blob: 2a68628e7545a63b6305396997f661297ac32501 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* A placeholder action that, at execution time, expands into a list of {@link Action}s to be
* executed.
* <p>ActionTemplate is for users who want to dynamically register Actions operating on individual
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} inside input and output TreeArtifacts at execution time.
* <p>It takes in one TreeArtifact and generates one TreeArtifact. The following happens at
* execution time for ActionTemplate:
* <ol>
* <li>Input TreeArtifact is resolved.
* <li>For each individual {@link TreeFileArtifact} inside input TreeArtifact, generate an output
* {@link TreeFileArtifact} inside output TreeArtifact.
* <li>For each pair of input and output {@link TreeFileArtifact}s, generate an associated {@link
* Action}.
* <li>All expanded {@link Action}s are executed and their output {@link TreeFileArtifact}s
* collected.
* <li>Output TreeArtifact is resolved.
* </ol>
* <p>Implementations of ActionTemplate must follow the contract of this interface and also make
* sure:
* <ol>
* <li>ActionTemplate instances should be immutable and side-effect free.
* <li>ActionTemplate inputs and outputs are supersets of the inputs and outputs of expanded
* actions, excluding inputs discovered at execution time. This ensures the ActionTemplate can
* properly represent the expanded actions at analysis time, and the action graph at analysis
* time is correct. This is important because the action graph is walked in a lot of places
* for correctness checks and build analysis.
* <li>The outputs of expanded actions must be under the output TreeArtifact and must not have
* artifact or artifact path prefix conflicts.
* </ol>
public interface ActionTemplate<T extends Action> extends ActionAnalysisMetadata {
/** An exception signalling that the template expansion failed during execution phase */
class ActionTemplateExpansionException extends Exception {
public ActionTemplateExpansionException(String cause) {
public ActionTemplateExpansionException(Throwable cause) {
* Given a list of input TreeFileArtifacts resolved at execution time, returns a list of expanded
* SpawnActions to be executed.
* @param inputTreeFileArtifacts the list of {@link TreeFileArtifact}s inside input TreeArtifact
* resolved at execution time
* @param artifactOwner the {@link ArtifactOwner} of the generated output {@link
* TreeFileArtifact}s
* @return a list of expanded {@link Action}s to execute, one for each input {@link
* TreeFileArtifact}
Iterable<T> generateActionForInputArtifacts(
Iterable<TreeFileArtifact> inputTreeFileArtifacts, ArtifactOwner artifactOwner)
throws ActionTemplateExpansionException;
/** Returns the input TreeArtifact. */
Artifact getInputTreeArtifact();
/** Returns the output TreeArtifact. */
Artifact getOutputTreeArtifact();