blob: b7279a202c6ccd6ad94f339947d7d981c60882b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A {@link Module} represents a Starlark module, a container of global variables populated by
* executing a Starlark file. Each top-level assignment updates a global variable in the module.
* <p>Each module references its "predeclared" environment, which is often shared among many
* modules. These are the names that are defined even at the start of execution. For example, in
* Bazel, the predeclared environment of the module for a BUILD or .bzl file defines name values
* such as cc_binary and glob.
* <p>The predeclared environment implicitly includes the "universal" names present in every
* Starlark thread in every dialect, such as None, len, and str; see {@link Starlark#UNIVERSE}.
* <p>Global bindings in a Module may shadow bindings inherited from the predeclared block.
* <p>A module may carry an arbitrary piece of client data. In Bazel, for example, the client data
* records the module's build label (such as "//dir:file.bzl"). This client data is accessible to
* (for instance) application-defined builtin methods.
* <p>You may create a Module using {@link #create}, {@link #withPredeclared}, or {@link
* #withPredeclaredAndData}. The latter two give you the ability to add predeclared bindings (beyond
* the universal ones) and client data. The particular {@link StarlarkSemantics} and client data may
* filter what predeclared bindings are available via {@link GuardedValue}.
public final class Module implements Resolver.Module {
// The module's predeclared environment. Excludes UNIVERSE bindings. Values that are conditionally
// present are stored as GuardedValues regardless of whether they are actually enabled.
private final ImmutableMap<String, Object> predeclared;
// The module's global variables, in order of creation.
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> globalIndex = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private Object[] globals = new Object[8];
// An optional piece of application-specific metadata associated with the module/file.
// Its toString appears to Starlark in str(function): "<function f from ...>".
@Nullable private final Object clientData;
private final StarlarkSemantics semantics;
// An optional doc string for the module. Set after construction when evaluating a .bzl file.
@Nullable private String documentation;
private Module(
ImmutableMap<String, Object> predeclared,
@Nullable Object clientData,
StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
this.predeclared = predeclared;
this.clientData = clientData;
this.semantics = semantics;
* Constructs a Module with the specified predeclared bindings (filtered by the semantics), in *
* addition to the standard environment, {@link Starlark#UNIVERSE}. No client data is set.
public static Module withPredeclared(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Map<String, Object> predeclared) {
return withPredeclaredAndData(semantics, predeclared, null);
* Constructs a Module as above, but with the specified client data -- an arbitrary
* application-specific value to be associated with this Module. Client data may also affect the
* filtering of predeclareds alongside the semantics.
public static Module withPredeclaredAndData(
StarlarkSemantics semantics, Map<String, Object> predeclared, @Nullable Object clientData) {
return new Module(ImmutableMap.copyOf(predeclared), clientData, semantics);
* Creates a module with no predeclared bindings other than the standard environment, {@link
* Starlark#UNIVERSE}, and with no client data.
public static Module create() {
return new Module(
/* predeclared= */ ImmutableMap.of(), /* clientData= */ null, StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT);
* Returns the module (file) of the {@code depth}-th innermost enclosing Starlark function on the
* call stack, or null if number of the active calls that are functions defined in Starlark is
* less than or equal to {@code depth}.
* <p>This method is a temporary workaround for Starlarkification, to check {@code _builtin}
* restriction and should not be used anywhere else.
* @param depth the depth for the callstack.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code depth} is negative.
public static Module ofInnermostEnclosingStarlarkFunction(StarlarkThread thread, int depth) {
StarlarkFunction fn = thread.getInnermostEnclosingStarlarkFunction(depth);
if (fn != null) {
return fn.getModule();
return null;
* Returns the module (file) of the innermost enclosing Starlark function on the call stack, or
* null if none of the active calls are functions defined in Starlark.
* <p>The name of this function is intentionally horrible to make you feel bad for using it.
public static Module ofInnermostEnclosingStarlarkFunction(StarlarkThread thread) {
return ofInnermostEnclosingStarlarkFunction(thread, 0);
* Replaces an enabled {@link GuardedValue} with the value it guards.
* <p>A disabled {@link GuardedValue} is left in place for error reporting upon access, and should
* be treated as unavailable.
private Object filterGuardedValue(Object v) {
if (!(v instanceof GuardedValue)) {
return v;
GuardedValue gv = (GuardedValue) v;
return gv.isObjectAccessibleUsingSemantics(semantics, clientData) ? gv.getObject() : gv;
/** Returns the client data associated with this module. */
public Object getClientData() {
return clientData;
/** Sets the module's doc string. It may be retrieved using {@link #getDocumentation}. */
public void setDocumentation(String documentation) {
this.documentation = documentation;
* Returns the module's doc string, or null if absent.
* <p>Morally equivalent to calling {@code program.getResolvedFunction().getDocumentation()} when
* the Module has a corresponding {@link}. We need to separately
* save the doc string inside the Module because (1) a Module will usually outlive the Program;
* and (2) there isn't always a 1-to-1 match between a Module and a Program (multiple programs may
* be executed in the same module in REPL or in tests).
public String getDocumentation() {
return documentation;
* Returns the value of a predeclared (not universal) binding in this module.
* <p>In the case that the predeclared is a {@link GuardedValue}: If it is enabled, the underlying
* value is returned, otherwise the {@code GuardedValue} itself is returned for error reporting.
public Object getPredeclared(String name) {
Object value = predeclared.get(name);
if (value == null) {
return null;
return filterGuardedValue(value);
* Returns this module's additional predeclared bindings. (Excludes {@link Starlark#UNIVERSE}.)
* <p>The map reflects any filtering of {@link GuardedValue}: enabled ones are replaced by the
* underlying values that they guard, while disabled ones are left in place for error reporting.
public Map<String, Object> getPredeclaredBindings() {
return Maps.transformValues(predeclared, this::filterGuardedValue);
* Returns an immutable mapping containing the global variables of this module.
* <p>The bindings are returned in a deterministic order (for a given sequence of initial values
* and updates).
public ImmutableMap<String, Object> getGlobals() {
int n = globalIndex.size();
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> m = ImmutableMap.builderWithExpectedSize(n);
for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : globalIndex.entrySet()) {
Object v = getGlobalByIndex(e.getValue());
if (v != null) {
m.put(e.getKey(), v);
return m.buildOrThrow();
/** Implements the resolver's module interface. */
public Resolver.Scope resolve(String name) throws Undefined {
// global?
if (globalIndex.containsKey(name)) {
return Resolver.Scope.GLOBAL;
// predeclared?
Object v = getPredeclared(name);
if (v != null) {
if (v instanceof GuardedValue) {
// Name is correctly spelled, but access is disabled by a flag or by client data.
throw new Undefined(
((GuardedValue) v).getErrorFromAttemptingAccess(name), /*candidates=*/ null);
return Resolver.Scope.PREDECLARED;
// universal?
if (Starlark.UNIVERSE.containsKey(name)) {
return Resolver.Scope.UNIVERSAL;
// undefined
Set<String> candidates = new HashSet<>();
throw new Undefined(String.format("name '%s' is not defined", name), candidates);
* Returns the value of the specified global variable, or null if not bound. Does not look in the
* predeclared environment.
public Object getGlobal(String name) {
Integer i = globalIndex.get(name);
return i != null ? globals[i] : null;
* Sets the value of a global variable based on its index in this module ({@see
* getIndexOfGlobal}).
void setGlobalByIndex(int i, Object v) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(i < globalIndex.size());
this.globals[i] = v;
* Returns the value of a global variable based on its index in this module ({@see
* getIndexOfGlobal}.) Returns null if the variable has not been assigned a value.
Object getGlobalByIndex(int i) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(i < globalIndex.size());
return this.globals[i];
* Returns the index within this Module of a global variable, given its name, creating a new slot
* for it if needed. The numbering of globals used by these functions is not the same as the
* numbering within any compiled Program. Thus each StarlarkFunction must contain a secondary
* index mapping Program indices (from Binding.index) to Module indices.
int getIndexOfGlobal(String name) {
int i = globalIndex.size();
Integer prev = globalIndex.putIfAbsent(name, i);
if (prev != null) {
return prev;
if (i == globals.length) {
globals = Arrays.copyOf(globals, globals.length << 1); // grow by doubling
return i;
/** Returns a list of indices of a list of globals; {@see getIndexOfGlobal}. */
int[] getIndicesOfGlobals(List<String> globals) {
int n = globals.size();
int[] array = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
array[i] = getIndexOfGlobal(globals.get(i));
return array;
/** Updates a global binding in the module environment. */
public void setGlobal(String name, Object value) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "Module.setGlobal(%s, null)", name);
setGlobalByIndex(getIndexOfGlobal(name), value);
public String toString() {
return String.format("<module %s>", clientData == null ? "?" : clientData);