blob: 2d747935dd0129bebbe42eb414da6555d53ecae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** A collection of global Starlark build API functions that apply to MODULE.bazel files. */
@GlobalMethods(environment = Environment.MODULE)
public class ModuleFileGlobals {
/* Valid bazel compatibility argument must 1) start with (<,<=,>,>=,-);
2) then contain a version number in form of X.X.X where X has one or two digits
private static final Pattern VALID_BAZEL_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION =
static void validateModuleName(String moduleName) throws EvalException {
if (!RepositoryName.VALID_MODULE_NAME.matcher(moduleName).matches()) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"invalid module name '%s': valid names must 1) only contain lowercase letters (a-z),"
+ " digits (0-9), dots (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_); 2) begin with a"
+ " lowercase letter; 3) end with a lowercase letter or digit.",
name = "module",
doc =
"Declares certain properties of the Bazel module represented by the current Bazel repo."
+ " These properties are either essential metadata of the module (such as the name"
+ " and version), or affect behavior of the current module and its dependents. <p>It"
+ " should be called at most once. It can be omitted only if this module is the root"
+ " module (as in, if it's not going to be depended on by another module).",
parameters = {
name = "name",
doc =
"The name of the module. Can be omitted only if this module is the root module (as"
+ " in, if it's not going to be depended on by another module). A valid module"
+ " name must: 1) only contain lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9), dots (.),"
+ " hyphens (-), and underscores (_); 2) begin with a lowercase letter; 3) end"
+ " with a lowercase letter or digit.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "version",
doc =
"The version of the module. Can be omitted only if this module is the root module"
+ " (as in, if it's not going to be depended on by another module). The version"
+ " must be in a relaxed SemVer format; see <a"
+ " href=\"/external/module#version_format\">the documentation</a> for more"
+ " details.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "compatibility_level",
doc =
"The compatibility level of the module; this should be changed every time a major"
+ " incompatible change is introduced. This is essentially the \"major"
+ " version\" of the module in terms of SemVer, except that it's not embedded"
+ " in the version string itself, but exists as a separate field. Modules with"
+ " different compatibility levels participate in version resolution as if"
+ " they're modules with different names, but the final dependency graph cannot"
+ " contain multiple modules with the same name but different compatibility"
+ " levels (unless <code>multiple_version_override</code> is in effect). See <a"
+ " href=\"/external/module#compatibility_level\">the documentation</a> for"
+ " more details.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "0"),
name = "repo_name",
doc =
"The name of the repository representing this module, as seen by the module itself."
+ " By default, the name of the repo is the name of the module. This can be"
+ " specified to ease migration for projects that have been using a repo name"
+ " for itself that differs from its module name.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "bazel_compatibility",
doc =
"A list of bazel versions that allows users to declare which Bazel versions"
+ " are compatible with this module. It does NOT affect dependency resolution,"
+ " but bzlmod will use this information to check if your current Bazel version"
+ " is compatible. The format of this value is a string of some constraint"
+ " values separated by comma. Three constraints are supported: <=X.X.X: The"
+ " Bazel version must be equal or older than X.X.X. Used when there is a known"
+ " incompatible change in a newer version. >=X.X.X: The Bazel version must be"
+ " equal or newer than X.X.X.Used when you depend on some features that are"
+ " only available since X.X.X. -X.X.X: The Bazel version X.X.X is not"
+ " compatible. Used when there is a bug in X.X.X that breaks you, but fixed in"
+ " later versions.",
named = true,
positional = false,
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
defaultValue = "[]"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void module(
String name,
String version,
StarlarkInt compatibilityLevel,
String repoName,
Iterable<?> bazelCompatibility,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "module()");
if (context.isModuleCalled()) {
throw Starlark.errorf("the module() directive can only be called once");
if (context.hadNonModuleCall()) {
throw Starlark.errorf("if module() is called, it must be called before any other functions");
if (!name.isEmpty()) {
if (repoName.isEmpty()) {
repoName = name;
context.addRepoNameUsage(name, "as the current module name", thread.getCallerLocation());
} else {
repoName, "as the module's own repo name", thread.getCallerLocation());
Version parsedVersion;
try {
parsedVersion = Version.parse(version);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new EvalException("Invalid version in module()", e);
checkAllCompatibilityVersions(bazelCompatibility, "bazel_compatibility"))
private static ImmutableList<String> checkAllAbsolutePatterns(Iterable<?> iterable, String where)
throws EvalException {
Sequence<String> list = Sequence.cast(iterable, String.class, where);
for (String item : list) {
if (!item.startsWith("//") && !item.startsWith("@")) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"Expected absolute target patterns (must begin with '//' or '@') for '%s' argument, but"
+ " got '%s' as an argument",
where, item);
return list.getImmutableList();
private static ImmutableList<String> checkAllCompatibilityVersions(
Iterable<?> iterable, String where) throws EvalException {
Sequence<String> list = Sequence.cast(iterable, String.class, where);
for (String version : list) {
if (!VALID_BAZEL_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION.matcher(version).matches()) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"invalid version argument '%s': valid argument must 1) start with (<,<=,>,>=,-); "
+ "2) contain a version number in form of X.X.X where X is a number",
return list.getImmutableList();
name = "bazel_dep",
doc = "Declares a direct dependency on another Bazel module.",
parameters = {
name = "name",
doc = "The name of the module to be added as a direct dependency.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "version",
doc = "The version of the module to be added as a direct dependency.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "max_compatibility_level",
doc =
"The maximum <code>compatibility_level</code> supported for the module to be added"
+ " as a direct dependency. The version of the module implies the minimum"
+ " compatibility_level supported, as well as the maximum if this attribute is"
+ " not specified.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "-1"),
name = "repo_name",
doc =
"The name of the external repo representing this dependency. This is by default the"
+ " name of the module.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "dev_dependency",
doc =
"If true, this dependency will be ignored if the current module is not the root"
+ " module or `--ignore_dev_dependency` is enabled.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void bazelDep(
String name,
String version,
StarlarkInt maxCompatibilityLevel,
String repoName,
boolean devDependency,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "bazel_dep()");
if (repoName.isEmpty()) {
repoName = name;
Version parsedVersion;
try {
parsedVersion = Version.parse(version);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new EvalException("Invalid version in bazel_dep()", e);
if (!(context.shouldIgnoreDevDeps() && devDependency)) {
name, parsedVersion, maxCompatibilityLevel.toInt("max_compatibility_level")));
context.addRepoNameUsage(repoName, "by a bazel_dep", thread.getCallerLocation());
name = "register_execution_platforms",
doc =
"Specifies already-defined execution platforms to be registered when this module is"
+ " selected. Should be absolute target patterns (ie. beginning with either"
+ " <code>@</code> or <code>//</code>). See <a href=\"${link toolchains}\">toolchain"
+ " resolution</a> for more information.",
parameters = {
name = "dev_dependency",
doc =
"If true, the execution platforms will not be registered if the current module is"
+ " not the root module or `--ignore_dev_dependency` is enabled.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
extraPositionals =
name = "platform_labels",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
doc = "The labels of the platforms to register."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void registerExecutionPlatforms(
boolean devDependency, Sequence<?> platformLabels, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context =
ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "register_execution_platforms()");
if (context.shouldIgnoreDevDeps() && devDependency) {
checkAllAbsolutePatterns(platformLabels, "register_execution_platforms"));
name = "register_toolchains",
doc =
"Specifies already-defined toolchains to be registered when this module is selected."
+ " Should be absolute target patterns (ie. beginning with either <code>@</code> or"
+ " <code>//</code>). See <a href=\"${link toolchains}\">toolchain resolution</a> for"
+ " more information.",
parameters = {
name = "dev_dependency",
doc =
"If true, the toolchains will not be registered if the current module is not the"
+ " root module or `--ignore_dev_dependency` is enabled.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
extraPositionals =
name = "toolchain_labels",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
doc =
"The labels of the toolchains to register. Labels can include "
+ "<code>:all</code>, in which case, all toolchain-providing targets in the "
+ "package will be registered in lexicographical order by name."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void registerToolchains(
boolean devDependency, Sequence<?> toolchainLabels, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "register_toolchains()");
if (context.shouldIgnoreDevDeps() && devDependency) {
.addToolchainsToRegister(checkAllAbsolutePatterns(toolchainLabels, "register_toolchains"));
name = "use_extension",
doc =
"Returns a proxy object representing a module extension; its methods can be invoked to"
+ " create module extension tags.",
parameters = {
name = "extension_bzl_file",
doc = "A label to the Starlark file defining the module extension."),
name = "extension_name",
doc =
"The name of the module extension to use. A symbol with this name must be exported"
+ " by the Starlark file."),
name = "dev_dependency",
doc =
"If true, this usage of the module extension will be ignored if the current module"
+ " is not the root module or `--ignore_dev_dependency` is enabled.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
name = "isolate",
doc =
"If true, this usage of the module extension will be isolated from all other "
+ "usages, both in this and other modules. Tags created for this usage do not "
+ "affect other usages and the repositories generated by the extension for "
+ "this usage will be distinct from all other repositories generated by the "
+ "extension."
+ "<p>This parameter is currently experimental and only available with the "
+ "flag <code>--experimental_isolated_extension_usages</code>.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False",
enableOnlyWithFlag = "-experimental_isolated_extension_usages",
valueWhenDisabled = "False"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public ModuleExtensionProxy useExtension(
String rawExtensionBzlFile,
String extensionName,
boolean devDependency,
boolean isolate,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "use_extension()");
if (extensionName.equals(ModuleExtensionId.INNATE_EXTENSION_NAME)) {
throw Starlark.errorf(
"innate extensions cannot be directly used; try `use_repo_rule` instead");
String extensionBzlFile = normalizeLabelString(context.getModuleBuilder(), rawExtensionBzlFile);
ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder newUsageBuilder =
new ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder(
context, extensionBzlFile, extensionName, isolate, thread.getCallerLocation());
if (context.shouldIgnoreDevDeps() && devDependency) {
// This is a no-op proxy.
return ModuleExtensionProxy.createFromUsagesBuilder(newUsageBuilder, devDependency);
// Find an existing usage builder corresponding to this extension. Isolated usages need to get
// their own proxy.
if (!isolate) {
for (ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder : context.getExtensionUsageBuilders()) {
if (usageBuilder.isForExtension(extensionBzlFile, extensionName)) {
return ModuleExtensionProxy.createFromUsagesBuilder(usageBuilder, devDependency);
// If no such proxy exists, we can just use a new one.
return ModuleExtensionProxy.createFromUsagesBuilder(newUsageBuilder, devDependency);
private String normalizeLabelString(InterimModule.Builder module, String rawExtensionBzlFile) {
// Normalize the label by parsing and stringifying it with a repo mapping that preserves the
// apparent repository name, except that a reference to the main repository via the empty
// repo name is translated to using the module repo name. This is necessary as
// ModuleExtensionUsages are grouped by the string value of this label, but later mapped to
// their Label representation. If multiple strings map to the same Label, this would result in a
// crash.
// ownName can't change anymore as calling module() after this results in an error.
String ownName = module.getRepoName().orElse(module.getName());
RepositoryName ownRepoName = RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(ownName);
try {
ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName> repoMapping = ImmutableMap.of();
if (module.getKey().equals(ModuleKey.ROOT)) {
repoMapping = ImmutableMap.of("", ownRepoName);
Label label =
PackageIdentifier.create(ownRepoName, PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT),
// Skip over the leading "@" of the unambiguous form.
return label.getUnambiguousCanonicalForm().substring(1);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException ignored) {
// Preserve backwards compatibility by not failing eagerly, rather keep the invalid label and
// let the extension fail when evaluated.
return rawExtensionBzlFile;
* Returns a {@link Label} when the given string is a valid label, otherwise the string itself.
private Object parseOverrideLabelAttribute(InterimModule.Builder module, String rawLabel) {
RepositoryMapping repoMapping =
ImmutableMap.<String, RepositoryName>builder()
.put("", RepositoryName.MAIN)
.put(module.getRepoName().orElse(module.getName()), RepositoryName.MAIN)
try {
return Label.parseWithPackageContext(
rawLabel, Label.PackageContext.of(PackageIdentifier.EMPTY_PACKAGE_ID, repoMapping));
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
// Preserve backwards compatibility by not failing eagerly, rather keep the invalid label and
// let the module repo fail when fetched.
return rawLabel;
@StarlarkBuiltin(name = "module_extension_proxy", documented = false)
static class ModuleExtensionProxy implements Structure, StarlarkExportable {
private final ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder;
private final boolean devDependency;
* Creates a proxy with the specified dev_dependency bit that shares accumulated imports and
* tags with all other such proxies, thus preserving their order across dev/non-dev deps.
static ModuleExtensionProxy createFromUsagesBuilder(
ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder, boolean devDependency) {
if (devDependency) {
} else {
return new ModuleExtensionProxy(usageBuilder, devDependency);
private ModuleExtensionProxy(ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder, boolean devDependency) {
this.usageBuilder = usageBuilder;
this.devDependency = devDependency;
void addImport(String localRepoName, String exportedName, String byWhat, Location location)
throws EvalException {
usageBuilder.addImport(localRepoName, exportedName, devDependency, byWhat, location);
class TagCallable implements StarlarkValue {
final String tagName;
TagCallable(String tagName) {
this.tagName = tagName;
name = "call",
selfCall = true,
documented = false,
extraKeywords = @Param(name = "kwargs"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void call(Dict<String, Object> kwargs, StarlarkThread thread) {
public TagCallable getValue(String tagName) throws EvalException {
return new TagCallable(tagName);
public ImmutableCollection<String> getFieldNames() {
return ImmutableList.of();
public String getErrorMessageForUnknownField(String field) {
return null;
public boolean isExported() {
return usageBuilder.isExported();
public void export(EventHandler handler, Label bzlFileLabel, String name) {
name = "use_repo",
doc =
"Imports one or more repos generated by the given module extension into the scope of the"
+ " current module.",
parameters = {
name = "extension_proxy",
doc = "A module extension proxy object returned by a <code>use_extension</code> call."),
extraPositionals = @Param(name = "args", doc = "The names of the repos to import."),
extraKeywords =
name = "kwargs",
doc =
"Specifies certain repos to import into the scope of the current module with"
+ " different names. The keys should be the name to use in the current scope,"
+ " whereas the values should be the original names exported by the module"
+ " extension."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void useRepo(
ModuleExtensionProxy extensionProxy,
Tuple args,
Dict<String, Object> kwargs,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "use_repo()");
Location location = thread.getCallerLocation();
for (String arg : Sequence.cast(args, String.class, "args")) {
extensionProxy.addImport(arg, arg, "by a use_repo() call", location);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry :
Dict.cast(kwargs, String.class, String.class, "kwargs").entrySet()) {
extensionProxy.addImport(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), "by a use_repo() call", location);
name = "use_repo_rule",
doc =
"Returns a proxy value that can be directly invoked in the MODULE.bazel file as a"
+ " repository rule, one or more times. Repos created in such a way are only visible"
+ " to the current module, under the name declared using the <code>name</code>"
+ " attribute on the proxy. The implicit Boolean <code>dev_dependency</code>"
+ " attribute can also be used on the proxy to denote that a certain repo is only to"
+ " be created when the current module is the root module.",
parameters = {
name = "repo_rule_bzl_file",
doc = "A label to the Starlark file defining the repo rule."),
name = "repo_rule_name",
doc =
"The name of the repo rule to use. A symbol with this name must be exported by the"
+ " Starlark file."),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public RepoRuleProxy useRepoRule(String bzlFile, String ruleName, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "use_repo_rule()");
// The builder for the singular "innate" extension of this module. Note that there's only one
// such usage (and it's fabricated), so the usage location just points to this file.
ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder newUsageBuilder =
new ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder(
/* isolate= */ false,
for (ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder : context.getExtensionUsageBuilders()) {
if (usageBuilder.isForExtension("//:MODULE.bazel", ModuleExtensionId.INNATE_EXTENSION_NAME)) {
return new RepoRuleProxy(usageBuilder, bzlFile + '%' + ruleName);
return new RepoRuleProxy(newUsageBuilder, bzlFile + '%' + ruleName);
@StarlarkBuiltin(name = "repo_rule_proxy", documented = false)
class RepoRuleProxy implements StarlarkValue {
private final ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder;
private final String tagName;
private RepoRuleProxy(ModuleExtensionUsageBuilder usageBuilder, String tagName) {
this.usageBuilder = usageBuilder;
this.tagName = tagName;
name = "call",
selfCall = true,
documented = false,
parameters = {
@Param(name = "name", positional = false, named = true),
@Param(name = "dev_dependency", positional = false, named = true, defaultValue = "False")
extraKeywords = @Param(name = "kwargs"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void call(
String name, boolean devDependency, Dict<String, Object> kwargs, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
if (usageBuilder.getContext().shouldIgnoreDevDeps() && devDependency) {
kwargs.putEntry("name", name);
ModuleExtensionProxy extensionProxy =
ModuleExtensionProxy.createFromUsagesBuilder(usageBuilder, devDependency);
extensionProxy.getValue(tagName).call(kwargs, thread);
extensionProxy.addImport(name, name, "by a repo rule", thread.getCallerLocation());
name = "single_version_override",
doc =
"Specifies that a dependency should still come from a registry, but its version should"
+ " be pinned, or its registry overridden, or a list of patches applied. This"
+ " directive only takes effect in the root module; in other words, if a module"
+ " is used as a dependency by others, its own overrides are ignored.",
parameters = {
name = "module_name",
doc = "The name of the Bazel module dependency to apply this override to.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "version",
doc =
"Overrides the declared version of this module in the dependency graph. In other"
+ " words, this module will be \"pinned\" to this override version. This"
+ " attribute can be omitted if all one wants to override is the registry or"
+ " the patches. ",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "registry",
doc =
"Overrides the registry for this module; instead of finding this module from the"
+ " default list of registries, the given registry should be used.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "patches",
doc =
"A list of labels pointing to patch files to apply for this module. The patch files"
+ " must exist in the source tree of the top level project. They are applied in"
+ " the list order.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_cmds",
doc =
"Sequence of Bash commands to be applied on Linux/Macos after patches are applied.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_strip",
doc = "Same as the --strip argument of Unix patch.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "0"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void singleVersionOverride(
String moduleName,
String version,
String registry,
Iterable<?> patches,
Iterable<?> patchCmds,
StarlarkInt patchStrip,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context =
ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "single_version_override()");
Version parsedVersion;
try {
parsedVersion = Version.parse(version);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new EvalException("Invalid version in single_version_override()", e);
Sequence.cast(patches, String.class, "patches").stream()
.map(l -> parseOverrideLabelAttribute(context.getModuleBuilder(), l))
Sequence.cast(patchCmds, String.class, "patchCmds").getImmutableList(),
name = "multiple_version_override",
doc =
"Specifies that a dependency should still come from a registry, but multiple versions of"
+ " it should be allowed to coexist. See <a"
+ " href=\"/external/module#multiple-version_override\">the documentation</a> for"
+ " more details. This"
+ " directive only takes effect in the root module; in other words, if a module"
+ " is used as a dependency by others, its own overrides are ignored.",
parameters = {
name = "module_name",
doc = "The name of the Bazel module dependency to apply this override to.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "versions",
doc =
"Explicitly specifies the versions allowed to coexist. These versions must already"
+ " be present in the dependency graph pre-selection. Dependencies on this"
+ " module will be \"upgraded\" to the nearest higher allowed version at the"
+ " same compatibility level, whereas dependencies that have a higher version"
+ " than any allowed versions at the same compatibility level will cause an"
+ " error.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "registry",
doc =
"Overrides the registry for this module; instead of finding this module from the"
+ " default list of registries, the given registry should be used.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void multipleVersionOverride(
String moduleName, Iterable<?> versions, String registry, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context =
ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "multiple_version_override()");
ImmutableList.Builder<Version> parsedVersionsBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
try {
for (String version : Sequence.cast(versions, String.class, "versions").getImmutableList()) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new EvalException("Invalid version in multiple_version_override()", e);
ImmutableList<Version> parsedVersions =;
if (parsedVersions.size() < 2) {
throw new EvalException("multiple_version_override() must specify at least 2 versions");
context.addOverride(moduleName, MultipleVersionOverride.create(parsedVersions, registry));
name = "archive_override",
doc =
"Specifies that this dependency should come from an archive file (zip, gzip, etc) at a"
+ " certain location, instead of from a registry. This"
+ " directive only takes effect in the root module; in other words, if a module"
+ " is used as a dependency by others, its own overrides are ignored.",
parameters = {
name = "module_name",
doc = "The name of the Bazel module dependency to apply this override to.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "urls",
allowedTypes = {
@ParamType(type = String.class),
@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class),
doc = "The URLs of the archive; can be http(s):// or file:// URLs.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "integrity",
doc = "The expected checksum of the archive file, in Subresource Integrity format.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "strip_prefix",
doc = "A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "patches",
doc =
"A list of labels pointing to patch files to apply for this module. The patch files"
+ " must exist in the source tree of the top level project. They are applied in"
+ " the list order.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_cmds",
doc =
"Sequence of Bash commands to be applied on Linux/Macos after patches are applied.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_strip",
doc = "Same as the --strip argument of Unix patch.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "0"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void archiveOverride(
String moduleName,
Object urls,
String integrity,
String stripPrefix,
Iterable<?> patches,
Iterable<?> patchCmds,
StarlarkInt patchStrip,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "archive_override()");
ImmutableList<String> urlList =
urls instanceof String
? ImmutableList.of((String) urls)
: Sequence.cast(urls, String.class, "urls").getImmutableList();
Sequence.cast(patches, String.class, "patches").stream()
.map(l -> parseOverrideLabelAttribute(context.getModuleBuilder(), l))
Sequence.cast(patchCmds, String.class, "patchCmds").getImmutableList(),
name = "git_override",
doc =
"Specifies that a dependency should come from a certain commit of a Git repository. This"
+ " directive only takes effect in the root module; in other words, if a module"
+ " is used as a dependency by others, its own overrides are ignored.",
parameters = {
name = "module_name",
doc = "The name of the Bazel module dependency to apply this override to.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "remote",
doc = "The URL of the remote Git repository.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "commit",
doc = "The commit that should be checked out.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "''"),
name = "patches",
doc =
"A list of labels pointing to patch files to apply for this module. The patch files"
+ " must exist in the source tree of the top level project. They are applied in"
+ " the list order.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_cmds",
doc =
"Sequence of Bash commands to be applied on Linux/Macos after patches are applied.",
allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Iterable.class, generic1 = String.class)},
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "[]"),
name = "patch_strip",
doc = "Same as the --strip argument of Unix patch.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "0"),
name = "init_submodules",
doc = "Whether submodules in the fetched repo should be recursively initialized.",
named = true,
positional = false,
defaultValue = "False"),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void gitOverride(
String moduleName,
String remote,
String commit,
Iterable<?> patches,
Iterable<?> patchCmds,
StarlarkInt patchStrip,
boolean initSubmodules,
StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "git_override()");
Sequence.cast(patches, String.class, "patches").stream()
.map(l -> parseOverrideLabelAttribute(context.getModuleBuilder(), l))
Sequence.cast(patchCmds, String.class, "patchCmds").getImmutableList(),
name = "local_path_override",
doc =
"Specifies that a dependency should come from a certain directory on local disk. This"
+ " directive only takes effect in the root module; in other words, if a module"
+ " is used as a dependency by others, its own overrides are ignored.",
parameters = {
name = "module_name",
doc = "The name of the Bazel module dependency to apply this override to.",
named = true,
positional = false),
name = "path",
doc = "The path to the directory where this module is.",
named = true,
positional = false),
useStarlarkThread = true)
public void localPathOverride(String moduleName, String path, StarlarkThread thread)
throws EvalException {
ModuleThreadContext context = ModuleThreadContext.fromOrFail(thread, "local_path_override()");
context.addOverride(moduleName, LocalPathOverride.create(path));