blob: 32b7354f8d552a7da2db1c8f85d63df7732d937d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Resolver for dependencies between configured targets.
* <p>Includes logic to derive the right configurations depending on transition type.
public abstract class DependencyResolver {
protected DependencyResolver() {
* Returns ids for dependent nodes of a given node, sorted by attribute. Note that some
* dependencies do not have a corresponding attribute here, and we use the null attribute to
* represent those edges.
* <p>If {@code aspect} is null, returns the dependent nodes of the configured target node
* representing the given target and configuration, otherwise that of the aspect node accompanying
* the aforementioned configured target node for the specified aspect.
* <p>The values are not simply labels because this also implements the first step of applying
* configuration transitions, namely, split transitions. This needs to be done before the labels
* are resolved because late bound attributes depend on the configuration. A good example for this
* is @{code :cc_toolchain}.
* <p>The long-term goal is that most configuration transitions be applied here. However, in order
* to do that, we first have to eliminate transitions that depend on the rule class of the
* dependency.
* @param node the target/configuration being evaluated
* @param hostConfig the configuration this target would use if it was evaluated as a host tool.
* This is needed to support {@link LateBoundDefault#useHostConfiguration()}.
* @param aspect the aspect applied to this target (if any)
* @param configConditions resolver for config_setting labels
* @return a mapping of each attribute in this rule or aspect to its dependent nodes
public final OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> dependentNodeMap(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
BuildConfiguration hostConfig,
@Nullable Aspect aspect,
ImmutableMap<Label, ConfigMatchingProvider> configConditions)
throws EvalException, InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses = NestedSetBuilder.<Label>stableOrder();
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges = dependentNodeMap(
node, hostConfig, aspect, configConditions, rootCauses);
if (!rootCauses.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(;
return outgoingEdges;
* Returns ids for dependent nodes of a given node, sorted by attribute. Note that some
* dependencies do not have a corresponding attribute here, and we use the null attribute to
* represent those edges.
* <p>If {@code aspect} is null, returns the dependent nodes of the configured target node
* representing the given target and configuration, otherwise that of the aspect node accompanying
* the aforementioned configured target node for the specified aspect.
* <p>The values are not simply labels because this also implements the first step of applying
* configuration transitions, namely, split transitions. This needs to be done before the labels
* are resolved because late bound attributes depend on the configuration. A good example for this
* is @{code :cc_toolchain}.
* <p>The long-term goal is that most configuration transitions be applied here. However, in order
* to do that, we first have to eliminate transitions that depend on the rule class of the
* dependency.
* @param node the target/configuration being evaluated
* @param hostConfig the configuration this target would use if it was evaluated as a host tool.
* This is needed to support {@link LateBoundDefault#useHostConfiguration()}.
* @param aspect the aspect applied to this target (if any)
* @param configConditions resolver for config_setting labels
* @param rootCauses collector for dep labels that can't be (loading phase) loaded
* @return a mapping of each attribute in this rule or aspect to its dependent nodes
public final OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> dependentNodeMap(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
BuildConfiguration hostConfig,
@Nullable Aspect aspect,
ImmutableMap<Label, ConfigMatchingProvider> configConditions,
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses)
throws EvalException, InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
Target target = node.getTarget();
BuildConfiguration config = node.getConfiguration();
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges = OrderedSetMultimap.create();
if (target instanceof OutputFile) {
visitTargetVisibility(node, rootCauses, outgoingEdges.get(null));
Rule rule = ((OutputFile) target).getGeneratingRule();
outgoingEdges.put(null, Dependency.withConfiguration(rule.getLabel(), config));
} else if (target instanceof InputFile) {
visitTargetVisibility(node, rootCauses, outgoingEdges.get(null));
} else if (target instanceof EnvironmentGroup) {
visitTargetVisibility(node, rootCauses, outgoingEdges.get(null));
} else if (target instanceof Rule) {
visitRule(node, hostConfig, aspect, configConditions, rootCauses, outgoingEdges);
} else if (target instanceof PackageGroup) {
visitPackageGroup(node, (PackageGroup) target, rootCauses, outgoingEdges.get(null));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(target.getLabel().toString());
return outgoingEdges;
private void visitRule(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
BuildConfiguration hostConfig,
@Nullable Aspect aspect,
ImmutableMap<Label, ConfigMatchingProvider> configConditions,
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses,
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges)
throws EvalException, InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(node.getTarget() instanceof Rule);
BuildConfiguration ruleConfig = Preconditions.checkNotNull(node.getConfiguration());
Rule rule = (Rule) node.getTarget();
ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap = ConfiguredAttributeMapper.of(rule, configConditions);
RuleResolver depResolver =
new RuleResolver(rule, ruleConfig, aspect, attributeMap, rootCauses, outgoingEdges);
visitTargetVisibility(node, rootCauses, outgoingEdges.get(null));
resolveLateBoundAttributes(depResolver, ruleConfig, hostConfig);
* Resolves the dependencies for all attributes in this rule except late-bound attributes
* (which require special processing: see {@link #resolveLateBoundAttributes}).
private void resolveEarlyBoundAttributes(RuleResolver depResolver)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Rule rule = depResolver.rule;
// Add the rule's visibility labels (which may come from the rule or from package defaults).
addExplicitDeps(depResolver, "visibility", rule.getVisibility().getDependencyLabels());
// Add package default constraints when the rule doesn't explicitly declare them.
// Note that this can have subtle implications for constraint semantics. For example: say that
// package defaults declare compatibility with ':foo' and rule R declares compatibility with
// ':bar'. Does that mean that R is compatible with [':foo', ':bar'] or just [':bar']? In other
// words, did R's author intend to add additional compatibility to the package defaults or to
// override them? More severely, what if package defaults "restrict" support to just [':baz']?
// Should R's declaration signify [':baz'] + ['bar'], [ORIGINAL_DEFAULTS] + ['bar'], or
// something else?
// Rather than try to answer these questions with possibly confusing logic, we take the
// simple approach of assigning the rule's "restriction" attribute to the rule-declared value if
// it exists, else the package defaults value (and likewise for "compatibility"). This may not
// always provide what users want, but it makes it easy for them to understand how rule
// declarations and package defaults intermix (and how to refactor them to get what they want).
// An alternative model would be to apply the "rule declaration" / "rule class defaults"
// relationship, i.e. the rule class' "compatibility" and "restriction" declarations are merged
// to generate a set of default environments, then the rule's declarations are independently
// processed on top of that. This protects against obscure coupling behavior between
// declarations from wildly different places (e.g. it offers clear answers to the examples posed
// above). But within the scope of a single package it seems better to keep the model simple and
// make the user responsible for resolving ambiguities.
if (!rule.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(RuleClass.COMPATIBLE_ENVIRONMENT_ATTR)) {
addExplicitDeps(depResolver, RuleClass.COMPATIBLE_ENVIRONMENT_ATTR,
if (!rule.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(RuleClass.RESTRICTED_ENVIRONMENT_ATTR)) {
addExplicitDeps(depResolver, RuleClass.RESTRICTED_ENVIRONMENT_ATTR,
private void resolveExplicitAttributes(final RuleResolver depResolver)
throws InterruptedException {
new AttributeMap.AcceptsLabelAttribute() {
public void acceptLabelAttribute(Label label, Attribute attribute)
throws InterruptedException {
if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.NODEP_LABEL
|| attribute.isImplicit()
|| attribute.isLateBound()) {
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, label);
/** Resolves the dependencies for all implicit attributes in this rule. */
private void resolveImplicitAttributes(RuleResolver depResolver) throws InterruptedException {
// Since the attributes that come from aspects do not appear in attributeMap, we have to get
// their values from somewhere else. This incidentally means that aspects attributes are not
// configurable. It would be nice if that wasn't the case, but we'd have to revamp how
// attribute mapping works, which is a large chunk of work.
Rule rule = depResolver.rule;
Label ruleLabel = rule.getLabel();
ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap = depResolver.attributeMap;
ImmutableSet<String> mappedAttributes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(attributeMap.getAttributeNames());
for (Attribute attribute : depResolver.attributes) {
if (!attribute.isImplicit() || !attribute.getCondition().apply(attributeMap)) {
if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL) {
Label label = mappedAttributes.contains(attribute.getName())
? attributeMap.get(attribute.getName(), BuildType.LABEL)
: BuildType.LABEL.cast(attribute.getDefaultValue(rule));
if (label != null) {
label = ruleLabel.resolveRepositoryRelative(label);
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, label);
} else if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL_LIST) {
List<Label> labelList;
if (mappedAttributes.contains(attribute.getName())) {
labelList = new ArrayList<>();
for (Label label : attributeMap.get(attribute.getName(), BuildType.LABEL_LIST)) {
} else {
labelList = BuildType.LABEL_LIST.cast(attribute.getDefaultValue(rule));
for (Label label : labelList) {
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, ruleLabel.resolveRepositoryRelative(label));
* Resolves the dependencies for all late-bound attributes in this rule.
* <p>Late-bound attributes need special handling because they require configuration
* transitions to determine their values.
* <p>In other words, the normal process of dependency resolution is:
* <ol>
* <li>Find every label value in the rule's attributes</li>
* <li>Apply configuration transitions over each value to get its dep configuration
* <li>Return each value with its dep configuration</li>
* </ol>
* This doesn't work for late-bound attributes because you can't get their values without
* knowing the configuration first. And that configuration may not be the owning rule's
* configuration. Specifically, {@link LateBoundDefault#useHostConfiguration()} switches to the
* host config and late-bound split attributes branch into multiple split configs.
* <p>This method implements that logic and makes sure the normal configuration
* transition logic mixes with it cleanly.
* @param depResolver the resolver for this rule's deps
* @param ruleConfig the rule's configuration
* @param hostConfig the equivalent host configuration
private void resolveLateBoundAttributes(
RuleResolver depResolver,
BuildConfiguration ruleConfig,
BuildConfiguration hostConfig)
throws EvalException, InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException {
ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap = depResolver.attributeMap;
for (Attribute attribute : depResolver.attributes) {
if (!attribute.isLateBound() || !attribute.getCondition().apply(attributeMap)) {
LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration> lateBoundDefault =
(LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration>) attribute.getLateBoundDefault();
Collection<BuildOptions> splitOptions =
getSplitOptions(depResolver.rule, attribute, ruleConfig);
if (!splitOptions.isEmpty()) {
// Late-bound attribute with a split transition:
// Since we want to get the same results as BuildConfiguration.evaluateTransition (but
// skip it since we've already applied the split), we want to make sure this logic
// doesn't do anything differently. evaluateTransition has additional logic
// for host configs and attributes with configurators. So we check here that neither of
// of those apply, in the name of keeping the fork as simple as possible.
Verify.verify(attribute.getConfigurator() == null);
Iterable<BuildConfiguration> splitConfigs;
if (!ruleConfig.useDynamicConfigurations()) {
splitConfigs = ruleConfig
} else {
splitConfigs = getConfigurations(ruleConfig.fragmentClasses(), splitOptions);
if (splitConfigs == null) {
continue; // Need Skyframe deps.
for (BuildConfiguration splitConfig : splitConfigs) {
for (Label dep : resolveLateBoundAttribute(
depResolver.rule, attribute, splitConfig, attributeMap)) {
// Skip the normal config transition pipeline and directly feed the split config. This
// is because the split already had to be applied to determine the attribute's value.
// This makes the split logic in the normal pipeline redundant and potentially
// incorrect.
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, dep, splitConfig);
} else {
// Late-bound attribute without a split transition:
for (Label dep : resolveLateBoundAttribute(depResolver.rule, attribute,
lateBoundDefault.useHostConfiguration() ? hostConfig : ruleConfig, attributeMap)) {
// Process this dep like a normal attribute.
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, dep);
* Returns true if the rule's attribute triggers a split in this configuration.
* <p>Even though the attribute may have a split, splits don't have to apply in every
* configuration (see {@link Attribute.SplitTransition#split}).
private static Collection<BuildOptions> getSplitOptions(Rule rule, Attribute attribute,
BuildConfiguration ruleConfig) {
if (!attribute.hasSplitConfigurationTransition()) {
return ImmutableList.<BuildOptions>of();
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // doesn't have the BuildOptions symbol.
Attribute.SplitTransition<BuildOptions> transition =
(Attribute.SplitTransition<BuildOptions>) attribute.getSplitTransition(rule);
return transition.split(ruleConfig.getOptions());
* Returns the label dependencies for the given late-bound attribute in this rule.
* @param rule the rule being evaluated
* @param attribute the attribute to evaluate
* @param config the configuration to evaluate the attribute in
* @param attributeMap mapper to attribute values
private Iterable<Label> resolveLateBoundAttribute(
Rule rule,
Attribute attribute,
BuildConfiguration config,
AttributeMap attributeMap)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration> lateBoundDefault =
(LateBoundDefault<BuildConfiguration>) attribute.getLateBoundDefault();
// TODO(bazel-team): This might be too expensive - can we cache this somehow?
if (!lateBoundDefault.getRequiredConfigurationFragments().isEmpty()) {
if (!config.hasAllFragments(lateBoundDefault.getRequiredConfigurationFragments())) {
return ImmutableList.<Label>of();
// TODO(bazel-team): We should check if the implementation tries to access an undeclared
// fragment.
Object actualValue = lateBoundDefault.resolve(rule, attributeMap, config);
if (EvalUtils.isNullOrNone(actualValue)) {
return ImmutableList.<Label>of();
try {
ImmutableList.Builder<Label> deps = ImmutableList.builder();
if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL) {
} else if (attribute.getType() == BuildType.LABEL_LIST) {
for (Label label : BuildType.LABEL_LIST.cast(actualValue)) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Late bound attribute '%s' is not a label or a label list",
} catch (ClassCastException e) { // From either of the cast calls above.
throw new EvalException(
"When computing the default value of %s, expected '%s', got '%s'",
EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(actualValue, true)));
* Adds new dependencies to the given rule under the given attribute name
* @param depResolver the resolver for this rule's deps
* @param attrName the name of the attribute to add dependency labels to
* @param labels the dependencies to add
private void addExplicitDeps(RuleResolver depResolver, String attrName, Iterable<Label> labels)
throws InterruptedException {
Rule rule = depResolver.rule;
if (!rule.isAttrDefined(attrName, BuildType.LABEL_LIST)
&& !rule.isAttrDefined(attrName, BuildType.NODEP_LABEL_LIST)) {
Attribute attribute = rule.getRuleClassObject().getAttributeByName(attrName);
for (Label label : labels) {
depResolver.resolveDep(attribute, label);
* Converts the given multimap of attributes to labels into a multi map of attributes to {@link
* Dependency} objects using the proper configuration transition for each attribute.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code node} does not refer to a {@link Rule} instance
public final Collection<Dependency> resolveRuleLabels(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Label> depLabels,
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses)
throws InterruptedException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(node.getTarget() instanceof Rule);
Rule rule = (Rule) node.getTarget();
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges = OrderedSetMultimap.create();
RuleResolver depResolver = new RuleResolver(rule, node.getConfiguration(), /*aspect=*/null,
/*attributeMap=*/null, rootCauses, outgoingEdges);
Map<Attribute, Collection<Label>> m = depLabels.asMap();
for (Map.Entry<Attribute, Collection<Label>> entry : depLabels.asMap().entrySet()) {
for (Label depLabel : entry.getValue()) {
depResolver.resolveDep(entry.getKey(), depLabel);
return outgoingEdges.values();
private void visitPackageGroup(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
PackageGroup packageGroup,
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses,
Collection<Dependency> outgoingEdges)
throws InterruptedException {
for (Label label : packageGroup.getIncludes()) {
Target target = getTarget(packageGroup, label, rootCauses);
if (target == null) {
if (!(target instanceof PackageGroup)) {
// Note that this error could also be caught in PackageGroupConfiguredTarget, but since
// these have the null configuration, visiting the corresponding target would trigger an
// analysis of a rule with a null configuration, which doesn't work.
invalidPackageGroupReferenceHook(node, label);
private static ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> requiredAspects(
@Nullable Aspect aspect, Attribute attribute, final Target target, Rule originalRule) {
if (!(target instanceof Rule)) {
return ImmutableSet.of();
Iterable<Aspect> aspectCandidates = extractAspectCandidates(aspect, attribute, originalRule);
RuleClass ruleClass = ((Rule) target).getRuleClassObject();
ImmutableSet.Builder<AspectDescriptor> result = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (Aspect aspectCandidate : aspectCandidates) {
if (ruleClass.canHaveAnyProvider() || Sets.difference(
.isEmpty()) {
new AspectDescriptor(
private static Iterable<Aspect> extractAspectCandidates(
@Nullable Aspect aspect, Attribute attribute, Rule originalRule) {
// The order of this set will be deterministic. This is necessary because this order eventually
// influences the order in which aspects are merged into the main configured target, which in
// turn influences which aspect takes precedence if two emit the same provider (maybe this
// should be an error)
Set<Aspect> aspectCandidates = new LinkedHashSet<>();
if (aspect != null) {
for (AspectClass aspectClass :
aspect.getDefinition().getAttributeAspects(attribute)) {
if (aspectClass.equals(aspect.getAspectClass())) {
} else if (aspectClass instanceof NativeAspectClass) {
Aspect.forNative((NativeAspectClass) aspectClass, aspect.getParameters()));
} else {
// If we ever want to support this specifying arbitrary aspects for Skylark aspects,
// we will need to do a Skyframe call here to load an up-to-date definition.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Skylark aspect classes sending different aspects along attributes is not supported");
return aspectCandidates;
* Supplies the logic for translating <Attribute, Label> pairs for a rule into the
* <Attribute, Dependency> pairs DependencyResolver ultimately returns.
* <p>The main difference between the two is that the latter applies configuration transitions,
* i.e. it specifies not just which deps a rule has but also the configurations those deps
* should take.
private class RuleResolver {
private final Rule rule;
private final BuildConfiguration ruleConfig;
private final Aspect aspect;
private final ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap;
private final NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses;
private final OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges;
private final List<Attribute> attributes;
* Constructs a new dependency resolver for the specified rule context.
* @param rule the rule being evaluated
* @param ruleConfig the rule's configuration
* @param aspect the aspect applied to this rule (if any)
* @param attributeMap mapper for the rule's attribute values
* @param rootCauses output collector for dep labels that can't be (loading phase) loaded
* @param outgoingEdges output collector for the resolved dependencies
RuleResolver(Rule rule, BuildConfiguration ruleConfig, Aspect aspect,
ConfiguredAttributeMapper attributeMap, NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses,
OrderedSetMultimap<Attribute, Dependency> outgoingEdges) {
this.rule = rule;
this.ruleConfig = ruleConfig;
this.aspect = aspect;
this.attributeMap = attributeMap;
this.rootCauses = rootCauses;
this.outgoingEdges = outgoingEdges;
this.attributes = getAttributes(rule, aspect);
* Returns the attributes that should be visited for this rule/aspect combination.
private List<Attribute> getAttributes(Rule rule, @Nullable Aspect aspect) {
List<Attribute> ruleDefs = rule.getRuleClassObject().getAttributes();
if (aspect == null) {
return ruleDefs;
} else {
return ImmutableList.<Attribute>builder()
* Resolves the given dep for the given attribute, including determining which configurations to
* apply to it.
void resolveDep(Attribute attribute, Label depLabel) throws InterruptedException {
Target toTarget = getTarget(rule, depLabel, rootCauses);
if (toTarget == null) {
return; // Skip this round: we still need to Skyframe-evaluate the dep's target.
BuildConfiguration.TransitionApplier resolver = ruleConfig.getTransitionApplier();
ruleConfig.evaluateTransition(rule, attribute, toTarget, resolver);
// An <Attribute, Label> pair can resolve to multiple deps because of split transitions.
for (Dependency dependency :
resolver.getDependencies(depLabel, requiredAspects(aspect, attribute, toTarget, rule))) {
outgoingEdges.put(attribute, dependency);
* Resolves the given dep for the given attribute using a pre-prepared configuration.
* <p>Use this method with care: it skips Bazel's standard config transition semantics ({@link
* BuildConfiguration#evaluateTransition}). That means attributes passed through here won't obey
* standard rules on which configurations apply to their deps. This should only be done for
* special circumstances that really justify the difference. When in doubt, use {@link
* #resolveDep(Attribute, Label)}.
void resolveDep(Attribute attribute, Label depLabel, BuildConfiguration config)
throws InterruptedException {
Target toTarget = getTarget(rule, depLabel, rootCauses);
if (toTarget == null) {
return; // Skip this round: this is either a loading error or unevaluated Skyframe dep.
BuildConfiguration.TransitionApplier transitionApplier = config.getTransitionApplier();
boolean applyNullTransition = false;
if (BuildConfiguration.usesNullConfiguration(toTarget)) {
applyNullTransition = true;
ImmutableSet<AspectDescriptor> aspects = requiredAspects(aspect, attribute, toTarget, rule);
Dependency dep;
if (config.useDynamicConfigurations() && !applyNullTransition) {
// Pass a transition rather than directly feeding the configuration so deps get trimmed.
dep = Dependency.withTransitionAndAspects(
depLabel, new FixedTransition(config.getOptions()), aspects);
} else {
dep = Iterables.getOnlyElement(transitionApplier.getDependencies(depLabel, aspects));
outgoingEdges.put(attribute, dep);
* A patch transition that returns a fixed set of options regardless of the input.
private static class FixedTransition implements PatchTransition {
private final BuildOptions toOptions;
FixedTransition(BuildOptions toOptions) {
this.toOptions = toOptions;
public BuildOptions apply(BuildOptions options) {
return toOptions;
public boolean defaultsToSelf() {
return false;
private void visitTargetVisibility(
TargetAndConfiguration node,
NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses,
Collection<Dependency> outgoingEdges)
throws InterruptedException {
Target target = node.getTarget();
for (Label label : target.getVisibility().getDependencyLabels()) {
Target visibilityTarget = getTarget(target, label, rootCauses);
if (visibilityTarget == null) {
if (!(visibilityTarget instanceof PackageGroup)) {
// Note that this error could also be caught in
// AbstractConfiguredTarget.convertVisibility(), but we have an
// opportunity here to avoid dependency cycles that result from
// the visibility attribute of a rule referring to a rule that
// depends on it (instead of its package)
invalidVisibilityReferenceHook(node, label);
// Visibility always has null configuration
* Hook for the error case when an invalid visibility reference is found.
* @param node the node with the visibility attribute
* @param label the invalid visibility reference
protected abstract void invalidVisibilityReferenceHook(TargetAndConfiguration node, Label label);
* Hook for the error case when an invalid package group reference is found.
* @param node the package group node with the includes attribute
* @param label the invalid reference
protected abstract void invalidPackageGroupReferenceHook(TargetAndConfiguration node,
Label label);
* Hook for the error case where a dependency is missing.
* @param from the target referencing the missing target
* @param to the missing target
* @param e the exception that was thrown, e.g., by {@link #getTarget}
protected abstract void missingEdgeHook(Target from, Label to, NoSuchThingException e)
throws InterruptedException;
* Returns the target by the given label.
* <p>Returns null if the target is not ready to be returned at this moment. If getTarget returns
* null once or more during a {@link #dependentNodeMap} call, the results of that call will be
* incomplete. For use within Skyframe, where several iterations may be needed to discover all
* dependencies.
protected abstract Target getTarget(Target from, Label label, NestedSetBuilder<Label> rootCauses)
throws InterruptedException;
* Returns the build configurations with the given options and fragments, in the same order as the
* input options.
* <p>Returns null if any configurations aren't ready to be returned at this moment. If
* getConfigurations returns null once or more during a {@link #dependentNodeMap} call, the
* results of that call will be incomplete. For use within Skyframe, where several iterations may
* be needed to discover all dependencies.
protected abstract List<BuildConfiguration> getConfigurations(
Set<Class<? extends BuildConfiguration.Fragment>> fragments,
Iterable<BuildOptions> buildOptions)
throws InvalidConfigurationException, InterruptedException;