blob: 4f161c53d3cc3a71d377ca5eadfaaeab5c936470 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Helper for {@link InputMetadataProvider} implementations.
* <p>Allows {@link FileArtifactValue} lookups by exec path or {@link ActionInput}. <i>Also</i>
* allows {@link ActionInput} to be looked up by exec path.
* <p>This class implements a closed hash-map with the "links" of each bucket's linked list being
* stored in a flat array to avoid memory allocations and garbage collection.
* <p>This class is thread-compatible.
public final class ActionInputMap implements InputMetadataProvider, ActionInputMapSink {
private static final Object PLACEHOLDER = new Object();
* Trie-like data structure that mimics the filesystem for tree artifacts.
* <p>It is too expensive to store all tree children in the input map individually, so in order to
* find a child's metadata, we need to find the parent. Sometimes it is necessary to look up an
* input's metadata by exec path without even knowing whether it is a {@link TreeFileArtifact},
* let alone how many directory levels up its parent is. This data structure supports efficient
* lookups in such cases.
static final class TrieArtifact {
// Values in this map are either TrieArtifact (for intermediate directory nodes) or
// TreeArtifactValue (for terminal nodes). This saves memory by not creating a TrieArtifact for
// terminal nodes. This optimization is safe because nested tree artifacts are forbidden.
// We special case when we have a single child in order to save memory. This way, we do not
// allocate hash maps for path entries with a single child (prefixes of unbranched paths, e.g.
// [a/b/c/d]/tree{1..n}).
// Invariant: subFolders is an immutable map iff subFolders.size() <= 1.
private Map<String, Object> subFolders = ImmutableMap.of();
void add(PathFragment treeExecPath, TreeArtifactValue treeArtifactValue) {
TrieArtifact current = this;
Iterator<String> it = treeExecPath.segments().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String segment =;
Object next = current.subFolders.get(segment);
if (it.hasNext()) {
// Intermediate node.
if (next == null) {
var newNode = new TrieArtifact();
current.put(segment, newNode);
current = newNode;
} else {
current = (TrieArtifact) next;
} else if (next == null) {
// Terminal node.
current.put(segment, treeArtifactValue);
private void put(String name, Object val) {
// Input path segments are commonly shared among actions, so intern before storing.
name = name.intern();
switch (subFolders.size()) {
case 0 -> subFolders = ImmutableMap.of(name, val);
case 1 -> {
Map<String, Object> newMap = CompactHashMap.createWithExpectedSize(2);
newMap.put(name, val);
subFolders = newMap;
default -> subFolders.put(name, val);
TreeArtifactValue findTreeArtifactNodeAtPrefix(PathFragment execPath) {
TrieArtifact current = this;
for (String segment : execPath.segments()) {
Object next = current.subFolders.get(segment);
if (next == null) {
if (next instanceof TreeArtifactValue val) {
return val;
current = (TrieArtifact) next;
return null;
private final BugReporter bugReporter;
/** The number of elements contained in this map. */
private int size;
* The hash buckets. Values are indexes into the four arrays. The number of buckets is always the
* smallest power of 2 that is larger than the number of elements.
private int[] table;
/** Flat array of the next pointers that make up the linked list behind each hash bucket. */
private int[] next;
* The {@link ActionInput} keys stored in this map. For performance reasons, they need to be
* stored as {@link Object}s as otherwise, the JVM does not seem to be as good optimizing the
* store operations (maybe it does checks on the type being stored?).
private Object[] keys;
* Extra storage for the execPathStrings of the values in {@link #keys}. This extra storage is
* necessary for speed as otherwise, we'd need to cast to {@link ActionInput}, which is slow.
private Object[] paths;
* The {@link FileArtifactValue} data stored in this map. Same as the other arrays, this is stored
* as {@link Object} for performance reasons.
private Object[] values;
private TrieArtifact treeArtifactsRoot = new TrieArtifact();
private List<RunfilesTree> runfilesTrees = new ArrayList<>();
public ActionInputMap(int sizeHint) {
this(BugReporter.defaultInstance(), sizeHint);
public ActionInputMap(BugReporter bugReporter, int sizeHint) {
this.bugReporter = bugReporter;
sizeHint = Math.max(1, sizeHint);
int tableSize = Integer.highestOneBit(sizeHint) << 1;
size = 0;
table = new int[tableSize];
Arrays.fill(table, -1);
next = new int[sizeHint];
keys = new Object[sizeHint];
paths = new Object[sizeHint];
values = new Object[sizeHint];
private int getIndex(String execPathString) {
int hashCode = execPathString.hashCode();
int index = hashCode & (table.length - 1);
if (table[index] == -1) {
return -1;
index = table[index];
while (index != -1) {
if (hashCode == paths[index].hashCode() && execPathString.equals(paths[index])) {
return index;
index = next[index];
return -1;
public FileArtifactValue getInputMetadata(ActionInput input) {
if (isARunfilesMiddleman(input)) {
RunfilesArtifactValue runfilesMetadata = getRunfilesMetadata(input);
return runfilesMetadata == null ? null : runfilesMetadata.getMetadata();
if (input instanceof TreeFileArtifact treeFileArtifact) {
int treeIndex = getIndex(treeFileArtifact.getParent().getExecPathString());
if (treeIndex != -1) {
values[treeIndex] instanceof TreeArtifactValue,
"Requested tree file artifact under non-tree/omitted tree artifact: %s",
return ((TreeArtifactValue) values[treeIndex]).getChildValues().get(treeFileArtifact);
int index = getIndex(input.getExecPathString());
if (index != -1) {
Object value = values[index];
return value instanceof TreeArtifactValue treeValue
? treeValue.getMetadata()
: (FileArtifactValue) value;
if (input instanceof Artifact) {
// Non tree artifacts cannot overlap with tree files, therefore we can skip searching the
// parents.
return null;
// Check the trees in case input is a non-Artifact ActionInput pointing to a tree artifact file
// (such as the ones resulting from a fileset expansion).
FileArtifactValue result = getMetadataFromTreeArtifacts(input.getExecPath());
if (result != null) {
new IllegalArgumentException(
"Tree artifact file: '%s' referred to as an action input", input.getExecPath())));
return result;
public RunfilesArtifactValue getRunfilesMetadata(ActionInput input) {
int index = getIndex(input.getExecPathString());
if (index == -1) {
return null;
return (RunfilesArtifactValue) values[index];
public ImmutableList<RunfilesTree> getRunfilesTrees() {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(runfilesTrees);
* Returns metadata for given path.
* <p>This method is less efficient than {@link #getInputMetadata(ActionInput)}, please use that
* method instead of this one when looking up {@linkplain ActionInput action inputs}.
public FileArtifactValue getMetadata(PathFragment execPath) {
int index = getIndex(execPath.getPathString());
if (index != -1) {
Object value = values[index];
return value instanceof TreeArtifactValue treeValue
? treeValue.getMetadata()
: (FileArtifactValue) value;
// Fall back to searching the tree artifacts.
return getMetadataFromTreeArtifacts(execPath);
private FileArtifactValue getMetadataFromTreeArtifacts(PathFragment execPath) {
TreeArtifactValue tree = treeArtifactsRoot.findTreeArtifactNodeAtPrefix(execPath);
if (tree == null) {
return null;
Map.Entry<?, FileArtifactValue> entry = tree.findChildEntryByExecPath(execPath);
return entry != null ? entry.getValue() : null;
* Returns the {@link TreeArtifactValue} for the given path, or {@code null} if no such tree
* artifact exists.
public TreeArtifactValue getTreeMetadata(PathFragment execPath) {
int index = getIndex(execPath.getPathString());
if (index < 0) {
return null;
Object value = values[index];
return value instanceof TreeArtifactValue treeValue ? treeValue : null;
* Returns the {@link TreeArtifactValue} for the shortest prefix of the given path, possibly the
* path itself, that corresponds to a tree artifact; or {@code null} if no such tree artifact
* exists.
public TreeArtifactValue getTreeMetadataForPrefix(PathFragment execPath) {
return treeArtifactsRoot.findTreeArtifactNodeAtPrefix(execPath);
public ActionInput getInput(String execPathString) {
int index = getIndex(execPathString);
if (index != -1) {
return (ActionInput) keys[index];
// Search ancestor paths since execPathString may point to a TreeFileArtifact within one of the
// tree artifacts.
PathFragment execPath = PathFragment.create(execPathString);
TreeArtifactValue tree = treeArtifactsRoot.findTreeArtifactNodeAtPrefix(execPath);
if (tree == null) {
return null;
// We must return an entry from the map since a duplicate would not have the generating action
// key set.
Map.Entry<TreeFileArtifact, ?> entry = tree.findChildEntryByExecPath(execPath);
return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
* Returns count of unique, top-level {@linkplain ActionInput action inputs} in the map.
* <p>Top-level means that each tree artifact, counts as 1, irrespective of the number of children
* it has.
public int sizeForDebugging() {
return size;
public void put(ActionInput input, FileArtifactValue metadata, @Nullable Artifact depOwner) {
putWithNoDepOwner(input, metadata);
public void putRunfilesMetadata(
Artifact input, RunfilesArtifactValue metadata, @Nullable Artifact depOwner) {
int oldIndex = putIfAbsent(input, metadata);
Preconditions.checkState(oldIndex == -1);
public void putTreeArtifact(
SpecialArtifact tree, TreeArtifactValue treeArtifactValue, @Nullable Artifact depOwner) {
// Use a placeholder value so that we don't have to create a new trie entry if the entry is
// already in the map.
int oldIndex = putIfAbsent(tree, PLACEHOLDER);
if (oldIndex != -1) {
isATreeArtifact((ActionInput) keys[oldIndex]),
"Tried to overwrite file with a tree artifact: '%s' with the same exec path",
treeArtifactsRoot.add(tree.getExecPath(), treeArtifactValue);
values[size - 1] = treeArtifactValue;
public void putWithNoDepOwner(ActionInput input, FileArtifactValue metadata) {
"Can't add tree artifact: %s using put -- please use putTreeArtifact for that",
int oldIndex = putIfAbsent(input, metadata);
oldIndex == -1 || !isATreeArtifact((ActionInput) keys[oldIndex]),
"Tried to overwrite tree artifact with a file: '%s' with the same exec path",
private int putIfAbsent(ActionInput input, Object metadata) {
if (size >= keys.length) {
String path = input.getExecPathString();
int hashCode = path.hashCode();
int index = hashCode & (table.length - 1);
int nextIndex = table[index];
if (nextIndex == -1) {
table[index] = size;
} else {
do {
index = nextIndex;
if (hashCode == paths[index].hashCode() && Objects.equal(path, paths[index])) {
return index;
nextIndex = next[index];
} while (nextIndex != -1);
next[index] = size;
next[size] = -1;
keys[size] = input;
paths[size] = input.getExecPathString();
values[size] = metadata;
return -1;
void clear() {
Arrays.fill(table, -1);
Arrays.fill(next, -1);
Arrays.fill(keys, null);
Arrays.fill(paths, null);
Arrays.fill(values, null);
size = 0;
treeArtifactsRoot = new TrieArtifact();
runfilesTrees = new ArrayList<>();
private void resize() {
// Resize the data containers.
keys = Arrays.copyOf(keys, size * 2);
paths = Arrays.copyOf(paths, size * 2);
values = Arrays.copyOf(values, size * 2);
next = Arrays.copyOf(next, size * 2);
// Resize and recreate the table and links if necessary. We can take shortcuts here as we know
// there are no duplicate keys.
if (table.length < size * 2) {
table = new int[table.length * 2];
next = new int[size * 2];
Arrays.fill(table, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int index = paths[i].hashCode() & (table.length - 1);
next[i] = table[index];
table[index] = i;
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("size", size)
.add("all-files", sizeForDebugging())
private static boolean isATreeArtifact(ActionInput input) {
return input instanceof SpecialArtifact && ((SpecialArtifact) input).isTreeArtifact();
private static boolean isARunfilesMiddleman(ActionInput input) {
return input instanceof Artifact && ((Artifact) input).isMiddlemanArtifact();