blob: 56d8917eb95c19b2f3539868a35325163cf89451 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
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Definition of ProtoInfo provider.
_warning = """ Don't use this field. It's intended for internal use and will be changed or removed
without warning."""
ProtoInfo = provider(
doc = "Encapsulates information provided by a `proto_library.`",
fields = {
"direct_sources": "(list[File]) The `.proto` source files from the `srcs` attribute.",
"transitive_sources": """(depset[File]) The `.proto` source files from this rule and all
its dependent protocol buffer rules.""",
"direct_descriptor_set": """(File) The descriptor set of the direct sources. If no srcs,
contains an empty file.""",
"transitive_descriptor_sets": """(depset[File]) A set of descriptor set files of all
dependent `proto_library` rules, and this one's. This is not the same as passing
--include_imports to proto-compiler. Will be empty if no dependencies.""",
"proto_source_root": """(str) The directory relative to which the `.proto` files defined in
the `proto_library` are defined. For example, if this is `a/b` and the rule has the
file `a/b/c/d.proto` as a source, that source file would be imported as
`import c/d.proto`
In principle, the `proto_source_root` directory itself should always
be relative to the output directory (`ctx.bin_dir` or `ctx.genfiles_dir`).
This is at the moment not true for `proto_libraries` using (additional and/or strip)
import prefixes. `proto_source_root` is in this case prefixed with the output
directory. For example, the value is similar to
`bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/a/_virtual_includes/b` for an input file in
`a/_virtual_includes/b/c.proto` that should be imported as `c.proto`.
When using the value please account for both cases in a general way.
That is assume the value is either prefixed with the output directory or not.
This will make it possible to fix `proto_library` in the future.
"transitive_proto_path": """(depset(str) A set of `proto_source_root`s collected from the
transitive closure of this rule.""",
"check_deps_sources": """(depset[File]) The `.proto` sources from the 'srcs' attribute.
If the library is a proxy library that has no sources, it contains the
`check_deps_sources` from this library's direct deps.""",
# Deprecated fields:
"transitive_imports": """(depset[File]) Deprecated: use `transitive_sources` instead.""",
# Internal fields:
"_direct_proto_sources": """(list[ProtoSourceInfo]) The `ProtoSourceInfo`s from the `srcs`
attribute.""" + _warning,
"_transitive_proto_sources": """(depset[ProtoSourceInfo]) The `ProtoSourceInfo`s from this
rule and all its dependent protocol buffer rules.""" + _warning,
"_exported_sources": """(depset[ProtoSourceInfo]) A set of `ProtoSourceInfo`s that may be
imported by another `proto_library` depending on this one.""" + _warning,
ProtoSourceInfo = provider(
doc = "Represents a single `.proto` source file.",
fields = {
"_source_file": """(File) The `.proto` file. Possibly virtual to handle additional/stripped
path prefix.""" + _warning,
"_proto_path": "(str) The root of the virtual location." + _warning,