blob: 24cc1f505458eb7ed8251a899f03e52f8260cf0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Definition of proto_library rule.
load(":common/proto/proto_semantics.bzl", "semantics")
load(":common/proto/proto_common.bzl", "get_import_path", proto_common = "proto_common_do_not_use")
load(":common/proto/proto_info.bzl", "ProtoInfo", "ProtoSourceInfo")
load(":common/paths.bzl", "paths")
def _check_srcs_package(target_package, srcs):
"""Check that .proto files in sources are from the same package.
This is done to avoid clashes with the generated sources."""
#TODO(bazel-team): this does not work with filegroups that contain files that are not in the package
for src in srcs:
if target_package != src.label.package:
fail("Proto source with label '%s' must be in same package as consuming rule." % src.label)
def _get_import_prefix(ctx):
"""Gets and verifies import_prefix attribute if it is declared."""
import_prefix = ctx.attr.import_prefix if hasattr(ctx.attr, "import_prefix") else ""
if not paths.is_normalized(import_prefix):
fail("should be normalized (without uplevel references or '.' path segments)", attr = "import_prefix")
if paths.is_absolute(import_prefix):
fail("should be a relative path", attr = "import_prefix")
return import_prefix
def _get_strip_import_prefix(ctx):
"""Gets and verifies strip_import_prefix."""
strip_import_prefix = ctx.attr.strip_import_prefix
if not paths.is_normalized(strip_import_prefix):
fail("should be normalized (without uplevel references or '.' path segments)", attr = "strip_import_prefix")
if paths.is_absolute(strip_import_prefix):
strip_import_prefix = strip_import_prefix[1:]
else: # Relative to current package
strip_import_prefix = _join(ctx.label.package, strip_import_prefix)
return strip_import_prefix.removesuffix("/")
def _proto_library_impl(ctx):
# Verifies attributes.
_check_srcs_package(ctx.label.package, ctx.attr.srcs)
srcs = ctx.files.srcs
deps = [dep[ProtoInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.deps]
exports = [dep[ProtoInfo] for dep in ctx.attr.exports]
import_prefix = _get_import_prefix(ctx)
strip_import_prefix = _get_strip_import_prefix(ctx)
proto_path, virtual_srcs = _process_srcs(ctx, srcs, import_prefix, strip_import_prefix)
descriptor_set = ctx.actions.declare_file( + "-descriptor-set.proto.bin")
proto_info = _create_proto_info(virtual_srcs, deps, proto_path, descriptor_set, workspace_root = ctx.label.workspace_root, genfiles_dir = ctx.genfiles_dir.path)
_write_descriptor_set(ctx, proto_info, deps, exports, descriptor_set)
# We assume that the proto sources will not have conflicting artifacts
# with the same root relative path
data_runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = [proto_info.direct_descriptor_set],
transitive_files = depset(transitive = [proto_info.transitive_sources]),
return [
files = depset([proto_info.direct_descriptor_set]),
default_runfiles = ctx.runfiles(), # empty
data_runfiles = data_runfiles,
def _from_root(root, repo, relpath):
"""Constructs an exec path from root to relpath"""
if not root:
# `relpath` is a directory with an input source file, the exec path is one of:
# - when in main repo: `package/path`
# - when in a external repository: `external/repo/package/path`
# - with sibling layout: `../repo/package/path`
return _join(repo, relpath)
# `relpath` is a directory with a generated file or an output directory:
# - when in main repo: `{root}/package/path`
# - when in an external repository: `{root}/external/repo/package/path`
# - with sibling layout: `{root}/package/path`
return _join(root, "" if repo.startswith("../") else repo, relpath)
def _empty_to_dot(path):
return path if path else "."
def _uniq(iterable):
unique_elements = {element: None for element in iterable}
return list(unique_elements.keys())
def _process_srcs(ctx, srcs, import_prefix, strip_import_prefix):
"""Returns proto_path and sources, optionally symlinking them to _virtual_imports.
(str, [File]) A pair of proto_path and virtual_sources.
generate_protos_in_virtual_imports = False
if ctx.fragments.proto.generated_protos_in_virtual_imports():
generate_protos_in_virtual_imports = any([not src.is_source for src in srcs])
if import_prefix != "" or strip_import_prefix != "" or generate_protos_in_virtual_imports:
# Use virtual source roots
return _symlink_to_virtual_imports(ctx, srcs, import_prefix, strip_import_prefix)
# No virtual source roots
return "", srcs
def _join(*path):
return "/".join([p for p in path if p != ""])
def _symlink_to_virtual_imports(ctx, srcs, import_prefix, strip_import_prefix):
"""Symlinks srcs to _virtual_imports.
A pair proto_path, directs_sources.
virtual_imports = _join("_virtual_imports",
proto_path = _join(ctx.label.package, virtual_imports)
if ctx.label.workspace_name == "":
full_strip_import_prefix = strip_import_prefix
full_strip_import_prefix = _join("..", ctx.label.workspace_name, strip_import_prefix)
if full_strip_import_prefix:
full_strip_import_prefix += "/"
virtual_srcs = []
for src in srcs:
# Remove strip_import_prefix
if not src.short_path.startswith(full_strip_import_prefix):
fail(".proto file '%s' is not under the specified strip prefix '%s'" %
(src.short_path, full_strip_import_prefix))
import_path = src.short_path[len(full_strip_import_prefix):]
# Add import_prefix
virtual_src = ctx.actions.declare_file(_join(virtual_imports, import_prefix, import_path))
output = virtual_src,
target_file = src,
progress_message = "Symlinking virtual .proto sources for %{label}",
return proto_path, virtual_srcs
def _create_proto_info(srcs, deps, proto_path, descriptor_set, workspace_root, genfiles_dir):
"""Constructs ProtoInfo."""
direct_proto_sources = [ProtoSourceInfo(_source_file = src, _proto_path = proto_path) for src in srcs]
transitive_proto_sources = depset(
direct = direct_proto_sources,
transitive = [dep._transitive_proto_sources for dep in deps],
order = "preorder",
transitive_sources = depset(
direct = srcs,
transitive = [dep.transitive_sources for dep in deps],
order = "preorder",
# There can be up more than 1 direct proto_paths, for example when there's
# a generated and non-generated .proto file in srcs
root_paths = _uniq([src.root.path for src in srcs])
transitive_proto_path = depset(
direct = [_empty_to_dot(_from_root(root, workspace_root, proto_path)) for root in root_paths],
transitive = [dep.transitive_proto_path for dep in deps],
if srcs:
check_deps_sources = depset(direct = srcs)
check_deps_sources = depset(transitive = [dep.check_deps_sources for dep in deps])
transitive_descriptor_sets = depset(
direct = [descriptor_set],
transitive = [dep.transitive_descriptor_sets for dep in deps],
# Layering checks.
if srcs:
exported_sources = depset(direct = direct_proto_sources)
exported_sources = depset(transitive = [dep._exported_sources for dep in deps])
if "_virtual_imports/" in proto_path:
#TODO(b/281812523): remove genfiles_dir from proto_source_root (when users assuming it's there are migrated)
proto_source_root = _empty_to_dot(_from_root(genfiles_dir, workspace_root, proto_path))
elif workspace_root.startswith("../"):
proto_source_root = proto_path
proto_source_root = _empty_to_dot(_join(workspace_root, proto_path))
return ProtoInfo(
direct_sources = srcs,
transitive_sources = transitive_sources,
direct_descriptor_set = descriptor_set,
transitive_descriptor_sets = transitive_descriptor_sets,
proto_source_root = proto_source_root,
transitive_proto_path = transitive_proto_path,
check_deps_sources = check_deps_sources,
transitive_imports = transitive_sources,
_direct_proto_sources = direct_proto_sources,
_transitive_proto_sources = transitive_proto_sources,
_exported_sources = exported_sources,
def _write_descriptor_set(ctx, proto_info, deps, exports, descriptor_set):
"""Writes descriptor set."""
if proto_info.direct_sources == []:
ctx.actions.write(descriptor_set, "")
dependencies_descriptor_sets = depset(transitive = [dep.transitive_descriptor_sets for dep in deps])
args = ctx.actions.args()
if ctx.fragments.proto.experimental_proto_descriptorsets_include_source_info():
if hasattr(ctx.attr, "_retain_options") and ctx.attr._retain_options:
strict_deps_mode = ctx.fragments.proto.strict_proto_deps()
strict_deps = strict_deps_mode != "OFF" and strict_deps_mode != "DEFAULT"
if strict_deps:
if proto_info.direct_sources:
strict_importable_sources = depset(
direct = proto_info._direct_proto_sources,
transitive = [dep._exported_sources for dep in deps],
strict_importable_sources = None
if strict_importable_sources:
args.add_joined("--direct_dependencies", strict_importable_sources, map_each = get_import_path, join_with = ":")
# Example: `--direct_dependencies a.proto:b.proto`
# The proto compiler requires an empty list to turn on strict deps checking
# Set `-direct_dependencies_violation_msg=`
args.add(ctx.label, format = semantics.STRICT_DEPS_FLAG_TEMPLATE)
strict_public_imports_mode = ctx.fragments.proto.strict_public_imports()
strict_imports = strict_public_imports_mode != "OFF" and strict_public_imports_mode != "DEFAULT"
if strict_imports:
public_import_protos = depset(transitive = [export._exported_sources for export in exports])
if not public_import_protos:
# This line is necessary to trigger the check.
args.add_joined("--allowed_public_imports", public_import_protos, map_each = get_import_path, join_with = ":")
proto_lang_toolchain_info = proto_common.ProtoLangToolchainInfo(
out_replacement_format_flag = "--descriptor_set_out=%s",
mnemonic = "GenProtoDescriptorSet",
progress_message = "Generating Descriptor Set proto_library %{label}",
proto_compiler = ctx.executable._proto_compiler,
protoc_opts = ctx.fragments.proto.experimental_protoc_opts,
plugin = None,
generated_files = [descriptor_set],
plugin_output = descriptor_set,
additional_inputs = dependencies_descriptor_sets,
additional_args = args,
proto_library = rule(
attrs = dict({
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = [".proto", ".protodevel"],
"deps": attr.label_list(
providers = [ProtoInfo],
"exports": attr.label_list(
providers = [ProtoInfo],
"strip_import_prefix": attr.string(default = "/"),
"data": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
"licenses": attr.license() if hasattr(attr, "license") else attr.string_list(),
"_proto_compiler": attr.label(
cfg = "exec",
executable = True,
allow_files = True,
default = configuration_field("proto", "proto_compiler"),
}, **semantics.EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES),
fragments = ["proto"] + semantics.EXTRA_FRAGMENTS,
provides = [ProtoInfo],
output_to_genfiles = True, # TODO(b/204266604) move to bin dir
exec_groups = semantics.EXEC_GROUPS,