blob: a8a7b0d794b6befe0294fa5792d4b77972cdccba [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This is an experimental implementation of cc_shared_library.
We may change the implementation at any moment or even delete this file. Do not
rely on this. It requires bazel >1.2 and passing the flag
load(":common/cc/cc_helper.bzl", "cc_helper")
load(":common/cc/semantics.bzl", "semantics")
load(":common/proto/proto_info.bzl", "ProtoInfo")
load(":common/cc/cc_info.bzl", "CcInfo")
load(":common/cc/cc_common.bzl", "cc_common")
# TODO(#5200): Add export_define to library_to_link and cc_library
# Add this as a tag to any target that can be linked by more than one
# cc_shared_library because it doesn't have static initializers or anything
# else that may cause issues when being linked more than once. This should be
# used sparingly after making sure it's safe to use.
GraphNodeInfo = provider(
"Nodes in the graph of shared libraries.",
fields = {
"children": "Other GraphNodeInfo from dependencies of this target",
"owners": "Owners of the linker inputs in the targets visited",
"linkable_more_than_once": "Linkable into more than a single cc_shared_library",
CcSharedLibraryInfo = provider(
"Information about a cc shared library.",
fields = {
"dynamic_deps": "All shared libraries depended on transitively",
"exports": "cc_libraries that are linked statically and exported",
"link_once_static_libs": "All libraries linked statically into this library that should " +
"only be linked once, e.g. because they have static " +
"initializers. If we try to link them more than once, " +
"we will throw an error",
"linker_input": "the resulting linker input artifact for the shared library",
CcSharedLibraryHintInfo = provider(
doc = """
This provider should be used by rules that provide C++ linker inputs and
want to guide what the cc_shared_library uses. The reason for this may be
for example because the rule is not providing a standard provider like
CcInfo or ProtoInfo or because the rule does not want certain attributes
to be used for linking into shared libraries. It may also be needed if the
rule is using non-standard linker_input.owner names.
Propagation of the cc_shared_library aspect will always happen via all
attributes that provide either CcInfo, ProtoInfo or
CcSharedLibraryHintInfo, the hints control whether the result of that
propagation actually gets used.
fields = {
"attributes": ("[String] - If not set, the aspect will use the result of every " +
"dependency that provides CcInfo, ProtoInfo or CcSharedLibraryHintInfo. " +
"If empty list, the aspect will not use the result of any dependency. If " +
"the list contains a list of attribute names, the aspect will only use the " +
"dependencies corresponding to those attributes as long as they provide CcInfo, " +
"ProtoInfo or CcSharedLibraryHintInfo"),
"owners": ("[Label] - cc_shared_library will know which linker_inputs to link based on the owners " +
"field of each linker_input. Most rules will simply use the ctx.label but certain " +
"APIs like cc_common.create_linker_input(owner=) accept any label. " +
"cc_common.create_linking_context_from_compilation_outputs() accepts a `name` which " +
"will then be used to create the owner of the linker_input together with ctx.package." +
"For these cases, since the cc_shared_library cannot guess, the rule author should " +
"provide a hint with the owners of the linker inputs. If the value of owners is not set, then " +
"ctx.label will be used. If the rule author passes a list and they want ctx.label plus some other " +
"label then they will have to add ctx.label explicitly. If you want to use custom owners from C++ " +
"rules keep as close to the original ctx.label as possible, to avoid conflicts with linker_inputs " +
"created by other targets keep the original repository name, the original package name and re-use " +
"the original name as part of your new name, limiting your custom addition to a prefix or suffix."),
# For each target, find out whether it should be linked statically or
# dynamically.
def _separate_static_and_dynamic_link_libraries(
node = None
all_children = list(direct_children)
targets_to_be_linked_statically_map = {}
targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set = {}
seen_labels = {}
# Horrible I know. Perhaps Starlark team gives me a way to prune a tree.
for i in range(2147483647):
if i == len(all_children):
node = all_children[i]
must_add_children = False
# The *_seen variables are used to track a programmatic error and fail
# if it happens. Every value in node.owners presumably corresponds to
# a linker_input in the same exact target. Therefore if we have seen
# any of the owners already, then we must have also seen all the other
# owners in the same node. Viceversa when we haven't seen them yet. If
# both of these values are non-zero after the loop, the most likely
# reason would be a bug in the implementation. It could potentially be
# triggered by users if they use owner labels that do not keep most of
# the ctx.label.package and which then clash with other
# target's owners (unlikely). For now though if the error is
# triggered, it's reasonable to require manual revision by
# the cc_shared_library implementation owners.
has_owners_seen = False
has_owners_not_seen = False
for owner in node.owners:
# TODO(bazel-team): Do not convert Labels to string to save on
# garbage string allocations.
owner_str = str(owner)
if owner_str in seen_labels:
has_owners_seen = True
has_owners_not_seen = True
seen_labels[owner_str] = True
if owner_str in can_be_linked_dynamically:
targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set[owner_str] = True
targets_to_be_linked_statically_map[owner_str] = node.linkable_more_than_once
must_add_children = True
if has_owners_seen and has_owners_not_seen:
fail("Your build has triggered a programmatic error in the cc_shared_library rule. " +
"Please file an issue in")
if must_add_children:
return (targets_to_be_linked_statically_map, targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set)
def _create_linker_context(ctx, linker_inputs):
return cc_common.create_linking_context(
linker_inputs = depset(linker_inputs, order = "topological"),
def _merge_cc_shared_library_infos(ctx):
dynamic_deps = []
transitive_dynamic_deps = []
for dep in ctx.attr.dynamic_deps:
dynamic_dep_entry = (
return depset(direct = dynamic_deps, transitive = transitive_dynamic_deps)
def _build_exports_map_from_only_dynamic_deps(merged_shared_library_infos):
exports_map = {}
for entry in merged_shared_library_infos.to_list():
exports = entry[0]
linker_input = entry[1]
for export in exports:
if export in exports_map:
fail("Two shared libraries in dependencies export the same symbols. Both " +
exports_map[export].libraries[0].dynamic_library.short_path +
" and " + linker_input.libraries[0].dynamic_library.short_path +
" export " + export)
exports_map[export] = linker_input
return exports_map
# The map points from the target that can only be linked once to the
# cc_shared_library target that already links it.
def _build_link_once_static_libs_map(merged_shared_library_infos):
link_once_static_libs_map = {}
for entry in merged_shared_library_infos.to_list():
link_once_static_libs = entry[2]
linker_input = entry[1]
for static_lib in link_once_static_libs:
if static_lib in link_once_static_libs_map:
fail("Two shared libraries in dependencies link the same " +
" library statically. Both " + link_once_static_libs_map[static_lib] +
" and " + str(linker_input.owner) +
" link statically " + static_lib)
link_once_static_libs_map[static_lib] = str(linker_input.owner)
return link_once_static_libs_map
def _is_dynamic_only(library_to_link):
if (library_to_link.static_library == None and
library_to_link.pic_static_library == None and
(library_to_link.objects == None or len(library_to_link.objects) == 0) and
(library_to_link.pic_objects == None or len(library_to_link.pic_objects) == 0)):
return True
return False
def _wrap_static_library_with_alwayslink(ctx, feature_configuration, cc_toolchain, linker_input):
new_libraries_to_link = []
for old_library_to_link in linker_input.libraries:
if _is_dynamic_only(old_library_to_link):
new_library_to_link = cc_common.create_library_to_link(
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
static_library = old_library_to_link.static_library,
objects = old_library_to_link.objects,
pic_static_library = old_library_to_link.pic_static_library,
pic_objects = old_library_to_link.pic_objects,
alwayslink = True,
return cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = linker_input.owner,
libraries = depset(direct = new_libraries_to_link),
user_link_flags = depset(direct = linker_input.user_link_flags),
additional_inputs = depset(direct = linker_input.additional_inputs),
def _check_if_target_under_path(value, pattern):
if pattern.workspace_name != value.workspace_name:
return False
if == "__pkg__":
return pattern.package == value.package
if == "__subpackages__":
return _same_package_or_above(pattern, value)
return pattern.package == value.package and ==
def _check_if_target_should_be_exported_with_filter(target, current_label, exports_filter):
for export_filter in exports_filter:
export_filter_label = current_label.relative(export_filter)
if _check_if_target_under_path(target, export_filter_label):
return True
return False
# Checks if the linker_input has code to link statically, i.e. either
# archives or object files, ignores library.dynamic_library.
def _contains_code_to_link(linker_input):
for library in linker_input.libraries:
if (library.static_library != None or
library.pic_static_library != None or
len(library.objects) or len(library.pic_objects)):
return True
return False
def _find_top_level_linker_input_labels(
top_level_linker_input_labels_set = {}
nodes_to_check = list(nodes)
seen_nodes_set = {}
for i in range(2147483647):
if i == len(nodes_to_check):
node = nodes_to_check[i]
must_add_children = False
node_str_owners = []
for owner in node.owners:
owner_str = str(owner)
if owner_str in linker_inputs_to_be_linked_statically_map:
must_add_children = True
for linker_input in linker_inputs_to_be_linked_statically_map[owner_str]:
if _contains_code_to_link(linker_input):
top_level_linker_input_labels_set[owner_str] = True
must_add_children = False
elif owner_str not in targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set:
# This can happen when there was a target in the graph that exported other libraries'
# linker_inputs but didn't contribute any linker_input of its own.
must_add_children = True
node_key = "".join(node_str_owners)
if must_add_children and node_key not in seen_nodes_set:
seen_nodes_set[node_key] = True
return top_level_linker_input_labels_set
def _filter_inputs(
linker_inputs = []
curr_link_once_static_libs_set = {}
graph_structure_aspect_nodes = []
dependency_linker_inputs = []
direct_deps_set = {}
for dep in deps:
direct_deps_set[str(dep.label)] = True
can_be_linked_dynamically = {}
for linker_input in dependency_linker_inputs:
owner = str(linker_input.owner)
if owner in transitive_exports:
can_be_linked_dynamically[owner] = True
# The targets_to_be_linked_statically_map points to whether the target to
# be linked statically can be linked more than once.
(targets_to_be_linked_statically_map, targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set) = _separate_static_and_dynamic_link_libraries(
linker_inputs_to_be_linked_statically_map = {}
for linker_input in dependency_linker_inputs:
owner = str(linker_input.owner)
if owner in targets_to_be_linked_statically_map:
linker_inputs_to_be_linked_statically_map.setdefault(owner, []).append(linker_input)
top_level_linker_input_labels_set = _find_top_level_linker_input_labels(
# We keep track of precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries, so that we can add
# them to runfiles.
precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries = []
exports = {}
linker_inputs_seen = {}
# We use this dictionary to give an error if a target containing only
# precompiled dynamic libraries is placed directly in roots. If such a
# precompiled dynamic library is needed it would be because a target in the
# parallel cc_library graph actually needs it. Therefore the precompiled
# dynamic library should be made a dependency of that cc_library instead.
dynamic_only_roots = {}
linked_statically_but_not_exported = {}
for linker_input in dependency_linker_inputs:
stringified_linker_input = cc_helper.stringify_linker_input(linker_input)
if stringified_linker_input in linker_inputs_seen:
linker_inputs_seen[stringified_linker_input] = True
owner = str(linker_input.owner)
if owner in targets_to_be_linked_dynamically_set:
# Link the library in this iteration dynamically,
# transitive_exports contains the artifacts produced by a
# cc_shared_library
elif owner in targets_to_be_linked_statically_map:
if owner in link_once_static_libs_map:
# We are building a dictionary that will allow us to give
# proper errors for libraries that have been linked multiple
# times elsewhere but haven't been exported. The values in the
# link_once_static_libs_map dictionary are the
# cc_shared_library targets. In this iteration we know of at
# least one target (i.e. owner) which is being linked
# statically by the cc_shared_library
# link_once_static_libs_map[owner] but is not being exported
linked_statically_but_not_exported.setdefault(link_once_static_libs_map[owner], []).append(owner)
dynamic_only_libraries = []
static_libraries = []
for library in linker_input.libraries:
if _is_dynamic_only(library):
if len(dynamic_only_libraries):
if not len(static_libraries):
if owner in direct_deps_set:
dynamic_only_roots[owner] = True
if len(static_libraries) and owner in dynamic_only_roots:
linker_input_to_be_linked_statically = linker_input
if owner in top_level_linker_input_labels_set:
linker_input_to_be_linked_statically = _wrap_static_library_with_alwayslink(
elif _check_if_target_should_be_exported_with_filter(
exports[owner] = True
if not targets_to_be_linked_statically_map[owner]:
curr_link_once_static_libs_set[owner] = True
if dynamic_only_roots:
message = ("Do not place libraries which only contain a " +
"precompiled dynamic library in roots. The following " +
"libraries only have precompiled dynamic libraries:\n")
for dynamic_only_root in dynamic_only_roots:
message += dynamic_only_root + "\n"
return (exports, linker_inputs, curr_link_once_static_libs_set.keys(), precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries)
def _throw_linked_but_not_exported_errors(error_libs_dict):
if not error_libs_dict:
error_builder = ["The following libraries were linked statically by different cc_shared_libraries but not exported:\n"]
for cc_shared_library_target, error_libs in error_libs_dict.items():
error_builder.append("cc_shared_library %s:\n" % str(cc_shared_library_target))
for error_lib in error_libs:
error_builder.append(" \"%s\",\n" % str(error_lib))
error_builder.append("If you are sure that the previous libraries are exported by the cc_shared_libraries because:\n")
error_builder.append(" 1. You have visibility declarations in the source code\n")
error_builder.append(" 2. Or you are passing a visibility script to the linker to export symbols from them\n")
error_builder.append("then add those libraries to roots or exports_filter for each cc_shared_library.\n")
def _same_package_or_above(label_a, label_b):
if label_a.workspace_name != label_b.workspace_name:
return False
package_a_tokenized = label_a.package.split("/")
package_b_tokenized = label_b.package.split("/")
if len(package_b_tokenized) < len(package_a_tokenized):
return False
if package_a_tokenized[0] != "":
for i in range(len(package_a_tokenized)):
if package_a_tokenized[i] != package_b_tokenized[i]:
return False
return True
def _get_deps(ctx):
if len(ctx.attr.deps) and len(ctx.attr.roots):
"You are using the attribute 'roots' and 'deps'. 'deps' is the " +
"new name for the attribute 'roots'. The attribute 'roots' will be" +
"removed in the future",
attr = "roots",
deps = ctx.attr.deps
if not len(deps):
deps = ctx.attr.roots
if len(deps) == 0:
"'cc_shared_library' must have at least one dependency in 'deps' (or 'roots')",
attr = "deps",
return deps
def _cc_shared_library_impl(ctx):
if not cc_common.check_experimental_cc_shared_library():
if len(ctx.attr.static_deps):
"This attribute is a no-op and its usage" +
" is forbidden after cc_shared_library is no longer experimental. " +
"Remove it from every cc_shared_library target",
attr = "static_deps",
if len(ctx.attr.roots):
"This attribute has been renamed to 'deps'. Simply rename the" +
" attribute on the target.",
attr = "roots",
deps = _get_deps(ctx)
cc_toolchain = cc_helper.find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
feature_configuration = cc_common.configure_features(
ctx = ctx,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
requested_features = ctx.features + ["force_no_whole_archive"],
unsupported_features = ctx.disabled_features,
merged_cc_shared_library_info = _merge_cc_shared_library_infos(ctx)
exports_map = _build_exports_map_from_only_dynamic_deps(merged_cc_shared_library_info)
for export in deps:
# Do not check for overlap between targets matched by the current
# rule's exports_filter and what is in exports_map. A library in roots
# will have to be linked in statically into the current rule with 100%
# guarantee and it will also have to be exported. Therefore, we must
# check it's not already exported by a different shared library. On the
# other hand, a library in the transitive closure of the current rule
# may be matched by the exports_filter but if it's already exported by
# a dynamic_dep then it won't be linked statically (therefore not give
# an error either) in the current target. The rule will intentionally
# not throw an error in these cases.
if str(export.label) in exports_map:
fail("Trying to export a library already exported by a different shared library: " +
link_once_static_libs_map = _build_link_once_static_libs_map(merged_cc_shared_library_info)
(exports, linker_inputs, curr_link_once_static_libs_set, precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries) = _filter_inputs(
linking_context = _create_linker_context(ctx, linker_inputs)
user_link_flags = []
for user_link_flag in ctx.attr.user_link_flags:
user_link_flags.append(ctx.expand_location(user_link_flag, targets = ctx.attr.additional_linker_inputs))
main_output = None
if ctx.attr.shared_lib_name:
main_output = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.shared_lib_name)
win_def_file = None
if cc_common.is_enabled(feature_configuration = feature_configuration, feature_name = "targets_windows"):
object_files = []
for linker_input in linking_context.linker_inputs.to_list():
for library in linker_input.libraries:
if library.pic_static_library != None:
if library.pic_objects != None:
elif library.static_library != None:
if library.objects != None:
def_parser = ctx.file._def_parser
generated_def_file = None
if def_parser != None:
generated_def_file = cc_helper.generate_def_file(ctx, def_parser, object_files,
custom_win_def_file = ctx.file.win_def_file
win_def_file = cc_helper.get_windows_def_file_for_linking(ctx, custom_win_def_file, generated_def_file, feature_configuration)
additional_inputs = []
linking_outputs =
actions = ctx.actions,
feature_configuration = feature_configuration,
cc_toolchain = cc_toolchain,
linking_contexts = [linking_context],
user_link_flags = user_link_flags,
additional_inputs = additional_inputs,
grep_includes = ctx.executable._grep_includes,
name =,
output_type = "dynamic_library",
main_output = main_output,
win_def_file = win_def_file,
runfiles_files = []
if linking_outputs.library_to_link.resolved_symlink_dynamic_library != None:
# This is different to cc_binary(linkshared=1). Bazel never handles the
# linking implicitly for a cc_binary(linkshared=1) but it does so for a cc_shared_library,
# for which it will use the symlink in the solib directory. If we don't add it, a dependent
# linked against it would fail.
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = runfiles_files,
transitive_debug_files = []
for dep in ctx.attr.dynamic_deps:
runfiles = runfiles.merge(dep[DefaultInfo].data_runfiles)
precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries_runfiles = []
for precompiled_dynamic_library in precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries:
# precompiled_dynamic_library.dynamic_library could be None if the library to link just contains
# an interface library which is valid if the actual library is obtained from the system.
if precompiled_dynamic_library.dynamic_library != None:
runfiles = runfiles.merge(ctx.runfiles(files = precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries_runfiles))
for export in deps:
exports[str(export.label)] = True
debug_files = []
exports_debug_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_exports.txt")
ctx.actions.write(content = "\n".join(["Owner:" + str(ctx.label)] + exports.keys()), output = exports_debug_file)
link_once_static_libs_debug_file = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "_link_once_static_libs.txt")
ctx.actions.write(content = "\n".join(["Owner:" + str(ctx.label)] + curr_link_once_static_libs_set), output = link_once_static_libs_debug_file)
if not semantics.get_experimental_link_static_libraries_once(ctx):
curr_link_once_static_libs_set = {}
library = []
if linking_outputs.library_to_link.resolved_symlink_dynamic_library != None:
interface_library = []
if linking_outputs.library_to_link.resolved_symlink_interface_library != None:
elif linking_outputs.library_to_link.interface_library != None:
interface_library = library
return [
files = depset(library),
runfiles = runfiles,
main_shared_library_output = depset(library),
interface_library = depset(interface_library),
rule_impl_debug_files = depset(direct = debug_files, transitive = transitive_debug_files),
dynamic_deps = merged_cc_shared_library_info,
exports = exports.keys(),
link_once_static_libs = curr_link_once_static_libs_set,
linker_input = cc_common.create_linker_input(
owner = ctx.label,
libraries = depset([linking_outputs.library_to_link] + precompiled_only_dynamic_libraries),
def _graph_structure_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
children = []
attributes = dir(ctx.rule.attr)
owners = [ctx.label]
if CcSharedLibraryHintInfo in target:
attributes = getattr(target[CcSharedLibraryHintInfo], "attributes", dir(ctx.rule.attr))
owners = getattr(target[CcSharedLibraryHintInfo], "owners", [ctx.label])
# Collect graph structure info from any possible deplike attribute. The aspect
# itself applies across every deplike attribute (attr_aspects is *), so enumerate
# over all attributes and consume GraphNodeInfo if available.
for fieldname in attributes:
deps = getattr(ctx.rule.attr, fieldname, None)
if type(deps) == "list":
for dep in deps:
if type(dep) == "Target" and GraphNodeInfo in dep:
elif type(deps) == "Target" and GraphNodeInfo in deps:
# TODO(bazel-team): Add flag to Bazel that can toggle the initialization of
# linkable_more_than_once.
linkable_more_than_once = False
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "tags"):
for tag in ctx.rule.attr.tags:
linkable_more_than_once = True
return [GraphNodeInfo(
owners = owners,
children = children,
linkable_more_than_once = linkable_more_than_once,
graph_structure_aspect = aspect(
attr_aspects = ["*"],
required_providers = [[CcInfo], [ProtoInfo], [CcSharedLibraryHintInfo]],
required_aspect_providers = [[CcInfo], [CcSharedLibraryHintInfo]],
implementation = _graph_structure_aspect_impl,
cc_shared_library = rule(
implementation = _cc_shared_library_impl,
attrs = {
"additional_linker_inputs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
"shared_lib_name": attr.string(),
"dynamic_deps": attr.label_list(providers = [CcSharedLibraryInfo]),
"exports_filter": attr.string_list(),
"win_def_file": attr.label(allow_single_file = [".def"]),
"roots": attr.label_list(providers = [CcInfo], aspects = [graph_structure_aspect]),
"deps": attr.label_list(providers = [CcInfo], aspects = [graph_structure_aspect]),
"static_deps": attr.string_list(),
"user_link_flags": attr.string_list(),
"_def_parser": semantics.get_def_parser(),
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(default = "@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
"_grep_includes": attr.label(
allow_files = True,
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
default = Label("@" + semantics.get_repo() + "//tools/cpp:grep-includes"),
toolchains = cc_helper.use_cpp_toolchain(),
fragments = ["google_cpp", "cpp"],
incompatible_use_toolchain_transition = True,
for_testing_dont_use_check_if_target_under_path = _check_if_target_under_path
merge_cc_shared_library_infos = _merge_cc_shared_library_infos
build_link_once_static_libs_map = _build_link_once_static_libs_map
build_exports_map_from_only_dynamic_deps = _build_exports_map_from_only_dynamic_deps
throw_linked_but_not_exported_errors = _throw_linked_but_not_exported_errors
separate_static_and_dynamic_link_libraries = _separate_static_and_dynamic_link_libraries