blob: 3605c6122a04e08d6576c33a8d055da213cc194e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
* Options that affect Skylark semantics.
* <p>For descriptions of what these options do, see {@link SkylarkSemanticsOptions}.
// TODO(brandjon): User error messages that reference options should maybe be substituted with the
// option name outside of the core Skylark interpreter?
// TODO(brandjon): Eventually these should be documented in full here, and SkylarkSemanticsOptions
// should refer to this class for documentation. But this doesn't play nice with the options
// parser's annotation mechanism.
public abstract class SkylarkSemantics {
* Enum where each element represents a skylark semantics flag. The name of each value should
* be the exact name of the flag transformed to upper case (for error representation).
public enum FlagIdentifier {
// Using a Function here makes the enum definitions far cleaner, and, since this is
// a private field, and we can ensure no callers treat this field as mutable.
private final Function<SkylarkSemantics, Boolean> semanticsFunction;
FlagIdentifier(Function<SkylarkSemantics, Boolean> semanticsFunction) {
this.semanticsFunction = semanticsFunction;
* Returns the name of the flag that this identifier controls. For example, EXPERIMENTAL_FOO
* would return 'experimental_foo'.
public String getFlagName() {
* Returns true if a feature attached to the given toggling flags should be enabled.
* <ul>
* <li>If both parameters are {@code NONE}, this indicates the feature is not
* controlled by flags, and should thus be enabled.</li>
* <li>If the {@code enablingFlag} parameter is non-{@code NONE}, this returns
* true if and only if that flag is true. (This represents a feature that is only on
* if a given flag is *on*).</li>
* <li>If the {@code disablingFlag} parameter is non-{@code NONE}, this returns
* true if and only if that flag is false. (This represents a feature that is only on
* if a given flag is *off*).</li>
* <li>It is illegal to pass both parameters as non-{@code NONE}.</li>
* </ul>
public boolean isFeatureEnabledBasedOnTogglingFlags(
FlagIdentifier enablingFlag,
FlagIdentifier disablingFlag) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(enablingFlag == FlagIdentifier.NONE
|| disablingFlag == FlagIdentifier.NONE,
"at least one of 'enablingFlag' or 'disablingFlag' must be NONE");
if (enablingFlag != FlagIdentifier.NONE) {
return enablingFlag.semanticsFunction.apply(this);
} else {
return disablingFlag == FlagIdentifier.NONE || !disablingFlag.semanticsFunction.apply(this);
* The AutoValue-generated concrete class implementing this one.
* <p>AutoValue implementation classes are usually package-private. We expose it here for the
* benefit of code that relies on reflection.
public static final Class<? extends SkylarkSemantics> IMPL_CLASS =
// <== Add new options here in alphabetic order ==>
public abstract boolean experimentalAnalysisTestingImprovements();
public abstract List<String> experimentalCcSkylarkApiEnabledPackages();
public abstract boolean experimentalEnableAndroidMigrationApis();
public abstract boolean experimentalEnableRepoMapping();
public abstract boolean experimentalRemapMainRepo();
public abstract boolean experimentalPlatformsApi();
public abstract boolean experimentalStarlarkConfigTransitions();
public abstract boolean incompatibleBzlDisallowLoadAfterStatement();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDepsetIsNotIterable();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDepsetUnion();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisableDeprecatedAttrParams();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisableObjcProviderResources();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowConflictingProviders();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowDataTransition();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowDictPlus();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowFileType();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowLegacyJavaInfo();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowLoadLabelsToCrossPackageBoundaries();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowOldStyleArgsAdd();
public abstract boolean incompatibleDisallowSlashOperator();
public abstract boolean incompatibleExpandDirectories();
public abstract boolean incompatibleGenerateJavaCommonSourceJar();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNewActionsApi();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNoOutputAttrDefault();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNoSupportToolsInActionInputs();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNoTargetOutputGroup();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNoTransitiveLoads();
public abstract boolean incompatiblePackageNameIsAFunction();
public abstract boolean incompatibleRangeType();
public abstract boolean incompatibleRemoveNativeGitRepository();
public abstract boolean incompatibleRemoveNativeHttpArchive();
public abstract boolean incompatibleStaticNameResolution();
public abstract boolean incompatibleStringIsNotIterable();
public abstract boolean internalSkylarkFlagTestCanary();
public abstract boolean incompatibleNeverUseEmbeddedJDKForJavabase();
/** Returns a {@link Builder} initialized with the values of this instance. */
public abstract Builder toBuilder();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_SkylarkSemantics.Builder();
/** Returns a {@link Builder} initialized with default values for all options. */
public static Builder builderWithDefaults() {
return DEFAULT_SEMANTICS.toBuilder();
public static final SkylarkSemantics DEFAULT_SEMANTICS =
// <== Add new options here in alphabetic order ==>
/** Builder for {@link SkylarkSemantics}. All fields are mandatory. */
public abstract static class Builder {
// <== Add new options here in alphabetic order ==>
public abstract Builder experimentalAnalysisTestingImprovements(boolean value);
public abstract Builder experimentalCcSkylarkApiEnabledPackages(List<String> value);
public abstract Builder experimentalEnableAndroidMigrationApis(boolean value);
public abstract Builder experimentalEnableRepoMapping(boolean value);
public abstract Builder experimentalRemapMainRepo(boolean value);
public abstract Builder experimentalPlatformsApi(boolean value);
public abstract Builder experimentalStarlarkConfigTransitions(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleBzlDisallowLoadAfterStatement(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDepsetIsNotIterable(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDepsetUnion(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisableDeprecatedAttrParams(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisableObjcProviderResources(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowConflictingProviders(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowDataTransition(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowDictPlus(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowFileType(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowLegacyJavaInfo(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowLoadLabelsToCrossPackageBoundaries(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowOldStyleArgsAdd(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleDisallowSlashOperator(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleExpandDirectories(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleGenerateJavaCommonSourceJar(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNewActionsApi(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNoOutputAttrDefault(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNoSupportToolsInActionInputs(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNoTargetOutputGroup(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNoTransitiveLoads(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatiblePackageNameIsAFunction(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleRangeType(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleRemoveNativeGitRepository(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleRemoveNativeHttpArchive(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleStaticNameResolution(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleStringIsNotIterable(boolean value);
public abstract Builder internalSkylarkFlagTestCanary(boolean value);
public abstract Builder incompatibleNeverUseEmbeddedJDKForJavabase(boolean value);
public abstract SkylarkSemantics build();