blob: 7745179fd52da31e1b1f246476e8fc2153664edb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 The Bazel Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
* Tests for MethodLibrary.
public class MethodLibraryTest extends EvaluationTestCase {
private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.lineSeparator();
public final void setFailFast() throws Exception {
public void testStackTraceLocation() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"Traceback (most recent call last):"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 8"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo"
+ "\t\tbar(1)"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 7, in bar"
+ "\t\t\"test\".index(x)",
"def foo():",
" bar(1)",
"def bar(x):",
" if x == 1:",
" a = x",
" b = 2",
" 'test'.index(x)",
public void testStackTraceWithIf() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"File \"\", line 5"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 3, in foo"
+ "\t\ts[0]",
"def foo():",
" s = depset()",
" if s[0] == 1:",
" x = 1",
public void testStackTraceWithAugmentedAssignment() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"File \"\", line 4"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 3, in foo"
+ "\t\ts += \"2\""
+ "unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'string'",
"def foo():",
" s = 1",
" s += '2'",
public void testStackTraceSkipBuiltInOnly() throws Exception {
// The error message should not include the stack trace when there is
// only one built-in function.
new BothModesTest()
"expected value of type 'string' for parameter 'sub', "
+ "for call to method index(sub, start = 0, end = None) of 'string'",
public void testStackTrace() throws Exception {
// Unlike SkylarintegrationTests#testStackTraceErrorInFunction(), this test
// has neither a BUILD nor a bzl file.
new SkylarkTest()
"Traceback (most recent call last):"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 6"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo"
+ "\t\tbar(1)"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 5, in bar"
+ "\t\t\"test\".index(x)"
+ "expected value of type 'string' for parameter 'sub', "
+ "for call to method index(sub, start = 0, end = None) of 'string'",
"def foo():",
" bar(1)",
"def bar(x):",
" if 1 == 1:",
" 'test'.index(x)",
public void testBuiltinFunctionErrorMessage() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testIfErrorContains("substring \"z\" not found in \"abc\"", "'abc'.index('z')")
"expected value of type 'string or tuple of strings' for parameter 'sub', "
+ "for call to method startswith(sub, start = 0, end = None) of 'string'",
"expected value of type 'list(object)' for parameter args in dict(), "
+ "but got \"a\" (string)",
public void testHasAttr() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testStatement("hasattr(depset(), 'union')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("hasattr('test', 'count')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("hasattr(dict(a = 1, b = 2), 'items')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("hasattr({}, 'items')", Boolean.TRUE);
public void testGetAttrMissingField() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"object of type 'string' has no attribute 'not_there'",
"getattr('a string', 'not_there')")
.testStatement("getattr('a string', 'not_there', 'use this')", "use this")
.testStatement("getattr('a string', 'not there', None)", Runtime.NONE);
@SkylarkModule(name = "AStruct", documented = false, doc = "")
static final class AStruct implements ClassObject {
public Object getValue(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "field":
return "a";
return null;
public ImmutableCollection<String> getFieldNames() {
return ImmutableList.of("field");
public String getErrorMessageForUnknownField(String name) {
return null;
public void testGetAttrMissingField_typoDetection() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.update("s", new AStruct())
"object of type 'AStruct' has no attribute 'feild' (did you mean 'field'?)",
"getattr(s, 'feild')");
public void testGetAttrWithMethods() throws Exception {
String msg =
"object of type 'string' has no attribute 'count', however, "
+ "a method of that name exists";
new SkylarkTest()
.testIfExactError(msg, "getattr('a string', 'count')")
.testStatement("getattr('a string', 'count', 'default')", "default");
public void testDir() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"[\"clear\", \"get\", \"items\", \"keys\","
+ " \"pop\", \"popitem\", \"setdefault\", \"update\", \"values\"]");
public void testBoolean() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testStatement("False", Boolean.FALSE).testStatement("True", Boolean.TRUE);
public void testBooleanUnsupportedOperationFails() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testIfErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'bool' and 'bool'", "True + True");
public void testListSort() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("sorted([0,1,2,3])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]")
.testEval("sorted([])", "[]")
.testEval("sorted([3, 2, 1, 0])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]")
.testEval("sorted([[1], [], [2], [1, 2]])", "[[], [1], [1, 2], [2]]")
.testEval("sorted([True, False, True])", "[False, True, True]")
.testEval("sorted(['a','x','b','z'])", "[\"a\", \"b\", \"x\", \"z\"]")
.testEval("sorted({1: True, 5: True, 4: False})", "[1, 4, 5]")
.testEval("sorted(depset([1, 5, 4]))", "[1, 4, 5]")
.testIfExactError("Cannot compare function with function", "sorted([sorted, sorted])");
public void testDictionaryCopy() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.setUp("x = {1 : 2}", "y = dict(x)")
.testEval("x[1] == 2 and y[1] == 2", "True");
public void testDictionaryCopyKeyCollision() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.setUp("x = {'test' : 2}", "y = dict(x, test = 3)")
.testEval("y['test']", "3");
public void testDictionaryKeyNotFound() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testIfErrorContains("key \"0\" not found in dictionary", "{}['0']")
.testIfErrorContains("key 0 not found in dictionary", "{'0': 1, 2: 3, 4: 5}[0]");
public void testDictionaryAccess() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("{1: ['foo']}[1]", "['foo']")
.testStatement("{'4': 8}['4']", 8)
.testStatement("{'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 'cc'}['b']", "bb");
public void testDictionaryVariableAccess() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().setUp("d = {'a' : 1}", "a = d['a']\n").testLookup("a", 1);
public void testDictionaryCreation() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}";
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected)
.testEval("dict([('a', 1)], b = 2, c = 3)", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationInnerLists() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testEval("dict([[1, 2], [3, 4]], a = 5)", "{1: 2, 3: 4, 'a': 5}");
public void testDictionaryCreationEmpty() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testEval("dict()", "{}").testEval("dict([])", "{}");
public void testDictionaryCreationDifferentKeyTypes() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 2: 3}";
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("dict([('a', 1), (2, 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict([(2, 3)], a = 1)", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationKeyCollision() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}";
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("dict([('a', 42), ('b', 2), ('a', 1), ('c', 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict([('a', 42)], a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected);
new SkylarkTest().testEval("dict([('a', 42)], **{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationInvalidPositional() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
"expected value of type 'list(object)' for parameter args in dict(), "
+ "but got \"a\" (string)",
.testIfErrorContains("cannot convert item #0 to a sequence", "dict(['a'])")
.testIfErrorContains("cannot convert item #0 to a sequence", "dict([('a')])")
"expected no more than 1 positional arguments, but got 3", "dict((3,4), (3,2), (1,2))")
"item #0 has length 3, but exactly two elements are required",
"dict([('a', 'b', 'c')])");
public void testDictionaryValues() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("{1: 'foo'}.values()", "['foo']")
.testEval("{}.values()", "[]")
.testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.values()", "[3, 5]")
.testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4, 'd': 3}.values()", "[5, 2, 4, 3]");
// sorted by keys
public void testDictionaryKeys() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("{1: 'foo'}.keys()", "[1]")
.testEval("{}.keys()", "[]")
.testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.keys()", "[True, False]")
"{1:'a', 2:'b', 6:'c', 0:'d', 5:'e', 4:'f', 3:'g'}.keys()", "[1, 2, 6, 0, 5, 4, 3]");
public void testDictionaryGet() throws Exception {
new BuildTest()
.testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(1)", "foo")
.testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2)", Runtime.NONE)
.testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, 'a')", "a")
.testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default='a')", "a")
.testStatement("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default=None)", Runtime.NONE);
public void testDictionaryItems() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testEval("{'a': 'foo'}.items()", "[('a', 'foo')]")
.testEval("{}.items()", "[]")
.testEval("{1: 3, 2: 5}.items()", "[(1, 3), (2, 5)]")
.testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4}.items()", "[('a', 5), ('c', 2), ('b', 4)]");
public void testDictionaryClear() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 3 or fail('clear 1')\n"
+ "d.clear() == None or fail('clear 2')\n"
+ "d",
public void testDictionaryPop() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"KeyError: 1",
"d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 3 or fail('pop 1')\n"
+ "d.pop(2) == 'bar' or fail('pop 2')\n"
+ "d.pop(3, 'quux') == 'baz' or fail('pop 3a')\n"
+ "d.pop(3, 'quux') == 'quux' or fail('pop 3b')\n"
+ "d.pop(1) == 'foo' or fail('pop 1')\n"
+ "d == {} or fail('pop 0')\n"
+ "d.pop(1)");
public void testDictionaryPopItem() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"popitem(): dictionary is empty",
"d = {2: 'bar', 3: 'baz', 1: 'foo'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 3 or fail('popitem 0')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (2, 'bar') or fail('popitem 2')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (3, 'baz') or fail('popitem 3')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (1, 'foo') or fail('popitem 1')\n"
+ "d == {} or fail('popitem 4')\n"
+ "d.popitem()");
public void testDictionaryUpdate() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.setUp("foo = {'a': 2}")
.testEval("foo.update({'b': 4}); foo", "{'a': 2, 'b': 4}");
new BothModesTest()
.setUp("foo = {'a': 2}")
.testEval("foo.update({'a': 3, 'b': 4}); foo", "{'a': 3, 'b': 4}");
public void testDictionarySetDefault() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
"d = {2: 'bar', 1: 'foo'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 2 or fail('setdefault 0')\n"
+ "d.setdefault(1, 'a') == 'foo' or fail('setdefault 1')\n"
+ "d.setdefault(2) == 'bar' or fail('setdefault 2')\n"
+ "d.setdefault(3) == None or fail('setdefault 3')\n"
+ "d.setdefault(4, 'b') == 'b' or fail('setdefault 4')\n"
+ "d",
"{1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: None, 4: 'b'}");
public void testListIndexMethod() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('a')", 0)
.testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('b')", 1)
.testStatement("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('c')", 2)
.testStatement("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1)
.testStatement("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1)
.testStatement("[0, 1, [1]].index([1])", 2)
.testIfErrorContains("item \"a\" not found in list", "[1, 2].index('a')")
.testIfErrorContains("item 0 not found in list", "[].index(0)");
public void testHash() throws Exception {
// We specify the same string hashing algorithm as String.hashCode().
new SkylarkTest()
.testStatement("hash('skylark')", "skylark".hashCode())
.testStatement("hash('google')", "google".hashCode())
"expected value of type 'string' for parameter 'value', "
+ "for call to function hash(value)",
public void testRangeType() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.setUp("a = range(3)")
.testStatement("len(a)", 3)
.testStatement("str(a)", "range(0, 3)")
.testStatement("str(range(1,2,3))", "range(1, 2, 3)")
.testStatement("repr(a)", "range(0, 3)")
.testStatement("repr(range(1,2,3))", "range(1, 2, 3)")
.testStatement("type(a)", "range")
.testIfErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'range' and 'range'", "a + a")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'range' has no method append()", "a.append(3)")
.testStatement("str(list(range(5)))", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(0)))", "[]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(1)))", "[0]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(-2)))", "[]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(-3, 2)))", "[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(3, 2)))", "[]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(3, 3)))", "[]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(3, 4)))", "[3]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(3, 5)))", "[3, 4]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(-3, 5, 2)))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(-3, 6, 2)))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3, 5]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(5, 0, -1)))", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(5, 0, -10)))", "[5]")
.testStatement("str(list(range(0, -3, -2)))", "[0, -2]")
.testStatement("range(3)[-1]", 2)
"index out of range (index is 3, but sequence has 3 elements)", "range(3)[3]")
.testStatement("str(range(5)[1:])", "range(1, 5)")
.testStatement("len(range(5)[1:])", 4)
.testStatement("str(range(5)[:2])", "range(0, 2)")
.testStatement("str(range(10)[1:9:2])", "range(1, 9, 2)")
.testStatement("str(list(range(10)[1:9:2]))", "[1, 3, 5, 7]")
.testStatement("str(range(10)[1:10:2])", "range(1, 10, 2)")
.testStatement("str(range(10)[1:11:2])", "range(1, 10, 2)")
.testStatement("str(range(0, 10, 2)[::2])", "range(0, 10, 4)")
.testStatement("str(range(0, 10, 2)[::-2])", "range(8, -2, -4)")
.testStatement("str(range(5)[1::-1])", "range(1, -1, -1)")
.testIfErrorContains("step cannot be 0", "range(2, 3, 0)")
.testIfErrorContains("unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'range' and 'int'", "range(3) * 3")
.testIfErrorContains("Cannot compare range objects", "range(3) < range(5)")
.testIfErrorContains("Cannot compare range objects", "range(4) > [1]")
.testStatement("4 in range(1, 10)", true)
.testStatement("4 in range(1, 3)", false)
.testStatement("4 in range(0, 8, 2)", true)
.testStatement("4 in range(1, 8, 2)", false)
.testStatement("range(0, 5, 10) == range(0, 5, 11)", true)
.testStatement("range(0, 5, 2) == [0, 2, 4]", false);
public void testEnumerate() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("str(enumerate([]))", "[]")
.testStatement("str(enumerate([5]))", "[(0, 5)]")
.testStatement("str(enumerate([5, 3]))", "[(0, 5), (1, 3)]")
.testStatement("str(enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']))", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\"), (2, \"c\")]")
.testStatement("str(enumerate(['a']) + [(1, 'b')])", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\")]");
public void testEnumerateBadArg() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
"expected value of type 'sequence' for parameter 'list', "
+ "for call to function enumerate(list)",
public void testReassignmentOfPrimitivesNotForbiddenByCoreLanguage() throws Exception {
new BuildTest()
.setUp("cc_binary = ([''])")
"'list' object is not callable",
"cc_binary(name = 'hello', srcs=[''], malloc = '//base:system_malloc')");
public void testLenOnString() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testStatement("len('abc')", 3);
public void testLenOnList() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testStatement("len([1,2,3])", 3);
public void testLenOnDict() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testStatement("len({'a' : 1, 'b' : 2})", 2);
public void testLenOnBadType() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest().testIfErrorContains("int is not iterable", "len(1)");
public void testIndexOnFunction() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testIfErrorContains("type 'function' has no operator [](int)", "len[1]")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'function' has no operator [:](int, int, NoneType)", "len[1:4]");
public void testBool() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("bool(1)", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("bool(0)", Boolean.FALSE)
.testStatement("bool([1, 2])", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("bool([])", Boolean.FALSE)
.testStatement("bool(None)", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testStr() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("str(1)", "1")
.testStatement("str(-2)", "-2")
.testStatement("str([1, 2])", "[1, 2]")
.testStatement("str(True)", "True")
.testStatement("str(False)", "False")
.testStatement("str(None)", "None")
.testStatement("str(str)", "<built-in function str>");
public void testStrFunction() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest().testStatement("def foo(x): return x\nstr(foo)", "<function foo>");
public void testType() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testStatement("type(1)", "int")
.testStatement("type('a')", "string")
.testStatement("type([1, 2])", "list")
.testStatement("type((1, 2))", "tuple")
.testStatement("type(True)", "bool")
.testStatement("type(None)", "NoneType")
.testStatement("type(str)", "function");
// TODO(bazel-team): Move this into a new file, or at least out of
public void testSelectFunction() throws Exception {
eval("a = select({'a': 1})");
SelectorList result = (SelectorList) lookup("a");
assertThat(((SelectorValue) Iterables.getOnlyElement(result.getElements())).getDictionary())
.containsExactly("a", 1);
public void testZipFunction() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("str(zip())", "[]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1, 2]))", "[(1,), (2,)]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1, 2], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1], [2], [3]))", "[(1, 2, 3)]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1], {2: 'a'}))", "[(1, 2)]")
.testStatement("str(zip([1], []))", "[]")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip(123)")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip([1], 1)")
.testStatement("str(zip([1], depset([2])))", "[(1, 2)]");
* Assert that lstrip(), rstrip(), and strip() produce the expected result for a given input
* string and chars argument. If chars is null no argument is passed.
private void checkStrip(
String input, Object chars,
String expLeft, String expRight, String expBoth) throws Exception {
if (chars == null) {
new BothModesTest()
.update("s", input)
.testStatement("s.lstrip()", expLeft)
.testStatement("s.rstrip()", expRight)
.testStatement("s.strip()", expBoth);
} else {
new BothModesTest()
.update("s", input)
.update("chars", chars)
.testStatement("s.lstrip(chars)", expLeft)
.testStatement("s.rstrip(chars)", expRight)
.testStatement("s.strip(chars)", expBoth);
public void testStrip() throws Exception {
// Strip nothing.
checkStrip("a b c", "", "a b c", "a b c", "a b c");
checkStrip(" a b c ", "", " a b c ", " a b c ", " a b c ");
// Normal case, found and not found.
checkStrip("abcba", "ba", "cba", "abc", "c");
checkStrip("abc", "xyz", "abc", "abc", "abc");
// Default whitespace.
checkStrip(" a b c ", null, "a b c ", " a b c", "a b c");
checkStrip(" a b c ", Runtime.NONE, "a b c ", " a b c", "a b c");
// Default whitespace with full range of Latin-1 whitespace chars.
String whitespace = "\u0009\n\u000B\u000C\r\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F\u0020\u0085\u00A0";
whitespace + "a" + whitespace, null,
"a" + whitespace, whitespace + "a", "a");
whitespace + "a" + whitespace, Runtime.NONE,
"a" + whitespace, whitespace + "a", "a");
// Empty cases.
checkStrip("", "", "", "", "");
checkStrip("abc", "abc", "", "", "");
checkStrip("", "xyz", "", "", "");
checkStrip("", null, "", "", "");
public void testFail() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
.testIfErrorContains("abc", "fail('abc')")
.testIfErrorContains("18", "fail(18)");
public void testTupleCoercion() throws Exception {
new BothModesTest()
.testStatement("tuple([1, 2]) == (1, 2)", true)
.testStatement("tuple(depset([1, 2])) == (1, 2)", true)
// Depends on current implementation of dict
.testStatement("tuple({1: 'foo', 2: 'bar'}) == (1, 2)", true);
// Verifies some legacy functionality that should be deprecated and removed via
// an incompatible-change flag: parameters in MethodLibrary functions may be specified by
// keyword, or may be None, even in places where it does not quite make sense.
public void testLegacyNamed() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest()
// Parameters which may be specified by keyword but are not explicitly 'named'.
.testStatement("all(elements=[True, True])", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("any(elements=[True, False])", Boolean.TRUE)
.testEval("sorted(self=[3, 0, 2])", "[0, 2, 3]")
.testEval("reversed(sequence=[3, 2, 0])", "[0, 2, 3]")
.testEval("tuple(x=[1, 2])", "(1, 2)")
.testEval("list(x=(1, 2))", "[1, 2]")
.testEval("len(x=(1, 2))", "2")
.testEval("str(x=(1, 2))", "'(1, 2)'")
.testEval("repr(x=(1, 2))", "'(1, 2)'")
.testStatement("bool(x=3)", Boolean.TRUE)
.testEval("int(x=3)", "3")
.testEval("dict(args=[(1, 2)])", "{1 : 2}")
.testStatement("bool(x=3)", Boolean.TRUE)
.testEval("enumerate(list=[40, 41])", "[(0, 40), (1, 41)]")
.testStatement("hash(value='hello')", "hello".hashCode())
.testEval("range(start_or_stop=3, stop_or_none=9, step=2)", "range(3, 9, 2)")
.testStatement("hasattr(x=depset(), name='union')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("bool(x=3)", Boolean.TRUE)
.testStatement("getattr(x='hello', name='count', default='default')", "default")
"[\"clear\", \"get\", \"items\", \"keys\","
+ " \"pop\", \"popitem\", \"setdefault\", \"update\", \"values\"]")
.testEval("type(x=5)", "'int'")
.testEval("str(depset(items=[0,1]))", "'depset([0, 1])'")
.testIfErrorContains("hello", "fail(msg='hello', attr='someattr')")
// Parameters which may be None but are not explicitly 'noneable'
.testStatement("hasattr(x=None, name='union')", Boolean.FALSE)
.testEval("getattr(x=None, name='count', default=None)", "None")
.testEval("dir(None)", "[]")
.testIfErrorContains("None", "fail(msg=None)")
.testEval("type(None)", "'NoneType'");
public void testExperimentalStarlarkConfig() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_restrict_named_params")
"parameter 'elements' may not be specified by name, "
+ "for call to method join(elements) of 'string'",
"','.join(elements=['foo', 'bar'])");
public void testStringJoinRequiresStrings() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_string_join_requires_strings")
"sequence element must be a string (got 'int')", "', '.join(['foo', 2])");
public void testStringJoinDoesNotRequireStrings() throws Exception {
new SkylarkTest("--incompatible_string_join_requires_strings=false")
.testEval("', '.join(['foo', 2])", "'foo, 2'");