
default_toolchain {
cpu: "%{cpu}"
toolchain_identifier: "local"
default_toolchain {
cpu: "armeabi-v7a"
toolchain_identifier: "stub_armeabi-v7a"
default_toolchain {
cpu: "x64_windows_msvc"
toolchain_identifier: "vc_14_0_x64"
default_toolchain {
cpu: "s390x"
toolchain_identifier: "local"
# Android tooling requires a default toolchain for the armeabi-v7a cpu.
toolchain {
abi_version: "armeabi-v7a"
abi_libc_version: "armeabi-v7a"
builtin_sysroot: ""
compiler: "compiler"
host_system_name: "armeabi-v7a"
needsPic: true
supports_gold_linker: false
supports_incremental_linker: false
supports_fission: false
supports_interface_shared_objects: false
supports_normalizing_ar: false
supports_start_end_lib: false
target_libc: "armeabi-v7a"
target_cpu: "armeabi-v7a"
target_system_name: "armeabi-v7a"
toolchain_identifier: "stub_armeabi-v7a"
tool_path { name: "ar" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "compat-ld" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "cpp" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "dwp" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "gcc" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "gcov" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "ld" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "nm" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "objcopy" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "objdump" path: "/bin/false" }
tool_path { name: "strip" path: "/bin/false" }
linking_mode_flags { mode: DYNAMIC }
toolchain {
toolchain_identifier: "local"
compilation_mode_flags {
mode: DBG
compilation_mode_flags {
mode: OPT
linking_mode_flags { mode: DYNAMIC }
toolchain {
toolchain_identifier: "vc_14_0_x64"
host_system_name: "local"
target_system_name: "local"
abi_version: "local"
abi_libc_version: "local"
target_cpu: "x64_windows_msvc"
compiler: "cl"
target_libc: "msvcrt140"
default_python_version: "python2.7"
tool_path {
name: "ar"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_link.bat"
tool_path {
name: "cpp"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_cl.bat"
tool_path {
name: "gcc"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_cl.bat"
tool_path {
name: "gcov"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_nop.bat"
tool_path {
name: "ld"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_link.bat"
tool_path {
name: "nm"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_nop.bat"
tool_path {
name: "objcopy"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_nop.bat"
tool_path {
name: "objdump"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_nop.bat"
tool_path {
name: "strip"
path: "wrapper/bin/msvc_nop.bat"
supports_gold_linker: false
supports_start_end_lib: false
supports_interface_shared_objects: false
supports_incremental_linker: false
supports_normalizing_ar: true
needsPic: false
compiler_flag: "-m64"
compiler_flag: "/D__inline__=__inline"
# TODO(pcloudy): Review those flags below, they should be defined by cl.exe
compiler_flag: "/DOS_WINDOWS=OS_WINDOWS"
compiler_flag: "/DCOMPILER_MSVC"
# Don't pollute with GDI macros in windows.h.
compiler_flag: "/DNOGDI"
# Don't define min/max macros in windows.h.
compiler_flag: "/DNOMINMAX"
compiler_flag: "/DPRAGMA_SUPPORTED"
# Platform defines.
compiler_flag: "/D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600"
# Turn off warning messages.
compiler_flag: "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE"
compiler_flag: "/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"
# Use math constants (M_PI, etc.) from the math library
compiler_flag: "/D_USE_MATH_DEFINES"
# Useful options to have on for compilation.
# Suppress startup banner.
compiler_flag: "/nologo"
# Increase the capacity of object files to 2^32 sections.
compiler_flag: "/bigobj"
# Allocate 500MB for precomputed headers.
compiler_flag: "/Zm500"
# Use unsigned char by default.
compiler_flag: "/J"
# Use function level linking.
compiler_flag: "/Gy"
# Use string pooling.
compiler_flag: "/GF"
# Warning level 3 (could possibly go to 4 in the future).
compiler_flag: "/W3"
# Catch both asynchronous (structured) and synchronous (C++) exceptions.
compiler_flag: "/EHsc"
# Globally disabled warnings.
# Don't warn about elements of array being be default initialized.
compiler_flag: "/wd4351"
# Don't warn about no matching delete found.
compiler_flag: "/wd4291"
# Don't warn about diamond inheritance patterns.
compiler_flag: "/wd4250"
# Don't warn about insecure functions (e.g. non _s functions).
compiler_flag: "/wd4996"
linker_flag: "-m64"
feature {
name: 'include_paths'
flag_set {
action: 'preprocess-assemble'
action: 'c-compile'
action: 'c++-compile'
action: 'c++-header-parsing'
action: 'c++-header-preprocessing'
action: 'c++-module-compile'
flag_group {
flag: '/I%{quote_include_paths}'
flag_group {
flag: '/I%{include_paths}'
flag_group {
flag: '/I%{system_include_paths}'
feature {
name: 'dependency_file'
flag_set {
action: 'assemble'
action: 'preprocess-assemble'
action: 'c-compile'
action: 'c++-compile'
action: 'c++-module-compile'
action: 'c++-header-preprocessing'
action: 'c++-header-parsing'
expand_if_all_available: 'dependency_file'
flag_group {
flag: '%{dependency_file}'
# Stop passing -frandom-seed option
feature {
name: 'random_seed'
# This feature is just for enabling flag_set in action_config for -c and -o options during the transitional period
feature {
name: 'compile_action_flags_in_flag_set'
action_config {
config_name: 'c-compile'
action_name: 'c-compile'
tool {
tool_path: 'wrapper/bin/msvc_cl.bat'
flag_set {
flag_group {
flag: '/c'
flag: '%{source_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_object_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/Fo%{output_object_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_assembly_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/Fa%{output_assembly_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_preprocess_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/P'
flag: '/Fi%{output_preprocess_file}'
action_config {
config_name: 'c++-compile'
action_name: 'c++-compile'
tool {
tool_path: 'wrapper/bin/msvc_cl.bat'
flag_set {
flag_group {
flag: '/c'
flag: '%{source_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_object_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/Fo%{output_object_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_assembly_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/Fa%{output_assembly_file}'
flag_set {
expand_if_all_available: 'output_preprocess_file'
flag_group {
flag: '/P'
flag: '/Fi%{output_preprocess_file}'
compilation_mode_flags {
mode: DBG
compiler_flag: "/DDEBUG=1"
# This will signal the wrapper that we are doing a debug build, which sets
# some internal state of the toolchain wrapper. It is intentionally a "-"
# flag to make this very obvious.
compiler_flag: "-g"
compiler_flag: "/Od"
compiler_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=dbg"
linker_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=dbg"
compilation_mode_flags {
compiler_flag: "/DNDEBUG"
compiler_flag: "/Od"
compiler_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=fastbuild"
linker_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=fastbuild"
compilation_mode_flags {
mode: OPT
compiler_flag: "/DNDEBUG"
compiler_flag: "/O2"
compiler_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=opt"
linker_flag: "-Xcompilation-mode=opt"