blob: 3566b2393b7e23b73684aa6eeb5761d57247e5a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* A callback interface that is used during the process of converting target patterns (such as
* <code>//foo:all</code>) into one or more lists of targets (such as <code>//foo:foo,
* //foo:bar</code>). During a call to {@link TargetPattern#eval}, the {@link TargetPattern} makes
* calls to this interface to implement the target pattern semantics. The generic type {@code T} is
* only for compile-time type safety; there are no requirements to the actual type.
public interface TargetPatternResolver<T> {
* Reports the given warning.
void warn(String msg);
* Returns a single target corresponding to the given name, or null. This method may only throw an
* exception if the current thread was interrupted.
T getTargetOrNull(String targetName) throws InterruptedException;
* Returns a single target corresponding to the given name, or an empty or failed result.
ResolvedTargets<T> getExplicitTarget(String targetName)
throws TargetParsingException, InterruptedException;
* Returns the set containing the targets found in the given package. The specified directory is
* not necessarily a valid package name. If {@code rulesOnly} is true, then this method should
* only return rules in the given package.
* @param originalPattern the original target pattern for error reporting purposes
* @param packageName the name of the package
* @param rulesOnly whether to return rules only
ResolvedTargets<T> getTargetsInPackage(String originalPattern, String packageName,
boolean rulesOnly) throws TargetParsingException, InterruptedException;
* Returns the set containing the targets found below the given {@code directory}. Conceptually,
* this method should look for all packages that start with the {@code directory} (as a proper
* prefix directory, i.e., "foo/ba" is not a proper prefix of "foo/bar/"), and then collect all
* targets in each such package (subject to {@code rulesOnly}) as if calling {@link
* #getTargetsInPackage}. The specified directory is not necessarily a valid package name.
* <p>Note that the {@code directory} can be empty, which corresponds to the "//..." pattern.
* Implementations may choose not to support this case and throw an {@link
* IllegalArgumentException} exception instead, or may restrict the set of directories that are
* considered by default.
* <p>If the {@code directory} points to a package, then that package should also be part of the
* result.
* @param originalPattern the original target pattern for error reporting purposes
* @param directory the directory in which to look for packages
* @param rulesOnly whether to return rules only
* @param excludedSubdirectories a set of transitive subdirectories beneath {@code directory}
* to ignore
* @throws TargetParsingException under implementation-specific failure conditions
ResolvedTargets<T> findTargetsBeneathDirectory(String originalPattern, String directory,
boolean rulesOnly, ImmutableSet<String> excludedSubdirectories)
throws TargetParsingException, InterruptedException;
* Returns true, if and only if the given name corresponds to a package, i.e., a file with the
* name {@code packageName/BUILD} exists.
boolean isPackage(String packageName);
* Returns the target kind of the given target, for example {@code cc_library rule}.
String getTargetKind(T target);