blob: f5b0bbb8456e2467207a33e318264f344df8d6d5 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
/** Interface for testing the parameters of static and default methods. */
public interface InterfaceMethodWithParam {
/** For testing the annotations on the parameters of interface static and default methods */
@Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
@interface Foo {
String value() default "default-attr";
/** For testing the annotations on the parameters of interface static and default methods */
@interface TyFoo {}
static long simpleComputeStatic(int x) {
return (long) x;
default long simpleComputeDefault(int x) {
return (long) x;
* @param v4897b02fddeda3bb31bc15b3cad0f6febc61508 a cryptic parameter name for checking whether
* the name is available at run-time. The name is from $ echo "desugar-static" | sha1sum
* @return The reflection representation of the method itself.
static Method inspectCompanionMethodOfStaticMethod(
@Foo @TyFoo String v4897b02fddeda3bb31bc15b3cad0f6febc61508) throws Exception {
return TestHelper.getEnclosingRuntimeMethod(
new Throwable(v4897b02fddeda3bb31bc15b3cad0f6febc61508));
* @param v12525d61e4b10b3e27bc280dd61e56728e3e8c27 A cryptic parameter name for checking whether
* the name is available at run-time. The name is from $ echo "desugar-default" | sha1sum
* @return The reflection representation of the method itself.
default Method inspectCompanionMethodOfDefaultMethod(
@Foo @TyFoo String v12525d61e4b10b3e27bc280dd61e56728e3e8c27) throws Exception {
return TestHelper.getEnclosingRuntimeMethod(
new Throwable(v12525d61e4b10b3e27bc280dd61e56728e3e8c27));
/** A concrete class that implements an interface with static methods and default methods. */
final class Concrete implements InterfaceMethodWithParam {}
/** Test cases for the invocations of interface static methods and default methods. */
final class MethodInvocations {
public static long simpleComputeStatic(int x) {
return InterfaceMethodWithParam.simpleComputeStatic(x);
public static long simpleComputeDefault(int x) {
Concrete concrete = new Concrete();
return concrete.simpleComputeDefault(x);
public static Method inspectDesugaredDefaultMethod() throws Exception {
return InterfaceMethodWithParam.class.getDeclaredMethod(
"inspectCompanionMethodOfDefaultMethod", String.class);
public static Method inspectCompanionOfStaticMethod() throws Exception {
return InterfaceMethodWithParam.inspectCompanionMethodOfStaticMethod("random-input");
public static Method inspectCompanionMethodOfDefaultMethod() throws Exception {
Concrete concrete = new Concrete();
return concrete.inspectCompanionMethodOfDefaultMethod("random-input");
/** A helper class that interface methods with parameters. */
final class TestHelper {
/** Returns the runtime-invoked method that encloses {@code enclosedThrowable}. */
static Method getEnclosingRuntimeMethod(Throwable enclosedThrowable)
throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = enclosedThrowable.getStackTrace()[0];
String methodName = stackTraceElement.getMethodName();
String className = stackTraceElement.getClassName();
for (Method method : Class.forName(className).getDeclaredMethods()) {
if (methodName.equals(method.getName())) {
return method;
throw new NoSuchMethodException();