blob: 9d22444dc8d4daad54553344c8d673b4c6d68c71 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file_platform.h"
#include <ctype.h> // isalpha
#include <wctype.h> // iswalpha
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory> // unique_ptr
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include "src/main/cpp/util/errors.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/exit_code.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows_file_operations.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows_util.h"
namespace blaze_util {
using std::basic_string;
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::wstring;
// Returns the current working directory as a Windows path.
// The result may have a UNC prefix.
static unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> GetCwdW();
static bool IsDevNull(const string& path);
// Returns true if `path` refers to a directory or (non-dangling) junction.
// `path` must be a normalized Windows path, with UNC prefix (and absolute) if
// necessary.
static bool IsDirectoryW(const wstring& path);
// Returns true the file or junction at `path` is successfully deleted.
// Returns false otherwise, or if `path` doesn't exist or is a directory.
// `path` must be a normalized Windows path, with UNC prefix (and absolute) if
// necessary.
static bool UnlinkPathW(const wstring& path);
static bool IsRootDirectoryW(const wstring& path);
static bool MakeDirectoriesW(const wstring& path);
static bool CanReadFileW(const wstring& path);
// Returns a normalized form of the input `path`.
// `path` must be a relative or absolute Windows path, it may use "/" instead of
// "\" but must not be an absolute MSYS path.
// The result won't have a UNC prefix, even if `path` did.
// Normalization means removing "." references, resolving ".." references, and
// deduplicating "/" characters while converting them to "\".
// For example if `path` is "foo/../bar/.//qux", the result is "bar\qux".
// Uplevel references that cannot go any higher in the directory tree are simply
// ignored, e.g. "c:/.." is normalized to "c:\" and "../../foo" is normalized to
// "foo".
// Visible for testing, would be static otherwise.
string NormalizeWindowsPath(string path);
template <typename char_type>
struct CharTraits {
static bool IsAlpha(char_type ch);
template <>
struct CharTraits<char> {
static bool IsAlpha(char ch) { return isalpha(ch); }
template <>
struct CharTraits<wchar_t> {
static bool IsAlpha(wchar_t ch) { return iswalpha(ch); }
template <typename char_type>
static bool IsPathSeparator(char_type ch) {
return ch == '/' || ch == '\\';
template <typename char_type>
static bool HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(const char_type* ch) {
return CharTraits<char_type>::IsAlpha(ch[0]) && ch[1] == ':';
template <typename char_type>
static bool HasUncPrefix(const char_type* path) {
return path[0] == '\\' && (path[1] == '\\' || path[1] == '?') &&
(path[2] == '.' || path[2] == '?') && path[3] == '\\';
static void AddUncPrefixMaybe(wstring* path) {
if (path->size() >= MAX_PATH && !HasUncPrefix(path->c_str())) {
*path = wstring(L"\\\\?\\") + *path;
class WindowsPipe : public IPipe {
WindowsPipe(const HANDLE& read_handle, const HANDLE& write_handle)
: _read_handle(read_handle), _write_handle(write_handle) {}
WindowsPipe() = delete;
bool Send(const void* buffer, int size) override {
DWORD actually_written = 0;
return ::WriteFile(_write_handle, buffer, size, &actually_written,
int Receive(void* buffer, int size) override {
DWORD actually_read = 0;
return ::ReadFile(_read_handle, buffer, size, &actually_read, NULL)
? actually_read
: -1;
windows_util::AutoHandle _read_handle;
windows_util::AutoHandle _write_handle;
IPipe* CreatePipe() {
// The pipe HANDLEs can be inherited.
if (!CreatePipe(&read_handle, &write_handle, &sa, 0)) {
"CreatePipe failed, err=%d", GetLastError());
return new WindowsPipe(read_handle, write_handle);
class WindowsFileMtime : public IFileMtime {
: near_future_(GetFuture(9)), distant_future_(GetFuture(10)) {}
bool GetIfInDistantFuture(const string& path, bool* result) override;
bool SetToNow(const string& path) override;
bool SetToDistantFuture(const string& path) override;
// 9 years in the future.
const FILETIME near_future_;
// 10 years in the future.
const FILETIME distant_future_;
static FILETIME GetNow();
static FILETIME GetFuture(WORD years);
static bool Set(const string& path, const FILETIME& time);
bool WindowsFileMtime::GetIfInDistantFuture(const string& path, bool* result) {
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
if (IsDevNull(path)) {
*result = false;
return true;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ wpath.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_READ,
/* dwShareMode */ FILE_SHARE_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_EXISTING,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ IsDirectoryW(wpath)
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL));
if (!handle.IsValid()) {
return false;
if (!::GetFileTime(
/* hFile */ handle,
/* lpCreationTime */ NULL,
/* lpLastAccessTime */ NULL,
/* lpLastWriteTime */ &mtime)) {
return false;
// Compare the mtime with `near_future_`, not with `GetNow()` or
// `distant_future_`.
// This way we don't need to call GetNow() every time we want to compare (and
// thus convert a SYSTEMTIME to FILETIME), and we also don't need to worry
// about potentially unreliable FILETIME equality check (in case it uses
// floats or something crazy).
*result = CompareFileTime(&near_future_, &mtime) == -1;
return true;
bool WindowsFileMtime::SetToNow(const string& path) {
return Set(path, GetNow());
bool WindowsFileMtime::SetToDistantFuture(const string& path) {
return Set(path, distant_future_);
bool WindowsFileMtime::Set(const string& path, const FILETIME& time) {
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ wpath.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES,
/* dwShareMode */ FILE_SHARE_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_EXISTING,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ IsDirectoryW(wpath)
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL));
if (!handle.IsValid()) {
return false;
return ::SetFileTime(
/* hFile */ handle,
/* lpCreationTime */ NULL,
/* lpLastAccessTime */ NULL,
/* lpLastWriteTime */ &time) == TRUE;
FILETIME WindowsFileMtime::GetNow() {
SYSTEMTIME sys_time;
FILETIME file_time;
if (!::SystemTimeToFileTime(&sys_time, &file_time)) {
"WindowsFileMtime::GetNow: SystemTimeToFileTime failed, err=%d",
return file_time;
FILETIME WindowsFileMtime::GetFuture(WORD years) {
SYSTEMTIME future_time;
future_time.wYear += years;
future_time.wMonth = 1;
future_time.wDayOfWeek = 0;
future_time.wDay = 1;
future_time.wHour = 0;
future_time.wMinute = 0;
future_time.wSecond = 0;
future_time.wMilliseconds = 0;
FILETIME file_time;
if (!::SystemTimeToFileTime(&future_time, &file_time)) {
"WindowsFileMtime::GetFuture: SystemTimeToFileTime failed, err=%d",
return file_time;
IFileMtime* CreateFileMtime() { return new WindowsFileMtime(); }
// Checks if the path is absolute and/or is a root path.
// If `must_be_root` is true, then in addition to being absolute, the path must
// also be just the root part, no other components, e.g. "c:\" is both absolute
// and root, but "c:\foo" is just absolute.
template <typename char_type>
static bool IsRootOrAbsolute(const basic_string<char_type>& path,
bool must_be_root) {
// An absolute path is one that starts with "/", "\", "c:/", "c:\",
// "\\?\c:\", or rarely "\??\c:\" or "\\.\c:\".
// It is unclear whether the UNC prefix is just "\\?\" or is "\??\" also
// valid (in some cases it seems to be, though MSDN doesn't mention it).
// path is (or starts with) "/" or "\"
((must_be_root ? path.size() == 1 : !path.empty()) &&
IsPathSeparator(path[0])) ||
// path is (or starts with) "c:/" or "c:\" or similar
((must_be_root ? path.size() == 3 : path.size() >= 3) &&
HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(path.c_str()) && IsPathSeparator(path[2])) ||
// path is (or starts with) "\\?\c:\" or "\??\c:\" or similar
((must_be_root ? path.size() == 7 : path.size() >= 7) &&
HasUncPrefix(path.c_str()) &&
HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(path.c_str() + 4) && IsPathSeparator(path[6]));
pair<string, string> SplitPath(const string& path) {
if (path.empty()) {
return std::make_pair("", "");
size_t pos = path.size() - 1;
for (auto it = path.crbegin(); it != path.crend(); ++it, --pos) {
if (IsPathSeparator(*it)) {
if ((pos == 2 || pos == 6) && IsRootDirectory(path.substr(0, pos + 1))) {
// Windows path, top-level directory, e.g. "c:\foo",
// result is ("c:\", "foo").
// Or UNC path, top-level directory, e.g. "\\?\c:\foo"
// result is ("\\?\c:\", "foo").
return std::make_pair(
// Include the "/" or "\" in the drive specifier.
path.substr(0, pos + 1), path.substr(pos + 1));
} else {
// Windows path (neither top-level nor drive root), Unix path, or
// relative path.
return std::make_pair(
// If the only "/" is the leading one, then that shall be the first
// pair element, otherwise the substring up to the rightmost "/".
pos == 0 ? path.substr(0, 1) : path.substr(0, pos),
// If the rightmost "/" is the tail, then the second pair element
// should be empty.
pos == path.size() - 1 ? "" : path.substr(pos + 1));
// Handle the case with no '/' or '\' in `path`.
return std::make_pair("", path);
class MsysRoot {
static bool IsValid();
static const string& GetPath();
static void ResetForTesting() { instance_.initialized_ = false; }
bool initialized_;
bool valid_;
string path_;
static MsysRoot instance_;
static bool Get(string* path);
MsysRoot() : initialized_(false) {}
void InitIfNecessary();
MsysRoot MsysRoot::instance_;
void ResetMsysRootForTesting() { MsysRoot::ResetForTesting(); }
bool MsysRoot::IsValid() {
return instance_.valid_;
const string& MsysRoot::GetPath() {
return instance_.path_;
bool MsysRoot::Get(string* path) {
string result;
char value[MAX_PATH];
DWORD len = GetEnvironmentVariableA("BAZEL_SH", value, MAX_PATH);
if (len > 0) {
result = value;
} else {
const char* value2 = getenv("BAZEL_SH");
if (value2 == nullptr || value2[0] == '\0') {
"BAZEL_SH environment variable is not defined, cannot convert MSYS "
"paths to Windows paths");
return false;
result = value2;
// BAZEL_SH is usually "c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe", we need to return
// "c:\tools\msys64". Look for the rightmost msys-looking component.
while (!IsRootDirectory(result) &&
Basename(result).find("msys") == string::npos) {
result = Dirname(result);
if (IsRootDirectory(result)) {
return false;
*path = result;
return true;
void MsysRoot::InitIfNecessary() {
if (!initialized_) {
valid_ = Get(&path_);
initialized_ = true;
// Converts a UTF8-encoded `path` to a normalized, widechar Windows path.
// Returns true if conversion succeeded and sets the contents of `result` to it.
// The `path` may be absolute or relative, and may be a Windows or MSYS path.
// In every case, the output is normalized (see NormalizeWindowsPath).
// The output won't have a UNC prefix, even if `path` did.
// Recognizes the drive letter in MSYS paths, so e.g. "/c/windows" becomes
// "c:\windows". Prepends the MSYS root (computed from the BAZEL_SH envvar) to
// absolute MSYS paths, so e.g. "/usr" becomes "c:\tools\msys64\usr".
// The result may be longer than MAX_PATH. It's the caller's responsibility to
// prepend the UNC prefix in case they need to pass it to a WinAPI function
// (some require the prefix, some don't), or to quote the path if necessary.
bool AsWindowsPath(const string& path, wstring* result) {
if (path.empty()) {
return true;
if (IsDevNull(path)) {
return true;
string mutable_path = path;
if (path[0] == '/') {
// This is an absolute MSYS path.
if (path.size() == 2 || (path.size() > 2 && path[2] == '/')) {
// The path is either "/x" or "/x/" or "/x/something". In all three cases
// "x" is the drive letter.
// TODO(laszlocsomor): use GetLogicalDrives to retrieve the list of drives
// and only apply this heuristic for the valid drives. It's possible that
// the user has a directory "/a" but no "A:\" drive, so in that case we
// should prepend the MSYS root.
mutable_path = path.substr(1, 1) + ":\\";
if (path.size() > 2) {
mutable_path += path.substr(3);
} else {
// The path is a normal MSYS path e.g. "/usr". Prefix it with the MSYS
// root.
if (!MsysRoot::IsValid()) {
return false;
mutable_path = JoinPath(MsysRoot::GetPath(), path);
} // otherwise this is a relative path, or absolute Windows path.
return true;
bool AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(const string& path, wstring* wpath) {
if (IsDevNull(path)) {
return true;
if (!AsWindowsPath(path, wpath)) {
PrintError("AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(%s): AsWindowsPath failed, err=%d\n",
path.c_str(), GetLastError());
return false;
if (!IsAbsolute(path)) {
wpath->assign(wstring(GetCwdW().get()) + L"\\" + *wpath);
return true;
bool AsShortWindowsPath(const string& path, string* result) {
if (IsDevNull(path)) {
return true;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
DWORD size = ::GetShortPathNameW(wpath.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
if (size == 0) {
return false;
unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> wshort(new WCHAR[size]); // size includes null-terminator
if (size - 1 != ::GetShortPathNameW(wpath.c_str(), wshort.get(), size)) {
"AsShortWindowsPath(%s): GetShortPathNameW(%S) failed, err=%d",
path.c_str(), wpath.c_str(), GetLastError());
// GetShortPathNameW may preserve the UNC prefix in the result, so strip it.
WCHAR* result_ptr = wshort.get() + (HasUncPrefix(wshort.get()) ? 4 : 0);
return true;
bool ReadFile(const string& filename, string* content, int max_size) {
if (filename.empty()) {
return false;
if (IsDevNull(filename)) {
return true;
wstring wfilename;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(filename, &wfilename)) {
return false;
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ wfilename.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_READ,
/* dwShareMode */ FILE_SHARE_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_EXISTING,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL));
if (!handle.IsValid()) {
return false;
HANDLE h = handle;
bool result = ReadFrom(
[h](void* buf, int len) {
DWORD actually_read = 0;
::ReadFile(h, buf, len, &actually_read, NULL);
return actually_read;
content, max_size);
return result;
bool WriteFile(const void* data, size_t size, const string& filename) {
if (IsDevNull(filename)) {
return true; // mimic write(2) behavior with /dev/null
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(filename, &wpath)) {
return false;
UnlinkPathW(wpath); // We don't care about the success of this.
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ wpath.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_WRITE,
/* dwShareMode */ FILE_SHARE_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ CREATE_ALWAYS,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL));
if (!handle.IsValid()) {
return false;
HANDLE h = handle;
bool result = WriteTo(
[h](const void* buf, size_t bufsize) {
DWORD actually_written = 0;
::WriteFile(h, buf, bufsize, &actually_written, NULL);
return actually_written;
data, size);
return result;
int RenameDirectory(const std::string& old_name, const std::string& new_name) {
wstring wold_name;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(old_name, &wold_name)) {
std::ostringstream error;
error << "RenameDirectory(" << old_name << ", " << new_name
<< "): AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix failed for old_name: "
<< GetLastErrorString() << "\n";
return kRenameDirectoryFailureOtherError;
wstring wnew_name;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(new_name, &wnew_name)) {
std::ostringstream error;
error << "RenameDirectory(" << old_name << ", " << new_name
<< "): AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix failed for new_name: "
<< GetLastErrorString() << "\n";
return kRenameDirectoryFailureOtherError;
if (!::MoveFileExW(wold_name.c_str(), wnew_name.c_str(),
return GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS
? kRenameDirectoryFailureNotEmpty
: kRenameDirectoryFailureOtherError;
return kRenameDirectorySuccess;
static bool UnlinkPathW(const wstring& path) {
DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributesW(path.c_str());
// Path does not exist.
return false;
// Path is a directory; unlink(2) also cannot remove directories.
return false;
// Otherwise it's a junction, remove using RemoveDirectoryW.
return ::RemoveDirectoryW(path.c_str()) == TRUE;
} else {
// Otherwise it's a file, remove using DeleteFileW.
return ::DeleteFileW(path.c_str()) == TRUE;
bool UnlinkPath(const string& file_path) {
if (IsDevNull(file_path)) {
return false;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(file_path, &wpath)) {
return false;
return UnlinkPathW(wpath);
class JunctionResolver {
// Resolves junctions, or simply checks file existence (if not a junction).
// Returns true if `path` is not a junction and it exists.
// Returns true if `path` is a junction and can be successfully resolved and
// its target exists.
// Returns false otherwise.
// If `result` is not nullptr and the method returned false, then this will be
// reset to point to a new WCHAR buffer containing the final resolved path.
// If `path` was a junction, this will be the fully resolved path, otherwise
// it will be a copy of `path`.
bool Resolve(const WCHAR* path, std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]>* result);
static const int kMaximumJunctionDepth;
// This struct is a simplified version of REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER, defined by
// the <Ntifs.h> header file, which is not available on some systems.
// This struct removes the original one's union keeping only
// MountPointReparseBuffer, while also renames some fields to reflect how
// ::DeviceIoControl actually uses them when reading junction data.
typedef struct _ReparseMountPointData {
static const int kSize = MAXIMUM_REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE;
ULONG ReparseTag;
USHORT Dummy1;
USHORT Dummy2;
USHORT Dummy3;
USHORT Dummy4;
// Length of string in PathBuffer, in WCHARs, including the "\??\" prefix
// and the null-terminator.
// Reparse points use the "\??\" prefix instead of "\\?\", presumably
// because the junction is resolved by the kernel and it points to a Device
// Object path (which is what the kernel understands), and "\??" is a device
// path. ("\??" is shorthand for "\DosDevices" under which disk drives
// reside, e.g. "C:" is a symlink to "\DosDevices\C:" aka "\??\C:").
// See (on 2017-01-04):
USHORT Dummy5;
// First character of the string returned by ::DeviceIoControl. The rest of
// the string follows this in memory, that's why the caller must allocate
// kSize bytes and cast that data to ReparseMountPointData.
WCHAR PathBuffer[1];
} ReparseMountPointData;
uint8_t reparse_buffer_bytes_[ReparseMountPointData::kSize];
ReparseMountPointData* reparse_buffer_;
bool Resolve(const WCHAR* path, std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]>* result,
int max_junction_depth);
// Maximum reparse point depth on Windows 8 and above is 63.
// Source (on 2016-12-20):
const int JunctionResolver::kMaximumJunctionDepth = 63;
: reparse_buffer_(
reinterpret_cast<ReparseMountPointData*>(reparse_buffer_bytes_)) {
reparse_buffer_->ReparseTag = IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT;
bool JunctionResolver::Resolve(const WCHAR* path, unique_ptr<WCHAR[]>* result,
int max_junction_depth) {
DWORD attributes = ::GetFileAttributesW(path);
if (attributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) {
// `path` does not exist.
return false;
} else {
if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0 &&
(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) != 0) {
// `path` is a junction. GetFileAttributesW succeeds for these even if
// their target does not exist. We need to resolve the target and check if
// that exists. (There seems to be no API function for this.)
if (max_junction_depth <= 0) {
// Too many levels of junctions. Simply say this file doesn't exist.
return false;
// Get a handle to the directory.
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(
windows_util::OpenDirectory(path, /* read_write */ false));
if (!handle.IsValid()) {
// Opening the junction failed for whatever reason. For all intents and
// purposes we can treat this file as if it didn't exist.
return false;
// Read out the junction data.
DWORD bytes_returned;
BOOL ok = ::DeviceIoControl(
handle, FSCTL_GET_REPARSE_POINT, NULL, 0, reparse_buffer_,
if (!ok) {
// Reading the junction data failed. For all intents and purposes we can
// treat this file as if it didn't exist.
return false;
reparse_buffer_->PathBuffer[reparse_buffer_->Size - 1] = UNICODE_NULL;
// Check if the junction target exists.
return Resolve(reparse_buffer_->PathBuffer, result,
max_junction_depth - 1);
// `path` is a normal file or directory.
if (result) {
size_t len = wcslen(path) + 1;
result->reset(new WCHAR[len]);
memcpy(result->get(), path, len * sizeof(WCHAR));
return true;
bool JunctionResolver::Resolve(const WCHAR* path, unique_ptr<WCHAR[]>* result) {
return Resolve(path, result, kMaximumJunctionDepth);
bool PathExists(const string& path) {
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
if (IsDevNull(path)) {
return true;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
PrintError("PathExists(%s): AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix failed, err=%d\n",
path.c_str(), GetLastError());
return false;
return JunctionResolver().Resolve(wpath.c_str(), nullptr);
string MakeCanonical(const char* path) {
// TODO(bazel-team): implement this.
pdie(255, "blaze_util::MakeCanonical is not implemented on Windows");
return "";
static bool CanReadFileW(const wstring& path) {
DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributesW(path.c_str());
// The path doesn't exist or is a directory/junction.
return false;
// The only easy way to find out if a file is readable is to attempt to open
// it for reading.
windows_util::AutoHandle handle(::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ path.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_READ,
/* dwShareMode */ FILE_SHARE_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_EXISTING,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL));
return handle.IsValid();
bool CanReadFile(const std::string& path) {
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
return CanReadFileW(wpath);
bool CanExecuteFile(const std::string& path) {
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
return CanReadFileW(wpath) && (ends_with(wpath, wstring(L".exe")) ||
ends_with(wpath, wstring(L".com")) ||
ends_with(wpath, wstring(L".cmd")) ||
ends_with(wpath, wstring(L".bat")));
bool CanAccessDirectory(const std::string& path) {
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
DWORD attr = ::GetFileAttributesW(wpath.c_str());
// The path doesn't exist or is not a directory.
return false;
// The only easy way to know if a directory is writable is by attempting to
// open a file for writing in it.
wstring dummy_path = wpath + L"\\bazel_directory_access_test";
// The path may have just became too long for MAX_PATH, so add the UNC prefix
// if necessary.
// Attempt to open the dummy file for read/write access.
// If the file happens to exist, no big deal, we won't overwrite it thanks to
HANDLE handle = ::CreateFileW(
/* lpFileName */ dummy_path.c_str(),
/* dwDesiredAccess */ GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ,
/* lpSecurityAttributes */ NULL,
/* dwCreationDisposition */ OPEN_ALWAYS,
/* dwFlagsAndAttributes */ FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,
/* hTemplateFile */ NULL);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
// We couldn't open the file, and not because the dummy file already exists.
// Consequently it is because `wpath` doesn't exist.
return false;
// The fact that we could open the file, regardless of it existing beforehand
// or not, means the directory also exists and we can read/write in it.
// The file didn't exist before, but due to OPEN_ALWAYS we created it just
// now, so do delete it.
} // Otherwise the file existed before, leave it alone.
return true;
static bool IsDevNull(const string& path) {
return path == "/dev/null" || AsLower(path) == "nul";
static bool IsDirectoryW(const wstring& path) {
DWORD attrs = ::GetFileAttributesW(path.c_str());
return (attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) &&
JunctionResolver().Resolve(path.c_str(), nullptr);
bool IsDirectory(const string& path) {
if (path.empty() || IsDevNull(path)) {
return false;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
return IsDirectoryW(wpath);
bool IsRootDirectory(const string& path) {
return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, true);
bool IsAbsolute(const string& path) { return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, false); }
void SyncFile(const string& path) {
// No-op on Windows native; unsupported by Cygwin.
// fsync always fails on Cygwin with "Permission denied" for some reason.
static bool IsRootDirectoryW(const wstring& path) {
return IsRootOrAbsolute(path, true);
static bool MakeDirectoriesW(const wstring& path) {
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
if (IsRootDirectoryW(path) || IsDirectoryW(path)) {
return true;
int last_separator = path.rfind(L"\\");
if (last_separator < 0) {
// Since `path` is not a root directory, there must be at least one
// directory above it.
pdie(255, "MakeDirectoriesW(%S), could not find dirname", path.c_str());
wstring parent = path.substr(0, last_separator);
if (!MakeDirectoriesW(parent)) {
return false;
if (!::CreateDirectoryW(path.c_str(), nullptr)) {
PrintError("MakeDirectoriesW(%S), CreateDirectoryW failed, err=%d",
path.c_str(), GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
bool MakeDirectories(const string& path, unsigned int mode) {
// TODO(laszlocsomor): respect `mode` to the extent that it's possible on
// Windows; it's currently ignored.
if (path.empty() || IsDevNull(path) || IsRootDirectory(path)) {
return false;
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
return MakeDirectoriesW(wpath);
static unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> GetCwdW() {
DWORD len = ::GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, nullptr);
unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> cwd(new WCHAR[len]);
if (!::GetCurrentDirectoryW(len, cwd.get())) {
die(255, "GetCurrentDirectoryW failed, err=%d\n", GetLastError());
return std::move(cwd);
string GetCwd() {
unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> cwd(GetCwdW());
return string(
WstringToCstring(cwd.get() + (HasUncPrefix(cwd.get()) ? 4 : 0)).get());
bool ChangeDirectory(const string& path) {
wstring wpath;
if (!AsWindowsPathWithUncPrefix(path, &wpath)) {
return false;
if (!::SetCurrentDirectoryW(wpath.c_str())) {
"ChangeDirectory(%s): SetCurrentDirectoryW(%S), failed, err=%d\n",
path.c_str(), wpath.c_str(), GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
void ForEachDirectoryEntry(const string &path,
DirectoryEntryConsumer *consume) {
// TODO(bazel-team): implement this.
pdie(255, "blaze_util::ForEachDirectoryEntry is not implemented on Windows");
#else // not COMPILER_MSVC
string NormalizeWindowsPath(string path) {
if (path.empty()) {
return "";
if (path[0] == '/') {
// This is an absolute MSYS path, error out.
pdie(255, "NormalizeWindowsPath: expected a Windows path, path=(%s)",
if (path.size() >= 4 && HasUncPrefix(path.c_str())) {
path = path.substr(4);
static const string dot(".");
static const string dotdot("..");
std::vector<string> segments;
int segment_start = -1;
// Find the path segments in `path` (separated by "/").
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
if (!IsPathSeparator(path[i]) && path[i] != '\0') {
// The current character does not end a segment, so start one unless it's
// already started.
if (segment_start < 0) {
segment_start = i;
} else if (segment_start >= 0 && i > segment_start) {
// The current character is "/" or "\0", so this ends a segment.
// Add that to `segments` if there's anything to add; handle "." and "..".
string segment(path, segment_start, i - segment_start);
segment_start = -1;
if (segment == dotdot) {
if (!segments.empty() &&
!HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(segments[0].c_str())) {
} else if (segment != dot) {
if (path[i] == '\0') {
// Handle the case when `path` is just a drive specifier (or some degenerate
// form of it, e.g. "c:\..").
if (segments.size() == 1 && segments[0].size() == 2 &&
HasDriveSpecifierPrefix(segments[0].c_str())) {
return segments[0] + '\\';
// Join all segments.
bool first = true;
std::ostringstream result;
for (const auto& s : segments) {
if (!first) {
result << '\\';
first = false;
result << s;
return result.str();
} // namespace blaze_util