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<h1>The Bazel Query Reference</h1>
When you use <code>bazel query</code> to analyze build
dependencies, you use a little language, the <em>Bazel Query
Language</em>. This document is the reference manual for that
language. This document also describes the output
formats <code>bazel query</code> supports.
How do people use <code>bazel query</code>? Here are typical examples:
Why does the <code>//foo</code> tree depend on <code>//bar/baz</code>?
Show a path:</p>
<pre>somepath(foo/..., //bar/baz:all)</pre>
What C++ libraries do all the <code>foo</code> tests depend on that
the <code>foo_bin</code> target does not?</p>
<pre>kind("cc_library", deps(kind(".*test rule", foo/...)) except deps(//foo:foo_bin))</pre>
<h2>Tokens: the lexical syntax</h2>
Expressions in the query language are composed of the following
<b>Keywords</b>, such as <code>somepath</code> or
<code>let</code>. Keywords are the reserved words of the
language, and each of them is described below. The complete set
of keywords is:
<code><!-- keep this alphabetically sorted -->
<a href="#path-operators">allpaths</a><br/>
<a href="#attr">attr</a><br/>
<a href="#buildfiles">buildfiles</a><br/>
<a href="#deps">deps</a><br/>
<a href="#set-operations">except</a><br/>
<a href="#filter">filter</a><br/>
<a href="#variables">in</a><br/>
<a href="#set-operations">intersect</a><br/>
<a href="#kind">kind</a><br/>
<a href="#labels">labels</a><br/>
<a href="#variables">let</a><br/>
<a href="#rdeps">rdeps</a><br/>
<a href="#set">set</a><br/>
<a href="#some">some</a><br/>
<a href="#path-operators">somepath</a><br/>
<a href="#tests">tests</a><br/>
<a href="#set-operations">union</a><br/>
<b>Words</b>, such as <code>foo/...</code> or
<code>".*test rule"</code> or
If a character sequence is "quoted" (begins and ends with a
single-quote <code>'</code>, or begins and ends with a
double-quote <code>&quot;</code>), it is a word.
If a character sequence is not quoted, it may still be parsed as a word.
Unquoted words are sequences of characters drawn from
the set of alphabet characters, numerals, slash <code>/</code>,
hyphen <code>-</code>, underscore <code>_</code>, star <code>*</code>, and
period <code>.</code>. Unquoted words may not start with a
hyphen or period.
<p>We chose this syntax so that quote marks aren't needed in most cases.
The (unusual) <code>".*test rule"</code> example needs quotes: it
starts with a period and contains a space.
Quoting <code>"cc_library"</code> is unnecessary but harmless.
Quoting <em>is</em> necessary when writing scripts that
construct Bazel query expressions from user-supplied values.
//foo:bar+wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar + wiz.
//foo:bar=wiz # WRONG: scanned as //foo:bar = wiz.
"//foo:bar+wiz" # ok.
"//foo:bar=wiz" # ok.
Note that this quoting is in addition to any quoting that may
be required by your shell. e.g.
<pre>% bazel query ' "//foo:bar=wiz" ' # single-quotes for shell, double-quotes for Bazel.</pre>
Keywords, when quoted, are treated as ordinary words, thus
<code>some</code> is a keyword but <code>"some"</code> is a word.
Both <code>foo</code> and <code>"foo"</code> are words.
<li><b>Punctuation</b>, such as parens <code>()</code>, period
<code>.</code> and comma <code>,</code>, etc. Words containing
punctuation (other than the exceptions listed above) must be quoted.
Whitespace characters outside of a quoted word are ignored.
<h2 id='concepts'>Bazel Query Language Concepts</h2>
The Bazel query language is a language of expressions. Every
expression evaluates to a <b>partially-ordered set</b> of targets,
or equivalently, a <b>graph</b> (DAG) of targets. This is the only
In some expressions, the partial order of the graph is
not interesting; In this case, we call the values
"sets". In cases where the partial order of elements
is significant, we call values "graphs". Note
that both terms refer to the same datatype, but merely emphasize
different aspects of it.
<h3>Cycles in the dependency graph</h3>
Build dependency graphs should be acyclic, but in fact cycles do occur.
The algorithms used by the query language are intended for use in
acyclic graphs, but are robust against cycles. The details of how
cycles are treated are not specified and should not be relied upon.
<h3 id='implicit_deps'>Implicit dependencies</h3>
In addition to build dependencies that are defined explicitly in BUILD files,
Bazel adds additional <em>implicit</em> dependencies to rules. For example
every Java rule implicitly depends on the JavaBuilder. Implicit dependencies
are established using attributes that start with <code>$</code> and they
cannot overridden in BUILD files.
Per default <code>bazel query</code> takes implicit dependencies into account
when computing the query result. This behavior can be changed with
the <code>--[no]implicit_deps</code> option.
<h3 id='soundness'>Soundness</h3>
Bazel query language expressions operate over the build
dependency graph, which is the graph implicitly defined by all
rule declarations in all BUILD files. It is important to understand
that this graph is somewhat abstract, and does not constitute a
complete description of how to perform all the steps of a build. In
order to perform a build, a <em>configuration</em> is required too;
see the <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#configurations'>configurations</a>
section of the User's Guide for more detail.
The result of evaluating an expression in the Bazel query language
is true <em>for all configurations</em>, which means that it may be
a conservative over-approximation, and not exactly precise. If you
use the query tool to compute the set of all source files needed
during a build, it may report more than are actually necessary
because, for example, the query tool will include all the files
needed to support message translation, even though you don't intend
to use that feature in your build.
<h4 id='unsoundness'>Unsoundness</h4>
Beware, there are a few limited cases where the query tool
returns an under-approximation or is <em>unsound</em>. (You can find
them by comparing the results of a <code>bazel query</code> with the
set of files mentioned in the Makefile obtained
from <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#--dump_makefile'><code>bazel
build --dump_makefile</code></a>.
<h3 id='graph-order'>On the preservation of graph order</h3>
Operations preserve any ordering
constraints inherited from their subexpressions. You can think of
this as "the law of conservation of partial order". Consider an
example: if you issue a query to determine the transitive closure of
dependencies of a particular target, the resulting set is ordered
according to the dependency graph. If you filter that set to
include only the targets of <code>file</code> kind, the same
<em>transitive</em> partial ordering relation holds between every
pair of targets in the resulting subset&mdash;even though none of
these pairs is actually directly connected in the original graph.
(There are no file&ndash;file edges in the build dependency graph).
However, while all operators <em>preserve</em> order, some
operations, such as the <a href='#set-operations'>set operations</a>
don't <em>introduce</em> any ordering constraints of their own.
Consider this expression:
<pre>deps(x) union y</pre>
The order of the final result set is guaranteed to preserve all the
ordering constraints of its subexpressions, namely, that all the
transitive dependencies of <code>x</code> are correctly ordered with
respect to each other. However, the query guarantees nothing about
the ordering of the targets in <code>y</code>, nor about the
ordering of the targets in <code>deps(x)</code> relative to those in
<code>y</code> (except for those targets in
<code>y</code> that also happen to be in <code>deps(x)</code>).
Operators that introduce ordering constraints include:
and the target pattern wildcards
<code>dir/...</code>, etc.
<h2>Expressions: syntax and semantics of the grammar</h2>
This is the grammar of the Bazel query language, expressed in EBNF
<pre>expr ::= <var>word</var>
| let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var> in <var>expr</var>
| (<var>expr</var>)
| <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var>
| deps(<var>expr</var>)
| deps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)
| rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)
| some(<var>expr</var>)
| somepath(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| allpaths(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| kind(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| labels(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| filter(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| set(<var>word</var> *)
| attr(<var>word</var>, <var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>)
We will examine each of the productions of this grammar in order.
<h3 id="target-patterns">Target patterns</h3>
<pre>expr ::= <var>word</var></pre>
Syntactically, a <em>target pattern</em> is just a word. It
is interpreted as an (unordered) set of targets. The simplest
target pattern is a label,
which identifies a single target (file or rule). For example, the
target pattern <code>//foo:bar</code> evaluates to a set
containing one element, the target, the <code>bar</code>
Target patterns generalize labels to include wildcards over packages
and targets. For example, <code>foo/...:all</code> (or
just <code>foo/...</code>) is a target pattern that evaluates to a
set containing all <em>rules</em> in every package recursively
beneath the <code>foo</code> directory;
<code>bar/baz:all</code> is a target pattern that
evaluates to a set containing all the rules in the
<code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages.
Similarly, <code>foo/...:*</code> is a target pattern that evaluates
to a set containing all <em>targets</em> (rules <em>and</em> files) in
every package recursively beneath the <code>foo</code> directory;
<code>bar/baz:*</code> evaluates to a set containing
all the targets in the
<code>bar/baz</code> package, but not its subpackages.
Because the <code>:*</code> wildcard matches files as well as rules,
it is often more useful than <code>:all</code> for queries.
Conversely, the <code>:all</code> wildcard (implicit in target
patterns like <code>foo/...</code>) is typically more useful for
<code>bazel query</code> target patterns work the same as
<code>bazel build</code> build targets do;
refer to <a href='bazel-user-manual.html#target-patterns'>Target Patterns</a>
in the Bazel User Manual for further details, or type <code>bazel
help target-syntax</code>.
Target patterns may evaluate to a singleton set (in the case of a
label), to a set containing many elements (as in the case of
<code>foo/...</code>, which has thousands of elements) or to the
empty set, if the target pattern matches no targets.
All nodes in the result of a target pattern expression are correctly
ordered relative to each other according to the dependency relation.
So, the result of <code>foo:*</code> is not just the set of targets
in package <code>foo</code>, it is also the <em>graph</em> over
those targets. (No guarantees are made about the relative ordering
of the result nodes against other nodes.) See the section
on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details.
<h3 id="variables">Variables</h3>
<pre>expr ::= let <var>name</var> = <var>expr</var><sub>1</sub> in <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub>
| <var>$name</var></pre>
The Bazel query language allows definitions of and references to
variables. The
result of evaluation of a <code>let</code> expression is the same as
that of <var>expr</var><sub>2</sub>, with all free occurrences of
variable <var>name</var> replaced by the value of
For example, <code>let v = foo/... in allpaths($v, //common)
intersect $v</code> is equivalent to the <code>allpaths(foo/...,
//common) intersect foo/...</code>.
An occurrence of a variable reference <code>name</code> other than in
an enclosing <code>let <var>name</var> = ...</code> expression is an
error. In other words, toplevel query expressions cannot have free
In the above grammar productions, <code>name</code> is like
<em>word</em>, but with the additional constraint that it be a legal
identifier in the C programming language. References to the variable
must be prepended with the "$" character.
Each <code>let</code> expression defines only a single variable,
but you can nest them.
(Both <a
href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a> and variable references
consist of just a single token, a word, creating a syntactic
ambiguity. However, there is no semantic ambiguity, because the
subset of words that are legal variable names is disjoint from the
subset of words that are legal target patterns.)
(Technically speaking, <code>let</code> expressions do not increase
the expressiveness of the query language: any query expressible in
the language can also be expressed without them. However, they
improve the conciseness of many queries, and may also lead to more
efficient query evaluation.)
<h3 id="parentheses">Parenthesized expressions</h3>
<pre>expr ::= (<var>expr</var>)</pre>
Parentheses associate subexpressions to force an
order of evaluation.
A parenthesized expression evaluates
to the value of its argument.
<h3 id="set-operations">Algebraic set operations:
intersection, union, set difference</h3>
<pre>expr ::= <var>expr</var> intersect <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> ^ <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> union <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> + <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> except <var>expr</var>
| <var>expr</var> - <var>expr</var>
These three operators compute the usual set operations over their
arguments. Each operator has two forms, a nominal form such
as <code>intersect</code> and a symbolic form such
as <code>^</code>. Both forms are equivalent;
the symbolic forms are quicker to type. (For clarity, the rest of
this manual uses the nominal forms.) For example,
<pre>foo/... except foo/bar/...</pre>
evaluates to the set of targets that match
<code>foo/...</code> but not
<code>foo/bar/...</code>&nbsp;. Equivalently:
<pre>foo/... - foo/bar/...</pre>
The <code>intersect</code> (<code>^</code>)
and <code>union</code> (<code>+</code>) operations are commutative
(symmetric); <code>except</code> (<code>-</code>) is
asymmetric. The parser treats all three operators as
left-associative and of equal precedence, so you might want parentheses.
For example, the first two of these expressions are
equivalent, but the third is not:
<pre>x intersect y union z
(x intersect y) union z
x intersect (y union z)</pre>
(We strongly recommend that you use parentheses where there is
any danger of ambiguity in reading a query expression.)
<h3 id="set">Read targets from an external source: set</h3>
<pre>expr ::= set(<var>word</var> *) </pre>
The <code>set(<var>a</var> <var>b</var> <var>c</var> ...)</code>
operator computes the union of a set of zero or
more <a href='#target-patterns'>target patterns</a>, separated by
whitespace (no commas).
In conjunction with the Bourne shell's <code>$(...)</code>
feature, <code>set()</code> provides a means of saving the results
of one query in a regular text file, manipulating that text file
using other programs (e.g. standard UNIX shell tools), and then
introducing the result back into the query tool as a value for
further processing. For example:
% bazel query deps(//my:target) --output=label | grep ... | sed ... | awk ... &gt; foo
% bazel query "kind(cc_binary, set($(&lt;foo)))"
In the next example, <code>kind(cc_library,
deps(//some_dir/foo:main, 5))</code> is effectively computed
by filtering on the <code>maxrank</code> values using
an <code>awk</code> program.
% bazel query 'deps(//some_dir/foo:main)' --output maxrank |
awk '($1 &lt; 5) { print $2;} ' &gt; foo
% bazel query "kind(cc_library, set($(&lt;foo)))"
In these examples, <code>$(&lt;foo)</code> is a shorthand
for <code>$(cat foo)</code>, but shell commands other
than <code>cat</code> may be used too&mdash;such as
the previous <code>awk</code> command.
Note, <code>set()</code> introduces no graph ordering constraints,
so path information may be lost when saving and reloading sets of
nodes using it. See the <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a>
section below for more detail.
<h3 id="deps">Transitive closure of dependencies: deps</h3>
<pre>expr ::= deps(<var>expr</var>)
| deps(<var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre>
The <code>deps(<var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates to the graph
formed by the transitive closure of dependencies of its argument set
<var>x</var>. For example, the value of <code>deps(//foo)</code> is
the dependency graph rooted at the single node <code>foo</code>,
including all its dependencies. The value of
<code>deps(foo/...)</code> is the dependency graphs whose roots are
all rules in every package beneath the <code>foo</code> directory.
Please note that 'dependencies' means only rule and file targets
in this context, therefore the BUILD, Skylark and EBL files needed to
create these targets are not included here. For that you should use the
<a href="#buildfiles"><code>buildfiles</code></a> operator.
The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation.
See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more
The <code>deps</code> operator accepts an optional second argument,
which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth
of the search. So <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code> evaluates to all the
direct prerequisites of any target in the <code>foo</code> package,
and <code>deps(foo:*, 2)</code> further includes the nodes directly
reachable from the nodes in <code>deps(foo:*, 1)</code>, and so on.
(These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in
the <a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output
format.) If the <var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search
is unbounded, i.e. it computes the reflexive transitive closure of
<h3 id="rdeps">Transitive closure of reverse dependencies: rdeps</h3>
<pre>expr ::= rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| rdeps(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>, <var>depth</var>)</pre>
The <code>rdeps(<var>u</var>, <var>x</var>)</code> operator evaluates
to the reverse dependencies of the argument set <var>x</var> within the
transitive closure of the universe set <var>u</var>.
The resulting graph is ordered according to the dependency relation. See the
section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more details.
The <code>rdeps</code> operator accepts an optional third argument,
which is an integer literal specifying an upper bound on the depth of the
search. The resulting graph will only include nodes within a distance of the
specified depth from any node in the argument set. So
<code>rdeps(//foo, //common, 1)</code> evaluates to all nodes in the
transitive closure of <code>//foo</code> that directly depend on
<code>//common</code>. (These numbers correspond to the ranks shown in the
<a href='#output-ranked'><code>minrank</code></a> output format.) If the
<var>depth</var> parameter is omitted, the search is unbounded.
<h3 id="some">Arbitrary choice: some</h3>
<pre>expr ::= some(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
The <code>some(<var>x</var>)</code> operator selects one target
arbitrarily from its argument set <var>x</var>, and evaluates to a
singleton set containing only that target. For example, the
expression <code>some(//foo:main union //bar:baz)</code>
evaluates to a set containing either <code>//foo:main</code> or
<code>//bar:baz</code>&mdash;though which one is not defined.
If the argument is a singleton, then <code>some</code>
computes the identity function: <code>some(//foo:main)</code> is
equivalent to <code>//foo:main</code>.
It is an error if the specified argument set is empty, as in the
expression <code>some(//foo:main intersect //bar:baz)</code>.
<h3 id="path-operators">Path operators: somepath, allpaths</h3>
<pre>expr ::= somepath(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)
| allpaths(<var>expr</var>, <var>expr</var>)</pre>
The <code>somepath(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> and
<code>allpaths(<var>S</var>, <var>E</var>)</code> operators compute
paths between two sets of targets. Both queries accept two
arguments, a set <var>S</var> of starting points and a set
<var>E</var> of ending points. <code>somepath</code> returns the
graph of nodes on <em>some</em> arbitrary path from a target in
<var>S</var> to a target in <var>E</var>; <code>allpaths</code>
returns the graph of nodes on <em>all</em> paths from any target in
<var>S</var> to any target in <var>E</var>.
The resulting graphs are ordered according to the dependency relation.
See the section on <a href='#graph-order'>graph order</a> for more
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<!-- n3&#45;&gt;n10 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>n3&#45;&gt;n10</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M22.5027,-144.411C24.7033,-136.304 27.404,-126.354 29.8755,-117.248"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="33.2878,-118.038 32.5296,-107.47 26.5322,-116.204 33.2878,-118.038"/>
<!-- n4 -->
<g id="node4" class="node"><title>n4</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="87" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="87" y="-14.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">E</text>
<!-- n5 -->
<g id="node5" class="node"><title>n5</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-236.798" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6 -->
<g id="node6" class="node"><title>n6</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="121" cy="-162" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n5&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>n5&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M102.446,-219.279C105.413,-210.281 109.15,-198.944 112.492,-188.808"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="115.851,-189.796 115.658,-179.203 109.203,-187.604 115.851,-189.796"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M115.99,-144.365C112.931,-133.96 109.038,-120.252 106,-108 100.867,-87.3 95.8646,-63.6851 92.2822,-45.9844"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="95.6398,-44.9258 90.2466,-35.8064 88.7758,-46.2987 95.6398,-44.9258"/>
<!-- n9 -->
<g id="node9" class="node"><title>n9</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="133" cy="-90" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n9 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n9</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M123.905,-144.055C125.261,-136.145 126.907,-126.54 128.425,-117.688"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="131.882,-118.237 130.122,-107.789 124.982,-117.054 131.882,-118.237"/>
<!-- n7 -->
<g id="node7" class="node"><title>n7</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-314.394" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="97" y="-310.694" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S1</text>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n2</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M84.8488,-296.991C76.7726,-286.089 66.0734,-271.646 57.2656,-259.756"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="60.0158,-257.588 51.2509,-251.636 54.391,-261.755 60.0158,-257.588"/>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n5 -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n5</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M97,-293.532C97,-284.887 97,-274.612 97,-265.254"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="100.5,-265.213 97,-255.213 93.5001,-265.213 100.5,-265.213"/>
<!-- n8 -->
<g id="node8" class="node"><title>n8</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="154" cy="-236.798" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="154" y="-233.098" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S2</text>
<!-- n8&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>n8&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M145.673,-217.428C141.606,-208.456 136.653,-197.53 132.254,-187.827"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="135.411,-186.313 128.095,-178.651 129.036,-189.204 135.411,-186.313"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M47.1182,-74.8345C53.9632,-65.2515 63.1483,-52.3924 70.9784,-41.4303"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="73.9325,-43.3162 76.8968,-33.1445 68.2363,-39.2475 73.9325,-43.3162"/>
<!-- n11 -->
<g id="node11" class="node"><title>n11</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="33" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n11 -->
<g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n11</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M36.0112,-71.6966C35.5704,-63.9827 35.0407,-54.7125 34.5493,-46.1124"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="38.0423,-45.8883 33.9774,-36.1043 31.0537,-46.2878 38.0423,-45.8883"/>
<p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>one possible result.</p>
<td style='padding: 40px; text-align: center'>
<svg width="153pt" height="288pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 153.40 288.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
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<!-- n1 -->
<g id="node1" class="node"><title>n1</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="40" cy="-314.394" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2 -->
<g id="node2" class="node"><title>n2</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="41" cy="-236.798" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n1&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge"><title>n1&#45;&gt;n2</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M40.2269,-296.24C40.3484,-287.058 40.5009,-275.531 40.6382,-265.147"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="44.1413,-264.93 40.774,-254.884 37.1419,-264.837 44.1413,-264.93"/>
<!-- n3 -->
<g id="node3" class="node"><title>n3</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="18" cy="-162" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2&#45;&gt;n3 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>n2&#45;&gt;n3</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M35.7809,-219.279C32.9579,-210.344 29.4064,-199.103 26.2211,-189.021"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="29.5485,-187.935 23.1984,-179.454 22.8737,-190.044 29.5485,-187.935"/>
<!-- n10 -->
<g id="node10" class="node"><title>n10</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="37" cy="-90" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2&#45;&gt;n10 -->
<g id="edge9" class="edge"><title>n2&#45;&gt;n10</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M42.9371,-218.86C44.7656,-200.425 46.9578,-170.088 45,-144 44.3634,-135.518 43.1616,-126.336 41.8792,-118.036"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="45.3237,-117.412 40.2483,-108.112 38.4164,-118.547 45.3237,-117.412"/>
<!-- n3&#45;&gt;n10 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>n3&#45;&gt;n10</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M22.5027,-144.411C24.7033,-136.304 27.404,-126.354 29.8755,-117.248"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="33.2878,-118.038 32.5296,-107.47 26.5322,-116.204 33.2878,-118.038"/>
<!-- n4 -->
<g id="node4" class="node"><title>n4</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="87" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="87" y="-14.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">E</text>
<!-- n5 -->
<g id="node5" class="node"><title>n5</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-236.798" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6 -->
<g id="node6" class="node"><title>n6</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="121" cy="-162" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n5&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>n5&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M102.446,-219.279C105.413,-210.281 109.15,-198.944 112.492,-188.808"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="115.851,-189.796 115.658,-179.203 109.203,-187.604 115.851,-189.796"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M115.99,-144.365C112.931,-133.96 109.038,-120.252 106,-108 100.867,-87.3 95.8646,-63.6851 92.2822,-45.9844"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="95.6398,-44.9258 90.2466,-35.8064 88.7758,-46.2987 95.6398,-44.9258"/>
<!-- n9 -->
<g id="node9" class="node"><title>n9</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="133" cy="-90" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n9 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n9</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M123.905,-144.055C125.261,-136.145 126.907,-126.54 128.425,-117.688"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="131.882,-118.237 130.122,-107.789 124.982,-117.054 131.882,-118.237"/>
<!-- n7 -->
<g id="node7" class="node"><title>n7</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-314.394" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="97" y="-310.694" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S1</text>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n2</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M84.8488,-296.991C76.7726,-286.089 66.0734,-271.646 57.2656,-259.756"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="60.0158,-257.588 51.2509,-251.636 54.391,-261.755 60.0158,-257.588"/>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n5 -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n5</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M97,-293.532C97,-284.887 97,-274.612 97,-265.254"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="100.5,-265.213 97,-255.213 93.5001,-265.213 100.5,-265.213"/>
<!-- n8 -->
<g id="node8" class="node"><title>n8</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="154" cy="-236.798" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="154" y="-233.098" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S2</text>
<!-- n8&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>n8&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M145.673,-217.428C141.606,-208.456 136.653,-197.53 132.254,-187.827"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="135.411,-186.313 128.095,-178.651 129.036,-189.204 135.411,-186.313"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M47.1182,-74.8345C53.9632,-65.2515 63.1483,-52.3924 70.9784,-41.4303"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="73.9325,-43.3162 76.8968,-33.1445 68.2363,-39.2475 73.9325,-43.3162"/>
<!-- n11 -->
<g id="node11" class="node"><title>n11</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="33" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n11 -->
<g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n11</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M36.0112,-71.6966C35.5704,-63.9827 35.0407,-54.7125 34.5493,-46.1124"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="38.0423,-45.8883 33.9774,-36.1043 31.0537,-46.2878 38.0423,-45.8883"/>
<p><code>somepath(S1 + S2, E)</code>,<br/>another possible result.</p>
<td style='text-align: center'>
<svg width="153pt" height="288pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 153.40 288.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(0.839179 0.839179) rotate(0) translate(4 339.193)">
<polygon fill="white" stroke="none" points="-4,4 -4,-339.193 178.798,-339.193 178.798,4 -4,4"/>
<!-- n1 -->
<g id="node1" class="node"><title>n1</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="40" cy="-314.394" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2 -->
<g id="node2" class="node"><title>n2</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="41" cy="-236.798" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n1&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge"><title>n1&#45;&gt;n2</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M40.2269,-296.24C40.3484,-287.058 40.5009,-275.531 40.6382,-265.147"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="44.1413,-264.93 40.774,-254.884 37.1419,-264.837 44.1413,-264.93"/>
<!-- n3 -->
<g id="node3" class="node"><title>n3</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="18" cy="-162" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2&#45;&gt;n3 -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>n2&#45;&gt;n3</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M35.7809,-219.279C32.9579,-210.344 29.4064,-199.103 26.2211,-189.021"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="29.5485,-187.935 23.1984,-179.454 22.8737,-190.044 29.5485,-187.935"/>
<!-- n10 -->
<g id="node10" class="node"><title>n10</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="37" cy="-90" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n2&#45;&gt;n10 -->
<g id="edge9" class="edge"><title>n2&#45;&gt;n10</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M42.9371,-218.86C44.7656,-200.425 46.9578,-170.088 45,-144 44.3634,-135.518 43.1616,-126.336 41.8792,-118.036"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="45.3237,-117.412 40.2483,-108.112 38.4164,-118.547 45.3237,-117.412"/>
<!-- n3&#45;&gt;n10 -->
<g id="edge10" class="edge"><title>n3&#45;&gt;n10</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M22.5027,-144.411C24.7033,-136.304 27.404,-126.354 29.8755,-117.248"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="33.2878,-118.038 32.5296,-107.47 26.5322,-116.204 33.2878,-118.038"/>
<!-- n4 -->
<g id="node4" class="node"><title>n4</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="87" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="87" y="-14.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">E</text>
<!-- n5 -->
<g id="node5" class="node"><title>n5</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-236.798" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6 -->
<g id="node6" class="node"><title>n6</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="121" cy="-162" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n5&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>n5&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M102.446,-219.279C105.413,-210.281 109.15,-198.944 112.492,-188.808"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="115.851,-189.796 115.658,-179.203 109.203,-187.604 115.851,-189.796"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge6" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M115.99,-144.365C112.931,-133.96 109.038,-120.252 106,-108 100.867,-87.3 95.8646,-63.6851 92.2822,-45.9844"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="95.6398,-44.9258 90.2466,-35.8064 88.7758,-46.2987 95.6398,-44.9258"/>
<!-- n9 -->
<g id="node9" class="node"><title>n9</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="133" cy="-90" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n6&#45;&gt;n9 -->
<g id="edge8" class="edge"><title>n6&#45;&gt;n9</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M123.905,-144.055C125.261,-136.145 126.907,-126.54 128.425,-117.688"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="131.882,-118.237 130.122,-107.789 124.982,-117.054 131.882,-118.237"/>
<!-- n7 -->
<g id="node7" class="node"><title>n7</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="97" cy="-314.394" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="97" y="-310.694" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S1</text>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n2 -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n2</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M84.8488,-296.991C76.7726,-286.089 66.0734,-271.646 57.2656,-259.756"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="60.0158,-257.588 51.2509,-251.636 54.391,-261.755 60.0158,-257.588"/>
<!-- n7&#45;&gt;n5 -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>n7&#45;&gt;n5</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M97,-293.532C97,-284.887 97,-274.612 97,-265.254"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="100.5,-265.213 97,-255.213 93.5001,-265.213 100.5,-265.213"/>
<!-- n8 -->
<g id="node8" class="node"><title>n8</title>
<ellipse fill="pink" stroke="black" cx="154" cy="-236.798" rx="20.5982" ry="20.5982"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="154" y="-233.098" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">S2</text>
<!-- n8&#45;&gt;n6 -->
<g id="edge7" class="edge"><title>n8&#45;&gt;n6</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M145.673,-217.428C141.606,-208.456 136.653,-197.53 132.254,-187.827"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="135.411,-186.313 128.095,-178.651 129.036,-189.204 135.411,-186.313"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n4 -->
<g id="edge11" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n4</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M47.1182,-74.8345C53.9632,-65.2515 63.1483,-52.3924 70.9784,-41.4303"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="73.9325,-43.3162 76.8968,-33.1445 68.2363,-39.2475 73.9325,-43.3162"/>
<!-- n11 -->
<g id="node11" class="node"><title>n11</title>
<ellipse fill="none" stroke="black" cx="33" cy="-18" rx="18" ry="18"/>
<!-- n10&#45;&gt;n11 -->
<g id="edge12" class="edge"><title>n10&#45;&gt;n11</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M36.0112,-71.6966C35.5704,-63.9827 35.0407,-54.7125 34.5493,-46.1124"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="38.0423,-45.8883 33.9774,-36.1043 31.0537,-46.2878 38.0423,-45.8883"/>
<p><code>allpaths(S1 + S2, E)</code>.</p>
<h3 id="kind">Target kind filtering: kind</h3>
<pre>expr ::= kind(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
The <code>kind(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator
applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards those targets
that are not of the expected kind. The <var>pattern</var> parameter specifies
what kind of target to match.
<li><b>file</b> patterns can be one of:
<li><code>source file</code>
<li><code>generated file</code>
<li><b>rule</b> patterns can be one of:
<li><code><var>ruletype</var> rule</code>
Where <var>ruletype</var> is a build rule. The difference between these
forms is that including "rule" causes the regular expression match for
<var>ruletype</var> to be anchored.
<li><b>package group</b> patterns should simply be:
<li><code>package group</code>
For example, the kinds for the four targets defined by the BUILD file
(for package <code>p</code>) shown below are illustrated in the
<table style='margin: auto'><tr><td style='padding-right:10px'>
<pre style='margin-left: 0em;'>
name = "a",
srcs = [""],
outs = ["a.out"],
cmd = "...",
<table class="grid">
<tr class='tt'><td>//p:a</td><td>genrule rule</td></tr>
<tr class='tt'><td>//</td><td>source file</td></tr>
<tr class='tt'><td>//p:a.out</td><td>generated file</td></tr>
<tr class='tt'><td>//p:BUILD</td><td>source file</td></tr>
Thus, <code>kind("cc_.* rule", foo/...)</code> evaluates to the set
of all <code>cc_library</code>, <code>cc_binary</code>, etc,
rule targets beneath
<code>foo</code>, and <code>kind("source file", deps(//foo))</code>
evaluates to the set of all source files in the transitive closure
of dependencies of the <code>//foo</code> target.
Quotation of the <var>pattern</var> argument is often required
because without it, many regular expressions, such as <code>source
file</code> and <code>.*_test</code>, are not considered words by
the parser.
When matching for <code>package group</code>, targets ending in
<code>:all</code> may not yield any results.
Use <code>:all-targets</code> instead.
<h3 id="filter">Target name filtering: filter</h3>
<pre>expr ::= filter(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
The <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code> operator
applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets whose
labels (in absolute form) do not match the pattern; it
evaluates to a subset of its input.
The first argument, <var>pattern</var> is a word containing a
regular expression over target names. A <code>filter</code> expression
evaluates to the set containing all targets <var>x</var> such that
<var>x</var> is a member of the set <var>input</var> and the
label (in absolute form, e.g. <code>//foo:bar</code>)
of <var>x</var> contains an (unanchored) match
for the regular expression <var>pattern</var>. Since all
target names start with <code>//</code>, it may be used as an alternative
to the <code>^</code> regular expression anchor.
This operator often provides a much faster and more robust alternative to the
<code>intersect</code> operator. For example, in order to see all
<code>bar</code> dependencies of the <code>//foo:foo</code> target, one could
<pre>deps(//foo) intersect //bar/...</pre>
This statement, however, will require parsing of all BUILD files in the
<code>bar</code> tree, which will be slow and prone to errors in
irrelevant BUILD files. An alternative would be:
<pre>filter(//bar, deps(//foo))</pre>
which would first calculate the set of <code>//foo</code> dependencies and
then would filter only targets matching the provided pattern&mdash;in other
words, targets with names containing <code>//bar</code> as a
Another common use of the <code>filter(<var>pattern</var>,
<var>expr</var>)</code> operator is to filter specific files by their
name or extension. For example,
<pre>filter("\.cc$", deps(//foo))</pre>
will provide a list of all <code>.cc</code> files used to build
<h3 id="attr">Rule attribute filtering: attr</h3>
<pre>expr ::= attr(<var>word</var>, <var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
The <code>attr(<var>name</var>, <var>pattern</var>, <var>input</var>)</code>
operator applies a filter to a set of targets, and discards targets that
are not rules, rule targets that do not have attribute <var>name</var>
defined or rule targets where the attribute value does not match the provided
regular expression <var>pattern</var>; it evaluates to a subset of its input.
The first argument, <var>name</var> is the name of the rule attribute that
should be matched against the provided regular expression pattern. The second
argument, <var>pattern</var> is a regular expression over the attribute
values. An <code>attr</code> expression evaluates to the set containing all
targets <var>x</var> such that <var>x</var> is a member of the set
<var>input</var>, is a rule with the defined attribute <var>name</var> and
the attribute value contains an (unanchored) match for the regular expression
<var>pattern</var>. Please note, that if <var>name</var> is an optional
attribute and rule does not specify it explicitly then default attribute
value will be used for comparison. For example,
<pre>attr(linkshared, 0, deps(//foo))</pre>
will select all <code>//foo</code> dependencies that are allowed to have a
linkshared attribute (e.g., <code>cc_binary</code> rule) and have it either
explicitly set to 0 or do not set it at all but default value is 0 (e.g. for
<code>cc_binary</code> rules).
List-type attributes (such as <code>srcs</code>, <code>data</code>, etc) are
converted to strings of the form <code>[value<sub>1</sub>, ..., value<sub>n</sub>]</code>,
starting with a <code>[</code> bracket, ending with a <code>]</code> bracket
and using "<code>, </code>" (comma, space) to delimit multiple values.
Labels are converted to strings by using the absolute form of the
label. For example, an attribute <code>deps=[":foo",
"//otherpkg:bar", "wiz"]</code> would be converted to the
string <code>[//thispkg:foo, //otherpkg:bar, //thispkg:wiz]</code>.
are always present, so the empty list would use string value <code>[]</code>
for matching purposes. For example,
<pre>attr("srcs", "\[\]", deps(//foo))</pre>
will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that have an
empty <code>srcs</code> attribute, while
<pre>attr("data", ".{3,}", deps(//foo))</pre>
will select all rules among <code>//foo</code> dependencies that specify at
least one value in the <code>data</code> attribute (every label is at least
3 characters long due to the <code>//</code> and <code>:</code>).
<h3 id="labels">Evaluation of rule attributes of type label: labels</h3>
<pre>expr ::= labels(<var>word</var>, <var>expr</var>) </pre>
The <code>labels(<var>attr_name</var>, <var>inputs</var>)</code>
operator returns the set of targets specified in the
attribute <var>attr_name</var> of type "label" or "list of label" in
some rule in set <var>inputs</var>.
For example, <code>labels(srcs, //foo)</code> returns the set of
targets appearing in the <code>srcs</code> attribute of
the <code>//foo</code> rule. If there are multiple rules
with <code>srcs</code> attributes in the <var>inputs</var> set, the
union of their <code>srcs</code> is returned.
Please note, <code>deps</code> is a reserved word in the query
language, so you must quote it if you wish to query the rule
attribute of that name in a <code>labels</code> expression:
<code>labels("deps", //foo)</code>.
<h3 id="tests">Expand and filter test_suites: tests</h3>
<pre>expr ::= tests(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
The <code>tests(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set of all test
rules in set <var>x</var>, expanding any <code>test_suite</code> rules into
the set of individual tests that they refer to, and applying filtering by
<code>tag</code> and <code>size</code>.
By default, query evaluation
ignores any non-test targets in all <code>test_suite</code> rules. This can be
changed to errors with the <code>--strict_test_suite</code> option.
For example, the query <code>kind(test, foo:*)</code> lists all
the <code>*_test</code> and <code>test_suite</code> rules
in the <code>foo</code> package. All the results are (by
definition) members of the <code>foo</code> package. In contrast,
the query <code>tests(foo:*)</code> will return all of the
individual tests that would be executed by <code>bazel test
foo:*</code>: this may include tests belonging to other packages,
that are referenced directly or indirectly
via <code>test_suite</code> rules.
<h3 id="buildfiles">Package definition files: buildfiles</h3>
<pre>expr ::= buildfiles(<var>expr</var>)</pre>
The <code>buildfiles(<var>x</var>)</code> operator returns the set
of files that define the packages of each target in
set <var>x</var>; in other words, for each package, its BUILD file,
plus any files it references
via <code>load</code>. Note that this also returns the BUILD files of the
packages containing these <code>load</code>ed files.
<h2>Output formats</h2>
<code>bazel query</code> generates a graph.
You specify the content, format, and ordering by which
<code>bazel query</code> presents this graph
by means of the <code>--output</code>
command-line option.
Some of the output formats accept additional options. The name of
each output option is prefixed with the output format to which it
applies, so <code>--graph:factored</code> applies only
when <code>--output=graph</code> is being used; it has no effect if
an output format other than <code>graph</code> is used. Similarly,
<code>--xml:line_numbers</code> applies only when <code>--output=xml</code>
is being used.
<h3 id='result-order'>On the ordering of results</h3>
Although query expressions always follow the "<a href='#graph-order'>law of
conservation of graph order</a>", <i>presenting</i> the results may be done
in either a dependency-ordered or unordered manner. This does <b>not</b>
influence the targets in the result set or how the query is computed. It only
affects how the results are printed to stdout. The
<code>--[no]order_results</code> flag can be used to control this behavior.
When <code>--order_results</code> is used (this is the default), then the
graph order will be preserved in the output. For example the query
<code>deps(x)</code> will print the dependencies of target <code>x</code>
before printing <code>x</code> itself.
When <code>--noorder_results</code> is used and <code>--order</code> is one
of <code>label</code>, <code>label_kind</code>, <code>location</code>,
<code>package</code>, <code>proto</code>, <code>record</code> or
<code>xml</code>, the outputs will be printed in arbitrary order. <b>This is
generally faster than using <code>--order_results</code></b>. It is not
supported though when <code>--order</code> is one of <code>graph</code>,
<code>min_rank</code> or <code>max_rank</code>: with these formats, bazel will
ignore the <code>--[no]order_results</code> flag and always print ordered
<h3 id="output-label">Print the label of each target</h3>
<pre>--output label</pre>
With this option, the set of names (or <em>labels</em>) of each target
in the resulting graph is printed, one label per line, in
topological order (unless <code>--noorder_results</code> is specified, see
<a href='#result-order'>notes on the ordering of results</a>).
(A topological ordering is one in which a graph
node appears earlier than all of its successors.) Of course there
are many possible topological orderings of a graph (<em>reverse
postorder</em> is just one); which one is chosen is not specified.
When printing the output of a <code>somepath</code> query, the order
in which the nodes are printed is the order of the path.
Caveat: in some corner cases, there may be two distinct targets with
the same label; for example, a <code>sh_binary</code> rule and its
sole (implicit) <code>srcs</code> file may both be called
<code></code>. If the result of a query contains both of
these targets, the output (in <code>label</code> format) will appear
to contain a duplicate. When using the <code>label_kind</code> (see
below) format, the distinction becomes clear: the two targets have
the same name, but one has kind <code>sh_binary rule</code> and the
other kind <code>source file</code>.
<h3 id="output-label_kind">Print the label and kind of each target</h3>
<pre>--output label_kind</pre>
Like <code>label</code>, this output format prints the labels of
each target in the resulting graph, in topological order, but it
additionally precedes the label by
the <a href='#kind'><em>kind</em></a> of the target.
<h3 id="output-ranked">Print the label of each target, in rank order</h3>
<pre>--output minrank
--output maxrank</pre>
Like <code>label</code>, the <code>minrank</code>
and <code>maxrank</code> output formats print the labels of each
target in the resulting graph, but instead of appearing in
topological order, they appear in rank order, preceded by their
rank number. These are unaffected by the result ordering
<code>--[no]order_results</code> flag (see <a href='#result-order'>notes on
the ordering of results</a>).
There are two variants of this format: <code>minrank</code> ranks
each node by the length of the shortest path from a root node to it.
"Root" nodes (those which have no incoming edges) are of rank 0,
their successors are of rank 1, etc. (As always, edges point from a
target to its prerequisites: the targets it depends upon.)
<code>maxrank</code> ranks each node by the length of the longest
path from a root node to it. Again, "roots" have rank 0, all other
nodes have a rank which is one greater than the maximum rank of all
their predecessors.
All nodes in a cycle are considered of equal rank. (Most graphs are
acyclic, but cycles do occur
simply because BUILD files contain erroneous cycles.)
These output formats are useful for discovering how deep a graph is.
If used for the result of a <code>deps(x)</code>, <code>rdeps(x)</code>,
or <code>allpaths</code> query, then the rank number is equal to the
length of the shortest (with <code>minrank</code>) or longest
(with <code>maxrank</code>) path from <code>x</code> to a node in
that rank. <code>maxrank</code> can be used to determine the
longest sequence of build steps required to build a target.
Please note, the ranked output of a <code>somepath</code> query is
basically meaningless because <code>somepath</code> doesn't
guarantee to return either a shortest or a longest path, and it may
include "transitive" edges from one path node to another that are
not direct edges in original graph.
For example, the graph on the left yields the outputs on the right
when <code>--output minrank</code> and <code>--output maxrank</code>
are specified, respectively.
<table style='margin: auto'><tr><td>
<svg width="169pt" height="260pt"
viewBox="0.00 0.00 169.00 260.00" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<g id="graph0" class="graph" transform="scale(1 1) rotate(0) translate(4 256)">
<polygon fill="white" stroke="none" points="-4,4 -4,-256 165,-256 165,4 -4,4"/>
<!-- //a:a -->
<g id="node1" class="node"><title>//a:a</title>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="65.5,-108 11.5,-108 11.5,-72 65.5,-72 65.5,-108"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="38.5" y="-86.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">//a:a</text>
<!-- // -->
<g id="node2" class="node"><title>//</title>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="77,-36 0,-36 0,-0 77,-0 77,-36"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="38.5" y="-14.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">//</text>
<!-- //a:a&#45;&gt;// -->
<g id="edge1" class="edge"><title>//a:a&#45;&gt;//</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M38.5,-71.6966C38.5,-63.9827 38.5,-54.7125 38.5,-46.1124"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="42.0001,-46.1043 38.5,-36.1043 35.0001,-46.1044 42.0001,-46.1043"/>
<!-- //b:b -->
<g id="node3" class="node"><title>//b:b</title>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="120.5,-180 66.5,-180 66.5,-144 120.5,-144 120.5,-180"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="93.5" y="-158.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">//b:b</text>
<!-- //b:b&#45;&gt;//a:a -->
<g id="edge2" class="edge"><title>//b:b&#45;&gt;//a:a</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M79.9045,-143.697C73.3773,-135.389 65.432,-125.277 58.2534,-116.141"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="60.8695,-113.805 51.9391,-108.104 55.3653,-118.13 60.8695,-113.805"/>
<!-- // -->
<g id="node4" class="node"><title>//</title>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="161,-108 84,-108 84,-72 161,-72 161,-108"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="122.5" y="-86.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">//</text>
<!-- //b:b&#45;&gt;// -->
<g id="edge3" class="edge"><title>//b:b&#45;&gt;//</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M100.669,-143.697C103.935,-135.813 107.874,-126.304 111.502,-117.546"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="114.82,-118.683 115.414,-108.104 108.353,-116.003 114.82,-118.683"/>
<!-- //c:c -->
<g id="node5" class="node"><title>//c:c</title>
<polygon fill="none" stroke="black" points="92.5,-252 38.5,-252 38.5,-216 92.5,-216 92.5,-252"/>
<text text-anchor="middle" x="65.5" y="-230.3" font-family="arial" font-size="14.00">//c:c</text>
<!-- //c:c&#45;&gt;//a:a -->
<g id="edge5" class="edge"><title>//c:c&#45;&gt;//a:a</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M62.2432,-215.871C57.6415,-191.67 49.188,-147.211 43.7086,-118.393"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="47.0748,-117.359 41.7684,-108.189 40.198,-118.667 47.0748,-117.359"/>
<!-- //c:c&#45;&gt;//b:b -->
<g id="edge4" class="edge"><title>//c:c&#45;&gt;//b:b</title>
<path fill="none" stroke="black" d="M72.4214,-215.697C75.5747,-207.813 79.3783,-198.304 82.8814,-189.546"/>
<polygon fill="black" stroke="black" points="86.194,-190.689 86.6583,-180.104 79.6946,-188.089 86.194,-190.689"/>
0 //c:c
1 //b:b
1 //a:a
2 //
2 //
0 //c:c
1 //b:b
2 //a:a
2 //
3 //
<h3 id="output-location">Print the location of each target</h3>
<pre>--output location</pre>
Like <code>label_kind</code>, this option prints out, for each
target in the result, the target's kind and label, but it is
prefixed by a string describing the location of that target, as a
filename and line number. The format resembles the output of
<code>grep</code>. Thus, tools that can parse the latter (such as Emacs
or vi) can also use the query output to step through a series of
matches, allowing the Bazel query tool to be used as a
dependency-graph-aware "grep for BUILD files".
The location information varies by target kind (see the <a
href='#kind'>kind</a> operator). For rules, the
location of the rule's declaration within the BUILD file is printed.
For source files, the location of line 1 of the actual file is
printed. For a generated file, the location of the rule that
generates it is printed. (The query tool does not have sufficient
information to find the actual location of the generated file, and
in any case, it might not exist if a build has not yet been
<h3 id="output-package">Print the set of packages</h3>
<pre>--output package</pre>
This option prints the name of all packages to which
some target in the result set belongs. The names are printed in
lexicographical order; duplicates are excluded. Formally, this
is a <em>projection</em> from the set of labels (package, target) onto
In conjunction with the <code>deps(...)</code> query, this output
option can be used to find the set of packages that must be checked
out in order to build a given set of targets.
<h3 id="output-graph">Display a graph of the result</h3>
<pre>--output graph</pre>
This option causes the query result to be printed as a directed
graph in the popular AT&amp;T GraphViz format. Typically the
result is saved to a file, such as <code>.png</code> or <code>.svg</code>.
(If the <code>dot</code> program is not installed on your workstation, you
can install it using the command <code>sudo apt-get install graphviz</code>.)
See the example section below for a sample invocation.
This output format is particularly useful for <code>allpath</code>,
<code>deps</code>, or <code>rdeps</code> queries, where the result
includes a <em>set of paths</em> that cannot be easily visualized when
rendered in a linear form, such as with <code>--output label</code>.
By default, the graph is rendered in a <em>factored</em> form. That is,
topologically-equivalent nodes are merged together into a single
node with multiple labels. This makes the graph more compact
and readable, because typical result graphs contain highly
repetitive patterns. For example, a <code>java_library</code> rule
may depend on hundreds of Java source files all generated by the
same <code>genrule</code>; in the factored graph, all these files
are represented by a single node. This behavior may be disabled
with the <code>--nograph:factored</code> option.
<h4><code>--graph:node_limit <var>n</var></code></h4>
The option specifies the maximum length of the label string for a
graph node in the output. Longer labels will be truncated; -1
disables truncation. Due to the factored form in which graphs are
usually printed, the node labels may be very long. GraphViz cannot
handle labels exceeding 1024 characters, which is the default value
of this option. This option has no effect unless
<code>--output=graph</code> is being used.
By default, graphs are displayed in factored form, as explained
<a href='#output-graph'>above</a>.
When <code>--nograph:factored</code> is specified, graphs are
printed without factoring. This makes visualization using GraphViz
impractical, but the simpler format may ease processing by other
tools (e.g. grep). This option has no effect
unless <code>--output=graph</code> is being used.
<h3 id="output-xml">XML</h3>
<pre>--output xml</pre>
This option causes the resulting targets to be printed in an XML
form. The output starts with an XML header such as this
&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;
&lt;query version="2"&gt;
<!-- The docs should continue to document version 2 into perpetuity,
even if we add new formats, to handle clients synced to old CLs. -->
and then continues with an XML element for each target
in the result graph, in topological order (unless
<a href='#result-order'>unordered results</a> are requested),
and then finishes with a terminating
Simple entries are emitted for targets of <code>file</code>
&lt;source-file name='//' .../&gt;
&lt;generated-file name='//' .../&gt;
But for rules, the XML is structured and contains definitions of all
the attributes of the rule, including those whose value was not
explicitly specified in the rule's BUILD file.
Additionally, the result includes <code>rule-input</code> and
<code>rule-output</code> elements so that the topology of the
dependency graph can be reconstructed without having to know that,
for example, the elements of the <code>srcs</code> attribute are
forward dependencies (prerequisites) and the contents of the
<code>outs</code> attribute are backward dependencies (consumers).
<code>rule-input</code> elements for <a
href='#implicit_deps'>implicit dependencies</a> are suppressed if
<code>--noimplicit_deps</code> is specified.
&lt;rule class='cc_binary rule' name='//foo:foo' ...&gt;
&lt;list name='srcs'&gt;
&lt;label value='//'/&gt;
&lt;label value='//'/&gt;
&lt;list name='deps'&gt;
&lt;label value='//common:common'/&gt;
&lt;label value='//collections:collections'/&gt;
&lt;list name='data'&gt;
&lt;int name='linkstatic' value='0'/&gt;
&lt;int name='linkshared' value='0'/&gt;
&lt;list name='licenses'/&gt;
&lt;list name='distribs'&gt;
&lt;distribution value="INTERNAL" /&gt;
&lt;rule-input name="//common:common" /&gt;
&lt;rule-input name="//collections:collections" /&gt;
&lt;rule-input name="//" /&gt;
&lt;rule-input name="//" /&gt;
Every XML element for a target contains a <code>name</code>
attribute, whose value is the target's label, and
a <code>location</code> attribute, whose value is the target's
location as printed by the <a href='output-location'><code>--output
By default, the locations displayed in the XML output contain line numbers.
When <code>--noxml:line_numbers</code> is specified, line numbers are not
By default, XML output does not include rule attribute whose value
is the default value for that kind of attribute (e.g. because it
were not specified in the BUILD file, or the default value was
provided explicitly). This option causes such attribute values to
be included in the XML output.