blob: 3b3f667859a3511458d24de269e6f45a56b5837f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 The Bazel Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
/** Tests for MethodLibrary. */
public final class MethodLibraryTest extends EvaluationTestCase {
private static final String LINE_SEPARATOR = System.lineSeparator();
public final void setFailFast() throws Exception {
public void testStackTraceLocation() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"Traceback (most recent call last):"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 8"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo"
+ "\t\tbar(1)"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 7, in bar"
+ "\t\t\"test\".index(x)",
"def foo():",
" bar(1)",
"def bar(x):",
" if x == 1:",
" a = x",
" b = 2",
" 'test'.index(x)",
public void testStackTraceWithIf() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"File \"\", line 5"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 3, in foo"
+ "\t\ts[0]",
"def foo():",
" s = []",
" if s[0] == 1:",
" x = 1",
public void testStackTraceWithAugmentedAssignment() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"File \"\", line 4"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 3, in foo"
+ "\t\ts += \"2\""
+ "unsupported binary operation: int + string",
"def foo():",
" s = 1",
" s += '2'",
public void testStackTraceSkipBuiltInOnly() throws Exception {
// The error message should not include the stack trace when there is
// only one built-in function.
new Scenario()
"in call to index(), parameter 'sub' got value of type 'int', want 'string'",
public void testStackTrace() throws Exception {
// Unlike SkylarintegrationTests#testStackTraceErrorInFunction(), this test
// has neither a BUILD nor a bzl file.
new Scenario()
"Traceback (most recent call last):"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 6"
+ "\t\tfoo()"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 2, in foo"
+ "\t\tbar(1)"
+ "\tFile \"\", line 5, in bar"
+ "\t\t\"test\".index(x)"
+ "in call to index(), parameter 'sub' got value of type 'int', want 'string'",
"def foo():",
" bar(1)",
"def bar(x):",
" if 1 == 1:",
" 'test'.index(x)",
public void testBuiltinFunctionErrorMessage() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testIfErrorContains("substring \"z\" not found in \"abc\"", "'abc'.index('z')")
"in call to startswith(), parameter 'sub' got value of type 'int', want 'string or"
+ " tuple'",
.testIfErrorContains("in dict, got string, want iterable", "dict('a')");
public void testHasAttr() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("hasattr(depset(), 'to_list')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testExpression("hasattr('test', 'count')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testExpression("hasattr(dict(a = 1, b = 2), 'items')", Boolean.TRUE)
.testExpression("hasattr({}, 'items')", Boolean.TRUE);
public void testGetAttrMissingField() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"'string' value has no field or method 'not_there'", "getattr('a string', 'not_there')")
.testExpression("getattr('a string', 'not_there', 'use this')", "use this")
.testExpression("getattr('a string', 'not there', None)", Starlark.NONE);
@StarlarkBuiltin(name = "AStruct", documented = false, doc = "")
static final class AStruct implements ClassObject, StarlarkValue {
public Object getValue(String name) {
switch (name) {
case "field":
return "a";
return null;
public ImmutableCollection<String> getFieldNames() {
return ImmutableList.of("field");
public String getErrorMessageForUnknownField(String name) {
return null;
public void testGetAttrMissingField_typoDetection() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.update("s", new AStruct())
"'AStruct' value has no field or method 'feild' (did you mean 'field'?)",
"getattr(s, 'feild')");
public void testGetAttrWithMethods() throws Exception {
String msg = "'string' value has no field or method 'cnt'";
new Scenario()
.testIfExactError(msg, "getattr('a string', 'cnt')")
.testExpression("getattr('a string', 'cnt', 'default')", "default");
public void testDir() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"[\"clear\", \"get\", \"items\", \"keys\","
+ " \"pop\", \"popitem\", \"setdefault\", \"update\", \"values\"]");
public void testBoolean() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testExpression("False", Boolean.FALSE).testExpression("True", Boolean.TRUE);
public void testBooleanUnsupportedOperationFails() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testIfErrorContains("unsupported binary operation: bool + bool", "True + True");
public void testListSort() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testEval("sorted([0,1,2,3])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]")
.testEval("sorted([])", "[]")
.testEval("sorted([3, 2, 1, 0])", "[0, 1, 2, 3]")
.testEval("sorted([[1], [], [2], [1, 2]])", "[[], [1], [1, 2], [2]]")
.testEval("sorted([True, False, True])", "[False, True, True]")
.testEval("sorted(['a','x','b','z'])", "[\"a\", \"b\", \"x\", \"z\"]")
.testEval("sorted({1: True, 5: True, 4: False})", "[1, 4, 5]")
.testEval("sorted([3, 2, 1, 0], reverse=True)", "[3, 2, 1, 0]")
.testEval("sorted([[1], [], [1, 2]], key=len, reverse=True)", "[[1, 2], [1], []]")
.testEval("sorted([[0, 5], [4, 1], [1, 7]], key=max)", "[[4, 1], [0, 5], [1, 7]]")
.testIfExactError("Cannot compare function with function", "sorted([sorted, sorted])");
public void testDictionaryCopy() throws Exception {
new Scenario().setUp("x = {1 : 2}", "y = dict(x)").testEval("x[1] == 2 and y[1] == 2", "True");
public void testDictionaryCopyKeyCollision() throws Exception {
new Scenario().setUp("x = {'test' : 2}", "y = dict(x, test = 3)").testEval("y['test']", "3");
public void testDictionaryKeyNotFound() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testIfErrorContains("key \"0\" not found in dictionary", "{}['0']")
.testIfErrorContains("key 0 not found in dictionary", "{'0': 1, 2: 3, 4: 5}[0]");
public void testDictionaryAccess() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testEval("{1: ['foo']}[1]", "['foo']")
.testExpression("{'4': 8}['4']", 8)
.testExpression("{'a': 'aa', 'b': 'bb', 'c': 'cc'}['b']", "bb");
public void testDictionaryVariableAccess() throws Exception {
new Scenario().setUp("d = {'a' : 1}", "a = d['a']").testLookup("a", 1);
public void testDictionaryCreation() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}";
new Scenario()
.testEval("dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected)
.testEval("dict([('a', 1)], b = 2, c = 3)", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationInnerLists() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testEval("dict([[1, 2], [3, 4]], a = 5)", "{1: 2, 3: 4, 'a': 5}");
public void testDictionaryCreationEmpty() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testEval("dict()", "{}").testEval("dict([])", "{}");
public void testDictionaryCreationDifferentKeyTypes() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 2: 3}";
new Scenario()
.testEval("dict([('a', 1), (2, 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict([(2, 3)], a = 1)", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationKeyCollision() throws Exception {
String expected = "{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}";
new Scenario()
.testEval("dict([('a', 42), ('b', 2), ('a', 1), ('c', 3)])", expected)
.testEval("dict([('a', 42)], a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)", expected);
new Scenario().testEval("dict([('a', 42)], **{'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})", expected);
public void testDictionaryCreationInvalidPositional() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testIfErrorContains("in dict, got string, want iterable", "dict('a')")
"in dict, dictionary update sequence element #0 is not iterable (string)",
"in dict, dictionary update sequence element #0 is not iterable (string)",
"dict() accepts no more than 1 positional argument but got 3",
"dict((3,4), (3,2), (1,2))")
"item #0 has length 3, but exactly two elements are required",
"dict([('a', 'b', 'c')])");
public void testDictionaryValues() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testEval("{1: 'foo'}.values()", "['foo']")
.testEval("{}.values()", "[]")
.testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.values()", "[3, 5]")
.testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4, 'd': 3}.values()", "[5, 2, 4, 3]");
// sorted by keys
public void testDictionaryKeys() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testEval("{1: 'foo'}.keys()", "[1]")
.testEval("{}.keys()", "[]")
.testEval("{True: 3, False: 5}.keys()", "[True, False]")
"{1:'a', 2:'b', 6:'c', 0:'d', 5:'e', 4:'f', 3:'g'}.keys()", "[1, 2, 6, 0, 5, 4, 3]");
public void testDictionaryGet() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("{1: 'foo'}.get(1)", "foo")
.testExpression("{1: 'foo'}.get(2)", Starlark.NONE)
.testExpression("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, 'a')", "a")
.testExpression("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default='a')", "a")
.testExpression("{1: 'foo'}.get(2, default=None)", Starlark.NONE);
public void testDictionaryItems() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testEval("{'a': 'foo'}.items()", "[('a', 'foo')]")
.testEval("{}.items()", "[]")
.testEval("{1: 3, 2: 5}.items()", "[(1, 3), (2, 5)]")
.testEval("{'a': 5, 'c': 2, 'b': 4}.items()", "[('a', 5), ('c', 2), ('b', 4)]");
public void testDictionaryClear() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}",
"len(d) == 3 or fail('clear 1')",
"d.clear() == None or fail('clear 2')")
.testEval("d", "{}");
public void testDictionaryPop() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"KeyError: 1",
"d = {1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: 'baz'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 3 or fail('pop 1')\n"
+ "d.pop(2) == 'bar' or fail('pop 2')\n"
+ "d.pop(3, 'quux') == 'baz' or fail('pop 3a')\n"
+ "d.pop(3, 'quux') == 'quux' or fail('pop 3b')\n"
+ "d.pop(1) == 'foo' or fail('pop 1')\n"
+ "d == {} or fail('pop 0')\n"
+ "d.pop(1)");
public void testDictionaryPopItem() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"popitem(): dictionary is empty",
"d = {2: 'bar', 3: 'baz', 1: 'foo'}\n"
+ "len(d) == 3 or fail('popitem 0')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (2, 'bar') or fail('popitem 2')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (3, 'baz') or fail('popitem 3')\n"
+ "d.popitem() == (1, 'foo') or fail('popitem 1')\n"
+ "d == {} or fail('popitem 4')\n"
+ "d.popitem()");
public void testDictionaryUpdate() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.setUp("foo = {'a': 2}", "foo.update({'b': 4})")
.testEval("foo", "{'a': 2, 'b': 4}");
new Scenario()
.setUp("foo = {'a': 2}", "foo.update({'a': 3, 'b': 4})")
.testEval("foo", "{'a': 3, 'b': 4}");
public void testDictionarySetDefault() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"d = {2: 'bar', 1: 'foo'}",
"len(d) == 2 or fail('setdefault 0')",
"d.setdefault(1, 'a') == 'foo' or fail('setdefault 1')",
"d.setdefault(2) == 'bar' or fail('setdefault 2')",
"d.setdefault(3) == None or fail('setdefault 3')",
"d.setdefault(4, 'b') == 'b' or fail('setdefault 4')")
.testEval("d", "{1: 'foo', 2: 'bar', 3: None, 4: 'b'}");
public void testListIndexMethod() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('a')", 0)
.testExpression("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('b')", 1)
.testExpression("['a', 'b', 'c'].index('c')", 2)
.testExpression("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1)
.testExpression("[2, 4, 6].index(4)", 1)
.testExpression("[0, 1, [1]].index([1])", 2)
.testIfErrorContains("item \"a\" not found in list", "[1, 2].index('a')")
.testIfErrorContains("item 0 not found in list", "[].index(0)");
public void testHash() throws Exception {
// We specify the same string hashing algorithm as String.hashCode().
new Scenario()
.testExpression("hash('skylark')", "skylark".hashCode())
.testExpression("hash('google')", "google".hashCode())
"in call to hash(), parameter 'value' got value of type 'NoneType', want 'string'",
public void testRangeType() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.setUp("a = range(3)")
.testExpression("len(a)", 3)
.testExpression("str(a)", "range(0, 3)")
.testExpression("str(range(1,2,3))", "range(1, 2, 3)")
.testExpression("repr(a)", "range(0, 3)")
.testExpression("repr(range(1,2,3))", "range(1, 2, 3)")
.testExpression("type(a)", "range")
.testIfErrorContains("unsupported binary operation: range + range", "a + a")
.testIfErrorContains("'range' value has no field or method 'append'", "a.append(3)")
.testExpression("str(list(range(5)))", "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(0)))", "[]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(1)))", "[0]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(-2)))", "[]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(-3, 2)))", "[-3, -2, -1, 0, 1]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(3, 2)))", "[]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(3, 3)))", "[]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(3, 4)))", "[3]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(3, 5)))", "[3, 4]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(-3, 5, 2)))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(-3, 6, 2)))", "[-3, -1, 1, 3, 5]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(5, 0, -1)))", "[5, 4, 3, 2, 1]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(5, 0, -10)))", "[5]")
.testExpression("str(list(range(0, -3, -2)))", "[0, -2]")
.testExpression("range(3)[-1]", 2)
"index out of range (index is 3, but sequence has 3 elements)", "range(3)[3]")
.testExpression("str(range(5)[1:])", "range(1, 5)")
.testExpression("len(range(5)[1:])", 4)
.testExpression("str(range(5)[:2])", "range(0, 2)")
.testExpression("str(range(10)[1:9:2])", "range(1, 9, 2)")
.testExpression("str(list(range(10)[1:9:2]))", "[1, 3, 5, 7]")
.testExpression("str(range(10)[1:10:2])", "range(1, 10, 2)")
.testExpression("str(range(10)[1:11:2])", "range(1, 10, 2)")
.testExpression("str(range(0, 10, 2)[::2])", "range(0, 10, 4)")
.testExpression("str(range(0, 10, 2)[::-2])", "range(8, -2, -4)")
.testExpression("str(range(5)[1::-1])", "range(1, -1, -1)")
.testIfErrorContains("step cannot be 0", "range(2, 3, 0)")
.testIfErrorContains("unsupported binary operation: range * int", "range(3) * 3")
.testIfErrorContains("Cannot compare range objects", "range(3) < range(5)")
.testIfErrorContains("Cannot compare range objects", "range(4) > [1]")
.testExpression("4 in range(1, 10)", true)
.testExpression("4 in range(1, 3)", false)
.testExpression("4 in range(0, 8, 2)", true)
.testExpression("4 in range(1, 8, 2)", false)
.testExpression("range(0, 5, 10) == range(0, 5, 11)", true)
.testExpression("range(0, 5, 2) == [0, 2, 4]", false)
.testExpression("str(list(range(1, 10, 2)))", "[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]")
.testExpression("str(range(1, 10, 2)[:99])", "range(1, 11, 2)")
.testExpression("range(1, 10, 2) == range(1, 11, 2)", true)
.testExpression("range(1, 10, 2) == range(1, 12, 2)", false)
// x in range(...), +ve step
.testExpression("2 in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", false) // too low
.testExpression("3 in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("4 in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", false) // even
.testExpression("5 in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("0x7ffffffb in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("0x7ffffffc in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", false) // even
.testExpression("0x7ffffffd in range(3, 0x7ffffffd, 2)", false) // too high
// x in range(...), -ve step
.testExpression("0x7ffffffe in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", false) // too high
.testExpression("0x7ffffffd in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("0x7ffffffc in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", false) // even
.testExpression("0x7ffffffb in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("5 in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", true) // in range
.testExpression("4 in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", false) // even
.testExpression("3 in range(0x7ffffffd, 3, -2)", false); // too low
public void testEnumerate() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("str(enumerate([]))", "[]")
.testExpression("str(enumerate([5]))", "[(0, 5)]")
.testExpression("str(enumerate([5, 3]))", "[(0, 5), (1, 3)]")
.testExpression("str(enumerate(['a', 'b', 'c']))", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\"), (2, \"c\")]")
.testExpression("str(enumerate(['a']) + [(1, 'b')])", "[(0, \"a\"), (1, \"b\")]");
public void testEnumerateBadArg() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testIfErrorContains("type 'string' is not iterable", "enumerate('a')");
public void testReassignmentOfPrimitivesNotForbiddenByCoreLanguage() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.setUp("cc_binary = ([''])")
"'list' object is not callable",
"cc_binary(name = 'hello', srcs=[''], malloc = '//base:system_malloc')");
public void testLenOnString() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testExpression("len('abc')", 3);
public void testLenOnList() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testExpression("len([1,2,3])", 3);
public void testLenOnDict() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testExpression("len({'a' : 1, 'b' : 2})", 2);
public void testLenOnBadType() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testIfErrorContains("int is not iterable", "len(1)");
public void testIndexOnFunction() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testIfErrorContains("type 'function' has no operator [](int)", "len[1]")
.testIfErrorContains("invalid slice operand: function", "len[1:4]");
public void testBool() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("bool(1)", Boolean.TRUE)
.testExpression("bool(0)", Boolean.FALSE)
.testExpression("bool([1, 2])", Boolean.TRUE)
.testExpression("bool([])", Boolean.FALSE)
.testExpression("bool(None)", Boolean.FALSE);
public void testStr() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("str(1)", "1")
.testExpression("str(-2)", "-2")
.testExpression("str([1, 2])", "[1, 2]")
.testExpression("str(True)", "True")
.testExpression("str(False)", "False")
.testExpression("str(None)", "None")
.testExpression("str(str)", "<built-in function str>");
public void testStrFunction() throws Exception {
new Scenario().setUp("def foo(x): pass").testExpression("str(foo)", "<function foo>");
public void testType() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("type(1)", "int")
.testExpression("type('a')", "string")
.testExpression("type([1, 2])", "list")
.testExpression("type((1, 2))", "tuple")
.testExpression("type(True)", "bool")
.testExpression("type(None)", "NoneType")
.testExpression("type(str)", "function");
public void testZipFunction() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("str(zip())", "[]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1, 2]))", "[(1,), (2,)]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1, 2], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b']))", "[(1, \"a\"), (2, \"b\")]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1], [2], [3]))", "[(1, 2, 3)]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1], {2: 'a'}))", "[(1, 2)]")
.testExpression("str(zip([1], []))", "[]")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip(123)")
.testIfErrorContains("type 'int' is not iterable", "zip([1], 1)");
* Assert that lstrip(), rstrip(), and strip() produce the expected result for a given input
* string and chars argument. If chars is null no argument is passed.
private void checkStrip(
String input, Object chars,
String expLeft, String expRight, String expBoth) throws Exception {
if (chars == null) {
new Scenario()
.update("s", input)
.testExpression("s.lstrip()", expLeft)
.testExpression("s.rstrip()", expRight)
.testExpression("s.strip()", expBoth);
} else {
new Scenario()
.update("s", input)
.update("chars", chars)
.testExpression("s.lstrip(chars)", expLeft)
.testExpression("s.rstrip(chars)", expRight)
.testExpression("s.strip(chars)", expBoth);
public void testStrip() throws Exception {
// Strip nothing.
checkStrip("a b c", "", "a b c", "a b c", "a b c");
checkStrip(" a b c ", "", " a b c ", " a b c ", " a b c ");
// Normal case, found and not found.
checkStrip("abcba", "ba", "cba", "abc", "c");
checkStrip("abc", "xyz", "abc", "abc", "abc");
// Default whitespace.
checkStrip(" a b c ", null, "a b c ", " a b c", "a b c");
checkStrip(" a b c ", Starlark.NONE, "a b c ", " a b c", "a b c");
// Default whitespace with full range of Latin-1 whitespace chars.
String whitespace = "\u0009\n\u000B\u000C\r\u001C\u001D\u001E\u001F\u0020\u0085\u00A0";
whitespace + "a" + whitespace, null,
"a" + whitespace, whitespace + "a", "a");
whitespace + "a" + whitespace, Starlark.NONE, "a" + whitespace, whitespace + "a", "a");
// Empty cases.
checkStrip("", "", "", "", "");
checkStrip("abc", "abc", "", "", "");
checkStrip("", "xyz", "", "", "");
checkStrip("", null, "", "", "");
public void testFail() throws Exception {
new Scenario().testIfErrorContains("abc", "fail('abc')").testIfErrorContains("18", "fail(18)");
public void testTupleCoercion() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
.testExpression("tuple([1, 2]) == (1, 2)", true)
// Depends on current implementation of dict
.testExpression("tuple({1: 'foo', 2: 'bar'}) == (1, 2)", true);
public void testPositionalOnlyArgument() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"join() got named argument for positional-only parameter 'elements'",
"','.join(elements=['foo', 'bar'])");
public void testStringJoinRequiresStrings() throws Exception {
new Scenario()
"expected string for sequence element 1, got 'int'", "', '.join(['foo', 2])");