| --- |
| layout: documentation |
| title: Query Language |
| --- |
| <h1>The Bazel Query Reference</h1> |
| |
| |
| <ul clas="toc"> |
| <li><a href="examples">Examples</a></li> |
| <li><a href="tokens">Tokens: The Lexical Syntax</a></li> |
| <li><a href="concepts">Bazel Query Language Concepts</a></li> |
| <li><a href="expressions">Expressions: Syntax and Semantics of the Grammar</a></li> |
| <li><a href="functions">Functions</a></li> |
| <li><a href="output-formats">Output Formats</a></li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| When you use <code>bazel query</code> to analyze build |
| dependencies, you use a little language, the <em>Bazel Query |
| Language</em>. This document is the reference manual for that |
| language. This document also describes the output |
| formats <code>bazel query</code> supports. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id='examples'>Examples</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| How do people use <code>bazel query</code>? Here are typical examples: |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Why does the <code>//foo</code> tree depend on <code>//bar/baz</code>? |
| Show a path:</p> |
| <pre>somepath(foo/..., //bar/baz:all)</pre> |
| |
| |
| <p> |
| What C++ libraries do all the <code>foo</code> tests depend on that |
| the <code>foo_bin</code> target does not?</p> |
| <pre>kind("cc_library", deps(kind(".*test rule", foo/...)) except deps(//foo:foo_bin))</pre> |
| |
| |
| <h2 id='tokens'>Tokens: The Lexical Syntax</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| Expressions in the query language are composed of the following |
| tokens:</p> |
| <ul> |
| <li> |
| <p> |
| <b>Keywords</b>, such as <code>let</code>. Keywords are the reserved words of the |
| language, and each of them is described below. The complete set |
| of keywords is: |
| </p> |
| |
| <code><!-- keep this alphabetically sorted --> |
| <a href="#set-operations">except</a><br/> |
| <a href="#variables">in</a><br/> |
| <a href="#set-operations">intersect</a><br/> |
| <a href="#variables">let</a><br/> |
| <a href="#set">set</a><br/> |
| <a href="#set-operations">union</a><br/> |
| </code> |
| </li> |
| |
| <li> |
| <p> |
| <b>Words</b>, such as <code>foo/...</code> or |
| <code>".*test rule"</code> or |
| <code>//bar/baz:all</code>. |
| If a character sequence is "quoted" (begins and ends with a |
| single-quote <code>'</code>, or begins and ends with a |
| double-quote <code>"</code>), it is a word. |
| If a character sequence is not quoted, it may still be parsed as a word. |
| Unquoted words are sequences of characters drawn from |
| the set of alphabet characters, numerals, slash <code>/</code>, |
| hyphen <code>-</code>, underscore <code>_</code>, star <code>*</code>, and |
| period <code>.</code>. Unquoted words may not start with a |
| hyphen or period. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>We chose this syntax so that quote marks aren't needed in most cases. |
| The (unusual) <code>".*test rule"</code> example needs quotes: it |
| starts with a period and contains a space. |
| Quoting <code>"cc_library"</code> is unnecessary but harmless. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Quoting <em>is</em> necessary when writing scripts that |
| construct Bazel query expressions from user-supplied values. |
| |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| //foo:bar+wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar + wiz. |
| //foo:bar=wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar = wiz. |
| "//foo:bar+wiz" # ok. |
| "//foo:bar=wiz" # ok. |
| </pre> |
| <p> |
| Note that this quoting is in addition to any quoting that may |
| be required by your shell. e.g. |
| </p> |
| <pre>bazel query ' "//foo:bar=wiz" ' # single-quotes for shell, double-quotes for Bazel.</pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| Keywords, when quoted, are treated as ordinary words, thus |
| <code>some</code> is a keyword but <code>"some"</code> is a word. |
| Both <code>foo</code> and <code>"foo"</code> are words. |
| </p> |
| |
| <li><b>Punctuation</b>, such as parens <code>()</code>, period |
| <code>.</code> and comma <code>,</code>, etc. Words containing |
| punctuation (other than the exceptions listed above) must be quoted. |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p> |
| Whitespace characters outside of a quoted word are ignored. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id='concepts'>Bazel Query Language Concepts</h2> |
| <p> |
| The Bazel query language is a language of expressions. Every |
| expression evaluates to a <b>partially-ordered set</b> of targets, |
| or equivalently, a <b>graph</b> (DAG) of targets. This is the only |
| datatype. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| In some expressions, the partial order of the graph is |
| not interesting; In this case, we call the values |
| "sets". In cases where the partial order of elements |
| is significant, we call values "graphs". Note |
| that both terms refer to the same datatype, but merely emphasize |
| different aspects of it. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3>Cycles in the dependency graph</h3> |
| <p> |
| Build dependency graphs should be acyclic. |
| |
| The algorithms used by the query language are intended for use in |
| acyclic graphs, but are robust against cycles. The details of how |
| cycles are treated are not specified and should not be relied upon. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id='implicit_deps'>Implicit dependencies</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| In addition to build dependencies that are defined explicitly in BUILD files, |
| Bazel adds additional <em>implicit</em> dependencies to rules. For example |
| every Java rule implicitly depends on the JavaBuilder. Implicit dependencies |
| are established using attributes that start with <code>$</code> and they |
| cannot be overridden in BUILD files. |
| |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Per default <code>bazel query</code> takes implicit dependencies into account |
| when computing the query result. This behavior can be changed with |
| the <code>--[no]implicit_deps</code> option. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id='soundness'>Soundness</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| Bazel query language expressions operate over the build |
| dependency graph, which is the graph implicitly defined by all |
| rule declarations in all BUILD files. It is important to understand |
| that this graph is somewhat abstract, and does not constitute a |
| complete description of how to perform all the steps of a build. In |
| order to perform a build, a <em>configuration</em> is required too; |
| see the <a href='user-manual.html#configurations'>configurations</a> |
| section of the User's Guide for more detail. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The result of evaluating an expression in the Bazel query language |
| is true <em>for all configurations</em>, which means that it may be |
| a conservative over-approximation, and not exactly precise. If you |
| use the query tool to compute the set of all source files needed |
| during a build, it may report more than are actually necessary |
| because, for example, the query tool will include all the files |
| needed to support message translation, even though you don't intend |
| to use that feature in your build. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id='graph-order'>On the preservation of graph order</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| Operations preserve any ordering |
| constraints inherited from their subexpressions. You can think of |
| this as "the law of conservation of partial order". Consider an |
| example: if you issue a query to determine the transitive closure of |
| dependencies of a particular target, the resulting set is ordered |
| according to the dependency graph. If you filter that set to |
| include only the targets of <code>file</code> kind, the same |
| <em>transitive</em> partial ordering relation holds between every |
| pair of targets in the resulting subset—even though none of |
| these pairs is actually directly connected in the original graph. |
| (There are no file–file edges in the build dependency graph). |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| However, while all operators <em>preserve</em> order, some |
| operations, such as the <a href='#set-operations'>set operations</a> |
| don't <em>introduce</em> any ordering constraints of their own. |
| Consider this expression: |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre>deps(x) union y</pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| The order of the final result set is guaranteed to preserve all the |
| ordering constraints of its subexpressions, namely, that all the |
| transitive dependencies of <code>x</code> are correctly ordered with |
| respect to each other. However, the query guarantees nothing about |
| the ordering of the targets in <code>y</code>, nor about the |
| ordering of the targets in <code>deps(x)</code> relative to those in |
| <code>y</code> (except for those targets in |
| <code>y</code> that also happen to be in <code>deps(x)</code>). |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Operators that introduce ordering constraints include: |
| <code>allpaths</code>, |
| <code>deps</code>, |
| <code>rdeps</code>, |
| <code>somepath</code>, |
| and the target pattern wildcards |
| <code>package:*</code>, |
| <code>dir/...</code>, etc. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id='sky-query'>Sky Query</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| Query has two different implementations, with slightly different features. The alternative one is |
| called "Sky Query", and is activated by passing the following two flags: |
| <code>--universe_scope</code> and <code>--order_output=no</code>. |
| <code>--universe_scope=<target_pattern1>,...,<target_patternN></code> tells query to |
| preload the transitive closure of the target pattern specified by the target patterns, which can |
| be both additive and subtractive. All queries are then evaluated in this "scope". In particular, |
| the <a href='#allrdeps'><code>allrdeps</code></a> and |
| <a href='#rbuildfiles'><code>rbuildfiles</code></a> operators only return results from this scope. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Sky Query has some advantages and disadvantages compared to the default query. The main |
| disadvantage is that it cannot order its output according to graph order, and thus certain |
| <a href='#output-formats'>output formats</a> are forbidden. Its advantages are that it provides |
| two operators (<a href='#allrdeps'><code>allrdeps</code></a> and |
| <a href='#rbuildfiles'><code>rbuildfiles</code></a>) that are not available in the default query. |
| As well, Sky Query does its work by introspecting the |
| <a href='https://bazel.build/designs/skyframe.html'>Skyframe</a> graph, rather than creating a new |
| graph, which is what the default implementation does. Thus, there are some circumstances in which |
| it is faster and uses less memory. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id='expressions'>Expressions: Syntax and Semantics of the Grammar</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| This is the grammar of the Bazel query language, expressed in EBNF |
| notation: |
| </p> |
| |
| |
| <pre>expr ::= <var>word</var> |
| | let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var> in <var>expr</var> |
| | (<var>expr</var>) |
| | <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var> |
| | set(<var>word</var> *) |
| | <var>word</var> '(' <var>int</var> | <var>word</var> | <var>expr</var> ... ')' |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| We will examine each of the productions of this grammar in order. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="target-patterns">Target patterns</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= <var>word</var></pre> |
| <p> |
| Syntactically, a <em>target pattern</em> is just a word. It |
| is interpreted as an (unordered) set of targets. The simplest |
| target pattern is a label, |
| which identifies a single target (file or rule). For example, the |
| target pattern <code>//foo:bar</code> evaluates to a set |
| containing one element, the target, the <code>bar</code> |
| rule. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Target patterns generalize labels to include wildcards over packages |
| and targets. For example, <code>foo/...:all</code> (or |
| just <code>foo/...</code>) is a target pattern that evaluates to a |
| set containing all <em>rules</em> in every package recursively |
| beneath the <code>foo</code> directory; |
| <code>bar/baz:all</code> is a target pattern that |
| evaluates to a set containing all the rules in the |
| <code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Similarly, <code>foo/...:*</code> is a target pattern that evaluates |
| to a set containing all <em>targets</em> (rules <em>and</em> files) in |
| every package recursively beneath the <code>foo</code> directory; |
| <code>bar/baz:*</code> evaluates to a set containing |
| all the targets in the |
| <code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Because the <code>:*</code> wildcard matches files as well as rules, |
| it is often more useful than <code>:all</code> for queries. |
| Conversely, the <code>:all</code> wildcard (implicit in target |
| patterns like <code>foo/...</code>) is typically more useful for |
| builds. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| <code>bazel query</code> target patterns work the same as |
| <code>bazel build</code> build targets do; |
| refer to <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#target-patterns'>Target Patterns</a> |
| in the Bazel User Manual for further details, or type <code>bazel |
| help target-syntax</code>. |
| |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Target patterns may evaluate to a singleton set (in the case of a |
| label), to a set containing many elements (as in the case of |
| <code>foo/...</code>, which has thousands of elements) or to the |
| empty set, if the target pattern matches no targets. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| All nodes in the result of a target pattern expression are correctly |
| ordered relative to each other according to the dependency relation. |
| So, the result of <code>foo:*</code> is not just the set of targets |
| in package <code>foo</code>, it is also the <em>graph</em> over |
| those targets. (No guarantees are made about the relative ordering |
| of the result nodes against other nodes.) See the section |
| on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="variables">Variables</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var><sub>1</sub> in <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub> |
| | <var>$name</var></pre> |
| <p> |
| The Bazel query language allows definitions of and references to |
| variables. The |
| result of evaluation of a <code>let</code> expression is the same as |
| that of <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub>, with all free occurrences of |
| variable <var>name</var> replaced by the value of |
| <var>expr</var><sub>1</sub>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| For example, <code>let v = foo/... in allpaths($v, //common) |
| intersect $v</code> is equivalent to the <code>allpaths(foo/..., |
| //common) intersect foo/...</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| An occurrence of a variable reference <code>name</code> other than in |
| an enclosing <code>let <var>name</var> = ...</code> expression is an |
| error. In other words, toplevel query expressions cannot have free |
| variables. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| In the above grammar productions, <code>name</code> is like |
| <em>word</em>, but with the additional constraint that it be a legal |
| identifier in the C programming language. References to the variable |
| must be prepended with the "$" character. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Each <code>let</code> expression defines only a single variable, |
| but you can nest them. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| (Both <a |
| href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a> and variable references |
| consist of just a single token, a word, creating a syntactic |
| ambiguity. However, there is no semantic ambiguity, because the |
| subset of words that are legal variable names is disjoint from the |
| subset of words that are legal target patterns.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| (Technically speaking, <code>let</code> expressions do not increase |
| the expressiveness of the query language: any query expressible in |
| the language can also be expressed without them. However, they |
| improve the conciseness of many queries, and may also lead to more |
| efficient query evaluation.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="parentheses">Parenthesized expressions</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= (<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| Parentheses associate subexpressions to force an |
| order of evaluation. |
| A parenthesized expression evaluates |
| to the value of its argument. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="set-operations">Algebraic set operations: |
| intersection, union, set difference</h3> |
| |
| <pre>expr ::= <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var> |
| | <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| These three operators compute the usual set operations over their |
| arguments. Each operator has two forms, a nominal form such |
| as <code>intersect</code> and a symbolic form such |
| as <code>^</code>. Both forms are equivalent; |
| the symbolic forms are quicker to type. (For clarity, the rest of |
| this manual uses the nominal forms.) For example, |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre>foo/... except foo/bar/...</pre> |
| |
| evaluates to the set of targets that match |
| <code>foo/...</code> but not |
| <code>foo/bar/...</code> . Equivalently: |
| |
| <pre>foo/... - foo/bar/...</pre> |
| |
| The <code>intersect</code> (<code>^</code>) |
| and <code>union</code> (<code>+</code>) operations are commutative |
| (symmetric); <code>except</code> (<code>-</code>) is |
| asymmetric. The parser treats all three operators as |
| left-associative and of equal precedence, so you might want parentheses. |
| For example, the first two of these expressions are |
| equivalent, but the third is not: |
| |
| <pre>x intersect y union z |
| (x intersect y) union z |
| x intersect (y union z)</pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| (We strongly recommend that you use parentheses where there is |
| any danger of ambiguity in reading a query expression.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="set">Read targets from an external source: set</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= set(<var>word</var> *) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>set(<var>a</var> <var>b</var> <var>c</var> ...)</code> |
| operator computes the union of a set of zero or |
| more <a href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a>, separated by |
| whitespace (no commas). |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| In conjunction with the Bourne shell's <code>$(...)</code> |
| feature, <code>set()</code> provides a means of saving the results |
| of one query in a regular text file, manipulating that text file |
| using other programs (e.g. standard UNIX shell tools), and then |
| introducing the result back into the query tool as a value for |
| further processing. For example: |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| bazel query deps(//my:target) --output=label | grep ... | sed ... | awk ... > foo |
| bazel query "kind(cc_binary, set($(<foo)))" |
| </pre> |
| <p> |
| In the next example, <code>kind(cc_library, |
| deps(//some_dir/foo:main, 5))</code> is effectively computed |
| by filtering on the <code>maxrank</code> values using |
| an <code>awk</code> program. |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| bazel query 'deps(//some_dir/foo:main)' --output maxrank | |
| awk '($1 < 5) { print $2;} ' > foo |
| bazel query "kind(cc_library, set($(<foo)))" |
| </pre> |
| <p> |
| In these examples, <code>$(<foo)</code> is a shorthand |
| for <code>$(cat foo)</code>, but shell commands other |
| than <code>cat</code> may be used too—such as |
| the previous <code>awk</code> command. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Note, <code>set()</code> introduces no graph ordering constraints, |
| so path information may be lost when saving and reloading sets of |
| nodes using it. See the <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> |
| section below for more detail. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id="functions">Functions</h2> |
| <pre>expr ::= <var>word</var> '(' <var>int</var> | <var>word</var> | <var>expr</var> ... ')'</pre> |
| <p> |
| The query language defines several functions. The name of the function |
| determines the number and type of arguments it requires. The following |
| functions are available: |
| </p> |
| |
| <code><!-- keep this alphabetically sorted --> |
| <a href="#path-operators">allpaths</a><br/> |
| <a href="#attr">attr</a><br/> |
| |
| <a href="#buildfiles">buildfiles</a><br/> |
| <a href="#rbuildfiles">rbuildfiles</a><br/> |
| |
| <a href="#deps">deps</a><br/> |
| <a href="#filter">filter</a><br/> |
| <a href="#kind">kind</a><br/> |
| <a href="#labels">labels</a><br/> |
| <a href="#loadfiles">loadfiles</a><br/> |
| <a href="#rdeps">rdeps</a><br/> |
| <a href="#allrdeps">allrdeps</a><br/> |
| <a href="#siblings">siblings</a><br/> |
| <a href="#some">some</a><br/> |
| <a href="#path-operators">somepath</a><br/> |
| <a href="#tests">tests</a><br/> |
| <a href="#visible">visible</a><br/> |
| </code> |
| |
| <h3 id="deps">Transitive closure of dependencies: deps</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= deps(<var>expr</var>) |
| | deps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>deps(<var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates to the graph |
| formed by the transitive closure of dependencies of its argument set |
| <var>x</var>. For example, the value of <code>deps(//foo)</code> is |
| the dependency graph rooted at the single node <code>foo</code>, |
| including all its dependencies. The value of |
| <code>deps(foo/...)</code> is the dependency graphs whose roots are |
| all rules in every package beneath the <code>foo</code> directory. |
| Please note that 'dependencies' means only rule and file targets |
| in this context, therefore the BUILD, |
| |
| and Skylark files needed to |
| create these targets are not included here. For that you should use the |
| <a href="#buildfiles"><code>buildfiles</code></a> operator. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation. |
| See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more |
| details. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The <code>deps</code> operator accepts an optional second argument, |
| which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth |
| of the search. So <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code> evaluates to all the |
| direct prerequisites of any target in the <code>foo</code> package, |
| and <code>deps(foo:*, 2)</code> further includes the nodes directly |
| reachable from the nodes in <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code>, and so on. |
| (These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in |
| the <a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output |
| format.) If the <var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search |
| is unbounded, i.e. it computes the reflexive transitive closure of |
| prerequsites. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="rdeps">Transitive closure of reverse dependencies: rdeps</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>) |
| | rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>rdeps(<var>u</var>, <var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates |
| to the reverse dependencies of the argument set <var>x</var> within the |
| transitive closure of the universe set <var>u</var>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation. See the |
| section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The <code>rdeps</code> operator accepts an optional third argument, |
| which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth of the |
| search. The resulting graph will only include nodes within a distance of the |
| specified depth from any node in the argument set. So |
| <code>rdeps(//foo, //common, 1)</code> evaluates to all nodes in the |
| transitive closure of <code>//foo</code> that directly depend on |
| <code>//common</code>. (These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in the |
| <a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output format.) If the |
| <var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search is unbounded. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="allrdeps">Transitive closure of all reverse dependencies: allrdeps</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= allrdeps(<var>expr</var>) |
| | allrdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre> |
| <b>Only available with <a href='#sky-query'>Sky Query</a></b><br/> |
| <p> |
| The <code>allrdeps</code> operator behaves just like the <a href='#rdeps'><code>rdeps</code></a> |
| operator, except that the "universe set" is whatever the <code>--universe_scope</code> flag |
| evaluated to, instead of being separately specified. Thus, if |
| <code>--universe_scope=//foo/...</code> was passed, then <code>allrdeps(//bar)</code> is |
| equivalent to <code>rdeps(//bar, //foo/...)</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="siblings">Dealing with a target's package: siblings</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= siblings(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>siblings(<var>x</var>)</code> operator evalutes to the full set of targets that are in |
| the same package as a target in the argument set. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="some">Arbitrary choice: some</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= some(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>some(<var>x</var>)</code> operator selects one target |
| arbitrarily from its argument set <var>x</var>, and evaluates to a |
| singleton set containing only that target. For example, the |
| expression <code>some(//foo:main union //bar:baz)</code> |
| evaluates to a set containing either <code>//foo:main</code> or |
| <code>//bar:baz</code>—though which one is not defined. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| If the argument is a singleton, then <code>some</code> |
| computes the identity function: <code>some(//foo:main)</code> is |
| equivalent to <code>//foo:main</code>. |
| |
| It is an error if the specified argument set is empty, as in the |
| expression <code>some(//foo:main intersect //bar:baz)</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="path-operators">Path operators: somepath, allpaths</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= somepath(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>) |
| | allpaths(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>somepath(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> and |
| <code>allpaths(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> operators compute |
| paths between two sets of targets. Both queries accept two |
| arguments, a set <var>S</var> of starting points and a set |
| <var>E</var> of ending points. <code>somepath</code> returns the |
| graph of nodes on <em>some</em> arbitrary path from a target in |
| <var>S</var> to a target in <var>E</var>; <code>allpaths</code> |
| returns the graph of nodes on <em>all</em> paths from any target in |
| <var>S</var> to any target in <var>E</var>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The resulting graphs are ordered according to the dependency relation. |
| See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more |
| details. |
| </p> |
| |
| <table style='margin: auto'><tr> |
| <td style='text-align: center'> |
| <div class='graphviz dot'><!-- |
| digraph somepath1 { |
| graph [size="4,4"] |
| node [label="",shape=circle]; |
| n1; |
| n2 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n3 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"]; |
| n5; n6; |
| n7 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="S1"]; |
| n8 [label="S2"]; |
| n9; |
| n10 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| |
| n1 -> n2; |
| n2 -> n3; |
| n7 -> n5; |
| n7 -> n2; |
| n5 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n4; |
| n8 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n9; |
| n2 -> n10; |
| n3 -> n10; |
| n10 -> n4; |
| n10 -> n11; |
| } |
| --></div> |
| <p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>one possible result.</p> |
| </td> |
| <td style='padding: 40px; text-align: center'> |
| <div class='graphviz dot'><!-- |
| digraph somepath2 { |
| graph [size="4,4"] |
| node [label="",shape=circle]; |
| |
| n1; n2; n3; |
| n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"]; |
| n5; |
| n6 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n7 [label="S1"]; |
| n8 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="S2"]; |
| n9; n10; |
| |
| n1 -> n2; |
| n2 -> n3; |
| n7 -> n5; |
| n7 -> n2; |
| n5 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n4; |
| n8 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n9; |
| n2 -> n10; |
| n3 -> n10; |
| n10 -> n4; |
| n10 -> n11; |
| } |
| --></div> |
| <p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>another possible result.</p> |
| </td> |
| <td style='text-align: center'> |
| <div class='graphviz dot'><!-- |
| digraph allpaths { |
| graph [size="4,4"] |
| node [label="",shape=circle]; |
| n1; |
| n2 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n3 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n4 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled,label="E"]; |
| n5 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n6 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| n7 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled, label="S1"]; |
| n8 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled, label="S2"]; |
| n9; |
| n10 [fillcolor="pink",style=filled]; |
| |
| n1 -> n2; |
| n2 -> n3; |
| n7 -> n5; |
| n7 -> n2; |
| n5 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n4; |
| n8 -> n6; |
| n6 -> n9; |
| n2 -> n10; |
| n3 -> n10; |
| n10 -> n4; |
| n10 -> n11; |
| } |
| --></div> |
| <p><code>allpaths(S1 + S2, E)</code>.</p> |
| </td> |
| </tr></table> |
| |
| <h3 id="kind">Target kind filtering: kind</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= kind(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>kind(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator |
| applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards those targets |
| that are not of the expected kind. The <var>pattern</var> parameter specifies |
| what kind of target to match. |
| </p> |
| <ul> |
| <li><b>file</b> patterns can be one of: |
| <ul> |
| <li><code>source file</code> |
| <li><code>generated file</code> |
| </ul> |
| <li><b>rule</b> patterns can be one of: |
| <ul> |
| <li><code><var>ruletype</var> rule</code> |
| <li><code><var>ruletype</var></code><br> |
| Where <var>ruletype</var> is a build rule. The difference between these |
| forms is that including "rule" causes the regular expression match for |
| <var>ruletype</var> to be anchored. |
| </ul> |
| <li><b>package group</b> patterns should simply be: |
| <ul> |
| <li><code>package group</code> |
| </ul> |
| </ul> |
| <p> |
| For example, the kinds for the four targets defined by the BUILD file |
| (for package <code>p</code>) shown below are illustrated in the |
| table: |
| </p> |
| |
| <table style='margin: auto'><tr><td style='padding-right:10px'> |
| <pre style='margin-left: 0em;'> |
| genrule( |
| name = "a", |
| srcs = ["a.in"], |
| outs = ["a.out"], |
| cmd = "...", |
| ) |
| </pre> |
| </td><td> |
| <table class="grid"> |
| <tr><th>Target</th><th>Kind</th></tr> |
| <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a</td><td>genrule rule</td></tr> |
| <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a.in</td><td>source file</td></tr> |
| <tr class='tt'><td>//p:a.out</td><td>generated file</td></tr> |
| <tr class='tt'><td>//p:BUILD</td><td>source file</td></tr> |
| </table> |
| </td></tr></table> |
| |
| <p> |
| Thus, <code>kind("cc_.* rule", foo/...)</code> evaluates to the set |
| of all <code>cc_library</code>, <code>cc_binary</code>, etc, |
| rule targets beneath |
| <code>foo</code>, and <code>kind("source file", deps(//foo))</code> |
| evaluates to the set of all source files in the transitive closure |
| of dependencies of the <code>//foo</code> target. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Quotation of the <var>pattern</var> argument is often required |
| because without it, many regular expressions, such as <code>source |
| file</code> and <code>.*_test</code>, are not considered words by |
| the parser. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| When matching for <code>package group</code>, targets ending in |
| <code>:all</code> may not yield any results. |
| Use <code>:all-targets</code> instead. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="filter">Target name filtering: filter</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= filter(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator |
| applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets whose |
| labels (in absolute form) do not match the pattern; it |
| evaluates to a subset of its input. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The first argument, <var>pattern</var> is a word containing a |
| regular expression over target names. A <code>filter</code> expression |
| evaluates to the set containing all targets <var>x</var> such that |
| <var>x</var> is a member of the set <var>input</var> and the |
| label (in absolute form, e.g. <code>//foo:bar</code>) |
| of <var>x</var> contains an (unanchored) match |
| for the regular expression <var>pattern</var>. Since all |
| target names start with <code>//</code>, it may be used as an alternative |
| to the <code>^</code> regular expression anchor. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| This operator often provides a much faster and more robust alternative to the |
| <code>intersect</code> operator. For example, in order to see all |
| <code>bar</code> dependencies of the <code>//foo:foo</code> target, one could |
| evaluate |
| </p> |
| <pre>deps(//foo) intersect //bar/...</pre> |
| <p> |
| This statement, however, will require parsing of all BUILD files in the |
| <code>bar</code> tree, which will be slow and prone to errors in |
| irrelevant BUILD files. An alternative would be: |
| </p> |
| <pre>filter(//bar, deps(//foo))</pre> |
| <p> |
| which would first calculate the set of <code>//foo</code> dependencies and |
| then would filter only targets matching the provided pattern—in other |
| words, targets with names containing <code>//bar</code> as a |
| substring. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Another common use of the <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>, |
| <var>expr</var>)</code> operator is to filter specific files by their |
| name or extension. For example, |
| </p> |
| <pre>filter("\.cc$", deps(//foo))</pre> |
| <p> |
| will provide a list of all <code>.cc</code> files used to build |
| <code>//foo</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="attr">Rule attribute filtering: attr</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= attr(<var>word</var>, <var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>attr(<var>name</var>, <var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> |
| operator applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets that |
| are not rules, rule targets that do not have attribute <var>name</var> |
| defined or rule targets where the attribute value does not match the provided |
| regular expression <var>pattern</var>; it evaluates to a subset of its input. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The first argument, <var>name</var> is the name of the rule attribute that |
| should be matched against the provided regular expression pattern. The second |
| argument, <var>pattern</var> is a regular expression over the attribute |
| values. An <code>attr</code> expression evaluates to the set containing all |
| targets <var>x</var> such that <var>x</var> is a member of the set |
| <var>input</var>, is a rule with the defined attribute <var>name</var> and |
| the attribute value contains an (unanchored) match for the regular expression |
| <var>pattern</var>. Please note, that if <var>name</var> is an optional |
| attribute and rule does not specify it explicitly then default attribute |
| value will be used for comparison. For example, |
| </p> |
| <pre>attr(linkshared, 0, deps(//foo))</pre> |
| <p> |
| will select all <code>//foo</code> dependencies that are allowed to have a |
| linkshared attribute (e.g., <code>cc_binary</code> rule) and have it either |
| explicitly set to 0 or do not set it at all but default value is 0 (e.g. for |
| <code>cc_binary</code> rules). |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| List-type attributes (such as <code>srcs</code>, <code>data</code>, etc) are |
| converted to strings of the form <code>[value<sub>1</sub>, ..., value<sub>n</sub>]</code>, |
| starting with a <code>[</code> bracket, ending with a <code>]</code> bracket |
| and using "<code>, </code>" (comma, space) to delimit multiple values. |
| Labels are converted to strings by using the absolute form of the |
| label. For example, an attribute <code>deps=[":foo", |
| "//otherpkg:bar", "wiz"]</code> would be converted to the |
| string <code>[//thispkg:foo, //otherpkg:bar, //thispkg:wiz]</code>. |
| Brackets |
| are always present, so the empty list would use string value <code>[]</code> |
| for matching purposes. For example, |
| </p> |
| <pre>attr("srcs", "\[\]", deps(//foo))</pre> |
| <p> |
| will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that have an |
| empty <code>srcs</code> attribute, while |
| </p> |
| <pre>attr("data", ".{3,}", deps(//foo))</pre> |
| <p> |
| will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that specify at |
| least one value in the <code>data</code> attribute (every label is at least |
| 3 characters long due to the <code>//</code> and <code>:</code>). |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="visible">Rule visibility filtering: visible</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= visible(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>visible(<var>predicate</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator |
| applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets without the |
| required visibility. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The first argument, <var>predicate</var>, is a set of targets that all targets |
| in the output must be visible to. A <var>visible</var> expression |
| evaluates to the set containing all targets <var>x</var> such that <var>x</var> |
| is a member of the set <var>input</var>, and for all targets <var>y</var> in |
| <var>predicate</var> <var>x</var> is visible to <var>y</var>. For example: |
| </p> |
| <pre>visible(//foo, //bar:*)</pre> |
| <p> |
| will select all targets in the package <code>//bar</code> that <code>//foo</code> |
| can depend on without violating visibility restrictions. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="labels">Evaluation of rule attributes of type label: labels</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= labels(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>labels(<var>attr_name</var>, <var>inputs</var>)</code> |
| operator returns the set of targets specified in the |
| attribute <var>attr_name</var> of type "label" or "list of label" in |
| some rule in set <var>inputs</var>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| For example, <code>labels(srcs, //foo)</code> returns the set of |
| targets appearing in the <code>srcs</code> attribute of |
| the <code>//foo</code> rule. If there are multiple rules |
| with <code>srcs</code> attributes in the <var>inputs</var> set, the |
| union of their <code>srcs</code> is returned. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="tests">Expand and filter test_suites: tests</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= tests(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>tests(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of all test |
| rules in set <var>x</var>, expanding any <code>test_suite</code> rules into |
| the set of individual tests that they refer to, and applying filtering by |
| <code>tag</code> and <code>size</code>. |
| |
| By default, query evaluation |
| ignores any non-test targets in all <code>test_suite</code> rules. This can be |
| changed to errors with the <code>--strict_test_suite</code> option. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| For example, the query <code>kind(test, foo:*)</code> lists all |
| the <code>*_test</code> and <code>test_suite</code> rules |
| in the <code>foo</code> package. All the results are (by |
| definition) members of the <code>foo</code> package. In contrast, |
| the query <code>tests(foo:*)</code> will return all of the |
| individual tests that would be executed by <code>bazel test |
| foo:*</code>: this may include tests belonging to other packages, |
| that are referenced directly or indirectly |
| via <code>test_suite</code> rules. |
| </p> |
| |
| |
| <h3 id="buildfiles">Package definition files: buildfiles</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= buildfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>buildfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set |
| of files that define the packages of each target in |
| set <var>x</var>; in other words, for each package, its BUILD file, |
| plus any files it references via <code>load</code>. Note that this also returns the BUILD files |
| of the packages containing these <code>load</code>ed files. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| This operator is typically used when determining what files or |
| packages are required to build a specified target, often in conjunction with |
| the <a href='#output-package'><code>--output package</code></a> |
| option, below). For example, |
| </p> |
| <pre>bazel query 'buildfiles(deps(//foo))' --output package</pre> |
| <p> |
| returns the set of all packages on which <code>//foo</code> transitively |
| depends. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| (Note: a naive attempt at the above query would omit |
| the <code>buildfiles</code> operator and use only <code>deps</code>, |
| but this yields an incorrect result: while the result contains the |
| majority of needed packages, those packages that contain only files |
| that are <code>load()</code>'ed will be missing. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="rbuildfiles">Package definition files: rbuildfiles</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= rbuildfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <b>Only available with <a href='#sky-query'>Sky Query</a></b><br/> |
| <p> |
| The <code>rbuildfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of "buildfiles" (BUILD and |
| .bzl files) that depend on <var>x</var>, where <var>x</var> is a list of path fragments for |
| buildfiles. For instance, if <code>//foo</code> is a package, then |
| <code>rbuildfiles(foo/BUILD)</code> will return the <code>//foo:BUILD</code> target. If the |
| <code>foo/BUILD</code> file has <code>load('//bar:file.bzl'...</code> in it, then |
| <code>rbuildfiles(bar/file.bzl)</code> will return the <code>//foo:BUILD</code> target and the |
| <code>//bar:file.bzl</code> target, as well as the targets for any other BUILD files and .bzl |
| files that load <code>//bar:file.bzl</code> |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The scope of the <scope>rbuildfiles</scope> operator is the universe specified by the |
| <code>--universe_scope</code> flag. Files that do not correspond directly to BUILD files and .bzl |
| files do not affect the results. For instance, source files (like <code>foo.cc</code>) are ignored, |
| even if they are explicitly mentioned in the BUILD file. Symlinks, however, are respected, so that |
| if <code>foo/BUILD</code> is a symlink to <code>bar/BUILD</code>, then |
| <code>rbuildfiles(bar/BUILD)</code> will include <code>//foo:BUILD</code> in its results. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The <code>rbuildfiles</code> operator is morally the inverse of the |
| <a href='#buildfiles'><code>buildfiles</code></a> operator. However, this moral inversion |
| holds more strongly in one direction: the outputs of <code>rbuildfiles</code> are just like the |
| inputs of <code>buildfiles</code>, since both are targets corresponding to packages and .bzl |
| files. In the other direction, the correspondence is weaker. The outputs of the |
| <code>buildfiles</code> operator are targets corresponding to all packages and .bzl files needed |
| by a given input. However, the inputs of the <code>rbuildfiles</code> operator are not those |
| targets, but rather the path fragments that correspond to those targets. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="loadfiles">Package definition files: loadfiles</h3> |
| <pre>expr ::= loadfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre> |
| <p> |
| The <code>loadfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of |
| Skylark files that are needed to load the packages of each target in |
| set <var>x</var>. In other words, for each package, it returns the |
| .bzl files that are referenced from its BUILD files. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h2 id='output-formats'>Output Formats</h2> |
| |
| <p> |
| <code>bazel query</code> generates a graph. |
| You specify the content, format, and ordering by which |
| <code>bazel query</code> presents this graph |
| by means of the <code>--output</code> |
| command-line option. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| When running with <a href='sky-query'>Sky Query</a>, only output formats that are compatible with |
| unordered output are allowed. Specifically, <code>graph</code>, <code>minrank</code>, and |
| <code>maxrank</code> output formats are forbidden. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Some of the output formats accept additional options. The name of |
| each output option is prefixed with the output format to which it |
| applies, so <code>--graph:factored</code> applies only |
| when <code>--output=graph</code> is being used; it has no effect if |
| an output format other than <code>graph</code> is used. Similarly, |
| <code>--xml:line_numbers</code> applies only when <code>--output=xml</code> |
| is being used. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id='result-order'>On the ordering of results</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| Although query expressions always follow the "<a href='#graph-order'>law of |
| conservation of graph order</a>", <i>presenting</i> the results may be done |
| in either a dependency-ordered or unordered manner. This does <b>not</b> |
| influence the targets in the result set or how the query is computed. It only |
| affects how the results are printed to stdout. Moreover, nodes that are |
| equivalent in the dependency order may or may not be ordered alphabetically. |
| The <code>--order_output</code> flag can be used to control this behavior. |
| (The <code>--[no]order_results</code> flag has a subset of the functionality |
| of the <code>--order_output</code> flag and is deprecated.) |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| The default value of this flag is <code>auto</code>, which is equivalent to |
| <code>full</code> for every output format except for <code>proto</code>, |
| <code>graph</code>, <code>minrank</code>, and <code>maxrank</code>, for which |
| it is equivalent to <code>deps</code>. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| When this flag is <code>no</code> and <code>--output</code> is one of |
| <code>build</code>, <code>label</code>, <code>label_kind</code>, |
| <code>location</code>, <code>package</code>, <code>proto</code>, |
| <code>record</code> or <code>xml</code>, the outputs will be printed in |
| arbitrary order. <b>This is generally the fastest option</b>. It is not |
| supported though when <code>--output</code> is one of <code>graph</code>, |
| <code>min_rank</code> or <code>max_rank</code>: with these formats, bazel will |
| always print results ordered by the dependency order or rank. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| When this flag is <code>deps</code>, bazel will print results ordered by the |
| dependency order. However, nodes that are unordered by the dependency order |
| (because there is no path from either one to the other) may be printed in any |
| order. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| When this flag is <code>full</code>, bazel will print results ordered by the |
| dependency order, with unordered nodes ordered alphabetically or reverse |
| alphabetically, depending on the output format. This may be slower than the |
| other options, and so should only be used when deterministic results are |
| important — it is guaranteed with this option that running the same query |
| multiple times will always produce the same output. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-build">Print the source form of targets as they would appear in BUILD</h3> |
| <pre>--output build</pre> |
| <p> |
| With this option, the representation of each target is as if it were |
| hand-written in the BUILD language. All variables and function calls |
| (e.g. glob, macros) are expanded, which is useful for seeing the effect |
| of Skylark macros. Additionally, each effective rule is annotated with |
| the name of the macro (if any, see <code>generator_name</code> and |
| <code>generator_function</code>) that produced it. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| Although the output uses the same syntax as BUILD files, it is not |
| guaranteed to produce a valid BUILD file. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-label">Print the label of each target</h3> |
| <pre>--output label</pre> |
| <p> |
| With this option, the set of names (or <em>labels</em>) of each target |
| in the resulting graph is printed, one label per line, in |
| topological order (unless <code>--noorder_results</code> is specified, see |
| <a href='#result-order'>notes on the ordering of results</a>). |
| (A topological ordering is one in which a graph |
| node appears earlier than all of its successors.) Of course there |
| are many possible topological orderings of a graph (<em>reverse |
| postorder</em> is just one); which one is chosen is not specified. |
| |
| When printing the output of a <code>somepath</code> query, the order |
| in which the nodes are printed is the order of the path. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Caveat: in some corner cases, there may be two distinct targets with |
| the same label; for example, a <code>sh_binary</code> rule and its |
| sole (implicit) <code>srcs</code> file may both be called |
| <code>foo.sh</code>. If the result of a query contains both of |
| these targets, the output (in <code>label</code> format) will appear |
| to contain a duplicate. When using the <code>label_kind</code> (see |
| below) format, the distinction becomes clear: the two targets have |
| the same name, but one has kind <code>sh_binary rule</code> and the |
| other kind <code>source file</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-label_kind">Print the label and kind of each target</h3> |
| <pre>--output label_kind</pre> |
| <p> |
| Like <code>label</code>, this output format prints the labels of |
| each target in the resulting graph, in topological order, but it |
| additionally precedes the label by |
| the <a href='#kind'><em>kind</em></a> of the target. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-ranked">Print the label of each target, in rank order</h3> |
| <pre>--output minrank |
| --output maxrank</pre> |
| <p> |
| Like <code>label</code>, the <code>minrank</code> |
| and <code>maxrank</code> output formats print the labels of each |
| target in the resulting graph, but instead of appearing in |
| topological order, they appear in rank order, preceded by their |
| rank number. These are unaffected by the result ordering |
| <code>--[no]order_results</code> flag (see <a href='#result-order'>notes on |
| the ordering of results</a>). |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| There are two variants of this format: <code>minrank</code> ranks |
| each node by the length of the shortest path from a root node to it. |
| "Root" nodes (those which have no incoming edges) are of rank 0, |
| their successors are of rank 1, etc. (As always, edges point from a |
| target to its prerequisites: the targets it depends upon.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| <code>maxrank</code> ranks each node by the length of the longest |
| path from a root node to it. Again, "roots" have rank 0, all other |
| nodes have a rank which is one greater than the maximum rank of all |
| their predecessors. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| All nodes in a cycle are considered of equal rank. (Most graphs are |
| acyclic, but cycles do occur |
| simply because BUILD files contain erroneous cycles.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| These output formats are useful for discovering how deep a graph is. |
| If used for the result of a <code>deps(x)</code>, <code>rdeps(x)</code>, |
| or <code>allpaths</code> query, then the rank number is equal to the |
| length of the shortest (with <code>minrank</code>) or longest |
| (with <code>maxrank</code>) path from <code>x</code> to a node in |
| that rank. <code>maxrank</code> can be used to determine the |
| longest sequence of build steps required to build a target. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Please note, the ranked output of a <code>somepath</code> query is |
| basically meaningless because <code>somepath</code> doesn't |
| guarantee to return either a shortest or a longest path, and it may |
| include "transitive" edges from one path node to another that are |
| not direct edges in original graph. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| For example, the graph on the left yields the outputs on the right |
| when <code>--output minrank</code> and <code>--output maxrank</code> |
| are specified, respectively. |
| </p> |
| |
| <table style='margin: auto'><tr><td> |
| <div class='graphviz dot'><!-- |
| digraph mygraph { |
| node [shape=box]; |
| "//a:a" -> "//a:a.cc" |
| "//b:b" -> "//a:a" |
| "//b:b" -> "//b:b.cc" |
| "//c:c" -> "//b:b" |
| "//c:c" -> "//a:a" |
| } |
| --></div> |
| </td><td> |
| <pre> |
| minrank |
| |
| 0 //c:c |
| 1 //b:b |
| 1 //a:a |
| 2 //b:b.cc |
| 2 //a:a.cc |
| </pre> |
| </td><td> |
| <pre> |
| maxrank |
| |
| 0 //c:c |
| 1 //b:b |
| 2 //a:a |
| 2 //b:b.cc |
| 3 //a:a.cc |
| </pre> |
| </td></tr></table> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-location">Print the location of each target</h3> |
| <pre>--output location</pre> |
| <p> |
| Like <code>label_kind</code>, this option prints out, for each |
| target in the result, the target's kind and label, but it is |
| prefixed by a string describing the location of that target, as a |
| filename and line number. The format resembles the output of |
| <code>grep</code>. Thus, tools that can parse the latter (such as Emacs |
| or vi) can also use the query output to step through a series of |
| matches, allowing the Bazel query tool to be used as a |
| dependency-graph-aware "grep for BUILD files". |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| The location information varies by target kind (see the <a |
| href='#kind'>kind</a> operator). For rules, the |
| location of the rule's declaration within the BUILD file is printed. |
| For source files, the location of line 1 of the actual file is |
| printed. For a generated file, the location of the rule that |
| generates it is printed. (The query tool does not have sufficient |
| information to find the actual location of the generated file, and |
| in any case, it might not exist if a build has not yet been |
| performed.) |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-package">Print the set of packages</h3> |
| <pre>--output package</pre> |
| <p> |
| This option prints the name of all packages to which |
| some target in the result set belongs. The names are printed in |
| lexicographical order; duplicates are excluded. Formally, this |
| is a <em>projection</em> from the set of labels (package, target) onto |
| packages. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| Packages in external repositories are formatted as |
| <code>@repo//foo/bar</code> while packages in the main repository are |
| formatted as <code>foo/bar</code>. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| In conjunction with the <code>deps(...)</code> query, this output |
| option can be used to find the set of packages that must be checked |
| out in order to build a given set of targets. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-graph">Display a graph of the result</h3> |
| <pre>--output graph</pre> |
| <p> |
| This option causes the query result to be printed as a directed |
| graph in the popular AT&T GraphViz format. Typically the |
| result is saved to a file, such as <code>.png</code> or <code>.svg</code>. |
| (If the <code>dot</code> program is not installed on your workstation, you |
| can install it using the command <code>sudo apt-get install graphviz</code>.) |
| See the example section below for a sample invocation. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| This output format is particularly useful for <code>allpath</code>, |
| <code>deps</code>, or <code>rdeps</code> queries, where the result |
| includes a <em>set of paths</em> that cannot be easily visualized when |
| rendered in a linear form, such as with <code>--output label</code>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| By default, the graph is rendered in a <em>factored</em> form. That is, |
| topologically-equivalent nodes are merged together into a single |
| node with multiple labels. This makes the graph more compact |
| and readable, because typical result graphs contain highly |
| repetitive patterns. For example, a <code>java_library</code> rule |
| may depend on hundreds of Java source files all generated by the |
| same <code>genrule</code>; in the factored graph, all these files |
| are represented by a single node. This behavior may be disabled |
| with the <code>--nograph:factored</code> option. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4><code>--graph:node_limit <var>n</var></code></h4> |
| <p> |
| The option specifies the maximum length of the label string for a |
| graph node in the output. Longer labels will be truncated; -1 |
| disables truncation. Due to the factored form in which graphs are |
| usually printed, the node labels may be very long. GraphViz cannot |
| handle labels exceeding 1024 characters, which is the default value |
| of this option. This option has no effect unless |
| <code>--output=graph</code> is being used. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4><code>--[no]graph:factored</code></h4> |
| <p> |
| By default, graphs are displayed in factored form, as explained |
| <a href='#output-graph'>above</a>. |
| When <code>--nograph:factored</code> is specified, graphs are |
| printed without factoring. This makes visualization using GraphViz |
| impractical, but the simpler format may ease processing by other |
| tools (e.g. grep). This option has no effect |
| unless <code>--output=graph</code> is being used. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h3 id="output-xml">XML</h3> |
| <pre>--output xml</pre> |
| <p> |
| This option causes the resulting targets to be printed in an XML |
| form. The output starts with an XML header such as this |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <query version="2"> |
| </pre> |
| <!-- The docs should continue to document version 2 into perpetuity, |
| even if we add new formats, to handle clients synced to old CLs. --> |
| <p> |
| and then continues with an XML element for each target |
| in the result graph, in topological order (unless |
| <a href='#result-order'>unordered results</a> are requested), |
| and then finishes with a terminating |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| </query> |
| </pre> |
| <p> |
| Simple entries are emitted for targets of <code>file</code> |
| kind: |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| <source-file name='//foo:foo_main.cc' .../> |
| <generated-file name='//foo:libfoo.so' .../> |
| </pre> |
| <p> |
| But for rules, the XML is structured and contains definitions of all |
| the attributes of the rule, including those whose value was not |
| explicitly specified in the rule's BUILD file. |
| </p> |
| <p> |
| Additionally, the result includes <code>rule-input</code> and |
| <code>rule-output</code> elements so that the topology of the |
| dependency graph can be reconstructed without having to know that, |
| for example, the elements of the <code>srcs</code> attribute are |
| forward dependencies (prerequisites) and the contents of the |
| <code>outs</code> attribute are backward dependencies (consumers). |
| |
| <code>rule-input</code> elements for <a |
| href='#implicit_deps'>implicit dependencies</a> are suppressed if |
| <code>--noimplicit_deps</code> is specified. |
| </p> |
| <pre> |
| <rule class='cc_binary rule' name='//foo:foo' ...> |
| <list name='srcs'> |
| <label value='//foo:foo_main.cc'/> |
| <label value='//foo:bar.cc'/> |
| ... |
| </list> |
| <list name='deps'> |
| <label value='//common:common'/> |
| <label value='//collections:collections'/> |
| ... |
| </list> |
| <list name='data'> |
| ... |
| </list> |
| <int name='linkstatic' value='0'/> |
| <int name='linkshared' value='0'/> |
| <list name='licenses'/> |
| <list name='distribs'> |
| <distribution value="INTERNAL" /> |
| </list> |
| <rule-input name="//common:common" /> |
| <rule-input name="//collections:collections" /> |
| <rule-input name="//foo:foo_main.cc" /> |
| <rule-input name="//foo:bar.cc" /> |
| ... |
| </rule> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p> |
| Every XML element for a target contains a <code>name</code> |
| attribute, whose value is the target's label, and |
| a <code>location</code> attribute, whose value is the target's |
| location as printed by the <a href='output-location'><code>--output |
| location</code></a>. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4><code>--[no]xml:line_numbers</code></h4> |
| <p> |
| By default, the locations displayed in the XML output contain line numbers. |
| When <code>--noxml:line_numbers</code> is specified, line numbers are not |
| printed. |
| </p> |
| |
| <h4><code>--[no]xml:default_values</code></h4> |
| <p> |
| By default, XML output does not include rule attribute whose value |
| is the default value for that kind of attribute (e.g. because it |
| were not specified in the BUILD file, or the default value was |
| provided explicitly). This option causes such attribute values to |
| be included in the XML output. |
| </p> |
| |
| |
| <h3 id="external-repos">Querying with external repositories</h3> |
| |
| <p> |
| If the build depends on rules from external repositories (defined in the |
| WORKSPACE file) then query results will include these dependencies. For |
| example, if <code>//foo:bar</code> depends on <code>//external:some-lib</code> |
| and <code>//external:some-lib</code> is bound to |
| <code>@other-repo//baz:lib</code>, then |
| <code>bazel query 'deps(//foo:bar)'</code> |
| will list both <code>@other-repo//baz:lib</code> and |
| <code>//external:some-lib</code> as dependencies. |
| </p> |
| |
| <p> |
| External repositories themselves are not dependencies of a build. That is, in |
| the example above, <code>//external:other-repo</code> is not a dependency. It |
| can be queried for as a member of the <code>//external</code> package, though, |
| for example: |
| <p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| # Querying over all members of //external returns the repository. |
| bazel query 'kind(maven_jar, //external:*)' |
| //external:other-repo |
| |
| # ...but the repository is not a dependency. |
| bazel query 'kind(maven_jar, deps(//foo:bar))' |
| INFO: Empty results |
| </pre> |