blob: 1d98a44901786a0ff26ebd4fbd36d917fb46c724 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Represents a "recorded input" of a repo fetch. We define the "input" of a repo fetch as any
* entity that could affect the output of the repo fetch (i.e. the repo contents). A "recorded
* input" is thus any input we can record during the fetch and thus know about only after the fetch.
* This contrasts with "predeclared inputs", which are known before fetching the repo, and
* "undiscoverable inputs", which are used during the fetch but is not recorded or recordable.
* <p>Recorded inputs are of particular interest, since in order to determine whether a fetched repo
* is still up-to-date, the identity of all recorded inputs need to be stored in addition to their
* values. This contrasts with predeclared inputs; the whole set of predeclared inputs are known
* before the fetch, so we can simply hash all predeclared input values.
* <p>Recorded inputs and their values are stored in <i>marker files</i> for repos. Each recorded
* input is stored as a string, with a prefix denoting its type, followed by a colon, and then the
* information identifying that specific input.
public abstract class RepoRecordedInput implements Comparable<RepoRecordedInput> {
/** Represents a parser for a specific type of recorded inputs. */
public abstract static class Parser {
* The prefix that identifies the type of the recorded inputs: for example, the {@code ENV} part
* of {@code ENV:MY_ENV_VAR}.
public abstract String getPrefix();
* Parses a recorded input from the post-colon substring that identifies the specific input: for
* example, the {@code MY_ENV_VAR} part of {@code ENV:MY_ENV_VAR}.
public abstract RepoRecordedInput parse(String s);
private static final Comparator<RepoRecordedInput> COMPARATOR =
Comparator.comparing((RepoRecordedInput rri) -> rri.getParser().getPrefix())
* Parses a recorded input from its string representation.
* @param s the string representation
* @return The parsed recorded input object, or {@code null} if the string representation is
* invalid
public static RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
List<String> parts = Splitter.on(':').limit(2).splitToList(s);
for (Parser parser :
new Parser[] {
File.PARSER, Dirents.PARSER, DirTree.PARSER, EnvVar.PARSER, RecordedRepoMapping.PARSER
}) {
if (parts.get(0).equals(parser.getPrefix())) {
return parser.parse(parts.get(1));
return null;
* Returns whether all values are still up-to-date for each recorded input. If Skyframe values are
* missing, the return value should be ignored; callers are responsible for checking {@code
* env.valuesMissing()} and triggering a Skyframe restart if needed.
public static boolean areAllValuesUpToDate(
Environment env,
BlazeDirectories directories,
Map<? extends RepoRecordedInput, String> recordedInputValues)
throws InterruptedException {
.map(rri -> rri.getSkyKey(directories))
if (env.valuesMissing()) {
return false;
for (Map.Entry<? extends RepoRecordedInput, String> recordedInputValue :
recordedInputValues.entrySet()) {
if (!recordedInputValue
.isUpToDate(env, directories, recordedInputValue.getValue())) {
return false;
return true;
public abstract boolean equals(Object obj);
public abstract int hashCode();
public final String toString() {
return getParser().getPrefix() + ":" + toStringInternal();
public int compareTo(RepoRecordedInput o) {
return, o);
* Returns the post-colon substring that identifies the specific input: for example, the {@code
* MY_ENV_VAR} part of {@code ENV:MY_ENV_VAR}.
public abstract String toStringInternal();
/** Returns the parser object for this type of recorded inputs. */
public abstract Parser getParser();
/** Returns the {@link SkyKey} that is necessary to determine {@link #isUpToDate}. */
public abstract SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories);
* Returns whether the given {@code oldValue} is still up-to-date for this recorded input. This
* method can assume that {@link #getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories)} is already evaluated; it can
* request further Skyframe evaluations, and if any values are missing, this method can return any
* value (doesn't matter what) and will be reinvoked after a Skyframe restart.
public abstract boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException;
* Represents a filesystem path stored in a way that is repo-cache-friendly. That is, if the path
* happens to point inside the current Bazel workspace (in either the main repo or an external
* repo), we store the appropriate repo name and the path fragment relative to the repo root,
* instead of the entire absolute path.
* <p>This is <em>almost</em> like storing a label, but includes the extra corner case of files
* inside a repo but not within any package due to missing BUILD files. For example, the file
* {@code @@foo//:abc.bzl} is addressable by a label if the file {@code @@foo//:BUILD} exists. But
* if the BUILD file doesn't exist, the {@code abc.bzl} file should still be "watchable"; it's
* just that {@code @@foo//:abc.bzl} is technically not a valid label.
* <p>Of course, when the path is outside the current Bazel workspace, we just store the absolute
* path.
public abstract static class RepoCacheFriendlyPath {
public abstract Optional<RepositoryName> repoName();
public abstract PathFragment path();
public static RepoCacheFriendlyPath createInsideWorkspace(
RepositoryName repoName, PathFragment path) {
!path.isAbsolute(), "the provided path should be relative to the repo root");
return new AutoValue_RepoRecordedInput_RepoCacheFriendlyPath(Optional.of(repoName), path);
public static RepoCacheFriendlyPath createOutsideWorkspace(PathFragment path) {
path.isAbsolute(), "the provided path should be absolute in the filesystem");
return new AutoValue_RepoRecordedInput_RepoCacheFriendlyPath(Optional.empty(), path);
public final String toString() {
// We store `@@foo//abc/def:ghi.bzl` as just `@@foo//abc/def/ghi.bzl`. See class javadoc for
// more context.
return repoName().map(repoName -> repoName + "//" + path()).orElse(path().toString());
public static RepoCacheFriendlyPath parse(String s) {
if (LabelValidator.isAbsolute(s)) {
int doubleSlash = s.indexOf("//");
int skipAts = s.startsWith("@@") ? 2 : s.startsWith("@") ? 1 : 0;
return createInsideWorkspace(
RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(s.substring(skipAts, doubleSlash)),
PathFragment.create(s.substring(doubleSlash + 2)));
return createOutsideWorkspace(PathFragment.create(s));
/** Returns the rooted path corresponding to this "repo-friendly path". */
public final RootedPath getRootedPath(BlazeDirectories directories) {
Root root;
if (repoName().isEmpty()) {
root = Root.absoluteRoot(directories.getOutputBase().getFileSystem());
} else if (repoName().get().isMain()) {
root = Root.fromPath(directories.getWorkspace());
} else {
// This path is from an external repo. We just directly fabricate the path here instead of
// requesting the appropriate RepositoryDirectoryValue, since we can rely on the various
// other SkyFunctions (such as FileStateFunction and DirectoryListingStateFunction) to do
// that for us instead. This also sidesteps an awkward situation when the external repo in
// question is not defined.
root =
return RootedPath.toRootedPath(root, path());
* Represents a file input accessed during the repo fetch. Despite being named just "file", this
* can represent a file or a directory on the filesystem, and it does not need to exist. The value
* of the input contains whether this is a file or a directory or nonexistent, and if it's a file,
* the digest of its contents.
public static final class File extends RepoRecordedInput {
public static final Parser PARSER =
new Parser() {
public String getPrefix() {
return "FILE";
public RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
return new File(RepoCacheFriendlyPath.parse(s));
private final RepoCacheFriendlyPath path;
public File(RepoCacheFriendlyPath path) {
this.path = path;
public Parser getParser() {
return PARSER;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof File that)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(path, that.path);
public int hashCode() {
return path.hashCode();
public String toStringInternal() {
return path.toString();
* Convert to a {@link} to a String appropriate
* for placing in a repository marker file. The file need not exist, and can be a file or a
* directory.
public static String fileValueToMarkerValue(FileValue fileValue) throws IOException {
if (fileValue.isDirectory()) {
return "DIR";
if (!fileValue.exists()) {
return "ENOENT";
// Return the file content digest in hex. fileValue may or may not have the digest available.
byte[] digest = fileValue.realFileStateValue().getDigest();
if (digest == null) {
// Fast digest not available, or it would have been in the FileValue.
digest = fileValue.realRootedPath().asPath().getDigest();
return BaseEncoding.base16().lowerCase().encode(digest);
public SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories) {
return FileValue.key(path.getRootedPath(directories));
public boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException {
try {
FileValue fileValue =
(FileValue) env.getValueOrThrow(getSkyKey(directories), IOException.class);
if (fileValue == null) {
return false;
return oldValue.equals(fileValueToMarkerValue(fileValue));
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
/** Represents the list of entries under a directory accessed during the fetch. */
public static final class Dirents extends RepoRecordedInput {
public static final Parser PARSER =
new Parser() {
public String getPrefix() {
return "DIRENTS";
public RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
return new Dirents(RepoCacheFriendlyPath.parse(s));
private final RepoCacheFriendlyPath path;
public Dirents(RepoCacheFriendlyPath path) {
this.path = path;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Dirents that)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(path, that.path);
public int hashCode() {
return path.hashCode();
public String toStringInternal() {
return path.toString();
public Parser getParser() {
return PARSER;
public SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories) {
return DirectoryListingValue.key(path.getRootedPath(directories));
public boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException {
SkyKey skyKey = getSkyKey(directories);
if (env.getValue(skyKey) == null) {
return false;
try {
return oldValue.equals(
getDirentsMarkerValue(((DirectoryListingValue.Key) skyKey).argument().asPath()));
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
public static String getDirentsMarkerValue(Path path) throws IOException {
Fingerprint fp = new Fingerprint();
return fp.hexDigestAndReset();
* Represents an entire directory tree accessed during the fetch. Anything under the tree changing
* (including adding/removing/renaming files or directories and changing file contents) will cause
* it to go out of date.
public static final class DirTree extends RepoRecordedInput {
public static final Parser PARSER =
new Parser() {
public String getPrefix() {
return "DIRTREE";
public RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
return new DirTree(RepoCacheFriendlyPath.parse(s));
private final RepoCacheFriendlyPath path;
public DirTree(RepoCacheFriendlyPath path) {
this.path = path;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof DirTree that)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(path, that.path);
public int hashCode() {
return path.hashCode();
public String toStringInternal() {
return path.toString();
public Parser getParser() {
return PARSER;
public SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories) {
return DirectoryTreeDigestValue.key(path.getRootedPath(directories));
public boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException {
DirectoryTreeDigestValue value =
(DirectoryTreeDigestValue) env.getValue(getSkyKey(directories));
if (value == null) {
return false;
return oldValue.equals(value.hexDigest());
/** Represents an environment variable accessed during the repo fetch. */
public static final class EnvVar extends RepoRecordedInput {
static final Parser PARSER =
new Parser() {
public String getPrefix() {
return "ENV";
public RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
return new EnvVar(s);
final String name;
public EnvVar(String name) { = name;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof EnvVar envVar)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(name,;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();
public Parser getParser() {
return PARSER;
public String toStringInternal() {
return name;
public SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories) {
return ActionEnvironmentFunction.key(name);
public boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException {
String v = PrecomputedValue.REPO_ENV.get(env).get(name);
if (v == null) {
v = ((ClientEnvironmentValue) env.getValue(getSkyKey(directories))).getValue();
// Note that `oldValue` can be null if the env var was not set.
return Objects.equals(oldValue, v);
/** Represents a repo mapping entry that was used during the repo fetch. */
public static final class RecordedRepoMapping extends RepoRecordedInput {
static final Parser PARSER =
new Parser() {
public String getPrefix() {
return "REPO_MAPPING";
public RepoRecordedInput parse(String s) {
List<String> parts = Splitter.on(',').limit(2).splitToList(s);
return new RecordedRepoMapping(
RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(parts.get(0)), parts.get(1));
final RepositoryName sourceRepo;
final String apparentName;
public RecordedRepoMapping(RepositoryName sourceRepo, String apparentName) {
this.sourceRepo = sourceRepo;
this.apparentName = apparentName;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof RecordedRepoMapping that)) {
return false;
return Objects.equals(sourceRepo, that.sourceRepo)
&& Objects.equals(apparentName, that.apparentName);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(sourceRepo, apparentName);
public Parser getParser() {
return PARSER;
public String toStringInternal() {
return sourceRepo.getName() + ',' + apparentName;
public SkyKey getSkyKey(BlazeDirectories directories) {
// Since we only record repo mapping entries for repos defined in Bzlmod, we can request the
// WORKSPACE-less version of the main repo mapping (as no repos defined in Bzlmod can see
// stuff from WORKSPACE).
return sourceRepo.isMain()
: RepositoryMappingValue.key(sourceRepo);
public boolean isUpToDate(
Environment env, BlazeDirectories directories, @Nullable String oldValue)
throws InterruptedException {
RepositoryMappingValue repoMappingValue =
(RepositoryMappingValue) env.getValue(getSkyKey(directories));
return repoMappingValue != RepositoryMappingValue.NOT_FOUND_VALUE
&& RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(oldValue)