blob: ce8b2bb8b5da2e57df09640e697f7a2c5bb8e9cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Test wrapper implementation for Windows.
// Design:
#include <lmcons.h> // UNLEN
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "src/main/cpp/util/file_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/path_platform.h"
#include "src/main/cpp/util/strings.h"
#include "src/main/native/windows/file.h"
#include "tools/cpp/runfiles/runfiles.h"
namespace {
class Defer {
explicit Defer(std::function<void()> f) : f_(f) {}
~Defer() { f_(); }
std::function<void()> f_;
// A lightweight path abstraction that stores a Unicode Windows path.
// The class allows extracting the underlying path as a (immutable) string so
// it's easy to pass the path to WinAPI functions, but the class does not allow
// mutating the unterlying path so it's safe to pass around Path objects.
class Path {
Path() {}
Path(const Path& other) : path_(other.path_) {}
Path(Path&& other) : path_(std::move(other.path_)) {}
Path& operator=(const Path& other) = delete;
const std::wstring& Get() const { return path_; }
bool Set(const std::wstring& path);
// Makes this path absolute.
// Returns true if the path was changed (i.e. was not absolute before).
// Returns false and has no effect if this path was empty or already absolute.
bool Absolutize(const Path& cwd);
Path Dirname() const;
std::wstring path_;
struct UndeclaredOutputs {
Path root;
Path zip;
Path manifest;
Path annotations;
Path annotations_dir;
void LogError(const int line, const char* msg) {
printf("ERROR(" __FILE__ ":%d) %s\n", line, msg);
void LogErrorWithValue(const int line, const char* msg, DWORD error_code) {
printf("ERROR(" __FILE__ ":%d) error code: %d (0x%08x): %s\n", line,
error_code, error_code, msg);
void LogErrorWithArgAndValue(const int line, const char* msg, const char* arg,
DWORD error_code) {
printf("ERROR(" __FILE__ ":%d) error code: %d (0x%08x), argument: %s: %s\n",
line, error_code, error_code, arg, msg);
void LogErrorWithArgAndValue(const int line, const char* msg,
const wchar_t* arg, DWORD error_code) {
printf("ERROR(" __FILE__ ":%d) error code: %d (0x%08x), argument: %ls: %s\n",
line, error_code, error_code, arg, msg);
inline bool CreateDirectories(const Path& path) {
? path.Get()
: L"\\\\?\\" + path.Get(),
return true;
inline bool ToInt(const wchar_t* s, int* result) {
return swscanf_s(s, L"%d", result) == 1;
bool WcsToAcp(const std::wstring& wcs, std::string* acp) {
uint32_t err;
if (!blaze_util::WcsToAcp(wcs, acp, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string", wcs.c_str(),
return false;
return true;
// Converts a Windows-style path to a mixed (Unix-Windows) style.
// The path is mixed-style because it is a Windows path (begins with a drive
// letter) but uses forward slashes as directory separators.
// We must export envvars as mixed style path because some tools confuse the
// backslashes in Windows paths for Unix-style escape characters.
inline std::wstring AsMixedPath(const std::wstring& path) {
std::wstring value = path;
std::replace(value.begin(), value.end(), L'\\', L'/');
return value;
bool GetEnv(const wchar_t* name, std::wstring* result) {
static constexpr size_t kSmallBuf = MAX_PATH;
WCHAR value[kSmallBuf];
DWORD size = GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value, kSmallBuf);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (size == 0 && err == ERROR_ENVVAR_NOT_FOUND) {
return true;
} else if (0 < size && size < kSmallBuf) {
*result = value;
return true;
} else if (size >= kSmallBuf) {
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> value_big(new WCHAR[size]);
GetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value_big.get(), size);
*result = value_big.get();
return true;
} else {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to read envvar", name, err);
return false;
bool GetPathEnv(const wchar_t* name, Path* result) {
std::wstring value;
if (!GetEnv(name, &value)) {
return false;
return result->Set(value);
bool SetEnv(const wchar_t* name, const std::wstring& value) {
if (SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value.c_str()) != 0) {
return true;
} else {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to set envvar", name, err);
return false;
bool SetPathEnv(const wchar_t* name, const Path& path) {
return SetEnv(name, AsMixedPath(path.Get()));
bool UnsetEnv(const wchar_t* name) {
if (SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, NULL) != 0) {
return true;
} else {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to unset envvar", name, err);
return false;
bool GetCwd(Path* result) {
static constexpr size_t kSmallBuf = MAX_PATH;
WCHAR value[kSmallBuf];
DWORD size = GetCurrentDirectoryW(kSmallBuf, value);
DWORD err = GetLastError();
if (size > 0 && size < kSmallBuf) {
return result->Set(value);
} else if (size >= kSmallBuf) {
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> value_big(new WCHAR[size]);
GetCurrentDirectoryW(size, value_big.get());
return result->Set(value_big.get());
} else {
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to get current directory", err);
return false;
// Set USER as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportUserName() {
std::wstring value;
if (!GetEnv(L"USER", &value)) {
return false;
if (!value.empty()) {
// Respect the value passed by Bazel via --test_env.
return true;
WCHAR buffer[UNLEN + 1];
DWORD len = UNLEN + 1;
if (GetUserNameW(buffer, &len) == 0) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "Failed to query user name", err);
return false;
return SetEnv(L"USER", buffer);
// Set TEST_SRCDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportSrcPath(const Path& cwd, Path* result) {
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_SRCDIR", result)) {
return false;
return !result->Absolutize(cwd) || SetPathEnv(L"TEST_SRCDIR", *result);
// Set TEST_TMPDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportTmpPath(const Path& cwd, Path* result) {
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_TMPDIR", result) ||
(result->Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(L"TEST_TMPDIR", *result))) {
return false;
// Create the test temp directory, which may not exist on the remote host when
// doing a remote build.
return CreateDirectories(*result);
// Set HOME as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
bool ExportHome(const Path& test_tmpdir) {
Path home;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"HOME", &home)) {
return false;
if (blaze_util::IsAbsolute(home.Get())) {
// Respect the user-defined HOME in case they set passed it with
// --test_env=HOME or --test_env=HOME=C:\\foo
return true;
} else {
// Set TEST_TMPDIR as required by the Bazel Test Encyclopedia.
return SetPathEnv(L"HOME", test_tmpdir);
bool ExportRunfiles(const Path& cwd, const Path& test_srcdir) {
Path runfiles_dir;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_DIR", &runfiles_dir) ||
(runfiles_dir.Absolutize(cwd) &&
!SetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_DIR", runfiles_dir))) {
return false;
// TODO(ulfjack): Standardize on RUNFILES_DIR and remove the
Path java_rf, py_rf;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"JAVA_RUNFILES", &java_rf) ||
(java_rf.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(L"JAVA_RUNFILES", java_rf)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"PYTHON_RUNFILES", &py_rf) ||
(py_rf.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(L"PYTHON_RUNFILES", py_rf))) {
return false;
std::wstring mf_only_str;
int mf_only_value = 0;
if (!GetEnv(L"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY", &mf_only_str) ||
(!mf_only_str.empty() && !ToInt(mf_only_str.c_str(), &mf_only_value))) {
return false;
if (mf_only_value == 1) {
// If RUNFILES_MANIFEST_ONLY is set to 1 then test programs should use the
// manifest file to find their runfiles.
Path runfiles_mf;
if (!runfiles_mf.Set(test_srcdir.Get() + L"\\MANIFEST") ||
!SetPathEnv(L"RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE", runfiles_mf)) {
return false;
return true;
bool ExportShardStatusFile(const Path& cwd) {
Path status_file;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", &status_file) ||
(!status_file.Get().empty() && status_file.Absolutize(cwd) &&
!SetPathEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_STATUS_FILE", status_file))) {
return false;
return status_file.Get().empty() ||
// The test shard status file is only set for sharded tests.
bool ExportGtestVariables(const Path& test_tmpdir) {
// # Tell googletest about Bazel sharding.
std::wstring total_shards_str;
int total_shards_value = 0;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", &total_shards_str) ||
(!total_shards_str.empty() &&
!ToInt(total_shards_str.c_str(), &total_shards_value))) {
return false;
if (total_shards_value > 0) {
std::wstring shard_index;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_SHARD_INDEX", &shard_index) ||
!SetEnv(L"GTEST_SHARD_INDEX", shard_index) ||
!SetEnv(L"GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS", total_shards_str)) {
return false;
return SetPathEnv(L"GTEST_TMP_DIR", test_tmpdir);
bool ExportMiscEnvvars(const Path& cwd) {
for (const wchar_t* name :
Path value;
if (!GetPathEnv(name, &value) ||
(value.Absolutize(cwd) && !SetPathEnv(name, value))) {
return false;
return true;
bool OpenFileForWriting(const std::wstring& path, HANDLE* result) {
*result = CreateFileW(bazel::windows::HasUncPrefix(path.c_str())
? path.c_str()
: (L"\\\\?\\" + path).c_str(),
if (*result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to open file", path.c_str(), err);
return false;
return true;
bool TouchFile(const std::wstring& path) {
HANDLE handle;
if (!OpenFileForWriting(path, &handle)) {
return false;
return true;
bool ExportXmlPath(const Path& cwd) {
Path result;
if (!GetPathEnv(L"XML_OUTPUT_FILE", &result)) {
return false;
std::wstring unix_result = AsMixedPath(result.Get());
return SetEnv(L"XML_OUTPUT_FILE", unix_result) &&
// TODO(ulfjack): Update Gunit to accept XML_OUTPUT_FILE and drop the
// GUNIT_OUTPUT env variable.
SetEnv(L"GUNIT_OUTPUT", L"xml:" + unix_result) &&
CreateDirectories(result.Dirname()) &&
TouchFile(result.Get() + L".log");
bool GetAndUnexportUndeclaredOutputsEnvvars(const Path& cwd,
UndeclaredOutputs* result) {
// The test may only see TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR and
// TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ANNOTATIONS_DIR, so keep those but unexport others.
if (!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_ZIP", &(result->zip)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_MANIFEST", &(result->manifest)) ||
&(result->annotations)) ||
!GetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR", &(result->root)) ||
&(result->annotations_dir))) {
return false;
return SetPathEnv(L"TEST_UNDECLARED_OUTPUTS_DIR", result->root) &&
result->annotations_dir) &&
CreateDirectories(result->root) &&
inline bool PrintTestLogStartMarker(bool suppress_output) {
if (suppress_output) {
return true;
std::wstring test_target;
if (!GetEnv(L"TEST_TARGET", &test_target)) {
return false;
if (test_target.empty()) {
// According to the Bazel Test Encyclopedia, setting TEST_TARGET is
// optional.
wprintf(L"Executing tests from unknown target\n");
} else {
wprintf(L"Executing tests from %s\n", test_target.c_str());
// This header marks where --test_output=streamed will start being printed.
return true;
inline bool GetWorkspaceName(std::wstring* result) {
return GetEnv(L"TEST_WORKSPACE", result) && !result->empty();
inline void StripLeadingDotSlash(std::wstring* s) {
if (s->size() >= 2 && (*s)[0] == L'.' && (*s)[1] == L'/') {
s->erase(0, 2);
bool FindTestBinary(const Path& argv0, std::wstring test_path, Path* result) {
if (!blaze_util::IsAbsolute(test_path)) {
std::string argv0_acp;
if (!WcsToAcp(argv0.Get(), &argv0_acp)) {
return false;
std::string error;
std::unique_ptr<bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles> runfiles(
bazel::tools::cpp::runfiles::Runfiles::Create(argv0_acp, &error));
if (runfiles == nullptr) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to load runfiles");
return false;
std::wstring workspace;
if (!GetWorkspaceName(&workspace)) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Failed to read %TEST_WORKSPACE%");
return false;
test_path = workspace + L"/" + test_path;
std::string utf8_test_path;
uint32_t err;
if (!blaze_util::WcsToUtf8(test_path, &utf8_test_path, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string to UTF-8",
test_path.c_str(), err);
return false;
std::string rloc = runfiles->Rlocation(utf8_test_path);
if (!blaze_util::Utf8ToWcs(rloc, &test_path, &err)) {
LogErrorWithArgAndValue(__LINE__, "Failed to convert string",
utf8_test_path.c_str(), err);
return result->Set(test_path);
bool StartSubprocess(const Path& path, HANDLE* process) {
// kMaxCmdline value: see lpCommandLine parameter of CreateProcessW.
static constexpr size_t kMaxCmdline = 32768;
std::unique_ptr<WCHAR[]> cmdline(new WCHAR[kMaxCmdline]);
size_t len = path.Get().size();
wcsncpy(cmdline.get(), path.Get().c_str(), len + 1);
STARTUPINFOW startupInfo = {0};
if (CreateProcessW(NULL, cmdline.get(), NULL, NULL, FALSE,
&processInfo) != 0) {
*process = processInfo.hProcess;
return true;
} else {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "CreateProcessW failed", err);
return false;
int WaitForSubprocess(HANDLE process) {
DWORD result = WaitForSingleObject(process, INFINITE);
switch (result) {
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: {
DWORD exit_code;
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process, &exit_code)) {
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "GetExitCodeProcess failed", err);
return 1;
return exit_code;
DWORD err = GetLastError();
LogErrorWithValue(__LINE__, "WaitForSingleObject failed", err);
return 1;
__LINE__, "WaitForSingleObject returned unexpected result", result);
return 1;
bool ParseArgs(int argc, wchar_t** argv, Path* out_argv0,
std::wstring* out_test_path_arg, bool* out_suppress_output) {
if (!out_argv0->Set(argv[0])) {
return false;
*out_suppress_output = false;
if (argc > 0 && wcscmp(argv[0], L"--no_echo") == 0) {
// Don't print anything to stdout in this special case.
// Currently needed for persistent test runner.
*out_suppress_output = true;
if (argc < 1) {
LogError(__LINE__, "Usage: $0 [--no_echo] <test_path> [test_args...]");
return false;
*out_test_path_arg = argv[0];
return true;
int RunSubprocess(const Path& test_path) {
HANDLE process;
if (!StartSubprocess(test_path, &process)) {
return 1;
Defer close_process([process]() { CloseHandle(process); });
return WaitForSubprocess(process);
bool Path::Set(const std::wstring& path) {
std::wstring result;
std::string error;
if (!blaze_util::AsWindowsPath(path, &result, &error)) {
LogError(__LINE__, error.c_str());
return false;
path_ = result;
return true;
bool Path::Absolutize(const Path& cwd) {
if (!path_.empty() && !blaze_util::IsAbsolute(path_)) {
path_ = cwd.path_ + L"\\" + path_;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Path Path::Dirname() const {
Path result;
result.path_ = blaze_util::SplitPathW(path_).first;
return result;
} // namespace
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t** argv) {
Path argv0;
std::wstring test_path_arg;
bool suppress_output = false;
Path test_path, exec_root, srcdir, tmpdir, xml_output;
UndeclaredOutputs undecl;
if (!ParseArgs(argc, argv, &argv0, &test_path_arg, &suppress_output) ||
!PrintTestLogStartMarker(suppress_output) ||
!FindTestBinary(argv0, test_path_arg, &test_path) ||
!GetCwd(&exec_root) || !ExportUserName() ||
!ExportSrcPath(exec_root, &srcdir) ||
!ExportTmpPath(exec_root, &tmpdir) || !ExportHome(tmpdir) ||
!ExportRunfiles(exec_root, srcdir) || !ExportShardStatusFile(exec_root) ||
!ExportGtestVariables(tmpdir) || !ExportMiscEnvvars(exec_root) ||
!ExportXmlPath(exec_root) ||
!GetAndUnexportUndeclaredOutputsEnvvars(exec_root, &undecl)) {
return 1;
return RunSubprocess(test_path);