blob: 45a2cf8f29dda8f440d9436a4e2fffbaf52f8247 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Implementation of IntelliJ-specific information collecting aspect."""
# Compile-time dependency attributes, grouped by type.
DEPS = [
"_cc_toolchain", # From C rules
"_java_toolchain", # From java rules
"_robolectric", # From android_robolectric_test
# Run-time dependency attributes, grouped by type.
##### Helpers
def struct_omit_none(**kwargs):
"""A replacement for standard `struct` function that omits the fields with None value."""
d = {name: kwargs[name] for name in kwargs if kwargs[name] != None}
return struct(**d)
def artifact_location(f):
"""Creates an ArtifactLocation proto from a File."""
if f == None:
return None
return struct_omit_none(
relative_path = get_relative_path(f),
is_source = f.is_source,
is_external = is_external(f.owner),
root_execution_path_fragment = f.root.path if not f.is_source else None,
def is_external(label):
"""Determines whether a label corresponds to an external artifact."""
return label.workspace_root.startswith("external")
def get_relative_path(artifact):
"""A temporary workaround to find the root-relative path from an artifact.
This is required because 'short_path' is incorrect for external source artifacts.
artifact: the input artifact
string: the root-relative path for this artifact.
# TODO(bazel-team): remove this workaround when Artifact::short_path is fixed.
if is_external(artifact.owner) and artifact.short_path.startswith(".."):
# short_path is '../repo_name/path', we want 'external/repo_name/path'
return "external" + artifact.short_path[2:]
return artifact.short_path
def source_directory_tuple(resource_file):
"""Creates a tuple of (source directory, is_source, root execution path)."""
return (
resource_file.root.path if not resource_file.is_source else None
def all_unique_source_directories(resources):
"""Builds a list of unique ArtifactLocation protos."""
# Sets can contain tuples, but cannot contain structs.
# Use set of tuples to unquify source directories.
source_directory_tuples = set([source_directory_tuple(f) for f in resources])
return [struct_omit_none(relative_path = relative_path,
is_source = is_source,
root_execution_path_fragment = root_execution_path_fragment)
for (relative_path, is_source, root_execution_path_fragment) in source_directory_tuples]
def build_file_artifact_location(ctx):
"""Creates an ArtifactLocation proto representing a location of a given BUILD file."""
return struct(
relative_path = ctx.build_file_path,
is_source = True,
is_external = is_external(ctx.label)
def library_artifact(java_output):
"""Creates a LibraryArtifact representing a given java_output."""
if java_output == None or java_output.class_jar == None:
return None
return struct_omit_none(
jar = artifact_location(java_output.class_jar),
interface_jar = artifact_location(java_output.ijar),
source_jar = artifact_location(java_output.source_jar),
def annotation_processing_jars(annotation_processing):
"""Creates a LibraryArtifact representing Java annotation processing jars."""
return struct_omit_none(
jar = artifact_location(annotation_processing.class_jar),
source_jar = artifact_location(annotation_processing.source_jar),
def jars_from_output(output):
"""Collect jars for intellij-resolve-files from Java output."""
if output == None:
return []
return [jar
for jar in [output.class_jar, output.ijar, output.source_jar]
if jar != None and not jar.is_source]
# TODO(salguarnieri) Remove once skylark provides the path safe string from a PathFragment.
def replace_empty_path_with_dot(path):
return path or "."
def sources_from_target(ctx):
"""Get the list of sources from a target as artifact locations."""
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs"):
return [artifact_location(f)
for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs
for f in src.files]
return []
def _collect_target_from_attr(rule_attrs, attr_name, result):
"""Collects the targets from the given attr into the result."""
if not hasattr(rule_attrs, attr_name):
attr_value = getattr(rule_attrs, attr_name)
type_name = type(attr_value)
if type_name == "Target":
elif type_name == "list":
def collect_targets_from_attrs(rule_attrs, attrs):
"""Returns a list of targets from the given attributes."""
result = []
for attr_name in attrs:
_collect_target_from_attr(rule_attrs, attr_name, result)
return [target for target in result if is_valid_aspect_target(target)]
def collect_transitive_exports(targets):
"""Build a union of all export dependencies."""
result = set()
for dep in targets:
result = result | dep.intellij_info.export_deps
return result
def targets_to_labels(targets):
"""Returns a set of label strings for the given targets."""
return set([str(target.label) for target in targets])
def list_omit_none(value):
"""Returns a list of the value, or the empty list if None."""
return [value] if value else []
def is_valid_aspect_target(target):
"""Returns whether the target has had the aspect run on it."""
return hasattr(target, "intellij_info")
##### Builders for individual parts of the aspect output
def build_py_ide_info(target, ctx):
"""Build PyIdeInfo."""
if not hasattr(target, "py"):
return (None, set())
sources = sources_from_target(ctx)
transitive_sources =
py_ide_info = struct_omit_none(
sources = sources,
return (py_ide_info, transitive_sources)
def build_c_ide_info(target, ctx):
"""Build CIdeInfo."""
if not hasattr(target, "cc"):
return (None, set())
sources = sources_from_target(ctx)
target_includes = []
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "includes"):
target_includes = ctx.rule.attr.includes
target_defines = []
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "defines"):
target_defines = ctx.rule.attr.defines
target_copts = []
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "copts"):
target_copts = ctx.rule.attr.copts
cc_provider =
c_ide_info = struct_omit_none(
source = sources,
target_include = target_includes,
target_define = target_defines,
target_copt = target_copts,
transitive_include_directory = cc_provider.include_directories,
transitive_quote_include_directory = cc_provider.quote_include_directories,
transitive_define = cc_provider.defines,
transitive_system_include_directory = cc_provider.system_include_directories,
intellij_resolve_files = cc_provider.transitive_headers
return (c_ide_info, intellij_resolve_files)
def build_c_toolchain_ide_info(ctx):
"""Build CToolchainIdeInfo."""
if ctx.rule.kind != "cc_toolchain":
return (None, set())
# This should exist because we requested it in our aspect definition.
cc_fragment = ctx.fragments.cpp
c_toolchain_ide_info = struct_omit_none(
target_name = cc_fragment.target_gnu_system_name,
base_compiler_option = cc_fragment.compiler_options(ctx.features),
c_option = cc_fragment.c_options,
cpp_option = cc_fragment.cxx_options(ctx.features),
link_option = cc_fragment.link_options,
unfiltered_compiler_option = cc_fragment.unfiltered_compiler_options(ctx.features),
preprocessor_executable = replace_empty_path_with_dot(
cpp_executable = str(cc_fragment.compiler_executable),
built_in_include_directory = [str(d)
for d in cc_fragment.built_in_include_directories],
return (c_toolchain_ide_info, set())
def build_java_ide_info(target, ctx, semantics):
"""Build JavaIdeInfo."""
if not hasattr(target, "java"):
return (None, set(), set())
java_semantics = if hasattr(semantics, "java") else None
if java_semantics and java_semantics.skip_target(target, ctx):
return (None, set(), set())
ide_info_files = set()
sources = sources_from_target(ctx)
jars = [library_artifact(output) for output in]
output_jars = [jar for output in for jar in jars_from_output(output)]
intellij_resolve_files = set(output_jars)
gen_jars = []
if and
gen_jars = [annotation_processing_jars(]
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | set([
jar for jar in [,]
if jar != None and not jar.is_source])
jdeps = artifact_location(
java_sources, gen_java_sources, srcjars = divide_java_sources(ctx)
if java_semantics:
srcjars = java_semantics.filter_source_jars(target, ctx, srcjars)
package_manifest = None
if java_sources:
package_manifest = build_java_package_manifest(ctx, target, java_sources, ".java-manifest")
ide_info_files = ide_info_files | set([package_manifest])
filtered_gen_jar = None
if java_sources and (gen_java_sources or srcjars):
filtered_gen_jar, filtered_gen_resolve_files = build_filtered_gen_jar(
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | filtered_gen_resolve_files
java_ide_info = struct_omit_none(
sources = sources,
jars = jars,
jdeps = jdeps,
generated_jars = gen_jars,
package_manifest = artifact_location(package_manifest),
filtered_gen_jar = filtered_gen_jar,
main_class = ctx.rule.attr.main_class if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "main_class") else None,
return (java_ide_info, ide_info_files, intellij_resolve_files)
def _package_manifest_file_argument(f):
return f.root.path + "," + f.short_path + "," + ("1" if is_external(f.owner) else "0")
def build_java_package_manifest(ctx, target, source_files, suffix):
"""Builds the java package manifest for the given source files."""
output = ctx.new_file( + suffix)
args = []
args += ["--output_manifest", output.path]
args += ["--sources"]
args += [":".join([_package_manifest_file_argument(f) for f in source_files])]
argfile = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, + suffix + ".params")
ctx.file_action(output=argfile, content="\n".join(args))
inputs = source_files + [argfile],
outputs = [output],
executable = ctx.executable._package_parser,
arguments = ["@" + argfile.path],
mnemonic = "JavaPackageManifest",
progress_message = "Parsing java package strings for " + str(target.label),
return output
def build_filtered_gen_jar(ctx, target, gen_java_sources, srcjars):
"""Filters the passed jar to contain only classes from the given manifest."""
jar_artifacts = []
source_jar_artifacts = []
for jar in
if jar.ijar:
elif jar.class_jar:
if jar.source_jar:
filtered_jar = ctx.new_file( + "-filtered-gen.jar")
filtered_source_jar = ctx.new_file( + "-filtered-gen-src.jar")
args = []
args += ["--filter_jars"]
args += [":".join([jar.path for jar in jar_artifacts])]
args += ["--filter_source_jars"]
args += [":".join([jar.path for jar in source_jar_artifacts])]
args += ["--filtered_jar", filtered_jar.path]
args += ["--filtered_source_jar", filtered_source_jar.path]
if gen_java_sources:
args += ["--keep_java_files"]
args += [":".join([java_file.path for java_file in gen_java_sources])]
if srcjars:
args += ["--keep_source_jars"]
args += [":".join([source_jar.path for source_jar in srcjars])]
inputs = jar_artifacts + source_jar_artifacts + gen_java_sources + srcjars,
outputs = [filtered_jar, filtered_source_jar],
executable = ctx.executable._jar_filter,
arguments = args,
mnemonic = "JarFilter",
progress_message = "Filtering generated code for " + str(target.label),
output_jar = struct(
intellij_resolve_files = set([filtered_jar, filtered_source_jar])
return output_jar, intellij_resolve_files
def divide_java_sources(ctx):
"""Divide sources into plain java, generated java, and srcjars."""
java_sources = []
gen_java_sources = []
srcjars = []
if hasattr(ctx.rule.attr, "srcs"):
srcs = ctx.rule.attr.srcs
for src in srcs:
for f in src.files:
if f.basename.endswith(".java"):
if f.is_source:
elif f.basename.endswith(".srcjar"):
return java_sources, gen_java_sources, srcjars
def build_android_ide_info(target, ctx, semantics):
"""Build AndroidIdeInfo."""
if not hasattr(target, "android"):
return (None, set())
android_semantics = if hasattr(semantics, "android") else None
extra_ide_info = android_semantics.extra_ide_info(target, ctx) if android_semantics else {}
android =
android_ide_info = struct_omit_none(
java_package = android.java_package,
idl_import_root = android.idl.import_root if hasattr(android.idl, "import_root") else None,
manifest = artifact_location(android.manifest),
apk = artifact_location(android.apk),
dependency_apk = [artifact_location(apk) for apk in android.apks_under_test],
has_idl_sources = android.idl.output != None,
idl_jar = library_artifact(android.idl.output),
generate_resource_class = android.defines_resources,
resources = all_unique_source_directories(android.resources),
resource_jar = library_artifact(android.resource_jar),
intellij_resolve_files = set(jars_from_output(android.idl.output))
if android.manifest and not android.manifest.is_source:
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | set([android.manifest])
return (android_ide_info, intellij_resolve_files)
def build_test_info(ctx):
"""Build TestInfo."""
if not is_test_rule(ctx):
return None
return struct_omit_none(
size = ctx.rule.attr.size,
def is_test_rule(ctx):
kind_string = ctx.rule.kind
return kind_string.endswith("_test")
def build_java_toolchain_ide_info(target):
"""Build JavaToolchainIdeInfo."""
if not hasattr(target, "java_toolchain"):
return None
toolchain_info = target.java_toolchain
return struct_omit_none(
source_version = toolchain_info.source_version,
target_version = toolchain_info.target_version,
##### Main aspect function
def intellij_info_aspect_impl(target, ctx, semantics):
"""Aspect implementation function."""
tags = ctx.rule.attr.tags
if "no-ide" in tags:
return struct()
rule_attrs = ctx.rule.attr
# Collect direct dependencies
direct_dep_targets = collect_targets_from_attrs(
rule_attrs, semantics_extra_deps(DEPS, semantics, "extra_deps"))
# Add exports from direct dependencies
exported_deps_from_deps = collect_transitive_exports(direct_dep_targets)
compiletime_deps = targets_to_labels(direct_dep_targets) | exported_deps_from_deps
# Propagate my own exports
export_deps = set()
if hasattr(target, "java"):
export_deps = set([str(l) for l in])
# Empty android libraries export all their dependencies.
if ctx.rule.kind == "android_library":
if not hasattr(rule_attrs, "srcs") or not ctx.rule.attr.srcs:
export_deps = export_deps | compiletime_deps
# runtime_deps
runtime_dep_targets = collect_targets_from_attrs(
rule_attrs, semantics_extra_deps(RUNTIME_DEPS, semantics, "extra_runtime_deps"))
runtime_deps = targets_to_labels(runtime_dep_targets)
# extra prerequisites
extra_prerequisite_targets = collect_targets_from_attrs(
rule_attrs, semantics_extra_deps(PREREQUISITE_DEPS, semantics, "extra_prerequisites"))
# Roll up files from my prerequisites
prerequisites = direct_dep_targets + runtime_dep_targets + extra_prerequisite_targets
intellij_info_text = set()
intellij_resolve_files = set()
intellij_compile_files = target.output_group("files_to_compile_INTERNAL_")
for dep in prerequisites:
intellij_info_text = intellij_info_text | dep.intellij_info.intellij_info_text
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | dep.intellij_info.intellij_resolve_files
# Collect python-specific information
(py_ide_info, py_resolve_files) = build_py_ide_info(target, ctx)
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | py_resolve_files
# Collect C-specific information
(c_ide_info, c_resolve_files) = build_c_ide_info(target, ctx)
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | c_resolve_files
(c_toolchain_ide_info, c_toolchain_resolve_files) = build_c_toolchain_ide_info(ctx)
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | c_toolchain_resolve_files
# Collect Java-specific information
(java_ide_info, java_ide_info_files, java_resolve_files) = build_java_ide_info(
target, ctx, semantics)
intellij_info_text = intellij_info_text | java_ide_info_files
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | java_resolve_files
# Collect Android-specific information
(android_ide_info, android_resolve_files) = build_android_ide_info(
target, ctx, semantics)
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files | android_resolve_files
# java_toolchain
java_toolchain_ide_info = build_java_toolchain_ide_info(target)
# Collect test info
test_info = build_test_info(ctx)
# Any extra ide info
extra_ide_info = {}
if hasattr(semantics, "extra_ide_info"):
extra_ide_info = semantics.extra_ide_info(target, ctx)
# Build TargetIdeInfo proto
info = struct_omit_none(
label = str(target.label),
kind_string = ctx.rule.kind,
dependencies = list(compiletime_deps),
runtime_deps = list(runtime_deps),
build_file_artifact_location = build_file_artifact_location(ctx),
c_ide_info = c_ide_info,
c_toolchain_ide_info = c_toolchain_ide_info,
java_ide_info = java_ide_info,
android_ide_info = android_ide_info,
tags = tags,
test_info = test_info,
java_toolchain_ide_info = java_toolchain_ide_info,
py_ide_info = py_ide_info,
# Output the ide information file.
output = ctx.new_file( + ".intellij-info.txt")
ctx.file_action(output, info.to_proto())
intellij_info_text = intellij_info_text | set([output])
# Return providers.
return struct_omit_none(
output_groups = {
"intellij-info-text" : intellij_info_text,
"intellij-resolve" : intellij_resolve_files,
"intellij-compile": intellij_compile_files,
intellij_info = struct(
intellij_info_text = intellij_info_text,
intellij_resolve_files = intellij_resolve_files,
export_deps = export_deps,
def semantics_extra_deps(base, semantics, name):
if not hasattr(semantics, name):
return base
extra_deps = getattr(semantics, name)
return base + extra_deps
def make_intellij_info_aspect(aspect_impl, semantics):
"""Creates the aspect given the semantics."""
tool_label = semantics.tool_label
deps = semantics_extra_deps(DEPS, semantics, "extra_deps")
runtime_deps = semantics_extra_deps(RUNTIME_DEPS, semantics, "extra_runtime_deps")
prerequisite_deps = semantics_extra_deps(PREREQUISITE_DEPS, semantics, "extra_prerequisites")
attr_aspects = deps + runtime_deps + prerequisite_deps
return aspect(
attrs = {
"_package_parser": attr.label(
default = tool_label("//tools/android:PackageParser"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True),
"_jar_filter": attr.label(
default = tool_label("//tools/android:JarFilter"),
cfg = "host",
executable = True,
allow_files = True),
attr_aspects = attr_aspects,
fragments = ["cpp"],
implementation = aspect_impl,