blob: a4146387a312762725f8dfbeef19cc97ff3dcea5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Utility functions over Targets that don't really belong in the base {@link
* Target} interface.
public final class TargetUtils {
// *_test / test_suite attribute that used to specify constraint keywords.
private static final String CONSTRAINTS_ATTR = "tags";
private TargetUtils() {} // Uninstantiable.
public static boolean isTestRuleName(String name) {
return name.endsWith("_test");
public static boolean isTestSuiteRuleName(String name) {
return name.equals("test_suite");
* Returns true iff {@code target} is a {@code *_test} rule; excludes {@code
* test_suite}.
public static boolean isTestRule(Target target) {
return (target instanceof Rule) && isTestRuleName(((Rule) target).getRuleClass());
* Returns true iff {@code target} is a {@code test_suite} rule.
public static boolean isTestSuiteRule(Target target) {
return target instanceof Rule &&
isTestSuiteRuleName(((Rule) target).getRuleClass());
* Returns true iff {@code target} is a {@code *_test} or {@code test_suite}.
public static boolean isTestOrTestSuiteRule(Target target) {
return isTestRule (target) || isTestSuiteRule(target);
* Returns true if {@code target} has "manual" in the tags attribute and thus should be ignored by
* command-line wildcards or by test_suite $implicit_tests attribute.
public static boolean hasManualTag(Target target) {
return (target instanceof Rule) && hasConstraint((Rule) target, "manual");
* Returns true if test marked as "exclusive" by the appropriate keyword
* in the tags attribute.
* Method assumes that passed target is a test rule, so usually it should be
* used only after isTestRule() or isTestOrTestSuiteRule(). Behavior is
* undefined otherwise.
public static boolean isExclusiveTestRule(Rule rule) {
return hasConstraint(rule, "exclusive");
* Returns true if test marked as "local" by the appropriate keyword
* in the tags attribute.
* Method assumes that passed target is a test rule, so usually it should be
* used only after isTestRule() or isTestOrTestSuiteRule(). Behavior is
* undefined otherwise.
public static boolean isLocalTestRule(Rule rule) {
return hasConstraint(rule, "local")
|| NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(rule).get("local", Type.BOOLEAN);
* Returns true if the rule is a test or test suite and is local or exclusive.
* Wraps the above calls into one generic check safely applicable to any rule.
public static boolean isTestRuleAndRunsLocally(Rule rule) {
return isTestOrTestSuiteRule(rule) &&
(isLocalTestRule(rule) || isExclusiveTestRule(rule));
* Returns true if test marked as "external" by the appropriate keyword
* in the tags attribute.
* Method assumes that passed target is a test rule, so usually it should be
* used only after isTestRule() or isTestOrTestSuiteRule(). Behavior is
* undefined otherwise.
public static boolean isExternalTestRule(Rule rule) {
return hasConstraint(rule, "external");
* If the given target is a rule, returns its <code>deprecation<code/> value, or null if unset.
public static String getDeprecation(Target target) {
if (!(target instanceof Rule)) {
return null;
Rule rule = (Rule) target;
return (rule.isAttrDefined("deprecation", Type.STRING))
? NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(rule).get("deprecation", Type.STRING)
: null;
* Checks whether specified constraint keyword is present in the
* tags attribute of the test or test suite rule.
* Method assumes that provided rule is a test or a test suite. Behavior is
* undefined otherwise.
private static boolean hasConstraint(Rule rule, String keyword) {
return NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(rule).get(CONSTRAINTS_ATTR, Type.STRING_LIST)
* Returns the execution info. These include execution requirement
* tags ('requires-*' as well as "local") as keys with empty values.
public static Map<String, String> getExecutionInfo(Rule rule) {
// tags may contain duplicate values.
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String tag :
NonconfigurableAttributeMapper.of(rule).get(CONSTRAINTS_ATTR, Type.STRING_LIST)) {
if (tag.startsWith("requires-") || tag.equals("local")) {
map.put(tag, "");
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map);
* Returns the language part of the rule name (e.g. "foo" for foo_test or foo_binary).
* <p>In practice this is the part before the "_", if any, otherwise the entire rule class name.
* <p>Precondition: isTestRule(target) || isRunnableNonTestRule(target).
public static String getRuleLanguage(Target target) {
return getRuleLanguage(((Rule) target).getRuleClass());
* Returns the language part of the rule name (e.g. "foo" for foo_test or foo_binary).
* <p>In practice this is the part before the "_", if any, otherwise the entire rule class name.
public static String getRuleLanguage(String ruleClass) {
int index = ruleClass.lastIndexOf('_');
// Chop off "_binary" or "_test".
return index != -1 ? ruleClass.substring(0, index) : ruleClass;
private static boolean isExplicitDependency(Rule rule, Label label) {
if (rule.getVisibility().getDependencyLabels().contains(label)) {
return true;
ExplicitEdgeVisitor visitor = new ExplicitEdgeVisitor(rule, label);
return visitor.isExplicit();
private static class ExplicitEdgeVisitor implements AttributeMap.AcceptsLabelAttribute {
private final Label expectedLabel;
private final Rule rule;
private boolean isExplicit = false;
public ExplicitEdgeVisitor(Rule rule, Label expected) {
this.rule = rule;
this.expectedLabel = expected;
public void acceptLabelAttribute(Label label, Attribute attr) {
if (isExplicit || !rule.isAttributeValueExplicitlySpecified(attr)) {
// Nothing to do here.
} else if (expectedLabel.equals(label)) {
isExplicit = true;
public boolean isExplicit() {
return isExplicit;
* Return {@link Location} for {@link Target} target, if it should not be null.
public static Location getLocationMaybe(Target target) {
return (target instanceof Rule) || (target instanceof InputFile) ? target.getLocation() : null;
* Return nicely formatted error message that {@link Label} label that was pointed to by
* {@link Target} target did not exist, due to {@link NoSuchThingException} e.
public static String formatMissingEdge(@Nullable Target target, Label label,
NoSuchThingException e) {
// instanceof returns false if target is null (which is exploited here)
if (target instanceof Rule) {
Rule rule = (Rule) target;
return !isExplicitDependency(rule, label)
? ("every rule of type " + rule.getRuleClass() + " implicitly depends upon the target '"
+ label + "', but this target could not be found. "
+ "If this is an integration test, maybe you forgot to add a mock for your new tool?")
: e.getMessage() + " and referenced by '" + target.getLabel() + "'";
} else if (target instanceof InputFile) {
return e.getMessage() + " (this is usually caused by a missing package group in the"
+ " package-level visibility declaration)";
} else {
if (target != null) {
return "in target '" + target.getLabel() + "', no such label '" + label + "': "
+ e.getMessage();
return e.getMessage();