blob: a81b05863a06d11ac9bb34bc8bfdc1e3c694a237 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** A helper class containing built in functions for the Skylark language. */
public class MethodLibrary {
name = "min",
doc =
"Returns the smallest one of all given arguments. "
+ "If only one argument is provided, it must be a non-empty iterable. "
+ "It is an error if elements are not comparable (for example int with string). "
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">min(2, 5, 4) == 2\n"
+ "min([5, 6, 3]) == 3</pre>",
extraPositionals =
@Param(name = "args", type = SkylarkList.class, doc = "The elements to be checked."),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Object min(SkylarkList<?> args, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
try {
return findExtreme(args, EvalUtils.SKYLARK_COMPARATOR.reverse(), loc, thread);
} catch (ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(loc, e);
name = "max",
doc =
"Returns the largest one of all given arguments. "
+ "If only one argument is provided, it must be a non-empty iterable."
+ "It is an error if elements are not comparable (for example int with string). "
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">max(2, 5, 4) == 5\n"
+ "max([5, 6, 3]) == 6</pre>",
extraPositionals =
@Param(name = "args", type = SkylarkList.class, doc = "The elements to be checked."),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Object max(SkylarkList<?> args, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
try {
return findExtreme(args, EvalUtils.SKYLARK_COMPARATOR, loc, thread);
} catch (ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(loc, e);
/** Returns the maximum element from this list, as determined by maxOrdering. */
private static Object findExtreme(
SkylarkList<?> args, Ordering<Object> maxOrdering, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
// Args can either be a list of items to compare, or a singleton list whose element is an
// iterable of items to compare. In either case, there must be at least one item to compare.
try {
Iterable<?> items =
(args.size() == 1) ? EvalUtils.toIterable(args.get(0), loc, thread) : args;
return maxOrdering.max(items);
} catch (NoSuchElementException ex) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "expected at least one item", ex);
name = "all",
doc =
"Returns true if all elements evaluate to True or if the collection is empty. "
+ "Elements are converted to boolean using the <a href=\"#bool\">bool</a> function."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">all([\"hello\", 3, True]) == True\n"
+ "all([-1, 0, 1]) == False</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "elements",
type = Object.class,
noneable = true,
doc = "A string or a collection of elements.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Boolean all(Object collection, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return !hasElementWithBooleanValue(collection, false, loc, thread);
name = "any",
doc =
"Returns true if at least one element evaluates to True. "
+ "Elements are converted to boolean using the <a href=\"#bool\">bool</a> function."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">any([-1, 0, 1]) == True\n"
+ "any([False, 0, \"\"]) == False</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "elements",
type = Object.class,
noneable = true,
doc = "A string or a collection of elements.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Boolean any(Object collection, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return hasElementWithBooleanValue(collection, true, loc, thread);
private static boolean hasElementWithBooleanValue(
Object collection, boolean value, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
Iterable<?> iterable = EvalUtils.toIterable(collection, loc, thread);
for (Object obj : iterable) {
if (EvalUtils.toBoolean(obj) == value) {
return true;
return false;
name = "sorted",
doc =
"Sort a collection. Elements should all belong to the same orderable type, they are "
+ "sorted by their value (in ascending order). "
+ "It is an error if elements are not comparable (for example int with string)."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">sorted([3, 5, 4]) == [3, 4, 5]</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "self",
type = Object.class,
doc = "This collection.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "key",
doc = "An optional function applied to each element before comparison.",
named = true,
defaultValue = "None",
positional = false,
noneable = true),
name = "reverse",
type = Boolean.class,
doc = "Return results in descending order.",
named = true,
defaultValue = "False",
positional = false)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public MutableList<?> sorted(
Object self,
final Object key,
Boolean reverse,
final Location loc,
final StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
ArrayList<?> list = new ArrayList<>(EvalUtils.toCollection(self, loc, thread));
if (key == Runtime.NONE) {
try {
Collections.sort(list, EvalUtils.SKYLARK_COMPARATOR);
} catch (EvalUtils.ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(loc, e);
} else if (key instanceof StarlarkCallable) {
final StarlarkCallable keyfn = (StarlarkCallable) key;
final FuncallExpression ast = new FuncallExpression(Identifier.of(""), ImmutableList.of());
class KeyComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
Exception e;
public int compare(Object x, Object y) {
try {
return, callKeyFunc(y));
} catch (InterruptedException | EvalException e) {
if (this.e == null) {
this.e = e;
return 0;
Object callKeyFunc(Object x) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return, ImmutableMap.of(), ast, thread);
KeyComparator comp = new KeyComparator();
try {
Collections.sort(list, comp);
} catch (EvalUtils.ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(loc, e);
if (comp.e != null) {
if (comp.e instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw (InterruptedException) comp.e;
throw (EvalException) comp.e;
} else {
throw new EvalException(
loc, Printer.format("%r object is not callable", EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(key)));
if (reverse) {
return MutableList.wrapUnsafe(thread, list);
name = "reversed",
doc =
"Returns a list that contains the elements of the original sequence in reversed order."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">reversed([3, 5, 4]) == [4, 5, 3]</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "sequence",
type = Object.class,
doc = "The sequence to be reversed (string, list or tuple).",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public MutableList<?> reversed(Object sequence, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
if (sequence instanceof SkylarkDict) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "Argument to reversed() must be a sequence, not a dictionary.");
ArrayDeque<Object> tmpList = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (Object element : EvalUtils.toIterable(sequence, loc, thread)) {
return MutableList.copyOf(thread, tmpList);
name = "tuple",
doc =
"Converts a collection (e.g. list, tuple or dictionary) to a tuple."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">tuple([1, 2]) == (1, 2)\n"
+ "tuple((2, 3, 2)) == (2, 3, 2)\n"
+ "tuple({5: \"a\", 2: \"b\", 4: \"c\"}) == (5, 2, 4)</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
defaultValue = "()",
doc = "The object to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Tuple<?> tuple(Object x, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return Tuple.copyOf(EvalUtils.toCollection(x, loc, thread));
name = "list",
doc =
"Converts a collection (e.g. list, tuple or dictionary) to a list."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">list([1, 2]) == [1, 2]\n"
+ "list((2, 3, 2)) == [2, 3, 2]\n"
+ "list({5: \"a\", 2: \"b\", 4: \"c\"}) == [5, 2, 4]</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
defaultValue = "[]",
doc = "The object to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public MutableList<?> list(Object x, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
return MutableList.copyOf(thread, EvalUtils.toCollection(x, loc, thread));
name = "len",
doc = "Returns the length of a string, list, tuple, depset, or dictionary.",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to check length of.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Integer len(Object x, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
if (x instanceof String) {
return ((String) x).length();
} else if (x instanceof Map) {
return ((Map<?, ?>) x).size();
} else if (x instanceof SkylarkList) {
return ((SkylarkList<?>) x).size();
} else if (x instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
if (thread.getSemantics().incompatibleDepsetIsNotIterable()) {
throw new EvalException(
+ " is not iterable. You may use `len(<depset>.to_list())` instead. Use "
+ "--incompatible_depset_is_not_iterable=false to temporarily disable this "
+ "check.");
return ((SkylarkNestedSet) x).toCollection().size();
} else if (x instanceof Iterable) {
// Iterables.size() checks if x is a Collection so it's efficient in that sense.
return Iterables.size((Iterable<?>) x);
} else {
throw new EvalException(loc, EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(x) + " is not iterable");
name = "str",
doc =
"Converts any object to string. This is useful for debugging."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">str(\"ab\") == \"ab\"\n"
+ "str(8) == \"8\"</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
useLocation = true)
public String str(Object x, Location loc) throws EvalException {
try {
return Printer.str(x);
} catch (NestedSetDepthException exception) {
throw new EvalException(
"depset exceeded maximum depth "
+ exception.getDepthLimit()
+ ". This was only discovered when attempting to flatten the depset for str(), as "
+ "the size of depsets is unknown until flattening. "
+ "See for details and possible "
+ "solutions.");
name = "repr",
doc =
"Converts any object to a string representation. This is useful for debugging.<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">repr(\"ab\") == '\"ab\"'</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
public String repr(Object x) {
return Printer.repr(x);
name = "bool",
doc =
"Constructor for the bool type. "
+ "It returns <code>False</code> if the object is <code>None</code>, <code>False"
+ "</code>, an empty string (<code>\"\"</code>), the number <code>0</code>, or an "
+ "empty collection (e.g. <code>()</code>, <code>[]</code>). "
+ "Otherwise, it returns <code>True</code>.",
parameters = {
name = "x",
defaultValue = "False",
doc = "The variable to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
public Boolean bool(Object x) throws EvalException {
return EvalUtils.toBoolean(x);
private final ImmutableMap<String, Integer> intPrefixes =
ImmutableMap.of("0b", 2, "0o", 8, "0x", 16);
name = "int",
doc =
"Returns x as an int value."
+ "<ul>"
+ "<li>If <code>x</code> is already an int, it is returned as-is."
+ "<li>If <code>x</code> is a boolean, a true value returns 1 and a false value "
+ " returns 0."
+ "<li>If <code>x</code> is a string, it must have the format "
+ " <code>&lt;sign&gt;&lt;prefix&gt;&lt;digits&gt;</code>. "
+ " <code>&lt;sign&gt;</code> is either <code>\"+\"</code>, <code>\"-\"</code>, "
+ " or empty (interpreted as positive). <code>&lt;digits&gt;</code> are a "
+ " sequence of digits from 0 up to <code>base</code> - 1, where the letters a-z "
+ " (or equivalently, A-Z) are used as digits for 10-35. In the case where "
+ " <code>base</code> is 2/8/16, <code>&lt;prefix&gt;</code> is optional and may "
+ " be 0b/0o/0x (or equivalently, 0B/0O/0X) respectively; if the "
+ " <code>base</code> is any other value besides these bases or the special value "
+ " 0, the prefix must be empty. In the case where <code>base</code> is 0, the "
+ " string is interpreted as an integer literal, in the sense that one of the "
+ " bases 2/8/10/16 is chosen depending on which prefix if any is used. If "
+ " <code>base</code> is 0, no prefix is used, and there is more than one digit, "
+ " the leading digit cannot be 0; this is to avoid confusion between octal and "
+ " decimal. The magnitude of the number represented by the string must be within "
+ " the allowed range for the int type."
+ "</ul>"
+ "This function fails if <code>x</code> is any other type, or if the value is a "
+ "string not satisfying the above format. Unlike Python's <code>int()</code> "
+ "function, this function does not allow zero arguments, and does not allow "
+ "extraneous whitespace for string arguments."
+ "<p>Examples:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "int(\"123\") == 123\n"
+ "int(\"-123\") == -123\n"
+ "int(\"+123\") == 123\n"
+ "int(\"FF\", 16) == 255\n"
+ "int(\"0xFF\", 16) == 255\n"
+ "int(\"10\", 0) == 10\n"
+ "int(\"-0x10\", 0) == -16"
+ "</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
type = Object.class,
doc = "The string to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "base",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "unbound",
doc =
"The base used to interpret a string value; defaults to 10. Must be between 2 "
+ "and 36 (inclusive), or 0 to detect the base as if <code>x</code> were an "
+ "integer literal. This parameter must not be supplied if the value is not a "
+ "string.",
named = true)
useLocation = true)
public Integer convertToInt(Object x, Object base, Location loc) throws EvalException {
if (x instanceof String) {
if (base == Runtime.UNBOUND) {
base = 10;
} else if (!(base instanceof Integer)) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, "base must be an integer (got '" + EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(base) + "')");
return fromString((String) x, loc, (Integer) base);
} else {
if (base != Runtime.UNBOUND) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "int() can't convert non-string with explicit base");
if (x instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean) x).booleanValue() ? 1 : 0;
} else if (x instanceof Integer) {
return (Integer) x;
throw new EvalException(loc, Printer.format("%r is not of type string or int or bool", x));
private int fromString(String string, Location loc, int base) throws EvalException {
String stringForErrors = string;
boolean isNegative = false;
if (string.isEmpty()) {
throw new EvalException(loc, Printer.format("string argument to int() cannot be empty"));
char c = string.charAt(0);
if (c == '+') {
string = string.substring(1);
} else if (c == '-') {
string = string.substring(1);
isNegative = true;
String prefix = getIntegerPrefix(string);
String digits;
if (prefix == null) {
// Nothing to strip. Infer base 10 if autodetection was requested (base == 0).
digits = string;
if (base == 0) {
if (string.length() > 1 && string.startsWith("0")) {
// We don't infer the base when input starts with '0' (due
// to confusion between octal and decimal).
throw new EvalException(
"cannot infer base for int() when value begins with a 0: %r", stringForErrors));
base = 10;
} else {
// Strip prefix. Infer base from prefix if unknown (base == 0), or else verify its
// consistency.
digits = string.substring(prefix.length());
int expectedBase = intPrefixes.get(prefix);
if (base == 0) {
base = expectedBase;
} else if (base != expectedBase) {
throw new EvalException(
Printer.format("invalid literal for int() with base %d: %r", base, stringForErrors));
if (base < 2 || base > 36) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "int() base must be >= 2 and <= 36");
try {
// Negate by prepending a negative symbol, rather than by using arithmetic on the
// result, to handle the edge case of -2^31 correctly.
String parseable = isNegative ? "-" + digits : digits;
return Integer.parseInt(parseable, base);
} catch (NumberFormatException | ArithmeticException e) {
throw new EvalException(
Printer.format("invalid literal for int() with base %d: %r", base, stringForErrors),
private String getIntegerPrefix(String value) {
value = Ascii.toLowerCase(value);
for (String prefix : intPrefixes.keySet()) {
if (value.startsWith(prefix)) {
return prefix;
return null;
name = "dict",
doc =
"Creates a <a href=\"dict.html\">dictionary</a> from an optional positional "
+ "argument and an optional set of keyword arguments. In the case where the same key "
+ "is given multiple times, the last value will be used. Entries supplied via "
+ "keyword arguments are considered to come after entries supplied via the "
+ "positional argument.",
parameters = {
name = "args",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "[]",
doc =
"Either a dictionary or a list of entries. Entries must be tuples or lists with "
+ "exactly two elements: key, value.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
extraKeywords = @Param(name = "kwargs", doc = "Dictionary of additional entries."),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public SkylarkDict<?, ?> dict(
Object args, SkylarkDict<?, ?> kwargs, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
SkylarkDict<?, ?> argsDict =
args instanceof SkylarkDict
? (SkylarkDict) args
: SkylarkDict.getDictFromArgs("dict", args, loc, thread);
return, kwargs, thread);
name = "enumerate",
doc =
"Returns a list of pairs (two-element tuples), with the index (int) and the item from"
+ " the input sequence.\n<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "enumerate([24, 21, 84]) == [(0, 24), (1, 21), (2, 84)]</pre>\n",
parameters = {
// Note Python uses 'sequence' keyword instead of 'list'. We may want to change tihs
// some day.
@Param(name = "list", type = Object.class, doc = "input sequence.", named = true),
name = "start",
type = Integer.class,
doc = "start index.",
defaultValue = "0",
named = true)
useStarlarkThread = true,
useLocation = true)
public MutableList<?> enumerate(Object input, Integer start, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
int count = start;
ArrayList<SkylarkList<?>> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object obj : EvalUtils.toCollection(input, loc, thread)) {
result.add(Tuple.of(count, obj));
return MutableList.wrapUnsafe(thread, result);
name = "hash",
doc =
"Return a hash value for a string. This is computed deterministically using the same "
+ "algorithm as Java's <code>String.hashCode()</code>, namely: "
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">s[0] * (31^(n-1)) + s[1] * (31^(n-2)) + ... + "
+ "s[n-1]</pre> Hashing of values besides strings is not currently supported.",
// Deterministic hashing is important for the consistency of builds, hence why we
// promise a specific algorithm. This is in contrast to Java (Object.hashCode()) and
// Python, which promise stable hashing only within a given execution of the program.
parameters = {
name = "value",
type = String.class,
doc = "String value to hash.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
public Integer hash(String value) throws EvalException {
return value.hashCode();
name = "range",
doc =
"Creates a list where items go from <code>start</code> to <code>stop</code>, using a "
+ "<code>step</code> increment. If a single argument is provided, items will "
+ "range from 0 to that element."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">range(4) == [0, 1, 2, 3]\n"
+ "range(3, 9, 2) == [3, 5, 7]\n"
+ "range(3, 0, -1) == [3, 2, 1]</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "start_or_stop",
type = Integer.class,
doc =
"Value of the start element if stop is provided, "
+ "otherwise value of stop and the actual start is 0",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "stop_or_none",
type = Integer.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"optional index of the first item <i>not</i> to be included in the resulting "
+ "list; generation of the list stops before <code>stop</code> is reached.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "step",
type = Integer.class,
defaultValue = "1",
doc = "The increment (default is 1). It may be negative.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public SkylarkList<Integer> range(
Integer startOrStop, Object stopOrNone, Integer step, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
int start;
int stop;
if (stopOrNone == Runtime.NONE) {
start = 0;
stop = startOrStop;
} else if (stopOrNone instanceof Integer) {
start = startOrStop;
stop = (Integer) stopOrNone;
} else {
throw new EvalException(loc, "want int, got " + EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(stopOrNone));
if (step == 0) {
throw new EvalException(loc, "step cannot be 0");
return RangeList.of(start, stop, step);
/** Returns true if the object has a field of the given name, otherwise false. */
name = "hasattr",
doc =
"Returns True if the object <code>x</code> has an attribute or method of the given "
+ "<code>name</code>, otherwise False. Example:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">hasattr(ctx.attr, \"myattr\")</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to check.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true),
name = "name",
type = String.class,
doc = "The name of the attribute.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true)
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Boolean hasAttr(Object obj, String name, StarlarkThread thread) throws EvalException {
if (obj instanceof ClassObject && ((ClassObject) obj).getValue(name) != null) {
return true;
// shouldn't this filter things with struct_field = false?
return EvalUtils.hasMethod(thread.getSemantics(), obj, name);
name = "getattr",
doc =
"Returns the struct's field of the given name if it exists. If not, it either returns "
+ "<code>default</code> (if specified) or raises an error. "
+ "<code>getattr(x, \"foobar\")</code> is equivalent to <code>x.foobar</code>."
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">getattr(ctx.attr, \"myattr\")\n"
+ "getattr(ctx.attr, \"myattr\", \"mydefault\")</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The struct whose attribute is accessed.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true),
name = "name",
doc = "The name of the struct attribute.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "default",
defaultValue = "unbound",
doc =
"The default value to return in case the struct "
+ "doesn't have an attribute of the given name.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Object getAttr(
Object obj, String name, Object defaultValue, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object result = EvalUtils.getAttr(thread, loc, obj, name);
if (result == null) {
if (defaultValue != Runtime.UNBOUND) {
return defaultValue;
throw EvalUtils.getMissingFieldException(obj, name, loc, thread.getSemantics(), "attribute");
return result;
name = "dir",
doc =
"Returns a list of strings: the names of the attributes and "
+ "methods of the parameter object.",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to check.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public MutableList<?> dir(Object object, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
// Order the fields alphabetically.
Set<String> fields = new TreeSet<>();
if (object instanceof ClassObject) {
fields.addAll(((ClassObject) object).getFieldNames());
fields.addAll(CallUtils.getMethodNames(thread.getSemantics(), object.getClass()));
return MutableList.copyOf(thread, fields);
name = "fail",
doc =
"Raises an error that cannot be intercepted. It can be used anywhere, "
+ "both in the loading phase and in the analysis phase.",
parameters = {
name = "msg",
type = Object.class,
doc = "Error to display for the user. The object is converted to a string.",
defaultValue = "None",
named = true,
noneable = true),
name = "attr",
type = String.class,
noneable = true,
defaultValue = "None",
doc =
"The name of the attribute that caused the error. This is used only for "
+ "error reporting.",
named = true)
useLocation = true)
public Runtime.NoneType fail(Object msg, Object attr, Location loc) throws EvalException {
String str = Printer.str(msg);
if (attr != Runtime.NONE) {
str = String.format("attribute %s: %s", attr, str);
throw new EvalException(loc, str);
name = "print",
doc =
"Prints <code>args</code> as debug output. It will be prefixed with the string <code>"
+ "\"DEBUG\"</code> and the location (file and line number) of this call. The "
+ "exact way in which the arguments are converted to strings is unspecified and may "
+ "change at any time. In particular, it may be different from (and more detailed "
+ "than) the formatting done by <a href='#str'><code>str()</code></a> and <a "
+ "href='#repr'><code>repr()</code></a>."
+ "<p>Using <code>print</code> in production code is discouraged due to the spam it "
+ "creates for users. For deprecations, prefer a hard error using <a href=\"#fail\">"
+ "<code>fail()</code></a> whenever possible.",
parameters = {
name = "sep",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "\" \"",
named = true,
positional = false,
doc = "The separator string between the objects, default is space (\" \").")
// NB: as compared to Python3, we're missing optional named-only arguments 'end' and 'file'
extraPositionals = @Param(name = "args", doc = "The objects to print."),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public Runtime.NoneType print(
String sep, SkylarkList<?> starargs, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
try {
String msg =;
// As part of the integration test "", if the
// "--internal_skylark_flag_test_canary" flag is enabled, append an extra marker string to
// the output.
if (thread.getSemantics().internalSkylarkFlagTestCanary()) {
msg += "<== skylark flag test ==>";
thread.handleEvent(Event.debug(loc, msg));
return Runtime.NONE;
} catch (NestedSetDepthException exception) {
throw new EvalException(
"depset exceeded maximum depth "
+ exception.getDepthLimit()
+ ". This was only discovered when attempting to flatten the depset for print(), as "
+ "the size of depsets is unknown until flattening. "
+ "See for details and possible "
+ "solutions.");
name = "type",
doc =
"Returns the type name of its argument. This is useful for debugging and "
+ "type-checking. Examples:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "type(2) == \"int\"\n"
+ "type([1]) == \"list\"\n"
+ "type(struct(a = 2)) == \"struct\""
+ "</pre>"
+ "This function might change in the future. To write Python-compatible code and "
+ "be future-proof, use it only to compare return values: "
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "if type(x) == type([]): # if x is a list"
+ "</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
doc = "The object to check type of.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true,
noneable = true)
public String type(Object object) {
// There is no 'type' type in Skylark, so we return a string with the type name.
return EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(object, false);
name = "depset",
doc =
"Creates a <a href=\"depset.html\">depset</a>. The <code>direct</code> parameter is a "
+ "list of direct elements of the depset, and <code>transitive</code> parameter is "
+ "a list of depsets whose elements become indirect elements of the created depset. "
+ "The order in which elements are returned when the depset is converted to a list "
+ "is specified by the <code>order</code> parameter. "
+ "See the <a href=\"../\">Depsets overview</a> for more information. "
+ "<p> All elements (direct and indirect) of a depset must be of the same type. "
+ "<p> The order of the created depset should be <i>compatible</i> with the order of "
+ "its <code>transitive</code> depsets. <code>\"default\"</code> order is compatible "
+ "with any other order, all other orders are only compatible with themselves."
+ "<p> Note on backward/forward compatibility. This function currently accepts a "
+ "positional <code>items</code> parameter. It is deprecated and will be removed "
+ "in the future, and after its removal <code>direct</code> will become a sole "
+ "positional parameter of the <code>depset</code> function. Thus, both of the "
+ "following calls are equivalent and future-proof:<br>"
+ "<pre class=language-python>"
+ "depset(['a', 'b'], transitive = [...])\n"
+ "depset(direct = ['a', 'b'], transitive = [...])\n"
+ "</pre>",
parameters = {
name = "x",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "None",
positional = true,
named = false,
noneable = true,
doc =
"A positional parameter distinct from other parameters for legacy support. "
+ "<p>If <code>--incompatible_disable_depset_inputs</code> is false, this "
+ "parameter serves as the value of <code>items</code>.</p> "
+ "<p>If <code>--incompatible_disable_depset_inputs</code> is true, this "
+ "parameter serves as the value of <code>direct</code>.</p> "
+ "<p>See the documentation for these parameters for more details."),
// TODO(cparsons): Make 'order' keyword-only.
name = "order",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "\"default\"",
doc =
"The traversal strategy for the new depset. See "
+ "<a href=\"depset.html\">here</a> for the possible values.",
named = true),
name = "direct",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "None",
positional = false,
named = true,
noneable = true,
doc = "A list of <i>direct</i> elements of a depset. "),
name = "transitive",
named = true,
positional = false,
type = SkylarkList.class,
generic1 = SkylarkNestedSet.class,
noneable = true,
doc = "A list of depsets whose elements will become indirect elements of the depset.",
defaultValue = "None"),
name = "items",
type = Object.class,
defaultValue = "[]",
positional = false,
doc =
"Deprecated: Either an iterable whose items become the direct elements of "
+ "the new depset, in left-to-right order, or else a depset that becomes "
+ "a transitive element of the new depset. In the latter case, "
+ "<code>transitive</code> cannot be specified.",
valueWhenDisabled = "[]",
named = true),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkSemantics = true)
public SkylarkNestedSet depset(
Object x,
String orderString,
Object direct,
Object transitive,
Object items,
Location loc,
StarlarkSemantics semantics)
throws EvalException {
Order order;
try {
order = Order.parse(orderString);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new EvalException(loc, ex);
if (semantics.incompatibleDisableDepsetItems()) {
if (x != Runtime.NONE) {
if (direct != Runtime.NONE) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, "parameter 'direct' cannot be specified both positionally and by keyword");
direct = x;
return depsetConstructor(direct, order, transitive, loc);
} else {
if (x != Runtime.NONE) {
if (!isEmptySkylarkList(items)) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, "parameter 'items' cannot be specified both positionally and by keyword");
items = x;
return legacyDepsetConstructor(items, order, direct, transitive, loc);
private static SkylarkNestedSet depsetConstructor(
Object direct, Order order, Object transitive, Location loc) throws EvalException {
if (direct instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
throw new EvalException(
"parameter 'direct' must contain a list of elements, and may "
+ "no longer accept a depset. The deprecated behavior may be temporarily re-enabled "
+ "by setting --incompatible_disable_depset_inputs=false");
SkylarkNestedSet.Builder builder = SkylarkNestedSet.builder(order, loc);
for (Object directElement : listFromNoneable(direct, Object.class, "direct")) {
for (SkylarkNestedSet transitiveSet :
listFromNoneable(transitive, SkylarkNestedSet.class, "transitive")) {
private static <T> List<T> listFromNoneable(
Object listOrNone, Class<T> objectType, String paramName) throws EvalException {
if (listOrNone != Runtime.NONE) {
SkylarkType.checkType(listOrNone, SkylarkList.class, paramName);
return ((SkylarkList<?>) listOrNone).getContents(objectType, paramName);
} else {
return ImmutableList.of();
private static SkylarkNestedSet legacyDepsetConstructor(
Object items, Order order, Object direct, Object transitive, Location loc)
throws EvalException {
if (transitive == Runtime.NONE && direct == Runtime.NONE) {
// Legacy behavior.
return SkylarkNestedSet.of(order, items, loc);
if (direct != Runtime.NONE && !isEmptySkylarkList(items)) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, "Do not pass both 'direct' and 'items' argument to depset constructor.");
// Non-legacy behavior: either 'transitive' or 'direct' were specified.
Iterable<Object> directElements;
if (direct != Runtime.NONE) {
SkylarkType.checkType(direct, SkylarkList.class, "direct");
directElements = ((SkylarkList<?>) direct).getContents(Object.class, "direct");
} else {
SkylarkType.checkType(items, SkylarkList.class, "items");
directElements = ((SkylarkList<?>) items).getContents(Object.class, "items");
Iterable<SkylarkNestedSet> transitiveList;
if (transitive != Runtime.NONE) {
SkylarkType.checkType(transitive, SkylarkList.class, "transitive");
transitiveList =
((SkylarkList<?>) transitive).getContents(SkylarkNestedSet.class, "transitive");
} else {
transitiveList = ImmutableList.of();
SkylarkNestedSet.Builder builder = SkylarkNestedSet.builder(order, loc);
for (Object directElement : directElements) {
for (SkylarkNestedSet transitiveSet : transitiveList) {
private static boolean isEmptySkylarkList(Object o) {
return o instanceof SkylarkList && ((SkylarkList) o).isEmpty();
* Returns a function-value implementing "select" (i.e. configurable attributes) in the specified
* package context.
name = "select",
doc =
"<code>select()</code> is the helper function that makes a rule attribute "
+ "<a href=\"$BE_ROOT/common-definitions.html#configurable-attributes\">"
+ "configurable</a>. See "
+ "<a href=\"$BE_ROOT/functions.html#select\">build encyclopedia</a> for details.",
parameters = {
name = "x",
type = SkylarkDict.class,
doc = "The parameter to convert.",
// TODO(cparsons): This parameter should be positional-only.
legacyNamed = true),
name = "no_match_error",
type = String.class,
defaultValue = "''",
doc = "Optional custom error to report if no condition matches.",
named = true)
useLocation = true)
public Object select(SkylarkDict<?, ?> dict, String noMatchError, Location loc)
throws EvalException {
if (dict.isEmpty()) {
throw new EvalException(
"select({}) with an empty dictionary can never resolve because it includes no conditions "
+ "to match");
for (Object key : dict.keySet()) {
if (!(key instanceof String)) {
throw new EvalException(
loc, String.format("Invalid key: %s. select keys must be label references", key));
return SelectorList.of(new SelectorValue(dict, noMatchError));
name = "zip",
doc =
"Returns a <code>list</code> of <code>tuple</code>s, where the i-th tuple contains "
+ "the i-th element from each of the argument sequences or iterables. The list has "
+ "the size of the shortest input. With a single iterable argument, it returns a "
+ "list of 1-tuples. With no arguments, it returns an empty list. Examples:"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "zip() # == []\n"
+ "zip([1, 2]) # == [(1,), (2,)]\n"
+ "zip([1, 2], [3, 4]) # == [(1, 3), (2, 4)]\n"
+ "zip([1, 2], [3, 4, 5]) # == [(1, 3), (2, 4)]</pre>",
extraPositionals = @Param(name = "args", doc = "lists to zip."),
useLocation = true,
useStarlarkThread = true)
public MutableList<?> zip(SkylarkList<?> args, Location loc, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
Iterator<?>[] iterators = new Iterator<?>[args.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
iterators[i] = EvalUtils.toIterable(args.get(i), loc, thread).iterator();
ArrayList<Tuple<?>> result = new ArrayList<>();
boolean allHasNext;
do {
allHasNext = !args.isEmpty();
List<Object> elem = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(args.size());
for (Iterator<?> iterator : iterators) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
} else {
allHasNext = false;
if (allHasNext) {
} while (allHasNext);
return MutableList.wrapUnsafe(thread, result);
/** Skylark int type. */
name = "int",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"A type to represent integers. It can represent any number between -2147483648 and "
+ "2147483647 (included). "
+ "Examples of int values:<br>"
+ "<pre class=\"language-python\">"
+ "153\n"
+ "0x2A # hexadecimal literal\n"
+ "0o54 # octal literal\n"
+ "23 * 2 + 5\n"
+ "100 / -7\n"
+ "100 % -7 # -5 (unlike in some other languages)\n"
+ "int(\"18\")\n"
+ "</pre>")
public static final class IntModule {}
/** Skylark bool type. */
name = "bool",
category = SkylarkModuleCategory.BUILTIN,
doc =
"A type to represent booleans. There are only two possible values: "
+ "<a href=\"globals.html#True\">True</a> and "
+ "<a href=\"globals.html#False\">False</a>. "
+ "Any value can be converted to a boolean using the "
+ "<a href=\"globals.html#bool\">bool</a> function.")
public static final class BoolModule {}
/** Adds bindings for all the builtin functions of this class to the given map builder. */
public static void addBindingsToBuilder(ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder) {
Runtime.setupSkylarkLibrary(builder, new MethodLibrary());